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Department of Education

National Capital Region


Principles of Marketing
Marketing Principles and Strategies
First Quarter – Module 1



City of Good Character

Marketing Principles and

What I Need to Know?

As we study and engage ourselves in “Principles of Marketing” in the process, it is

necessary to know some Marketing Principles and Strategies. The pre-requisite of this
subject are Organization and Management and Applied Economics. Module 1 is subjected
to discuss the goals, principles, and approaches of marketing.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

 Lesson 1 – The Goals of Marketing

 Lesson 2 – Principles and Approaches of Marketing

You can say that you have understood the lesson in this module if you can

1. define marketing and appreciate the significance of studying marketing;

2. identify and understand the concepts of marketing;
3. understand the goals of marketing and their social effects;
4. identify and understand the categories of principles of marketing (the
marketing mix)
5. differentiate traditional marketing approach and contemporary marketing
6. appreciate the importance of marketing in different fields; and
7. apply marketing in different fields real-life situations.

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What I Know?

Read and understand each question carefully, choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper

1. In modern marketing what should be the center of all business decision?

A. Profit C. Customer
B. Money D. Product
2. In modern marketing, under consumer orientation how consumers were
being described?
A. Insignificant C. Supreme
B. Minimum D. Inferior
3. What do you call to a process by which a consumer comes to own an
A. Usage C. Acquisition
B. Disposition D. Disposal
4. The marketing concepts states that businesses must satisfy customers’
A. Needs and Wants C. Oddity
B. Feelings D. Curiosity
5. These are wants for specific products backed by an ability pay.
A. Supply C. Services
B. Goods D. Demand
6. What is the heart of every marketing act?
A. Selling C. Channels
B. Distribution D. Exchange
7. Which of the following mediums is under traditional approach to marketing?
A. Podcasts C. Facebook Messenger
B. Greeting Cards D. LinkedIn
8. It refers to the idea that people will buy more goods and services through
personal selling and advertising done aggressively to push them in the
A. Marketing Concept C. Production Concept
B. Sales Concept D. Societal Marketing Concept
9. All of these are characterized by modern marketing EXCEPT
A. focuses more on selling the product produced
B. focuses more on the customer satisfaction
C. it’s all about meeting the needs and wants of the consumers
D. uses online marketing tool to communicate to their audience
10. End users are
A. suppliers C. finished products
B. consumers D. customers

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11. An activity offered for sale that is essentially intangible and does not result
in the ownership of anything is called?
A. Service C. Product
B. Goods D. Sales
12. 4 P's are sometimes called as the
A. product life cycle C. price discrimination
B. parallel pricing D. marketing mix
13. An activity offered for sale that is essentially intangible and does not result
in the ownership of anything is called __________________.
A. Sales C. Service
B. Product D. Goods
14. The only variable in the marketing mix that has implications for revenue.
A. Price C. Place
B. Product D. Promotion
15. It refers to the distribution channels. This is where the product will sell and
how to hit the market.
A. Price C. Place
B. Product D. Promotion

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xxxxxxxx What’s In?

The Relationship of Marketing to Economics and Management
Identify the following terms in Economics and Organization and Management
subjects. Choose the answers from the box below. Write your answer in the
separate sheet of paper.

_________________1. Anything that can be offered to satisfy a need or a want.

_________________2. The set of actual and potential buyers of a product.
_________________3. Obtaining a desired object from someone by offering
something in return.
_________________4. Buys product that best satisfies needs and wants.
_________________5. These are basic human requirements like food, air,
water, clothing, and shelter to survive.
_________________6. It is the process of getting things done through the
efforts of other people in order to achieve the
predetermined objectives of organization.
_________________7. It is a social science concerned with the production,
distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
_________________8. It is the desire for products or services that are not
necessary, but which consumers wish for.
_________________9. An individual, group or organization who uses the
_________________10. An economic principle referring to a consumer's desire to
purchase goods and services and willingness to pay a
price for a specific good or service.

City of Good Character

What’s New?

Activity 1.2 – WORD SEARCH

Find the words written below. It can be positioned in all directions, written from left
to right from right to left, horizontally, vertically, and diagonally, but is always on
one straight line.

City of Good Character

What is It?

The Activity 1.2 – Word Search shows the different words that you will be
familiarized after accomplishing this lesson. Lesson 1 will tackle the concepts and
goals of marketing, but before we breakdown every detail, let us get to know first
the marketing and the reason why we study marketing.


1. Marketing Delivers Value. Not only does marketing deliver value to

customers, but also that value translates into the value of the firm as it
develops a reliable customer base and increases its sales and profitability. So
when we say that marketing delivers value, marketing delivers value to both
the customer and the company.

2. Marketing Benefits Society. Marketing benefits society in general by

improving people’s lives in two ways. First, it facilitates trade. As you have
learned, or will learn, in economics, being able to trade makes people’s lives
better. Otherwise people wouldn’t do it. In addition, because better
marketing means more successful companies, jobs are created. This
generates wealth for people, who are then able to make purchases, which, in
turn, creates more jobs.

The second way in which marketing improves the quality of life is

based on the value delivery function of marketing, but in a broader sense.
When you add all the marketers together who are trying to deliver offerings
of greater value to consumers and are effectively communicating that value,
consumers are able to make more informed decisions about a wider array of
choices. From an economic perspective, more choices and smarter
consumers are indicative of a higher quality of life.

3. Marketing Costs Money. Marketing can sometimes be the largest expense

associated with producing a product. In the soft drink business, marketing
expenses account for about one-third of a product’s price—about the same
as the ingredients used to make the soft drink itself. At the bottling and
retailing level, the expenses involved in marketing a drink to consumers like
you and me make up the largest cost of the product.

Some people argue that society does not benefit from marketing when
it represents such a huge chunk of a product’s final price. In some cases,
that argument is justified. Yet when marketing results in more informed
consumers receiving a greater amount of value, then the cost is justified.

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4. Marketing Offers People Career Opportunities. Marketing is the interface
between producers and consumers. In other words, it is the one function in
the organization in which the entire business comes together. Being
responsible for both making money for your company and delivering
satisfaction to your customers makes marketing a great career. In addition,
because marketing can be such an expensive part of a business and is so
critical to its success, companies actively seek good marketing people. At the
beginning of each chapter in this book, we profile a person in the marketing
profession and let that person describe for you what he or she does. As you
will learn, there’s a great variety of jobs available in the marketing
profession. These positions represent only a few of the opportunities
available in marketing.

• Marketing research • Direct marketing

• Merchandising • Digital media
• Sales • Event marketing
• Advertising • Nonprofit marketing
• Product development


Marketing is the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing,

promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, services to create exchanges that
satisfy individual and organizational goals.
American Marketing Association

‘Marketing is the management process that identifies, anticipates and

satisfies customer requirements profitably’.
The Chartered Institute of Marketing

“The right product, in the right place, at the right time, and at the right
Adcock et al

‘Marketing is the human activity directed at satisfying human needs and

wants through an exchange process’
Kotler 1980

‘Marketing is a social and managerial process by which individuals and

groups obtain what they want and need through creating, offering and exchanging
products of value with others’
Kotler 1991

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Core Concepts of Marketing

Core Concepts of Marketing as put forward by Dr. Philip Kotler, is a social

and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or
want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each other.

Figure 1

Figure 1 illustrates core concepts of marketing as suggested by Dr. Philip

Kotler. There are (1) Needs/Wants/Demand; (2) Product; (3)
Value/Cost/Satisfaction; (4) Exchange/Transaction; (5) Relationship/Network; (6)
Market; and (7) Marketers/Prospects.


a. Need – It is a state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.
b. Want – Desire for specific satisfier of need. Filipino needs food but he /
she wants tapsilog. Americans need food but he / she wants hamburger
and French fries.
c. Demand: Want for a specific product backed up by ability and
willingness to buy.

Clarifying: Consumer may want – Cellphone (say, IPhone), but able to

buy only Samsung. Therefore, demand is for Samsung.

Marketers cannot create needs. Needs preexists. Marketers can influence

wants. This is done in combination with societal influencers.

2. PRODUCTS – is anything that can satisfy need/ want.

Product component

a. Physical Good - a physical product capable of being delivered to a

purchaser and involve the transfer of ownership from seller to
b. Service - a non-material action resulting in a measurable change of
state for the purchaser caused by the provider

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c. Idea - any creation of the intellect that has commercial value, but is
sold or traded only as an idea, and not as a resulting service or
good. This includes copyrighted property such as literary or artistic
works, and ideational property, such as patents, appellations of
origin, business methods, and industrial processes.

In choosing product its value and price or cost is greatly considered.
Value is the consumer’s estimate of the product’s overall capacity to satisfy his
or her needs. It is the satisfaction of the customer when he owns the product
and can use it at the lowest possible cost. Marketers must be careful to set the
right level of expectation. Customer's value and satisfaction form the building
blocks for developing and managing customer relationships

EXCHANGE – The act/ process of obtaining a desired product from
someone by offering something in return. For exchange potential to exist, the
following conditions must be fulfilled.
 There must be at least two parties.
 Each party has something of value for other parties.
 Each party is capable of communication & delivery
 Each party is free to accept/ reject the exchange offers.
 Each party believes it is appropriate to deal with the other party.

TRANSACTION: – Event that happens at the end of an exchange. Exchange is a

process towards an agreement. When an agreement is reached, we say a
transaction has taken place.

TRANSFER – It is one way; hence it differs from Transaction.

Relationship Marketing – It is a pattern of building long term satisfying
relationship with customers, suppliers, distributors in order to retain their
long-term performances and business.

The outcome of Relationship Marketing is a MARKETING NETWORK.

Marketing Network – It is made up of the company and its customers,

employees, suppliers, distributors, advertisement agencies, retailers,
research and development with whom it has built a mutually profitable
business relationship.

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A market consists of all potential customers sharing particular need/
want who may be willing and able to engage in exchange to satisfy need/
In Marketing terms: Sellers – called as “INDUSTRY”.
Buyers – referred to in a group as “MARKET”.

Working with markets to actualize potential exchanges for the
purpose of satisfying needs and wants. One party seeks the exchange more
actively, called as “Marketer”, and the other party is called “Prospect”.
Prospect is someone whom marketer identifies as potentially willing
and able to engage in exchange. Marketer may be seller or buyer. Most of
time, marketer is seller. A marketer is a company serving a market in the
face of competition.

The Marketing Concept Versus the Other Concepts

1. The product concept – companies adapting this concept attempt to find

interested buyers after producing the product.
2. The selling concept – under this concept, the firm produces the product then
adapts the selling strategy designed to convince a group of perceived
3. The marketing concepts – the firms define its target market and determine
the needs, wants and value of the market. The firms then adapt a strategy to
satisfy those needs and wants more effectively and efficiently than its

The Goals of Marketing and their Social Effects

1. Maximize the Consumption of Goods - The Aggressive marketing strategies

and policies had increased the consumption of goods and services. The
demand of the market is tremendous. Sellers face many challenges on what
products to offer. Buyers want quality products at reasonable price and the
most convenient location.

The marketing job is to stimulate greater product consumption.

Greater production requires consumption of material inputs and more goods
in the market that create more employment. More jobs are created, and more
people enjoy economic wealth. Maximum consumptions generate economic
development for the nation.

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2. Maximize Consumer Satisfaction - The market demand is varied, and
customer satisfaction is the challenge of the marketing organization.
Measurement of customer satisfaction is difficult. It embraces careful
analysis of the market demand which varies with the time and the social
development of society.

The customer may be satisfied with the product the marketing people
produce but it may create pollution to the environment. Plastics are good
packaging materials for consumer goods but they create flood and
environmental pollution. Cars and other vehicles using gas serve the
convenience of the riding public, but they create global warming that result
to environmental imbalance.

3. Maximize Choice of Goods or Service - Some marketers believe that the

goal of marketing is to maximize the variety of the product in the market and
provide consumers a wide assortment of choices. The main objective is for
customers to find the goods that will satisfy their biological needs as well as
their emotional and social wants.

Development of new products needs research but that will mean time
and costs. Maximizing consumer choice entails cost as the economies of
scale do not operate in production of goods. The consumers must spend time
studying the benefits of the production of goods.

4. Maximize the Quality of Life - The improvement of the quality of life is the
target of marketing people. New hand phones are created to communicate
with various sectors of society, friends, and families. Easy communications
access satisfies not only social needs but also business requirements.
Computers and others electronic gadgets bring pleasures to homes and
enjoyment of the comfort of living.

The quality of life is difficult to measure. Life satisfaction is more than

the physical comfort. The impact of electronic radiation has created health
problems among the many users of modern gadgets. People in the previous
generations lived longer because they lived a simple life. They ate
unadulterated food and lived free from pollution and radiation.

Goals of Marketing
1. Focusing on customer wants and needs to distinguish products from
2. Integrating all the organization’s activities to satisfy customer wants and
3. Achieving the organization’s long-term goals by satisfying customer wants
and needs

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What’s More?
For better understanding of concepts and goals of marketing. Do the activity
1.3 and answer the following on a separate sheet of paper.

I. Concepts of Marketing
On a separate sheet of paper, write TRUE if the statement is correct,
otherwise FALSE if incorrect.

1. Marketers cannot create need because it preexists.

2. Marketers cannot influence wants.
3. Physical goods are intangibles.
4. Services cannot be stored.
5. Value is the consumer’s estimate of the product’s overall capacity to
satisfy his or her needs.
6. In marketing terms, market are potential buyers.
7. For exchange potential to exists, there must be at least two parties.
8. Transfer is an act of obtaining a desired product from someone by
offering something in return.
9. Marketing Network is a pattern of building long term satisfying
relationship with customers, suppliers, distributors in order to retain
their long-term performances and business.
10. Marketer may be seller or buyer

II. Goals of Marketing

Complete the following statements. Write the word/s that would complete
the given statement. Use separate sheet of paper in accomplishing this
1. According to Kotler, marketing is the human activity directed at
satisfying human needs and wants through an _______________ process.
2. In maximizing production of goods, aggressive marketing strategies and
policies had increased the consumption of goods and _________________.
3. Buyers want quality products at reasonable ________ and the most
convenient location.
4. Some marketers believe that the goal of marketing is to maximize the
variety of the _____________ in the market and provide consumers a
wide assortment of choices.
5. The market ____________ is varied, and customer satisfaction is the
challenge of the marketing organization

City of Good Character

What I Have Learned?

Activity 1.4

In a separate sheet of paper, do the following requirements.

1. Give (4) four word/s that best describes MARKETING.

2. Out of the given words, make a generalization about MARKETING.



What I Can Do?

Activity 1.5
Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Your essay will be
graded base on the rubric indicated.

1. Do you consider marketing as an important human activity? Why or why

2. What happens when the business firms fail to sell its products? Justify your

City of Good Character

Read and understand each question carefully, choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper

1. Who define marketing as the human activity directed at satisfying human

needs and wants through an exchange process.
A. Kotler C. American Marketing Association
B. Adlock D. Chartered Institute of Marketing
2. All of these are the conditions in order for exchange to exists EXCEPT
A. There must be at least two parties.
B. Each party has something of value for other parties.
C. Each party is incapable of communication & delivery
D. Each party is free to accept/ reject the exchange offers.
3. It is a pattern of building long term satisfying relationship with customers,
suppliers, distributors in order to retain their long-term performances and
A. Marketing Network C. Customer Value
B. Relationship Marketing D. Customer Satisfaction
4. When a company produced a product and attempt to find interested buyers.
The company conforms in
A. Societal Marketing Concept C. Product Concept
B. Marketing concept D. Selling concept

City of Good Character
5. Which of the following is NOT the goal of marketing?
A. Maximize consumer satisfaction
B. Maximize choice of goods and services
C. Maximize the consumption of goods
D. Maximize the production of goods
6. One of the components of the product that is capable of being delivered to a
purchaser and involve the transfer of ownership from seller to customer.
A. Trust C. Experience
B. Service D. Physical Product
7. These are wants for specific products backed by an ability to pay.
A. Demand C. Offerings
B. Desire D. Needs
8. It is the consumer’s estimate of the product’s overall capacity to satisfy his or
her needs.
A. Satisfaction C. Value
B. Cost D. Quality
9. Someone whom marketer identifies as potentially willing and able to engage
in exchange.
A. Consumer C. Prospect
B. Costumer D. Stockholder
10. These are biological requirements for human survival.
A. Safety needs C. Self-actualization needs
B. Esteem needs D. Physiological needs

Additional Activities
In a separate sheet of paper, copy the diagram below to compare marketing,
selling and product concept. Write details that tell how the subjects are different in
the outer circles and the subjects that are the same in the circles overlap.

City of Good Character
Lesson 2
xxxxxxxx What’s In?

In lesson one, you have learned the goals and concepts of marketing. In this
lesson you will learn the introduction to the principles of marketing and
approaches of marketing. But before the lesson proper, let us have a review from
the previous lesson by answering the activity 2.1.

Activity 2.1

Briefly define the following terms in your own words. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. Needs 6. Services
2. Wants 7. Exchange
3. Demands 8. Transaction
4. Product 9. Market
5. Goods 10. Marketing


What’s New?
Activity 2.2 - GUESS THE WORD
Guess the hidden word using the picture below as a clue.

__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

City of Good Character

What is It?
One of the fundamental principles of marketing is the marketing mix. The
marketing mix consists of four different factors which businesses need to get right
in order to successfully sell their goods and services. In simpler terms opens in new
window, it’s putting a product in the right place, at the right price and at the right
time. The marketing mix is also known as the four p’s, and is as follows.

Principle 1: Product
The product is the good or service provided to meet a specific customer’s
need. All products go through a logical life cycle, and it’s important for marketers
and business professionals to understand the phases a product goes through.
Developing a profitable product means ensuring its high performance, as well as its
value for the money. As such, it’s important that marketers have in-depth
knowledge of the products they’re promoting.
Examples of a product may range from goods such as food and clothing to
services like a lawn-mowing service or piano lessons.

Principle 2: Price
The price of a product should be one which consumers are prepared to pay
while simultaneously allowing the manufacturers to generate profit. Price is
dependent upon the cost of product production, the desired level of profit, and also
the price of competing products.
You need to determine the price of the product. If the price is too high, you
Keep far to potential buyers. If it is too low, you may have difficulty obtaining
profits. You will also have to consider the price of the competition.

Principle 3: Place
This refers to the method of distribution for a product, or the place where
consumers will be able to purchase it. Considerations relating to place include
whether a particular product should be sold in all markets or is more suitable for a
particular region or nation, the choice of retailers for a certain product, and so on.
For example, if the product is a toy, it should be available to consumers in toy
stores, as this is where people expect to find toys.

Principle 4: Promotion
Promotion encompasses marketing communication strategies and
techniques, such as advertising, sales promotions, special offers and public
relations. Whichever mechanism is used, it must be suited to the product, price
and consumer. Ultimately, promotion is how companies communicate their product
to consumers.

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Examples of promotion include advertisements for holiday sales or exclusive
one-day deals during the year to bring people into the online or brick-and-mortar

Traditional and Contemporary Approaches of Marketing

Marketing has always existed and is a concept that is not new

however the way of doing marketing has evolved over the past decades and
some would classify the way marketing was done a few years or decades
back as traditional marketing while marketing of the present is referred to
as modern marketing. There is a number of traditional marketing strategies
that are still used today but these will surely become irrelevant in the future
as the world is moving into a more modern and technological approach to
marketing. Traditional marketing is focused at selling the products
produced while modern marketing focuses more on the customer
satisfaction. It is about looking at the needs of the customer.

Traditional marketing used mediums such as boards, pamphlets,

radio, television for advertising while contemporary marketing not only
uses the traditional marketing but also uses modern methods like online
marketing, social media marketing and many more to communicate to their
audience. The rapid growth in technology and digitalization is shaking up a
number of things that have been a
part of traditional marketing before
and will pave way for a more
digitalized solution. Figure 2
indicates how traditional
marketing strategies are being
phased out and could be irrelevant
in future however these two are
still co-dependent to each other.

Benefits of traditional marketing

 Easy to understand. Today’s consumers understand traditional
marketing strategies as they have been exposed to them on a number of
occasions. The advancement in technology will grow digital/ modern
 Easier reach to your local target audience. When a radio advert
plays in your local station or television it this has full local coverage but and
your audience is reached locally

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Several Distinct Traditional Approaches:

1. Production concept. focuses on the internal potentials of the company and

not based on the desires and needs of the market.
2. Sales concept refers to the idea that people will buy more goods and
services through personal selling and advertising done aggressively to push
them in the market.
3. Relationship concept an approach that centers on maintaining and
improving value-added long-term relationships with current customers,
distributors, dealers, and suppliers.
4. Societal Marketing Concept views that organizations must satisfy the
needs of consumers in a manner that gives for society’s benefit.
5. Marketing concept a philosophy which states that organization must try
hard to find out and satisfy the needs and wants of consumers while at the
same time accomplishing the organizational goals.

Benefits of Modern marketing

 There is interaction with your audience. Social media networks are
a good way of interacting with your audience, you encourage your audience
to give feedback and participate in your content, rate your services, visit
your site etc. it can become a two-way engagement and build trust for your
 It is cost effective. Digital marketing is very cost effective, while some
ads are paid for online, it is still cheaper than traditional marketing.
 You are opened to larger and bigger markets. With digital
marketing you are now able to identify and target a larger audience and even
an international audience. With the use of a website, social media and
blogging anybody can follow what your brand is doing globally

Although digital marketing is growing, traditional marketing strategies are

established and consumers understand them well and it is important for marketers
to know that these two work hand in hand and you need to use a strategy specific
to your needs and that your clients can understand. Traditional marketing
strategies largely support modern strategies. Know the difference and do not
exclude them from each other. We will in future have a detailed and broader blog
on the benefits of modern and traditional marketing.

City of Good Character
xxxxxxxx What’s More?

Activity 2.3

I. MARKETING MIX. Identify the categories of the following items/terms if it is

under product, price, place, or promotion. Write your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Market Coverage 9. Sponsorship

2. Publicity 10. Payment Method

3. Optional Features 11. Brand Name

4. Quantity Discounts 12. Packaging

5. Warehousing 13. Advertising

6. Free Samples 14. Payment Period

7. Cash Discounts 15. Size

8. Distribution Channels

I. TRADITIONAL OR CONTEMPORARY. Classify the following mediums

marketing if it is traditional approaches or contemporary approaches of by
checking the column that correspond to their answers.

Traditional Contemporary
Approach Approach

1. Twitter

2. Television

3. Brochure

4. Invitation Letter

5. Blogs

6. Vlogs

7. Newspaper

8. YouTube

9. Instagram

10. Magazine

City of Good Character

What I Have Learned?

Activity 2.4 – Sentence Completion
Complete the following statements below based on what you have learned
about principles and approaches of marketing. Write your answers on a separate
sheet of paper.

1. Marketing mix is also called ________________________. They are _________,

____________, __________, and promotion.
2. Developing profitable products means ___________________________________
________________________________________________________________________ .
3. Price is dependent on ___________________________________________________.
4. Considerations relating to place includes _________________________________

5. Example of promotion include ___________________________________________.


What I Can Do?

Activity 2.5
Watch the video traditional marketing vs modern marketing or read the case below
excerpt from the same video and answer the relative questions in a separate sheet
of paper.


Traditional Marketing vs Modern Marketing

On one bright and sunny morning, Johnny and Joey decide to start a
business, they have both have some great ideas and went on to implement them.
Johnny decides to have brick and mortar store to sell his product. He rented a nice
building in a prime location. He hired a couple of sales people. Prints brochure and
flyers. He advertises in a local newspaper. And within a few weeks, Johnny started
seeing sales and a lot of customers, he was excited. But he had a high over-heads
and very low profit margin. He decided to wait some couple of years to see some

City of Good Character
On the other hand, Joey decided to put-up an online store to sell his
products. Joey got a nice looking website with a catchy name. He hired online
writers and marketers to draw a good marketing company. They came on an online
marketing strategy to create online presence. They work on creating unique and
good quality content, implement SEO strategy and also sign-up the paper click
advertising. Within a few weeks, Joey started seeing sales and a lot of customers all
over the world. Joey was happy since he had a low over-head and very high profit
margin. In a few years, Joey diversified, he created more online stores for different

A couple of years later, Joey and Johnny meet again. Joey tells Johnny about
his marketing strategy and Johnny realizes his mistakes. From that day, Johnny
decided to change his strategy resembled to what Joey did.

Relative questions:

1. What marketing approach did Johnny and Joey utilize?

Johnny: ____________________ Joey: _______________________

2. Base on the scenario? How the product, price, place, and promotions differ
from traditional marketing to modern marketing.

Marketing Mix
Traditional Marketing Modern Marketing


Read and understand each question carefully, choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper

1. 4 P's are sometime called as the

A. product life cycle C. Marketing Mix
B. price discrimination D. PESTEL
2. It can be a meal or some other tangible item that a hotel or restaurant
provides to its guest. It can also be an intangible service or a hotel or
restaurant’s concept.
A. product C. promotion
B. price D. place

City of Good Character
3. Is the amount that a business firm charges for its product?
A. product C. promotion
B. price D. place
4. Is the physical location of a business where the buying and selling
transaction made?
A. product C. promotion
B. price D. place
5. When potential customers gaze through a restaurant window checking the
appearance of the waiter, décor, and furnishing. They are looking for clues
A. place C. promotion
B. physical evidence D. product
6. Refers to the idea that people will buy more goods and services through
personal selling and advertising done aggressively to push them in the
A. product concept C. societal marketing concept
B. relationship concept D. marketing concept
7. An approach that centers on maintaining and improving value-added long-
term relationships with current customers, distributors, dealers and
A. product concept C. societal marketing concept
B. relationship concept D. marketing concept
8. It views that organizations must satisfy the needs of consumers in a manner
that gives for society’s benefit.
A. product concept C. societal marketing concept
B. relationship concept D. marketing concept
9. Which of the following is considered as a medium under traditional approach
of marketing?
A. YouTube C. Calling Card
B. Twitter D. Facebook
10. Which of the following is statement is true about contemporary approach of
A. Contemporary marketing focuses on selling products
B. Contemporary marketing focuses on customer satisfaction
C. Contemporary marketing uses mediums like pamphlets and radio
D. Contemporary marketing is a previous method of product

City of Good Character

Additional Activities

Complete the concept map about marketing. Copy and answer the diagram below
on a separate sheet of paper.

Read and understand each question carefully, choose the letter of the correct
answer. Write the letter of your choice on a separate sheet of paper

1. All of these deemed as the importance of marketing EXCEPT

A. adequate funds availability
B. supply often exceeds demand
C. consumers have lots of choice
D. there is competition for customers
2. Who invented the idea of marketing mix?
A. Philip Kotler C. Gary Armstrong
B. Neil Borden D. Henry Flemming
3. In modern marketing, what is the center of all business decision?
A. product C. customer
B. services D. profit
4. In terms of variability, goods are usually.
A. identical C. varied
B. diversified D. uneven
5. Which of the following is NOT a key characteristic of services?
A. intangibility C. conformability
B. inseparability D. variability

City of Good Character
6. End users are
A. suppliers C. consumers
B. finished products D. customers
7. Which of the following statements is true?
A. New customers demand more services
B. Existing customers demand more services
C. It is more expensive to keep customers than to attract new customers
D. It is more expensive to attract new customers than to retain existing
8. When does customer satisfaction occur?
A. customer satisfaction occurs when there are no complaints
B. customer satisfaction always occurs when the customer obtains a
product for a value price
C. customer satisfaction occurs when perceived performance matches or
exceeds expectations
D. customer satisfaction occurs when perceived performance matches or
exceeds competitors offering
9. What process can occur after the exchange agreement was reach?
A. transfer C. charity
B. transaction D. funding
10. A core concept of marketing that satisfies needs and wants.
A. product C. promotion
B. price D. place
11. It is defined as the "direct or indirect channels to market, geographical
distribution, territorial coverage, retail outlet, market location, catalogues,
inventory, logistics and order fulfilment
A. product C. promotion
B. price D. place
12. What is ‘marketing communications’ an alternative term for?
A. promotion C. sales talk
B. email D. price lists
13. Which of the following is under the element of price of marketing mix?
A. advertising C. warehousing
B. size D. discounts
14. Which of the following is under the element of product of marketing mix?
A. advertising C. warehousing
B. size D. discounts
15. All of these are true about modern marketing EXCEPT
A. It is cost effective
B. It uses pamphlets as a medium
C. Open in bigger and larger network
D. It uses online method like social media

City of Good Character

Ilano A.B. (2016). Principles of Marketing (1st Ed.). C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila: Rex
Book Store

Kotler P. and Armstrong G. (2016). Principles of Marketing (16 th Global Ed.). Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Pearson Publisher

So R. and Torres O. (2016). Principles of Marketing. Araneta Avenue, Quezon City:

Vibal Group Inc.
Medina M.G. (2008). Principles of Marketing. C.M. Recto Avenue, Manila: Rex Book

Ahmed, A. (2019). Economic factors affecting marketing. Retrieve form:
Srivastava, A. (2011). Core concepts of marketing (Philip Kotler summary). Retrieve
Traditional marketing vs modern marketing (2018) Retrieve from.
Markets: Definition and types of markets (2012). Retrieve from
4+ basic principles of marketing. Retrieve from:

An introduction to the principles of marketing. Retrieve from:

Online WVSU. Principles of Marketing: The 4ps business leader must master.
Retrieve from:


City of Good Character
Development Team of the Module
Internal Reviewer: EMILY G. SANTOS (PSDS)
External Reviewer: KERVIN REY G. TORRENTE (ADMU)
Cover Illustrator: SHEILA MAE A. MALESIDO (SEHS)
Management Team:
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
OIC, Office of the Schools Division Superintendent

Chief, Curriculum Implementation Division
OIC, Office of the Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

Public School District Supervisor


Education Program Supervisor – Learning Resource Management Section

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City of Good Character

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