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Compare two locations

(hot and cold places)
Geography Grammarsaurus
Point to the countries where you
think they get hot weather.
Point to the countries where you
think they get cold weather.

The closer you are to the middle and widest part of

earth (the red line on the globe marks the equator),

the hotter the weather is.

The more north or south you go from the middle, the

colder it gets.
What is life like in hot places?

• In hot countries (like in Libya, Mexico and India), it is

hot for most of the year.

• These countries have two seasons called the wet

and dry seasons. It rains a lot but has very high

temperatures in the wet season.

• Temperatures stay high every day in these countries

(above 27 degrees), and stay high at night time too.

• The sun shines for many hours every day.
What is life like in cold places?

• In cold countries (like Russia and northern Canada or in

a region like Antarctica), it is cold for most of the year.

• Temperatures stay low and are often below freezing in

these countries, especially at night time.

• These places get four seasons: spring, summer, autumn

and winter. Autumn and winter are the colder seasons

and the temperatures will be mostly below zero.

• There will be lots of ice and snow when the

temperature goes below zero degrees.
Weather in hot and cold places

In hot places, the temperatures are mostly In cold places, the temperatures will be low
high and the sun shines all day long making and often go below freezing point (0°c).
it very warm. There may be no clouds in There may be snow falling or freezing rain.
the sky. You may get tropical storms.
Vegetation in hot and cold places

In hot places, there is lack of water and In cold places, water freezes at 0°c, so it is
high rates of evaporation due to high hard for vegetation to get water to help them
temperatures, which means it is hard for grow. Some trees and plants shed their
plants to grow and stay alive. leaves to survive the cold and some have a
thick, waxy coatings to reduce water loss.
Landscape in hot and cold places

In hot places, there are dry, desert-like In cold places, the landscape will be
conditions. The ground is dry due to the covered in snow and ice. The snow and
sun evaporating water. ice may be very deep in places.
Houses in hot and cold places

Houses in hot places are painted light to Houses in cold places are insulated, so that
reflect the heat. They have air conditioning they can keep the cold temperatures out.
to keep their house cool inside. There are They will have central heating and fires to
often pools outside for families to enjoy. warm the house in colder months.
Activities in hot and cold places

In hot places, people enjoy having fun in People who live in cold places enjoy skiing
the sunshine and warm temperatures. and ice skating on the snow and ice. They
They may enjoy swimming in the sea or in may go sledging or ice fishing for fun. They
lakes. They eat many of their meals need to wrap up warm in order to go outside
outside. and enjoy the climate.
Clothes in hot and cold places

To stay cool, people wear loose clothes in To stay warm, people wear thick insulated
light colours to reflect the sun. They need coats with hats, scarves and gloves.
to wear sunscreen to protect their skin.

Task: Draw pictures and write words and sentences that show you know the differences between hot
and cold places. Use the presentation slides to help you.

Hot places Cold places

Compare the two places and write down some Example places Example places

key words that describe both of the places.

Which type of place would you prefer to
live in and why? Give three reasons for
your choice.

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