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Bioresource Technology 170 (2014) 342–349

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Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous modeling of a large anaerobic

digester producing biogas from cattle waste
Anil K. Dhussa a, Surinder S. Sambi b, Shashi Kumar c, Sandeep Kumar c, Surendra Kumar c,⇑
Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Govt. of India, Block-14, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi 110 003, India
University School of Chemical Technology, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector – 16 C, Dwarka, Delhi 110078, India
Department of Chemical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee, Roorkee 247667, Uttarakhand, India

h i g h l i g h t s

 Anaerobic digester yields dynamic behavior under frequent changes in feed.

 An empirical approach utilizing ANN has been used.
 NARX network has been used to model the dynamic behavior.
 Predictions of biogas produced compare well with plant data within ±8% deviation.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In waste-to-energy plants, there is every likelihood of variations in the quantity and characteristics of the
Received 24 May 2014 feed. Although intermediate storage tanks are used, but many times these are of inadequate capacity to
Received in revised form 21 July 2014 dampen the variations. In such situations an anaerobic digester treating waste slurry operates under
Accepted 22 July 2014
dynamic conditions. In this work a special type of dynamic Artificial Neural Network model, called Non-
Available online 1 August 2014
linear Autoregressive Exogenous model, is used to model the dynamics of anaerobic digesters by using
about one year data collected on the operating digesters. The developed model consists of two hidden
layers each having 10 neurons, and uses 18 days delay. There are five neurons in input layer and one neu-
Artificial Neural Network
ron in output layer for a day. Model predictions of biogas production rate are close to plant performance
NARX model within ±8% deviation.
Anaerobic digester Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cattle waste treatment

1. Introduction plant in October 2004, which utilizes 235 ton/day cattle dung
(manure). Location of the plant was rightly chosen as there was a
Anaerobic processes are one of the most attractive methods for huge dairy complex nearby, producing more than 2000 ton/day
the treatment of organic liquid effluents and organic solid wastes. of cattle dung/manure. This facility was created as one of the major
The reason is obvious because it produces biogas which contains initiatives of Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government
methane and carbon dioxide. Biogas is a renewable energy source. of India, to set up waste-to-energy demonstration plants based
It can be used as a fuel and can be converted into electricity using upon different technologies under United Nations Development
biogas engine. Biogas can also be upgraded or enriched to contain Programme – Global Environmental Facility (UNDP-GEF pro-
more than 95% methane (also known as bio-methane), which can gramme). This waste-to-energy (WTE) plant demonstrates BIMA
be used to produce chemicals or fed to natural gas grid to supple- (Biogas Induced Mixing Arrangement) digester technology, which
ment its requirement. Due to these benefits, anaerobic digestion is the patented technology of Entec, Austria.
over a period of time has become a well-established technology Initially the plant operated successfully, but with the passage of
for the treatment of liquid and solid organic wastes. time plant faced shortage of raw material due to one or other rea-
At Haebowal (in Ludhiana, Punjab, India), Punjab Energy Devel- son such as prolonged rainy season, improper management of cat-
opment Agency (PEDA), Chandigarh established a waste-to-energy tle dung collection from dairies by the contractor due to very early
milking of cattle, and higher raw material cost insisted by the
farmers. This resulted in short supply of cattle dung/manure vary-
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 9897077460; fax: +91 1332273560. ing in wide range between 110 and 235 ton/day. Due to frequent
E-mail address: (S. Kumar). variation in operating conditions namely influent flow rate, dry
0960-8524/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A.K. Dhussa et al. / Bioresource Technology 170 (2014) 342–349 343

matter (DM) and volatile solids (VS), BIMA digesters operate NARX network is one of the dynamic networks, which have
under unsteady state or dynamic conditions. Such a situation is been used by many researchers in different fields for time series
referred to as shock loading conditions. And thus BIMA digester prediction. It has been demonstrated that NARX recurrent neural
always was remained/operated under shock loading conditions. networks have the potential to capture the dynamics of nonlinear
Every day production of biogas and consequently electricity complex systems (Diaconescu, 2008). Arbain (2012) have used
fluctuated. Under these circumstances it was necessary to make a NARX network for water level forecasting of Dungun River. Su
prior estimate of biogas production based upon past history, if (1992) have shown that NARX network in biological wastewater
possible. treatment facility and in catalytic reforming system in a petroleum
In order to achieve this goal, data were collected for a period of refinery for multiple-step ahead prediction are more superior to
one year. As anaerobic digestion is a complex biochemical process, feed forward dynamic networks.
occurring in several sequential steps, so Artificial Neural Network The literature review has motivated us to model the behavior of
(ANN) modeling of anaerobic process based upon huge data set large size anaerobic digesters operating at Haebowal under
has been considered a plausible option. This paper reports analysis, dynamic conditions to predict the biogas production by NARX
modeling, and result of this study. To the best of our knowledge, network, and thus this is the main theme of present paper.
Nonlinear Autoregressive Exogenous (NARX) model has not yet
been developed for a large size anaerobic digesters (10000 m3
2. Methodology
volume). A NARX model consists of exogenous inputs, which
means that the model relates the current value of a time series
2.1. Description of the plant
with past values of that series, or with the present and past values
of the same series for predictions/forecasting.
Fig. 1 depicts the process flow diagram of the WTE plant. The
Artificial Neural Network is a very powerful modeling tool
fresh cattle manure is collected in the collection tank. It is mixed
which can represent complex input/output relationships without
with fresh water in a homogenization tank to obtain the waste
requiring a detailed flow pattern of anaerobic digester. It can deal
slurry of uniform characteristics (solid concentration <10%). Waste
with most of simulation and prediction problems. It is a massively
slurry is fed to two BIMA (Biogas-Induced-Mixing-Arrangement)
parallel network which can learn very complex nonlinear relation
digesters, connected in parallel, working volume of each digester
from a large data set.
is 5000 m3, and so total digester volume becomes 10,000 m3. The
Artificial Neural Networks have been used by many researchers
main advantage of BIMA digester is its mixing system (does not
for modeling the many chemical and biochemical processes (Çoruh
require mechanical moving parts), its ability to control scum/sedi-
et al., 2014; Guo et al., 2001; Huanga et al., 2011; Gitifar et al.,
ments, and its capacity to handle reasonable high concentration of
2013). These networks have also been applied to model anaerobic
solids. A biological desulphurization unit has been created in the
digestion process. Yetilmezsoy (2013) developed ANN models to
separated upper section in the digester to reduce H2S content of
predict biogas production rate and methane production rate on
biogas below 200 ppm. Biogas produced in the digester passes
the basis of the steady state data from pilot scale mesophilic ‘Up
through upper section before it can be utilized to generate power
flow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket’ (UASB) reactor of 90 L volume.
by biogas engine. Biogas can also be stored, if necessary in a dry
Qdais (2010) developed an Artificial Neural Network for modeling
type gas holder made of a synthetic polyester membrane, which
of biogas production from Russeifah biogas plant belonging to
is suspended in a concrete silo. The digested substrate from the
Jordan Biogas Company, which utilized 60 ton/day of organic waste
digester is dewatered in a screw press. The BOD/COD concentration
from slaughter house, restaurants, fruits, vegetable and dairy
of the press water is reduced to acceptable levels in a conventional
markets. Their study illustrates that the error during simulation
Effluent treatment plant. The dried manure obtained through
process can be minimized using time-series data learning and
screw presses shows much better availability of nutrients for the
hence they set output as a time-dependent variable on the preced-
plants/crops due to its biochemical composition, and thus can be
ing three days inputs. However, there was no mention of type of
sold to farmers. Presently it is picked up by farmers themselves
dynamic network used by them for time series prediction and a
from the plant site at a nominal cost of Rs. 1100.00 per ton for their
static network was only depicted in the research paper. Strik
use. Electric power generated is sold to the state utility services.
(2005) used ‘MATLAB’ neural network toolbox to predict trace
gases namely hydrogen sulfide and ammonia in biogas stream.
They used two 20 L lab scale anaerobic continuous stirred tank 2.2. NARX model
reactors (CSTRs), one for H2S and other for NH3 production.
Ozkaya (2007) developed a neural network model to predict Artificial Neural Network (ANN) provides a modeling technique
methane percentage in landfill gas from field-scale landfill bioreac- for modeling process systems, which is based upon measurements
tor (Placement area = 1250 m2; height of test cell = 5 m). Mahanty of input–output variables. It does not require application of conser-
et al. (2013) developed a Neural Network to produce specific vation laws for mass, momentum and energy, and also constitutive
methane yield from industrial sludge of Ulsan industrial complex properties and correlations associated with the process system.
at laboratory scale. This approach is capable of developing models for steady state or
After the exhaustive literature review, it has been observed that dynamic behavior of the process. NARX model is one of the neural
most of the researchers have used static neural networks for networks methodologies, which can be used to model the dynamic
modeling of anaerobic digesters and the digesters are of small size. behavior of the process. A neural network in general consists of
Therefore, dynamic neural networks have not yet been used for the highly interconnected layers of neuron like nodes (Chetouami,
modeling of large size anaerobic digesters producing biogas. 2007). There are input and output layers, and hidden layers placed
Dynamic neural networks are generally more powerful than static between them. The numbers of nodes in input and output layers
networks, because dynamic networks possess memory, they can be correspond to input and output variables of the process respec-
trained to learn from time varying pattern. In dynamic networks tively. The number of hidden layers and the number of nodes in
the output depends not only on the current input to the networks each of them are decided by the user, and can vary from one to a
but also on the current and/or previous inputs, outputs or states of finite number.
the network (Beale et al., 2013). So, dynamic networks are more In NARX model, values of input variables and output variables
suitable for time series type predictions. of previous times or days are utilized to predict the current value
344 A.K. Dhussa et al. / Bioresource Technology 170 (2014) 342–349

Heat Exchanger

Exhaust Grid
Biogas Flare

Bio Gas
BIMA engine
Digester Gas Capacity
Storage 1 MW
Make-up Fresh Biodesulphurization
Animal Manure Water Unit

Cattle Dung Homogenization
Collection Tank Effluent
Buffer Tank

Treated water

Exchanger Digested Slurry

Clarifier Water Evaporated

Screw press
Aerated Effluent
Digested Solids
Treatment Basin

To Drain

Solids Dewatered Sludge Biofertilizer

Fig. 1. Process flow sheet of the waste-to-energy plant.

of output variable. Fig. 2 depicts a NARX model of a system. u(tn), yðtnþ1 Þ ¼ /½yðt n Þ;:::::;yðtk Þ;::::;yðtndþ1 Þ;uðt n Þ;:::::;uðt k Þ;::::::;uðt ndþ1 Þ
u(tn  1), . . .. . .u(tn  d + 1) are input variables on nth, (n  1)th. . .. . . ð1Þ
and (n  d + 1)th days, and y(tn), y(tn  1), . . .. . .y(tn  d + 1) are corre-
sponding output variables. z1 represents one time or day lag. where y(tk) is the Auto-Regressive Variable or predicted process
There is one hidden layer of neurons. The model predicting the output, u(tk) is the exogenous variable or process input, and /
output variable can be written as follows: denotes a nonlinear function. d represents days or time delay.
Let x be a column vector containing input variables, y(tk) and
Output Layer
u(tk), and w(k) be the vector of weights associated with each input
Input Layer Hidden Layers
variable. Then, input to the jth neuron in input layer can be calcu-
lated as
y(tn) One Two
netj ðt k Þ ¼ wji ðt k Þxi ðt k Þ þ bj ð2Þ
Z-1 i¼1

where p is the number of input nodes (neurons), i.e. d + d = 2d;

Output y(tn-1) different d’s may be assumed for input and output variables; wji is
the connection weight between ith input neuron and jth hidden
Z-1 neuron; bj is the bias term for jth hidden neuron. Output from the
jth neuron in hidden layer can be determined as follows:
zj ðtk Þ ¼ f j ½netj ðt k Þ ð3Þ

where fj is a function, which is generally taken as sigmoid function.

z(tk) is the vector of outputs from q neurons in hidden layer. Now,
u(tn-d+1) one can compute input from jth neuron in hidden layer to lth
neuron in output layer.
Z-1 X
netl ðt k Þ ¼ wlj ðt k Þzj ðt k Þ ð4Þ
Input u(tn-1)
wlj is the weight for the connection between jth node in hidden
Z-1 layer and lth node in output layer. Finally the output from lth node
in output layer is calculated by using fl linear activation function as
v l ðtk Þ ¼ f l ½netl ðtk Þ ð5Þ
Fig. 2. NARX model.
A.K. Dhussa et al. / Bioresource Technology 170 (2014) 342–349 345

It is mentioned that if felt necessary bias term can also be incor-

porated in neurons in hidden and output layers, i.e. in Eqs. (4) and
(5), as done previously in Eq. (2).

2.3. Collection of data

Values of operational variables were collected from the plant for

350 days. The data include flow rate, % DM (dry matter), and % VS
(volatile solids) of feed slurry, and pH and temperature in the BIMA
(Biogas-Induced-Mixing-Arrangement) digester, and biogas gener-
ation per day. The statistical summary of the variables are given in
the Table 1. In this study flow rate, % DM, % VS, pH and Tempera-
ture were taken as input variables and biogas generation as target
or output variable. The data were pre-processed by transforming
the data into normalized data using the maximum value of the cor-
responding variables. Hence normalized data were having a range
of [0–1]. This is suitable for the treatment by the sigmoid activa-
tion function in the ANN.
Fig. 3 shows variation of variables viz., % DM (dry matter), % VS
(volatile solids), influent flow rate, and biogas generated for a typ-
ical month. During this month pH and the temperature remained
constant close to 6.6 and 24 °C respectively.

2.4. Implementation of NARX model

In this study, MATLAB R2013a was used for modeling and sim-
ulation of anaerobic process. 350 data sets were divided into two
parts, one part contained 335 data set and other one contained
15 data set only. 335 data sets were used for the training of Neural
Network and rest 15 data set were used for validation of the model
by comparing the biogas production obtained in the plant with
that predicted by the model.
The development of NARX model architecture involves several
steps which are to be performed iteratively to arrive at optimum
architecture and methods. These are as follows:
Fig. 3. Daily variation of operating variables in a particular month.
(a) Assume Network architecture i.e. number of hidden layers,
neurons in each hidden layer and number of delays. sample error is just measured and is not used. In present work this
(b) Divide data set (335 data) into 3 data set viz. training set, error has been used as the stopping criteria for iteration. During
validation set and test set. For this step also suitable function the training process validation error initially decreases, however
is to be chosen. when the network tends to overfit the data, the validation error
(c) Optimize network architecture by using appropriate criteria. begins to increase. The weights and biases are saved at the mini-
This also includes the selection of appropriate training mum of validation set error. Hence, validation error is no more
algorithm. an unbiased estimate of out of sample error. To get an unbiased
out of sample error a third set called test set has been used (CC
In the following subsections, above details have been described BY-NC-ND, 2012).
for optimized network only. In this work, 70%, 15% and 15% data sets were used as training
set, validation set and test set respectively. Three type of functions
2.4.1. Division of data set provided by MATLAB for dividing the data namely, dividerand,
The data set was divided into three subsets, training set, valida- divideblock and divideint were tested. dividerand divides the data
tion set and test set. Training set is used for computing the gradient set randomly into the three subsets i.e. training set, validation
and updating the network weights and biases. Validation set is set and test set. divideblock divides the data set into three subsets
used to get an estimate of out of sample error. Validation error is using three contiguous blocks. The first 70% of the data are
unbiased estimate of out of sample error provided that out of assigned to the training set, the next 15% to the validation set

Table 1
Statistical summary of operating variables based upon plant data for 350 days.

Variables Unit No. of data Minimum Maximum Average Median

Feed flow rate m /day 350 59 442 228.87 232
HRT day 350 22.62 169.49 49.29 43.1
DM % 350 3.24 38.31 9.03 9.09
VS % 350 72 88.52 82.03 82.3
pH 350 6.1 6.9 6.58 6.6
Temperature °C 350 20 33 26.95 27
Biogas generated m3/day 350 1008 7000 3874.89 3600
346 A.K. Dhussa et al. / Bioresource Technology 170 (2014) 342–349

Table 2
Evaluation of functions used for dividing the data.

Mean Squared Error (MSE)

Function Overall Training set Validation set Test set Correlation coefficient, R
dividerand 0.0059 0.0053 0.0069 0.0076 0.9013
divideint 0.0048 0.0039 0.0069 0.0072 0.9195
divideblock 0.0044 0.0035 0.0059 0.0071 0.9265

Table 3
Determination of appropriate time lag.

Time lag, No. of days Overall performance Training Validation Test Correlation coefficient, R
5 0.0061 0.0053 0.0079 0.0081 0.8988
10 0.0059 0.0050 0.0087 0.0075 0.9004
15 0.0056 0.0051 0.0059 0.0075 0.9068
20 0.0044 0.0030 0.0069 0.0087 0.9284
25 0.0055 0.0038 0.0087 0.0101 0.9097
16 0.0054 0.0034 0.0092 0.0111 0.9110
17 0.0056 0.0041 0.0074 0.0110 0.9088
18 0.0044 0.0035 0.0059 0.0071 0.9265
19 0.0047 0.0040 0.0052 0.0074 0.9236

Table 4
Selection of neurons in hidden layer.

Mean Square Error (MSE)

NARX model Number of neurons in hidden layers Overall Training set Validation set Test set Correlation coefficient, R
With d = 18 days 5–5 0.0047 0.0031 0.0065 0.0109 0.9219
10–10 0.0044 0.0035 0.0059 0.0071 0.9265
15–15 0.0056 0.0051 0.0059 0.0075 0.9068
20–20 0.0045 0.0031 0.0073 0.0082 0.9270
25–25 0.0049 0.0030 0.0078 0.0111 0.9187
50–50 0.0046 0.00084 0.0109 0.0163 0.9251
5–10 0.0053 0.0045 0.0066 0.0081 0.9112
10–5 0.0054 0.0046 0.0070 0.0074 0.9107
10–8 0.0051 0.0040 0.0079 0.0072 0.9152
10–12 0.0050 0.0040 0.0079 0.0072 0.9152
12–12 0.0051 0.0039 0.0067 0.0088 0.9200
13–13 0.0054 0.0040 0.0063 0.0111 0.9099
14–14 0.0050 0.0039 0.0075 0.0079 0.9156

and the last 15% to the test set. divideint divides the data set by an dynamics as closely as possible, different values of delays for NARX
interleaved method i.e. data is to cycle between the training set, network were considered during simulations. Chosen NARX net-
validation set and test set according to percentages. Initially we work consists of two hidden layers and ten neurons in each hidden
took divideblock for data division as suggested in Matlab Central layer. The results with traincgb training algorithm are shown in
(2013) for time series prediction. Later when optimum NARX Table 3. From this table, it can be inferred that the delay line with
architecture and optimum training algorithm were obtained, then a maximum delay of 18 days for each input and target or output
the same was verified by taking all 3 divide functions to determine vectors gives overall best performance .
one, giving the smallest Mean Squared Error (MSE).
From the Table 2, it can be seen clearly that divideblock function
gives smallest overall MSE, as well as smallest MSE for test set, and 2.4.3. Optimization of neurons in hidden layers
highest correlation coefficient, R. Therefore, the divideblock was Choosing the right network architecture is an important task of
chosen as the divide function for this study. ANN-based studies. This is very important for getting good predic-
tion by the developed network. In this study the simulations were
conducted for NARX network by taking various numbers of neu-
2.4.2. Selection of appropriate delay or time lag rons in the hidden layers with 18 days delay. tangent sigmoid
There are two BIMA digesters in WTE plant, each of 5000 m3 transfer function (tansig) at the hidden layers and linear transfer
volume. In digesters, sampling ports at various heights have been function (purelin) at the output layers were used. Sigmoid transfer
provided. The analysis of samples withdrawn from various ports function is the most suitable function to describe non-linear rela-
clearly indicates that the mixing in the BIMA digester can be tionship such as the case in biogas production (Kanat and Saral,
approximated as that in an ideal CSTR. From the residence time 2009).
distribution (RTD) functions of an ideal CSTR, it is known that The Table 4 shows that the simulations were started from 5
the effluent at any time comprises of fluid elements of different neurons in each layer, which were increased by an interval of 5.
ages (Levenspiel, 1999; Fogler, 2006). Therefore, the biogas pro- It was observed that the best validation and test performances
duction not only depends on the feed conditions of that day but (MSE) should lie between 5 and 15 neurons in each hidden layer.
also depends on feed conditions of several previous days. To get Too many neurons lead to over fitting; for example the case with
the optimum number of delays that could describe the system 50 neurons in each hidden layer gives very low training set error
A.K. Dhussa et al. / Bioresource Technology 170 (2014) 342–349 347

Table 5
Comparison of performance of training algorithms.

Functions Algorithms MSE Correlation coefficient, R

trainlm Levenberg–Marquardt 0.0065 0.9044
trainbfg BFGS quasi newton 0.0047 0.9225
trainrp Resilient backpropagation 0.0070 0.8828
trainscg Scaled conjugate gradient 0.0049 0.9188
traincgb Conjugate gradient with Powell/Beale restarts 0.0044 0.9265
traincgf Fletcher–Powell conjugate gradient 0.0045 0.9255
traincgp Polak–Ribiere conjugate gradient 0.0048 0.9222
trainoss One step secant 0.0053 0.9108
traingdx Variable learning rate gradient descent 0.0052 0.9139
traingdm Gradient descent with momentum 0.0099 0.8283
traingd Gradient descent 0.0101 0.8272

Fig. 4. (a) Variation of MSE with Epochs and, (b) auto correlation of error.

Fig. 5. Daily variation of operating variables during 15 days for which predictions of
(0.00084) but errors in validation and test sets are very high i.e.
biogas production rate have been made.
0.0109 and 0.0163 respectively. Thereafter, simulations were per-
formed by using the model having neurons in hidden layers
between 5 and 15. It can be seen clearly from the Table 4 that multi-layer perceptron synaptic weights can be modified only for
the model with 10 neurons in each hidden layer gives best valida- the output layer; synaptic weights of the preceding hidden layer
tion and test set performance (smallest MSEs). Thus, final neural cannot be modified as its desired output is not known. Back prop-
network architecture for NARX model consists of 2 hidden layers agation technique propagates the output error backward to the
each containing 10 neurons, and tapped delay lines with delay of immediate preceding hidden layer, and so on. In this way it distrib-
18 days for each input and output vectors. utes the error in order to arrive at a best fit or minimum error.
There are many variations of the back propagation algorithm. It
2.4.4. Selection of training algorithm is very difficult to know which algorithm is best for a particular
In MATLAB, several training algorithms are available to train a network and data set. Generally the Levenberg–Marquardt algo-
network. These algorithms use the gradient of the performance rithm is the fastest training algorithm and is commonly used. How-
function (MSE) to determine the adjustment of weights to mini- ever, in this study all training algorithms given in MATLAB were
mize the performance criteria (MSE). The gradient is determined used one by one to train the network, consisting of 10 neurons in
using a technique called back propagation (Beale et al., 2013). In each hidden layer of NARX network with 18 days delay for every
single layer perceptron the desired output is known and synaptic input and target or output variables. divideblock for dividing data,
weights can be directly modified to minimize the error. But in tangent sigmoid transfer function (tansig) in hidden layer and
348 A.K. Dhussa et al. / Bioresource Technology 170 (2014) 342–349

linear transfer function (purelin) in output layer were used to 3. Results and discussion
perform respective tasks. Results in respect of MSE and R with
different functions and algorithms are given in the Table 5. After ascertaining the prediction capabilities of developed
It is obvious (Table 5) that traincgb is the best suited training NARX neural network model, the model was used to predict biogas
algorithm for NARX model of present anaerobic digester as it gives production day by day for the next 15 days. This was done by using
minimum MSE 0.0044 and maximum value of R = 0.9265. one day ahead prediction method. As the 335 data sets were used
Fig. 4(a) provides plots of MSE versus number of Epochs to train the network, so prediction of biogas were made on 336th
obtained during training, validation and testing of optimized day by using that day input data set and the model. Then for the
network with associated algorithms for anaerobic digesters. 337th day, actual production of bio-gas of 336th day was also used
During the validation, MSE reaches to the minimum value in 21 as input in the trained network, and so on. In order to show the
iterations, but training continues for 6 more iterations before it is daily variations in influent flow rate, % DM, and % VS during these
stopped. fifteen days, Fig. 5(a) and (b) have been prepared. It is obvious that
Autocorrelation is the cross-correlation of a time series data there are considerable variations in these three variables. However,
with itself. In fact, it is the similarity between observations as a the pH is constant, and there are very small variations in operating
function of time lag between them. For a perfect prediction model, temperature.
there should only be one nonzero value of the autocorrelation The predictions of biogas production rate made by the model
function and it should occur at zero lag. This would mean that pre- are shown in the Fig. 6(a) where both the actual and predicted bio-
diction errors were completely uncorrelated with each other. As gas production rates are plotted as a function of time. Besides, the
shown in the Fig. 4(b), the autocorrelation of errors in present accuracy of measurement of biogas production rate is ±1%. So the
study falls approximately within the 95% confidence limits around dotted lines corresponding to +1% and 1% deviations with respect
zero except for the one at zero lag. Thus the model appears to be to measured values (actual values) have also been shown in the
adequate to represent the dynamic behavior of anaerobic digesters figure. It can be seen from Fig. 6(b) that the developed NARX
(M.D.C., 2014). model is capable of predicting the quantity of biogas produced
in the anaerobic digesters of a WTE plant within ±8% deviation
inspite of significant variations in operating conditions during
these days.

4. Conclusion

Anaerobic digesters of a considered WTE plant treat cattle

manure to produce biogas, and subsequently electricity. Being
microbial process, it is desired to have minimum possible variation
in operating conditions. However it is difficult to achieve this goal
in practice and the digester shows the dynamic behavior. This
work demonstrates the use of NARX network to model the dynam-
ics of a large size anaerobic digester. Developed NARX model
predicts daily biogas production rate within ±8% deviation. It is
our view that NARX model may be used to estimate daily biogas
production rate accurately and also to develop appropriate control
strategies for the process.


Authors acknowledge the support provided by Punjab Energy

Development Agency (PEDA), Chandigarh, and the Ministry of
New and Renewable Energy (MNRE), Government of India, New
Delhi, during the course of this research work.


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