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Ven t i l a t o r- A s s o c i a t e d

Events and T heir

P re v e n t i o n
a a,b,
Noelle M. Cocoros, DSc, MPH , Michael Klompas, MD, MPH *

 Ventilator-associated events  Ventilator-associated pneumonia
 Mechanical ventilation  Quality improvement  Infection control  Prevention

 Surveillance definitions for ventilator-associated events (VAEs) were designed to increase
the objectivity, breadth, and reproducibility of adverse event surveillance in mechanically
ventilated patients.
 The most common conditions that trigger VAEs include pneumonia, fluid overload, acute
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and atelectasis.
 Promising strategies to prevent VAEs include minimizing sedation, enhancing the perfor-
mance of paired daily spontaneous awakening trials (SATs) and spontaneous breathing
trials (SBTs), promoting early mobility, setting low tidal volume ventilation, using intrave-
nous fluids conservatively after resuscitation, and implementing restrictive transfusion


Up to 800,000 patients per year receive mechanical ventilation in the United States.1,2
This procedure can be lifesaving for patients with acute respiratory failure but also in-
creases risk for multiple adverse events, some of which can culminate in death. Some
of these complications are directly caused by mechanical ventilation, others only indi-
rectly. The objective of this article is to review current literature on the epidemiology,
outcomes, risk factors, and prevention strategies for VAEs, including pneumonia. This
article focuses on the adult patient population but also briefly describes relevant work
in pediatric and neonatal populations.

Conflicts of Interest: N. Cocoros and M. Klompas have received grant funding from the Agency
for Healthcare Research and Quality (Grant # 1R18HS021636) and the Centers for Disease Con-
trol and Prevention (Grant # 1U54CK000172) for research on ventilator-associated events.
Department of Population Medicine, Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute, Harvard Medical
School, 401 Park Street, Suite 401, Boston, MA 02215, USA; b Department of Medicine, Brigham
and Women’s Hospital, 75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115, USA
* Corresponding author. Department of Population Medicine, 401 Park Street, Suite 401, Bos-
ton, MA 02215.
E-mail address:

Infect Dis Clin N Am 30 (2016) 887–908
0891-5520/16/ª 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
888 Cocoros & Klompas

Ventilator-associated Events Versus Ventilator-Associated Pneumonia

Safety surveillance for mechanically ventilated patients has changed substantially in
recent years. Prior to January 2013, the Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention
(CDC) National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) only provided surveillance defini-
tions for ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). NHSN switched the focus of surveil-
lance from VAP to VAE in early 2013, however, in response to increasing concerns
about the suitability of traditional VAP definitions to support quality-improvement
and benchmarking initiatives.3
The VAE framework includes a nested set of definitions designed to detect both
infectious and noninfectious complications in mechanically ventilated patients.4
Some of these are direct adverse consequences of mechanical ventilation (such as
pneumonia) whereas others are indirect events that can complicate the course of
mechanical ventilation (such as pulmonary edema). Fig. 1 provides a summary of

Mechanically ven lated pa ent with ≥2 d of stable or improving daily minimum PEEP or FiO2
followed by Criterion 1 or 2 for ≥2 d

VAC Criterion 1 Criterion 2

Increase in daily minimum F O2 Increase in daily minimum PEEP
by ≥0.20 of ≥3 cm H 2 0

Within 2 d before or a er VAC onset (ie, worsening oxygena on) pa ent

meets both Criteria 3 and 4

IVAC Criterion 3 Criterion 4a

Temperature >38°C or <36°C, New an microbial agent(s) are started
or white blood cell count and con nued for ≥4 d
≥12,000 or ≤4,000 cells/mm3

Within 2 d of mee ng the criteria for IVAC, pa ent meets one of the
following criteria are met

Criterion 5a Criterion 6a Criterion 7a

or or
Positive culture via Purulent respiratory One of the following:
secre ons and posi ve organism iden fied
PVAP aspirate, BAL, lung
tissue, or protected culture via specimens in via pleural fluid, lung
specimen brush Criterion 1, but not histopathology,
at or above specified mee ng those Legionella diagnos c
quantitative thresholds for growth test, or respiratory
/semi-quantitative secre on posi ve for
thresholds viral organism
Fig. 1. National surveillance definitions for VAEs in adults. a See the full CDC NHSN protocol for
details related to each criterion (CDC 2016). Surveillance day 1 is the day of intubation and initi-
ation of mechanical ventilation; the earliest day VAE criteria can be fulfilled is day 4 and the
earliest event date for VAE is day 3 of mechanical ventilation. BAL, bronchoalveolar lavage.
Ventilator-Associated Events and Their Prevention 889

adult VAE surveillance definitions. The core definition in the VAE set is called a
ventilator-associated condition (VAC). VAC is designed to detect respiratory deterio-
ration after a period of stability or improvement. To be eligible for a VAE, a patient
must first demonstrate at least 2 days of stable or improving ventilator settings,
namely the daily minimum fraction of inspired oxygen (FIO2) or positive end-
expiratory pressure (PEEP). If a patient subsequently requires an increase in the daily
minimum FIO2 by greater than or equal to 0.20 or an increase in the daily minimum
PEEP by greater than or equal to 3 cm H2O, and the increase is sustained for at least
2 calendar days relative to both baseline days, then the patient meets VAC criteria
and has a VAE. There are then additional criteria to identify the subset of VACs
that may be attributable to infection and the subset of those that might be due to
pneumonia. An infection-related ventilator-associated complication (IVAC) occurs
in a patient with VAC who has concurrent inflammatory changes (abnormal white
blood cell count or temperature) and a treatment course adjustment (at least
4 days of new antimicrobials starting within 2 days of the VAC). Both VAC and
IVAC intentionally capture pulmonary and nonpulmonary complications.5 The last
surveillance tier of the VAE definition set identifies the subset of IVACs that are
possible VAPs (PVAPs). This final tier is flagged by a case of IVAC with positive res-
piratory cultures.

Why the Shift to Ventilator-associated Events?

Numerous concerns catalyzed the shift from VAP to VAE. From a technical and
practical perspective, the old NHSN VAP criteria were challenging.6 The definitions
included multiple pathways for different patient populations and many of the
surveillance criteria were subjective, insensitive, and nonspecific (eg, “new or progres-
sive infiltrates,” “change in the character of sputum,” and “worsening cough”).7 The
definition correlated poorly with histologic pneumonia and the clinical information
needed to apply the definitions was hard to collect, making surveillance difficult
to implement.8,9 Multiple series documented high rates of interobserver vari-
ability.10–12 Finally, VAP did not consistently identify patients at increased risk for
poor outcomes, and interventions that reduced VAP rates often had no effect on
more patient-centered outcomes, such as duration of mechanical ventilation or hos-
pital mortality.13–15 Recent estimates suggest that the attributable mortality of VAP
is only approximately 10%.16,17
The failure of most VAP prevention strategies to yield better outcomes for ventilated
populations raises the question of whether VAP is the best target to drive surveillance
and prevention programs. Quality-improvement initiatives should ideally focus on
identifying and preventing objective, morbid complications that are unambiguously
associated with poor outcomes. By broadening the scope of surveillance from VAP
to VAE, the CDC acknowledged that infectious and noninfectious complications can
arise in ventilated patients and all should be taken into account when designing pre-
vention programs.
VAE surveillance is based on quantitative clinical criteria that can be collected,
detected, and reported electronically.18–22 Although some of the VAE criteria reflect
underlying clinical judgment — such as adjusting ventilator settings, starting and
continuing antimicrobial treatment, and obtaining respiratory cultures — the defini-
tion components themselves are clear and reproducible, the key characteristics of
good case definitions for public health surveillance.23 VAE’s objective criteria
have comparable meanings and can be collected in comparable ways across
890 Cocoros & Klompas


Descriptive Epidemiology of Ventilator-associated Events
The proportion of mechanically ventilated patients who develop a VAE is generally
estimated at 5% to 10%, although studies that restricted eligibility to patients on me-
chanical ventilation for longer periods of time have reported rates above
20%.13,21,24–27 VAE incidence varies by ICU type, a finding common to VAP as well.
One large academic medical center, for example, observed VAE rates per 1000 venti-
lator days of 16.0, 15.7, 12.9, and 12.1 in the general surgery, medical, thoracic sur-
gery, and cardiac medicine units, respectively, compared with rates of 9.8 and 5.8
in the neuroscience and cardiac surgery units.25 Rates of probable or possible pneu-
monia, based on older versions of the PVAP surveillance definition, ranged from 1.7 to
4.5 events per 1000 ventilator days depending on the ICU type. Similarly, the fraction
of VACs that qualify as IVACs ranges from approximately one-third to one-half,
depending on ICU type.24,25 Table 1 summarizes these and other key findings related
to the epidemiology of VAEs.
Stevens and colleagues21 found that patients with a VAE were more likely male and
younger (unadjusted analyses) compared with mechanically ventilated patients
without a VAE. Some investigators have found that patients who develop VAEs
have more severe illness at baseline compared with those who do not.28 Other inves-
tigators have not found significant demographic differences between patients with
and without VAEs.13,20,26,27
Like VAP, most VAEs occur early in the ventilation episode. One study found a mean
daily rate of 2.9 per 100 patients on day 3 and 2.0 per 100 on day 7, with a steady
decline to between 1.0 and 1.5 per 100 patients from day 14 onwards.25 The median
time to VAC onset is typically 5 to 6 days.24,25,29

Adverse Outcomes Among Patients with a Ventilator-associated Event

Most studies report that patients with VAEs are approximately twice as likely to die in
the hospital compared with similar patients without VAEs.9,13,20,21,25,26 VAEs are also
associated with more time on mechanical ventilation, longer ICU stays, and longer
hospital stays, as summarized in Table 1. Patients with IVAC have longer attributable
ventilator and hospital days relative to patients with VAC alone. Patients with PVAP
have outcomes similar to those with IVAC alone.25
Higher rates of antimicrobial use have been reported for patients with VAEs
compared with matched controls.30 Some investigators have suggested that the
strong association between antimicrobial consumption and VAEs allows for the pos-
sibility that VAE surveillance in general and the ratio of IVACs to VACs in particular
may be useful metrics for antimicrobial stewardship programs.7 Hayashi and col-
leagues27 examined specific drugs used in VAC and non-VAC patients and found
that VAC patients received approximately twice as much meropenem, ciprofloxacin,
and piperacillin-tazobactam than patients without VAC. Antibiotic treatment courses
are significantly longer for those with a VAC compared with those without VAC and
for those with an IVAC compared with those without IVAC.26


Clinical Triggers Identified in Case Series
Table 2 summarizes findings from studies that assessed the clinical causes of
consecutive VAEs within defined populations. These studies used medical chart re-
view to try to identify the clinical conditions that necessitated the acute and sustained
increase in ventilator settings that triggered VAE criteria. Respiratory infections, fluid
Ventilator-Associated Events and Their Prevention 891

overload, ARDS, and atelectasis were the most common conditions that triggered
VAEs.13,20,24,27,28,31 Pneumonia and respiratory infections accounted for approxi-
mately 25% to 40% of cases, pulmonary edema and/or fluid overload for 20% to
40% of cases, atelectasis for 10% to 15%, and ARDS for 10% to 20%. The proportion
of cases with no identified trigger ranged from 6% to 41%.13,20,27 Prospective studies
were more apt to identify causes for VAEs compared with retrospective studies. Hay-
ashi and colleagues27 found that although more than 30% of VAC patients did not
have a particular diagnosis documented in the chart at the time of VAE, many of these
were functionally treated for presumed respiratory infections and/or pulmonary edema
with antibiotics and/or furosemide.

Potential Risk Factors for Ventilator-associated Events

In a matched case-control study using a multivariate model to adjust for potential con-
founders, Lewis and colleagues32 identified 3 risk factors for VAEs: mandatory modes
of ventilation; excess fluid balance; and exposures to paralytics, sedatives, and opioid
analgesics. Mandatory modes of ventilation, defined as all mechanical ventilation
modes other than pressure support, were associated with an odds ratio (OR) of 3.4
(95% CI, 1.6–8.0) for VAEs. Positive fluid balance (OR, 1.2/ L; 95% CI, 1.0–1.4) was
also associated with increased risk for VAEs. Liver disease and congestive heart fail-
ure seemed protective.
The surprising observation that liver disease and congestive heart failure were pro-
tective against VAEs may be related to physicians’ tendency to use opioids, sedatives,
and fluids more gingerly in these patients. Patients with a history of congestive heart
failure were given approximately one-third less fluid compared with patients without
congestive heart failure; patients with liver disease were given approximately one-
quarter less opioids compared with patients without liver disease. The investigators
also pointed out that mandatory modes of ventilation may or may not be independent
predictors of VAEs. On the one hand, mandatory modes may risk causing more vol-
ume and pressure trauma to patients’ alveoli than spontaneous modes. This in turn
could trigger ARDS and thus VAE. On the other hand, the association between manda-
tory modes of mechanical ventilation and VAE may be partly confounded by severity of
illness. Patients with severe, progressive pulmonary disease are more likely to require
mandatory modes of mechanical ventilation and progressively higher ventilator set-
tings that might trigger VAE criteria. There may also be an interplay between manda-
tory modes of mechanical ventilation and other risk factors for VAEs: patients who
require mandatory modes of ventilation are also more likely to require heavy sedation
and/or neuromuscular blockade, which in turn could further increase their risk for
There were few IVAC cases available for analysis in the series by Lewis and
colleagues,32 but potentially significant risk factors for IVAC included benzodiazepines
started between admission and intubation (OR 5.0; 95% CI, 1.3–29), prescriptions for
opioids (OR 3.3 per 100-mg fentanyl equivalents per kg; 95% CI, 0.9–16), and use of
paralytics while intubated (OR 2.3; 95% CI, 0.8–8.0). There were also trends toward
more IVACs with higher minimum tidal volumes (OR 1.5 per mL/kg; 95% CI, 0.91–
2.9) and positive daily fluid balances (OR 1.1/L positive; 95% CI, 0.90–1.5).
Other studies have affirmed the importance of fluids, sedation, and high tidal vol-
umes as risk factors for VAEs. Ogbu and colleagues29 for example, performed a
case-control study to evaluate the role of tidal volumes in VAE risk. These investigators
compared 167 patients with VAEs to 668 matched controls. On multivariable condi-
tional logistic regression, they found that the odds of VAE increased by 1.21 for
each mL/kg of tidal volume above 6 mL/kg of predicted body weight (P 5 .03). The
Cocoros & Klompas
Table 1
The epidemiology of ventilator-associated events in adults

ICU and Hospital Length of

Incidence Hospital Mortality Ventilation Duration Stay
Klompas et al,13 2011 (VAC)a 21/1000 vent days OR 2.0 (1.3–3.2) 14.2 (12.5–16.0) vs 9.1 (8.2– 25.4 (224–29.0) vs 23.7 (21.6–
N 5 597 patients, half 10.0) days of ventilation 25.9) days, hospital LOS
ventilated 2–7 d and half 17.4 (15.4–19.7) vs 13.1 (11.9–
ventilated >7 d 14.4) days, ICU LOS
Klompas et al,9 2012 (VAC)b 12.0/1000 vent days OR 2.4 (1.6–3.6) 1.9 (1.7–2.1), ratio of ventilator 1.4 (1.2–1.5), ratio of hospital
N 5 8735 ventilation episodes days from VAC to extubation days from VAC to hospital
(no restrictions) in cases vs controls discharge in cases vs controls
Muscedere et al,26 2013c VAC: 49.6% vs 31.7% VAC: median 15.4 vs 6.2 d of VAC: median 31.7 vs 21.8 d,
N 5 1320 patients (P<.0001) ventilation (P<.0001) hospital LOS (P<.0001)
ventilated >48 h VAC: median 18.9 vs 9.0 d, ICU
LOS (P<.0001)
IVAC: 44.6% vs 33.0% IVAC: median 16.9 vs 6.4 d of IVAC: median 34.6 vs 22.5 d,
(P-value 0.7) ventilation (P<.0001) hospital LOS (P value 0.3)
IVAC: median 22.0 vs 9.3 d, ICU
LOS (P<.0001)
Hayashi et al,27 2013 (VAC)d HR 0.9 (0.6–1.4) for days HR 0.7 (0.6–0.8) for days of HR 0.8 (0.5–1.1) for days to
N 5 543 patients ventilated to ICU death ventilation hospital discharge
48 h HR 0.5 (0.4–0.6) for days to ICU
Klein Klouwenberg et al,20 VAC: 10/1000 vent days VAC: HR 3.9 (2.9–5.3)e VAC: HR for ICU discharge 0.38
2014 (0.3–0.6)f
N 5 2080 patients ventilated IVAC: 4.2/1000 vent days IVAC: HR 2.5 (1.5–4.1)e IVAC: HR for ICU discharge 0.47
2 d (0.3–0.7)f
Possible or probable VAP: Possible or probable VAP: Possible or probable VAP HR
3.2/1000 vent days 2.0 (1.1–3.6)e for ICU discharge: 0.6 (0.3–
Klompas et al,25 2014g VAC: 6–16/1000 vent days, VAC: OR 2.4 (1.9–2.9) VAC: OR for days to extubation VAC: OR for days to hospital
N 5 20,356 ventilation variable by ICU type 3.1 (2.9–3.3) discharge 1.5 (1.4–1.6)
episodes (no restrictions) IVAC: 3–7/1000 vent days, IVAC: OR 1.9 (1.4–2.4) IVAC: OR for days to IVAC: OR for days to hospital
variable by ICU type extubation 3.5 (3.2–3.7) discharge 1.5 (1.4–1.6)
Possible VAP: 0.8–2/1000 vent Possible VAP: OR 2.2 Possible VAC: OR for days to Possible VAC: OR for hospital
days, variable by ICU type (1.4–3.2) extubation 3.2 (2.8–3.5) discharge 1.4 (1.2–1.6)
Stevens et al,11 2014 (VAE)h 38% vs 24% (P<.0001) Mean 24 vs 18 d, hospital LOS
N 5 10,998 patients ventilated OR 1.9 (1.5–2.4) (P<.0001)
4 d Mean 18 vs 11 d, ICU (P<.0001)
Boyer et al,24 2015h VAC: 7.0/1000 vent days 66% vs 14% (P<.001) 14.7 vs 6.3 d of ventilation
N 5 1209 patients ventilated (P<.001)
2 d IVAC: 3.6/1000 vent days
Lilly et al,106 2014i VAC: 13.8/1000 vent days VAC: 42% vs 24% (P<.001; 14.8 (VAC) and 14.5 (IVAC) vs 25.3 (VAC) and 25.1 (IVAC) vs
N 5 8408 episodes of crude analysis) 4.8 d of ventilation (P<.001) 15.1 d, hospital LOS (P<.001)

Ventilator-Associated Events and Their Prevention

mechanical ventilation OR 1.84 (0.95, 3.6)j
IVAC: 8.8/1000 vent days IVAC: 43% vs 24% (P<.001;
crude analysis)
OR 1.32 (0.66, 2.6)j

Note that some of the studies reported here did not apply the current specific VAE definitions (CDC, 2016).
Abbreviations: HR, hazard ratio; LOS, length of stay; vent, ventilator.
Outcomes are among those with a VAC compared with matched patients without a VAC; ventilator duration and hospital/ICU LOS results are among survivors
Outcomes are among those with a VAC compared with matched patients without a VAC.9
Comparisons are among patients with and without a VAE.26
Outcomes are among those with a VAC compared with matched patients without a VAC.27
Multivariable time-averaged subdistribution HR, taking into account competing events.20
Cause-specific HR, taking into account competing events.20
Outcomes are among those with a VAE compared with matched patients without a VAE.25
Outcomes are among those with a VAE compared with patients without a VAE.11,24
Outcomes are among those with a VAE compared with patients without VAC or NHSN VAP.106
VAE compared with patients without VAC or NHSN VAP, adjusted for acuity and ICU type.106

Cocoros & Klompas
Table 2
Clinical triggers identified among adult patients with ventilator-associated events

Klompas Klein Klouwenberg et al,20 Whiting et al,31 Nakahashi

et al,13 2011 Hayashi et al, 27
2013 2014 Boyer et al, 24
2015 2015 et al,28 2016
n 5 44 VAE n 5 153 VAE n 5 81 VAE n 5 31 IVAC n 5 67 VAE N 5 34 IVAC n 5 19 VAE n 5 37 VAE
Pneumonia and/or 10 (23%) 66 (43%) 28 (35%) 15 (48%) 22 (33%) 21 (62%) 4 (21%) 14 (38%)
Pulmonary edema, 8 (18%) 40 (26%) 23 (28%) 12 (39%) 10 (15%) — 5 (26%) 15 (41%)
pleural effusion, and/
or fluid overload
ARDS 7 (16%) 10 (7%) — — 14 (21%) 3 (9%) 2 (11%) 5 (14%)
Atelectasis/mucus 6 (13%) 25 (16%) 12 (15%) 5 (19%) 6 (9%) — 4 (21%) 8 (22%)
Extrapulmonary 1 (2%) — 9 (11%) 5 (16%) 3 (5%) — — —
Pulmonary embolism 1 (2%) 3 (2%) 0 (0%) 0 (0%) — — — —
Pneumothorax — — 2 (2%) — 2 (3.0%) — — —
TRALI/TACO — — — — 2 (3.0%) — — —
Abdominal 1 (2%) 2 (1%) 9 (11%) 4 (13%) — — — —
Radiation pneumonitis 1 (2%) — — — — — — —
Acute neurologic event — — 10 (12%) 3 (10%) — — — —
Other — — — — 7 (13%) 4 (12%) 4 (21%) —
No trigger identified 18 (41%) 11 (17%) 10 (12%) 2 (6%) 6 (9%) 6 (18%) — —

Totals per study do not equal 100% because multiple triggers could be identified and reported per VAC event.
Abbreviations: TACO, transfusion-associated circulatory overload; TRALI, transfusion-related acute lung injury.
Ventilator-Associated Events and Their Prevention 895

association between higher tidal volumes and VAEs observed in this study is consis-
tent with the observation that approximately 10% to 20% of VAEs are caused by
ARDS; higher tidal volumes have previously been shown to be an independent risk
factor for acute lung injury risk and ARDS.33,34
Klompas and colleagues35 analyzed 9603 consecutive episodes of mechanical
ventilation in one large academic hospital to measure associations between different
kinds of sedatives and VAEs. The analysis took into account the day-to-day patterns
of sedative exposures for each patient. The investigators found that benzodiazepines
and propofol were associated with an increased risk for VAEs whereas dexmedetomi-
dine was not. They also found that propofol and dexmedetomidine were associated
with less time to extubation compared with benzodiazepines and that dexmedetomi-
dine was associated with less time to extubation compared with propofol.
Bouadma and colleagues30 noted that patient transport was associated with 17% of
VAEs in their multicenter retrospective dataset of 2331 cases. Nakahashi and col-
leagues28 identified 4 care-related variables (as opposed to host-related variables)
associated with VAEs among 3122 patients admitted to a Japanese ICU: absence
of intensivist participation in managing ventilated patients, the use of higher ventilator
driving pressures, development of edema, and higher body weight increases.


Because only a small proportion of VAEs are attributable to pneumonia, standard VAP
prevention bundles may not be the optimal strategy to reduce VAE rates. A logical
framework for preventing VAEs is to select interventions that decrease duration of me-
chanical ventilation (and hence time at risk for VAEs) and/or prevent 1 or more of the ma-
jor conditions associated with VAEs (pneumonia, fluid overload, atelectasis, and
ARDS).36 Using this framework, 6 interventions have been proposed to prevent
VAEs: minimize sedation, enhance the performance of daily paired SATs and SABs,
mobilize patients, use conservative fluid management, ventilate patients with low tidal
volumes, and set restrictive thresholds for blood transfusions (Fig. 2).37 There are likely
additional institution-specific strategies to improve care for ventilated patients that
could be identified by conducting root cause analyses of individual VAEs.24,30 The
following discussion focuses, however, on the evidence in favor of these 6 core

Minimize Sedation
Deep and prolonged sedation is associated with numerous adverse events, including
increased mortality, prolonged mechanical ventilation, and higher risk for VAEs.38–40
Deep and/or sustained sedation may trigger VAEs by prolonging time on mechanical
ventilation, increasing the need for mandatory modes of mechanical ventilation (which
in turn may increase the risk of lung injury), decreasing clearance of respiratory secre-
tions, and increasing the risk of atelectasis and aspiration.41 Collectively, these effects
predispose patients to pneumonia, atelectasis, and/or ARDS, 3 of the 4 clinical condi-
tions most commonly associated with VAEs.
Because sedation is associated with ICU-acquired infection — via several potential
mechanisms —short-acting sedatives and opioids have been recommended to
decrease time on the ventilator and time in the ICU.42,43 The short-acting sedatives
propofol and dexmedetomidine have been associated with less time to extubation
compared with benzodiazepines, and dexmedetomidine has been associated with
lower risk for VAEs. Conversely benzodiazepines, opioids, and paralytics have been
associated with increased risk for IVACs.32,35
896 Cocoros & Klompas

Possible (evidence from observa onal

DuraƟon of

studies alone and/or inconsistent evidence

from randomized controlled trials)

Probable (evidence from randomized
controlled trials and/or meta-analyses)

Minimize sedaƟon

Paired SATs and SBTs

Early mobility

Low Ɵdal volume venƟlaƟon

ConservaƟve fluid management

ConservaƟve transfusion thresholds

Fig. 2. Potential strategies to prevent VAEs. Interventions that decrease duration of me-
chanical ventilation and target 1 or more of the conditions that most commonly trigger
VAEs are highlighted. (Reprinted from Klompas M. Potential strategies to prevent
ventilator-associated events. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2015;192(12):1420–30; with permis-
sionof the American Thoracic Society.)

Daily Coordinated Spontaneous Awakening Trials and Spontaneous Breathing Trials

SATs and SBTs are 2 of the best-studied interventions to reduce VAEs. SATs and
SBTs are intended to reduce sedation and duration of mechanical ventilation by with-
holding sedatives and decreasing the level of ventilator support from patients to see if
they can manage with less sedation and less ventilator assistance. Both interventions
reduce time at risk for VAEs.40,44–46 Coordinating SATs and SBTs to perform SBTs
during sedative interruptions (so that patients are more awake and hence more likely
to pass their SBTs) further reduces time to extubation compared with SBTs alone.40,47
Multiple studies have documented inverse associations between SATs and/or SBTs
and VAEs. Muscedere and colleagues26 found that the percentage of ventilator days
with SATs and SBTs was associated with lower VAC and IVAC rates. Other investiga-
tors reported reduced rates of VAEs and IVAC in hospitals compliant with SBT guide-
lines.48 A prospective quality-improvement collaborative among 12 ICUs
subsequently confirmed that increasing the performance rate of paired daily SATs/
SBTs can lower VAE rates.40 Over a 19-month period, the collaborative noted 37%
fewer VAEs (OR 0.63; 95% CI, 0.42–0.97) and 65% fewer IVACs (OR 0.35; 95% CI,
0.17–0.71) per episode of mechanical ventilation. These improvements were also
associated with a 2.4-day decrease in mean duration of mechanical ventilation, a
3.0-day decrease in ICU length-of-stay, and a 6.3-day decrease in hospital length-
Importantly, SATs and SBTs are means, not ends. The intent of these 2 interventions
is to reduce overall levels of sedation and to reduce the amount of time from readiness
for extubation to actual extubation. Merely “checking the box” on SAT or SBT perfor-
mance is not sufficient to lower VAE rates if not paired with active attempts to reduce
sedative use and speed extubation. This was evident in a clinical trial, which found that
adding daily sedation interruptions to a sedation protocol did not decrease duration of
mechanical ventilation or hospital stay compared with a sedation protocol alone.49
Ventilator-Associated Events and Their Prevention 897

The patients randomized to sedative interruptions in this trial, however, were paradox-
ically given more boluses and higher daily doses of midazolam and fentanyl compared
with patients managed by protocol alone. Presumably this reflected a persistent cul-
ture of sedation wherein patients who became agitated during sedative interruptions
were reflexively managed with more sedation rather than trying to manage their agita-
tion using nonsedating strategies.

Programs for Early Exercise and Mobility

Immobility is associated with atelectasis and pneumonia — common triggers for
VAEs — as well as more time on mechanical ventilation and longer hospital stays.
To date, no studies that have examined the impact of early mobility on VAE risk; how-
ever, multiple studies have reported better patient outcomes after the introduction of
early exercise and mobility programs.50–53 Early physical and/or occupational therapy
can decrease time on the ventilator and has been associated with lower rates of com-
plications and VAP in some studies.54,55 Although there are challenges with mobilizing
someone on a ventilator and surveys of practice suggest early mobility is not yet
commonly used, adverse outcomes have not been observed when such programs
are instituted.56–59
One study has examined the effect of combining the preceding 4 interventions along
with delirium monitoring and prevention into an ABCDE package (awakening and
breathing coordination, delirium monitoring and management, and early exercise
and mobility).60 This approach aims to take advantage of the potential synergies be-
tween minimizing sedation, daily SATs and SBTs, and early mobility. The trial found
improvements in ventilation duration and delirium in the postimplementation period
for the ABCDE bundle. A randomized controlled trial, however, of early percutaneous
tracheotomy versus prolonged intubation with tracheotomy in cardiac surgery pa-
tients found that early tracheotomy was associated with less heavy sedation and
earlier mobilization but provided no benefit with respect to ventilation duration, hospi-
tal length of stay, or mortality.61

Low Tidal Volume Ventilation

Low tidal volume ventilation has been associated with improved outcomes in venti-
lated patients with and without ARDS and it may prevent several triggers of VAEs,
including ARDS, atelectasis, and lung infections.33,34,62–64 Neto and colleagues63,64
performed 2 meta-analyses of the impact of low tidal volume ventilation on patients
without lung injury at the start of ventilation. Lower tidal volumes were associated
with lower risk for ARDS, fewer pulmonary infections, and less atelectasis when
compared with higher tidal volume. Shorter hospital length of stay and decreased
mortality were also observed. Ogbu and colleagues29 affirmed the potential value of
lower tidal volumes to prevent VAEs in a case-control study that documented
increased odds of VAE with each mL/kg tidal volume above 6 mL/kg.

Conservative Fluid Management

Positive fluid balance has consistently been associated with VAEs.13,24,27,28,32,65
Excess fluids increase the risk of pulmonary edema, ARDS, and pneumonia, 3 of
the 4 most common conditions that trigger VAEs.66 Conversely, conservative fluid
management is associated with less time to extubation, shorter ICU stays, and lower
hospital mortality rates, particularly among patients with ARDS.67,68
One randomized controlled trial thus far has affirmed that conservative fluid man-
agement can prevent VAEs. Mekonsto Dessap and colleagues65 retrospectively
applied VAE definitions to data from a randomized controlled trial of conservative fluid
898 Cocoros & Klompas

management versus usual practice during the weaning phase of mechanical ventila-
tion. Conservative fluid management in this trial was driven by daily measurements
of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP). Patients randomized to daily BNP levels were
administered less fluids and more diuretics and had greater negative fluid balances
compared with patients in the usual practice arm. Conservative fluid management
was associated with more ventilator-free days and substantially lower VAE rates.
There were 52% fewer VAEs in the intervention group compared with usual care
What remains to be seen is how conservative fluid management is best operation-
alized. Wiedemann and colleagues67 used a complex protocol that included invasive
monitoring devices and a complicated management algorithm whereas Mekontso
Dessap and colleagues65 used daily BNP levels. Neither of these approaches is
optimal: invasive monitoring devices can be harmful, overly complex protocols are
difficult to generalize and error-prone, and daily BNP levels can be expensive and
challenging to interpret in patients with renal impairment. Additional approaches are
required. Possibilities include daily weight monitoring, noninvasive ultrasound mea-
surements, or simplified protocols for interpreting common physiologic data.69
Work in this area is ongoing.

Conservative Blood Transfusion Thresholds

Restrictive red blood cell transfusion strategies have been associated with decreased
risk of hospital-acquired infections, including pneumonia.70 In addition, blood transfu-
sions may increase the risk of ARDS and pulmonary edema.33,66,71 It, therefore, stands
to reason that transfusions may increase VAE risk. No studies to date, however, have
directly evaluated whether restrictive transfusion thresholds can reduce VAE rates.

Ventilator-associated Pneumonia Prevention

The VAE prevention bundle is designed to include and supersede VAP prevention bun-
dles insofar as VAP accounts for approximately a third of VAEs, and VAE prevention
bundles must, therefore, include VAP prevention strategies. The proposed VAE
prevention bundle includes most of the VAP prevention practices associated with
shorter durations of mechanical ventilation and/or lower mortality rates as recommen-
ded in the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America’s Strategies to Prevent
Ventilator-associated Pneumonia in Acute Care Hospitals.72 Some of the additional
strategies classically used to prevent VAP, such as elevating the head of the bed,
oral care with chlorhexidine, and subglottic secretion drainage, bear further
Elevating the head of the bed to prevent VAP is common practice in almost all US
hospitals.73 Although there are compelling physiologic arguments to support
this practice, there are few data describing its impact on patients’ outcomes.
Head-of-bed elevation has only been evaluated in 3 randomized controlled trials
with a collective enrollment of 337 patients.74–76 Only 1 of these 3 trials found a sig-
nificant decrease in VAP rates and none of the trials was adequately powered to
assess impact on duration of mechanical ventilation or mortality. At the same
time, none of the trials suggested any risk of harm associated with elevating the
head of the bed, the practice is free of charge, and it is possible that larger studies
in the future may yet document clear benefits. As such, elevating the head of the
bed still seems a reasonable practice to include in prevention bundles for ventilated
Routine oral care with chlorhexidine, by contrast, may be a source of harm for some
fraction of patients. Recent meta-analyses question the association between oral care
Ventilator-Associated Events and Their Prevention 899

with chlorhexidine and lower VAP rates in non–cardiac surgery patients and note that
there may be a signal toward higher mortality rates in patients randomized to chlorhex-
idine.77,78 The mechanism of increased mortality risk is unknown but 1 possible expla-
nation may be occasional episodes of aspiration of antiseptic precipitating ARDS.79–82
Note that the concern with oral care with chlorhexidine is specifically with the chlor-
hexidine component of the regimen. Oral care alone still seems reasonable for patient
hygiene and comfort. Few studies have rigorously assessed the impact of oral care
alone without an antiseptic on VAP and other outcomes but in contrast to chlorhexi-
dine there is no suggestion of a safety signal.83–85
An area of ongoing controversy is whether selective digestive decontamination with
a combination of oral and parenteral antibiotics can be helpful for patients. A series of
large randomized controlled trials have suggested that this strategy may not only pre-
vent VAP but also lower mortality rates.86–88 The practice is controversial, however,
due to fear that prescribing antibiotics for all ICU patients or all ventilated patients
may cultivate and promote multidrug resistant organisms that might ultimately
compromise the care of future ICU patients.89 The literature on the long-term impact
of selective digestive decontamination on ICU resistance rates and patient outcomes
is still in its infancy but studies thus far have not clearly confirmed enhanced risk.90–92
Some studies suggest that digestive decontamination may paradoxically lower overall
antibiotic dispensing, presumably by averting some infections. More data are needed,
particularly in settings with high baseline antibiotic resistance rates. Many hospitals in
Europe routinely practice selective digestive decontamination but it is almost never
practiced in North America.
One additional practice commonly advocated to prevent VAP is the use of endotra-
cheal tubes with subglottic secretion drainage. These devices are designed to mini-
mize the pooling of secretions above the endotracheal tube cuff and hence diminish
the volume of microbe-laden secretions seeping around the cuff and into the lungs.
Early meta-analyses of this strategy suggested both lower VAP rates and shorter du-
rations of mechanical ventilation leading to a recommendation in favor of subglottic
secretion drainage in VAP prevention guidelines.72,93–96 These analyses were based
on a possible misinterpretation of 1 key trial, however, that was responsible for
much of the signal toward better objective outcomes.97 An updated meta-analysis
that excluded this trial failed to find any improvements in duration of mechanical venti-
lation, ICU length of stay, or mortality.98


Some pediatric-focused researchers have begun to examine whether the broader

approach to surveillance for VAEs in adults might also be applicable to children and
neonates. Phongjitsiri and colleagues99 applied the adult VAE definitions to patients
in a pediatric ICU (PICU) and found that approximately 15% of patients met the adult
VAC definition (21/1000 ventilator days) and 8% had an IVAC (13/1000 ventilator
days). Those with a VAC had increased hospital mortality, longer ventilation, and
longer hospital and ICU stays compared with those without a VAC.
Cocoros and colleagues100 examined whether adult VAC criteria should be revised
for a pediatric VAC definition given the inherent differences in adults compared with
children and neonates. They evaluated a range of potential alternative approaches to
identify pediatric VAC and ultimately recommended identifying worsening oxygenation
by increases in daily minimum FIO2 or mean airway pressure (MAP) after a period of
ventilator improvement or stability. The investigators opted for MAP instead of PEEP
because MAP more accurately reflects lung compliance, whereas PEEP is set by
900 Cocoros & Klompas

clinicians. They reported incidence rates of approximately 3 per 1000 ventilator days in
the PICU, neonatal ICU, and cardiac ICU (CICU). They also reported substantial
increased risk of hospital mortality, increased hospital and ICU lengths of stay, and
longer ventilation duration among children with a VAC compared with matched patients
without a VAC across all ICU types. The need for a VAC definition tailored to the “het-
erogeneous” pediatric population has received support, but validation and replication
in other studies is needed.101 It also remains to be seen whether the IVAC and PVAP
constructs for adult VAE surveillance are applicable to neonates and children, although
1 study suggests that the specific adult criteria, in particular reliance on temperature
and WBC count thresholds, are not appropriate in pediatric patients.100
Risk factors for VAEs in pediatric and adult populations may differ, requiring new an-
alyses and perhaps different approaches for prevention in neonates and children. Pre-
liminary work has indicated that weaning from sedation may have a protective
relationship with pediatric VAC occurrence across all ICU types and that excess fluid
balance in PICU/CICU patients, and use of neuromuscular blockade in all ICUs, may
be positively associated with pediatric VAC.102


The introduction of VAE definitions has been controversial among some stakeholders.
The most common criticisms of VAE definitions are as follows: (1) VAE surveillance is
neither sensitive nor specific for clinically defined VAP, (2) clinicians can avoid VAE
detection by manipulating ventilator settings, and (3) VAEs are simply markers of se-
vere underlying illness and not preventable complications.
Numerous studies have documented poor correlation between VAE and
VAP.13,20,26,103,104 The first study that proposed VAE criteria documented that only
23% of VAEs met NHSN’s then-current VAP criteria and only 56% of NHSN VAPs
met VAE criteria. Subsequent studies documented similar positive predictive values
(20%–40%) and sensitivities (40%–60%) for VAE relative to clinically defined VAP.
The poor correlation between VAE and VAP bespeaks 2 issues. The first is that VAE
definitions were intentionally designed to broaden the scope of surveillance to include
additional complications of mechanical ventilation over and above pneumonia.105 The
definitions are intended to flag any deleterious event that leads to respiratory deterio-
ration, including fluid overload, atelectasis, ARDS, pulmonary embolism, pneumo-
thorax, and so forth. It is, therefore, expected and arguably desirable that only a
fraction of VAEs are attributable to pneumonia. The second issue is that VAE defini-
tions were developed to support quality improvement at the population level rather
than to support real-time clinical diagnoses. VAE definitions, therefore, favor objectiv-
ity and morbidity over sensitivity. The VAE minimum change values for PEEP and FIO2
exert a threshold effect that simultaneously makes surveillance more objective
(because it is based on quantitative, clearly defined data elements) and limits case
detection to serious events (only events severe enough to require sustained increases
in ventilator settings at or above the VAE minimums are detected). VAE criteria miss
pneumonias that do not require sustained increases in patients’ ventilator settings,
but in doing so they help sidestep arguments about ambiguous cases based on sub-
jective criteria and focus quality-improvement workers’ efforts on preventing the most
morbid cases. VAE surveillance is not intended to detect every single possible case of
pneumonia but rather to help hospitals to develop comprehensive VAE prevention
programs to prevent as many complications as possible. Interventions put into place
to prevent the severe pneumonias that flag VAE criteria are also likely to prevent milder
pneumonias that would not flag VAE criteria.
Ventilator-Associated Events and Their Prevention 901

VAE definitions have also been criticized for being subject to manipulation and
gaming that can prevent VAE detection. Lilly and colleagues,106 for example, modeled
the effect of alternately increasing and then decreasing the daily minimum PEEP by
1 cm H2O each day. They anticipated that this strategy would eliminate 93% of
VAEs. It is questionable, however, whether any hospital would tolerate, much less
endorse, a deliberate ventilator-management strategy designed solely to avoid VAE
detection. There is no clinical rationale for alternately raising and lowering PEEP by
1 cm H2O each day. Anyone embarking on manipulation of this nature is doing so
purely to avoid VAE detection. Presumably this activity would, therefore, risk investi-
gation and sanction if discovered. This is a different problem from the longstanding
concern with NHSN’s old VAP definitions that hospitals might report progressively
lower rates over time attributable to surveillance bias rather than true decreases in
VAP.107 The concern with the old definitions was that thoughtful and sincere surveyors
might interpret subjective VAP criteria (“change in character of sputum,” “new or pro-
gressive infiltrates,” “worsening oxygenation,” and so forth) more strictly over time,
leading to artefactual decreases in VAP rates. The difference is that interpreting sub-
jective criteria more strictly could reasonably be subconscious or part of a well-
intentioned effort to make surveillance more rigorous. Manipulating ventilator settings
solely to avoid VAE detection by contrast is deliberate and intended to deceive.
Finally, some investigators have argued that VAEs are simply surveillance markers
of severe illness rather than preventable complications of care.31,106,108–110 Boyer and
colleagues,24 for example, reviewed the charts of all VAEs accrued over the course of
a year in the medical and surgical ICUs of a large academic hospital. They estimated
that only 37% of the VAEs were potentially preventable. Although it is likely true that
some VAEs are due to unavoidable increases in ventilator settings in patients with se-
vere and progressive pulmonary disease, a growing body of observational and inter-
ventional studies suggests that a large fraction of VAEs are preventable. First of all,
VAEs by definition can only occur in a patient after at least 2 days of stable or
improving ventilator settings. This limits VAE detection to patients with nosocomial
onset of deterioration after at least 2 days of being on a ventilator. Observational
studies suggest that VAEs are complications insofar as patients who develop VAEs
suffer worse outcomes compared with matched patients without VAEs. The observa-
tional studies also suggest that most VAEs are triggered by clear clinical complica-
tions, such as pneumonia, fluid overload, ARDS, and atelectasis. Interventional
studies extend these observations by demonstrating that improvements in care,
such as enhanced performance of SATs and SBTs or conservative fluid management,
can individually lower VAE rates by 37% to 52%.40,48,65 It remains to be seen how
many VAEs might be preventable by bundling these interventions together with mini-
mizing sedation, early mobility programs, low tidal volume ventilation, and conserva-
tive transfusion thresholds.


The introduction of VAE definitions transformed national surveillance for complications

in adults receiving mechanical ventilation. VAE definitions expand the purview of sur-
veillance to include both infectious and noninfectious conditions and use objective
data to measure events. In the short time since the initiation of VAE surveillance by
NHSN, a comprehensive view of VAEs is beginning to emerge. The epidemiology of
VAEs described in different studies has been generally consistent (see Table 1).
Increased hospital mortality, prolonged mechanical ventilation, and longer lengths
of stay have been reported by numerous groups in patients with VAEs compared
902 Cocoros & Klompas

with patients without VAEs. Excess fluid balance, deeper levels of sedation, prolonged
sedation, and high tidal volumes are risk factors for VAEs. The most common and
consistent complications that trigger VAE criteria are pneumonia, pulmonary edema,
ARDS, and atelectasis. Interventional studies suggest that conservative fluid manage-
ment and enhancing the performance of SATs and SBTs can prevent VAEs.
A strategic framework for preventing VAEs is to bundle together interventions that
minimize duration of mechanical ventilation and prevent 1 or more of the clinical con-
ditions that most frequently trigger VAEs. Promising candidates for a VAE prevention
bundle, therefore, include minimizing sedation, paired daily SATs and SBTs, early
exercise and mobility, low tidal volume ventilation, conservative fluid management,
and conservative blood transfusion thresholds. To date, no study has evaluated the
potential impact of bundling all of all these interventions into a single comprehensive
VAE prevention set. We therefore still do not have a clear sense of the preventable
fraction of VAEs and to what extent a comprehensive VAE prevention program can
improve global outcomes for ventilated patients. Further studies of VAE epidemiology,
risk factors, and prevention are needed to solidify and extend our capacity to predict
and prevent VAEs.


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