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Class-5(Final term)

( ch-10 ) perimeter, Area and volume

Date-11.1.22 Day- 4 nb-1
Q2) What will be the labour charge of tiling a hall 22 m
long and 17 m at the rate of rupees 8 per sq m.

Q3) How many slabs of cement are required to tile a platform of length 8 m
and breadth 6 m, if the length each slab is 4 cm and 3 cm?

Q4) Find the cost of a painting a square board of side 44 cm at the rate of
rupees 7 for square cm.(h.w)
Q5) Determine the number of a square on a square game board of side 8 cm, if
the side of a square is 1 cm.

Q6) How many bricks are required to build a Wall of height 2.8 m and B 50 cm if
the length of each break is 12 cm and breadth 10cm.

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