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Veorem: y= £09) Fonksiyoru, tonkn kdimesin deki herhangf bic c noktasinda yere\ ekstremuma Sahip se Ve bu noktade tdret meveut is@ ‘ecco ae NoT: y= Fa) fonlsiyon mutlak yerel ekctremum degerlerini - nD) £@=0 soplayean C 1G noktalarinda 2) f! ducevint fonmsit YP uc novtalarinda an 6 pavtalarla 4) Tao ey me sion alabilic. Tani: (Krike Nokta): Ye LO =O open C noktalet\ Nea cvialar ,£GdiIa ket Gb) Foresiyonn se Cs Ayre oe oe We noktalat— aye. z Theorem: f 2 fucchon £ thos & local maxienun’ ‘ Tokerioc Nolut oc & local rrinnenuen SARC a i Tee i point cof is domain and if £ exists at C) ten fc) 20: NoTE: The only glaces where ofunchion f con poss hove an extere value (local or global) are: 4) \rterior paints wolrore. £'(Q=0 D\nteror points whee pat vo de fice 8) Endpaints of the dorian of f: by Suppose frat y= FO Is aantinous ah every gant of La, of (a8). If and differentiable at every point east One nun ber Ca) = (6) =O) hon Anere 1S at \ Cota (a, 6) at which £’(c)=0- Rolle Teorern': : : bl arahiGin de sorek\, (a,') acalign- yet Fonsi yon \a) cla tue olsun. £(0) = $0) =O we (a)6) eral ann icine en or bic ¢ noktesi Vacdic ki LO =0 oluc. i ¥ $c) =0 ee Co oft i ne Goel ae ert ee >X ae SS £C 2)=0 The Mean Nolug Theorern: Suppose that y=FOd Is Continous on 0 closed In— feeval Ca, bb] and differentiable on ho interval's Intector (a,b). Then there 16 at leask one point in @b) ee) £0) Fa) bua Ey = Ortalama Deger Teoremi: cere ~ Yet) Lonksiyone La, b) surek\) (a,b) de ty algun. (,'6)) nia ignde en 2 y= FO) ue. An ee tee \o bie c nokrast Jacdic ki? Teypay sizlik Ducumlort: ¥=FflX) fon ksi yonunun surekle falar doce olmnadig | aucunlac. 4) Kase Noktast (canec Point) yaf) i i Sis a oa 7K 2) Siwet Nokta (Cusp a A fy (es 00, Flc)=09 S(Q=-20 0, (Oz a 3) Dikey Teget (Nectical Tangent) | ; cn ° eS Z f()=f, (Qs-co £O=f(A=00 @) Fon kéiyon 6rafikleri (Shape of a Graph) Birinci Torey Testi: Acton, Adalan Fonksiyoniac iain Decreasing Functions Eivst Derivative Test For \nereasing / Tania: yet fonksiyonu z acaligiode donienlan— rag olsun. A) Hee Xs, YE T iainy Xa Sho. oldukea £0) SG) Tse. forksiyon actan 2) Wer Ky Xa Teiny Wa Ka o\ ise Lonksiypn aralandic. dukca feu)? £%) Taam: Bicinct Tare Test: yale fonkesiyoru Ta, bb] de sdceldi, (a,b) de duce osun. (0,16) ovalgin dol jyen no\dolarcly £50 1s8e oe Lo, e]’ de ortan, £20 ie {a,\6]' de oalen- eer @ Ee ios ; Ornek: F(x) = X-12x-5 Fonksigonunun artan , oralan olduguy acalk\ori belicleyia = Gdzien: FO) =BL4D =O 2 X=4 a KH FL @)) y £0¢.\=0 FeCy) Farnen ss? >X 1 i) i 1 ! 1 i | 1 i nl I i 1 ‘ 1 1 : i + i ci es is Qa ce igin Biriner Turev Test Yerel i teaccora Local Extrema First Derivative Test for Hee hangs bic Kat kritik noktaginda AVF dares egah f degerdon pout degere geciyor ise Kae) da a minimum, yt dares pours degerda veapdif deqere YKEC da yerel roaksinacn vara. geciye ise Ornek: f(x) = KB (K- 4) fonksiypnunun arctan, aralan oldugu acolt Kor , yerel moaks. Ve Fad oe hulunu. ° (Sabi; Kritik Noktoler , £) = i? x8 Hi oes ae aie 3 a Tae ed Keine ero) G) 0 a a S jp L i £% is decreasing on (~ 0,4), increasing 0% (4,09) oral mininnuen value at %=4 FO) =-3 £00) as a \ Taam: Keakavlik ; (ncoe hy \ ees / ao co ! | ' | I | | \ jas ' i [* b pa ee gukacr kon kav a.soqi_ Konkav ; yet) fon 'ksiyonunun grata $4) y yeni artan oldugu acalikla gukor konkav a oldgu acalkta asoa! foakavdic. 2) yh ticeniain ovale en Mable funckoa yet TS The grag of a aif fer atecval I if yf is inckeasing onl. na an I- 4) concove up on a9 Oper \ jaterval I ih-0, 1S decreasing, 5 9) concone down on an open Gy) Konkovii iia ikinc’ Térey Test: Second Derivative test For Concavity =fbd) fonksiyonu ” 4) ¥! forenkoin porrtt olelugu yee yukor\ \on kay 2) ul furevin cong oda gece asca) honkavdit The graph of a twice diff able Lfunckor yf 1s a) Concone UP Or OMY yatecyal whet 20 b) Concate down or 004 interval whee ys inflection Poi * gi NO \oc Feqee sohiP rie. Vlas ny NOLTAS' Wa er doce lenelstic y x) Tarim: Oonum Poklas, Fonksiyooun (eon eo 330° aegis olduqu nokta fon ksiyonun Ado ; A point whore the gr Vind and where yo coaconity chong® Yecel Elechremumlac Tan {kivet d Deavahve ect for Local Extrennn of @ fuccoo hos a pagent iE pl _ si1s@ point off infection Torey Test: Secon Nea-0; OT et \ocal moe at Kec 2) £co=0 ; Bar0> cond at X=C e \ + as @ local G5) Ornek: f®= Eax— 5 forksigonunun yerel eletremunn degerlecing bulunu2. Gbatim: (ya ax12 =O 3242 Uy W < t (9) = 6x > Fs 1290 = local min. at K=2 1 *) £(-2) =-(240 & local %=-2 Ornek: FO) = XL 4b CHO fonksiyonunun cof Gir Cindi L. (Sketch tho ayregh of f= IEG ) Gdzbm: £'(x) = Wyeixr=0 > Aye (%-2)= 9 Kettik noktaler: X4=%2=0 5 er) CM) = AIX DUX=0 Fy K=O, X=2 ° 2. inf pont ‘af.paint \ocal rain, Arde navtas\ doruen odetast gerel_ or x LX) 15. clecteasing 09 (-«, OF], (2,5) de Forksignn aralandit. + FOO Ts tacteasing OF (3,00), ©, 00) da forksignn ortandt- SO is concone UP on (-0)0) ard (9,00); (-o90] Ne (1,0) da fonkiyon glen onkay die. + £0) Is concone down on £0,2), (0,1) de focksiyon 0904) Kon kav ice £9) =00 ) door PX) =-cO K200 XQ-08 fof. pot 7 B-1F) u —__ local iA, Orrek: f(x) = (342,92 2 auch deger bering leulunu2. Goat: L(y) - (2+24- oy" eval Cojo 4 (ede 2 a Ix) Cx) ae x) 0-0) = fon k Siyonunua gerel a 2 ok 8) Hyak ores B4dn-X = 0 ax 2% -3 <0 2 (xH).(%-3) 20 { 2 4 3 Mae, Xa=3 teeta sre HEE ie cu f @ feyso , p=4 22, $3) =0 L(x) Forksiyonu 4,4) oraligincia actan, (1,34 oraliginda =A Ve X23 naktalaninda sifica esit mutlak eninimum noktalaca, %=A'da 2 esit mutlale pnakcimnurn noktaye saniphe. (Mula alesrcecnura lor \her- \ obetremurnduc) aralandic. K ee Let ayny Zornanca birer yere Loe) 3 [3 -2%-X* vl u 2 oe Ornelk: fWe= x (x42) fon\ksiyonunun arafigin Givin bur: °, i oh a Vw Géaiien: £6) = xe 2K 135 = 3X 4G : ee % 4 ot eae = file 4 (5x Rn Jat (25, ) -0 ae Xi ae 5 Xn ile noktalar i oS . Jen {= 0 Ka7ed dea £)<-00 yee . Ss ° iar an Eta cee a Ya ee eo) (0,0) noktasinda Gulia ares (eral Saal ae x SINCE NOkLA cusp Pont Noe £'~) .90 } fine f(x) =- cd Xo X07

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