Choosing A College and University Can Be Difficult

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Choosing a college and university can be difficult

In 2017, I graduated from high school, and it was also a terrible time to find a standard
university to continue my bachelor degree. I did not have any brothers or sisters who had ever studied
at the college. I had only friends who had joined the university programs. I asked them for the
information; however, I still had a doubt with the majors that I should choose to study. There were two
majors that I loved the most Law and English. Although they were my favorite subjects, it had different
balance. Before I chose to join English Program at University of South-East Asia, I thought about
school location, school fee, and school information.
To begin with, location is the toughest thing for the students who want to study at university.
Why was it the problem? As you know, the location made a lot of students drop out from the college
when they finished high school, they wanted to continue their education at the university, but their
parents did not allow them because the university was very far from their village. When the students go
to study far from their parents, they faced lots of problems such as rental room payment and safety;
therefore, their parents did not let them to live and stay far from them.
In addition, school fee is the second problem that students will be faced when they have a plan
to study at the college. The problem is that the school fee did not balance with the family income. Most
of the students were born in the famer family, so they sometimes did not have enough money to
support their study because every school has different payment and study materials. For example, not
only in Cambodia but all over the worlds the school fee is changed every year. During the Covid-19
pandemic, people have the trouble with income, so they force to drop out from school or suspended
study because they do not have enough money to pay it.
Moreover, school information is very important for the students who want to study abroad or
exchange the experience with international students or the school inside Cambodia. The students
always find the university that has the partnership with other college or school campus. When they join
the school program, they believe that they can go to exchange the experiences with other campus or the
university outside of Cambodia like Thailand, Indonesia, U.S, England, and a lot more. Unfortunately,
a few schools in Cambodia do not have a partnership with other school.
All in all, school location, fee, and information can be difficult for the students who just
graduated from high school to make up their mind for choosing the best university for their higher

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