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PART 1: Questions 1-15

Circle the correct letter (A, B, C, D) next to the word or phrase which best
completes each sentence.

1. I as a hotel receptionist from March 2004 to April 2006.

A. had worked B. would work
C. worked D. get used to working
2. We can communicate other people in many different ways.
A. with B. in C. of D. on
3. Radio and television have had a huge influence on in the last
hundred years.
A. social B. socially C. society D. unsocial
4. You can decisions for yourself.
A. do B. make C. have D. take
5. While I _ to work this morning, I met an old friend.
A. was going B. went C. has gone D. go
6. I have two in life. I want to be rich, and I want to be famous.
A. ambitions B. wants C. need D. hopeless
7. I’m looking forward to more time to do the things I want to do.
A. doing B. having C. making D. spending
8. When I telephoned the headmaster, his secretary told me to on as he was
talking to someone else.
A. wait B. hold C. go D. carry
9. She asked the boy what .
A. was his name B. is his name C. his name was D. his name is
10. I this pen since I was a child.
A. had B. have C. am having D. have had
11. They got to the cinema after the film .
A. started B. was starting C. have started D. had started

Trung tâm Ngoại ngữ - Trường Đại học Kiến Trúc Hà Nội | 1
12. Another word for consequence is .
A. cause B. reason C. result D. profit
13. It's difficult on time.
A. get there B. to get there C. in getting there D. for getting there
14. It's a lovely day, but I staying at home with you.
A. don't mind B. haven't mind C. am not minding D. mind
15. I to visit Australia in the future.
A. like B. am liking C. will like D. would like

PART 2 – Questions 16-20

 Look at the text in each question.
 What does it say?
 Circle the letter (A, B, C) next to the correct explanation.

16 A. Tell the doctor if you need to park


PARKING IN THIS SPACE FOR B. Only the doctor working today

DOCTOR ON DUTY ONLY can park here.

C. Park in this space only in

an emergency.
17 To: Heidi A. Heidi will start her new job in
From: Ruth September.

Congratulations on the new job. Do B. Ruth wants Heidi to help her find
you think they’d take me as well? Like employment.
you, I’m available until September.
Could you tell them about me? C. Ruth has offered to talk to Heidi’s
boss about her.

18 A. Cameras cannot be used near this

B. You must look after your cameras
C. This building is guarded by

19 Where should Helena meet the

MESSAGE others?
A. at the café
Ronan called from the theatre: the
café opposite is closing so everyone’s
B. at the theatre
going down to the club early. Join them
there when you can.
C. at the club

20 A. We offer a choice of flats to rent in

this area.
B. This is the best area to find a flat.
C. Flats in this area do not cost a lot.
Questions 21-25
 Read the text and questions below.
 Circle the correct answer (A, B, C, D) for each question.
Some people have complained about this year’s collection, New Writing
3, although I cannot understand why. Surely 500 pages of original writing of
this quality, for £6.99, is pretty amazing?
Fiction – both parts of novels and complete short stories – makes up most
of the book. There are some enjoyable pieces by famous writers, such as
Candia McWilliam and Rose Tremain. It’s a strange fact that the less well-
known people seem to have written mainly about food. Take my advice about
Jane Harris’s Those Nails – this piece should definitely not be read just after
meals. It contains some very unpleasant scenes which could turn your stomach!
There is fine work from nineteen poets, including R. S. Thomas and John
Burnside. There are pieces from novels-in-progress by Jim Crace and Jane
Rogers. Finally, there is a little non-fiction, which includes a very funny article
by Alan Rusbridger on certain newspapers, and an extraordinary piece about
herself from Ursula Owen. This is an exceptional collection and I for one can’t
wait to see what next year’s choice will include.

21. What is the writer trying to do in the text?

A Give her opinions about a new book.
B Give some information about new
writers. C Give some advice to writers.
D Give her opinion of newspaper journalists.

22. Why would somebody read the text?

A To find out more details about something.
B To learn what next year’s collection will
contain. C To find out about Alan Rusbridger’s new
novel. D To decide whether to complain about
23. What does the writer think of New Writing 3?
A It’s too long.
B It’s very amusing.
C It’s very good.
D It’s too serious.

24. How might you feel after reading Jane Harris’s piece?
A Hungry
B Excited
C Unhappy
D Sick

25. Which of the following describes New Writing 3?

A Great value: Two novels, poems and articles for only
£6.99. B Great value: The best of new writing for only £6.99.
C Great value: Poems by Tremain, Harris and Burnside for only
£6.99. D Great value: Newspapers for a whole year for only £6.99.
Questions 26-35
 Read the text below and circle the correct answer (A, B, C, D) for each space.

Cartoon films have very (0) limits. If you can draw something, you
can (26) it move on the cinema screen. The use (27) new ideas
and advanced computer programs means that cartoons are becoming exciting
again for people of (28) ages.
By the (29) of the 1970s, the cinema world had decided
that cartoons were only for children.
But soon (30) , one or two directors had some original new ideas.
They proved that it was possible to make films in which both adults
and children could (31) the fun.
However, not (32) cartoon film was successful. The Black
Cauldron, for example, failed, mainly because it was too (33) for
children and too childish for adults. Directors learnt from this (34) , and
the film companies began to make large (35) of money again.

0 A Few B any C little D much

26 A Get B cause C wish D make
27 A For B of C With D By
28 A More B other C all D these
29 A End B finish C departure D Back
30 A afterwards B later C next D Then
31 A Divide B add C mix D share
32 A Every B both C any D Each
33 A nervous B fearful C afraid D frightening
34 A Damage B crime C mistake D Fault
35 A amounts B accounts C numbers D totals

Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first
sentence, using no more than three words
1. Last year wasn’t as cold as this year.
This year is colder than.......................................last year was.
2. How much is it to go skiing?
What does it go skiing?
3. Do you know who these skis belong to?
Do you know whose........................................these skis are?
4. James can ski well.
James is good at/ brilliant at.............................skiing.
5. Driving in heavy snow isn’t easy.
Heavy snow makes it difficult/hard/less easy
6. A family ticket costs £10.
The cost of a family ticket is...............................................£10.
7. Entrance at weekends is more expensive than on weekdays.
Entrance on weekdays is cheaper/less expensive.....than at weekends.
8. You don’t have to pay to visit the zoo on Thursdays.
You can visit the zoo without........................................paying on Thursdays.
9. There aren’t any elephants at the zoo now.
The zoo doesn’t have/keep/own elephants......any more.
10. The new zoo restaurant has been open for a week.
The new zoo restaurant (was) opened...........................last week.
This is part of a letter you receive from your penfriend.

I’m glad you like learning English. Your teacher

sounds really nice- and your friends do too!
Tell me all about your English classes.

Now write a letter to your penfriend.

Write your letter in about 100 words.

PART 1: Questions 1-7

 There are seven questions in this part.
 For each question, there are three pictures and a short recording.
 Choose the correct picture and put a tick (√) in the box below it.





PART 2: Questions 8-13
 You will hear a man talking about Tanya Perry’s life.
 For each question, fill in the missing information in the numbered space.


Born in London in 1948.

In 1952 family moved to (8) the North West

At school with Jack Peters, the famous (9) _ poet

Wrote some (10) short storieswhile still at school.

During the early 1970s worked as a (11) waitress

The film called (12) city life

French Film Festival.

Now has (13) 24plays in print.




Exercise 1. A. This is what happened to Malcolm with his last job. Can you put
the events in the right order?
1. He applied for the job.2
2. He got promotion.6
3. They weren’t pleased with his work.7
4. He accepted the job.5
5. He saw the advertisement.1
6. They sacked him.8
7. They offered him the job.4
8. They gave him an interview.3

B. Match the verbs on the left with the nouns/phrases on the right to make the
right expressions.

1.f 2.h 3.g 4.e 5.a 6.d 7.c 8.b

1. attend a. job satisfaction
2. deal with b. overtime
3. do c. the accounts department
4. earn d. customers
5. get e. £350 per hour
6. meet f. meetings
7. run g. a lot of paper work
8. work h. customers’ complaints

Exercise 2. Complete each second sentence so that it means the same as the first
one. Use the words in bold and make any necessary changes.
1. He is responsible for the production department.
He is in charge of the production department.
2. In my job I have to visit clients at their workplace.
My clients at their workplace.

3. She retired early and went to live on an island.

She took job involves visiting and went to live on an island
4. I earn £25,000 a year.
My an early retirement £25,000 a year.
5. She would prefer a job with regular working hours.
She would prefer a salary is job.

6. He gets £25,000 from his teaching job and another £10,000 from writing.
His total nine – to - five £35,000.

Exercise 3. Working conditions

Read the sentences and then put the phrases into the correct list below.

1. I work very long hours.

2. It isn’t very well-paid.
3. I get a company car.
4. I get six weeks’ paid holiday.
5. They’ve got a good pension scheme.
6. I’m on a pretty good salary.
7. I’m hoping to get promoted next year.
8. I can do overtime if I like.
9. You can work your way up quite quickly.
10. They run a system of flexi-time.
11. I get a regular pay rise.
12. I get private health insurance.
13. They’ve said I can go part-time after I’ve had my baby.
14. I’m taking a few days off next week. The kids are off school.
15. I’m ambitious. I want to move up the career ladder.
16. They give us a bonus at Christmas.

Money Hours Benefits/Perks

2-.6.-11- 1-8-10-13 3-5-12………………

…………………… ………………………… ……………………...

……………………. ……………………….... ………………………
…………………… …………………………

Promotion Holiday
7-9-15 4-14

Exercise 4.
A. Applying for a job-verbs
Use the correct form of these verbs to complete the sentences.
offer send it off find
go into fill in apply for

1. I left university six months ago and I still haven’t found.....a job. It’s more
difficult than I thought it would be.
2. I’ve applied for a part-time job. I hope I get it- it’s four afternoons a week.
3. I’m not really sure what I want to do when I leave school. I might …go into………
banking like my Dad.
4. I’ve filled in the application form and sent it off, so now I’ve just got to wait
until I hear from them.
5. I can’t believe it. They’ve offered me that job in New York. They want me to
start next month.
B. Describing your job
Decide whether the following expressions express a positive (P) or negative (N)
1. My job’s so boring. It’s the same thing day after day.N
2. It’s so repetitive. I just sit there all day filling in forms.N
3. It’s very satisfying to know that you’ve helped somebody through their exams.P
4. Knowing that I might have saved somebody’s life is very rewarding.P
5. I find it very challenging. It requires a lot of concentration and determination.P
6. This job’s so stressful. It’s making me ill.N
7. I wish I could do something glamorous like acting or modelling.P
8. It’s a very friendly place to work. All the staff were really helpful when I joined
the firm a couple months ago.P
1. What exactly do you do at work?/ What are you responsible for?/What are
your duties/ responsibilities at work?
Basically, I sell insurance policies.
I am responsible for/I am in charge of recruitment and training.
I usually answer customers’ questions.
I mainly handle claims.

2. Where do you work/Who do you work for?

work in + place/city/department/country/industry…
I work in the fashion industry.
work for + company/person
I work for a food wholesaler./ I work for Microsoft.

3. Working hours
I have a full-time job, e.g. 40 hours a week.
I have a part-time job, e.g. 15 hours a
week. I have to work unsocial hours.
I work long hours, e.g. 12 hours a day.
I work from nine to five.
4. How much do you earn?
I earn a lot. My salary is $80,000 a year.
I don’t earn much. I get low wages.
I’ve got a good/high/low/small salary.

5. Working conditions: extremely good/bad, not safe

The equipment/engines/machines are modern/up-to-date/out of date/nearly
useless Clients/boss/colleagues:
helpful/ deceitful/ reserved/ indifferent/ badly-qualified………
The environment: polluted, contaminated by poisonous substances, smoke….
6. What do you think about the job?
The job is demanding/challenging/exciting/interesting/……/helps me
perfect myself/brings me a lot of experience/boring/dull…….

7. What skills are needed to do this job well?

Good communication skills and organizational skills, leadership ability, problem-
solving ability………

8. Chances to get high salary/to get promotion/to get further training.

9. What’s the most interesting part of your job?

The most interesting part of my work is meeting people from other countries. For
me, people are very interesting and I am keen on learning the customs and cultures of
other countries.

10. Is there anything you don’t like about your job?

The pay is one thing that I don’t like about my job. My boss is another thing that I
don’t like about my job. The distance to the office is the last thing that I don’t like
about my job.
I’ve been dealing with the same clients, the same programs for the last 3 years
and a half, so it’s now boring, and not exciting as it was before. Besides, I haven’t
acquired any new knowledge, or have any new challenges.

11. Do you often get together with your colleagues (workmates) after work?
I get together with my colleagues after work as much as I can. When I get together
with them, we can chat and have some beer. I really look forward to getting together
with them. It’s a great way to relax and have fun.

12. What are your career plans? What are your ambitions?
I hope I will be promoted in 2 or 3 years.

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