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Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation

Column using Genetic Algorithm

Prof. Dr. Safa A. Al-Naimi, Asst. Prof. Dr. Zaidoon M. Shakoor, Mohammed Oday
Chemical Engineering Department/University of Technology-Baghdad-Iraq

In this study the demethanizer distillation column located in PC-1 ethylene plant
in Basrah was subjected to simulation and optimization to find the optimum
operating conditions using genetic algorithm and Aspen plus.
A steady state simulation model was developed to study the behavior of multi-
component mixture in the demethanizer distillation column. The column model is
composed of the MESH (Material balance, Equilibrium, Sum of mole fractions and
Heat balance) equations. The simulation and optimization were conducted by using
Matlab version (2010.a) and Aspen plus. The simulation model was subjected to
validity test by comparing the simulation results with the actual data collected from
PC-1 in Basra. The validity test shows a great reliability for both simulation models
comparing with actual unit results.
The operating conditions were optimized using genetic algorithm and Aspen
plus. The effect of the decision variables (reflux ratio, reboiler heat duty, condenser
cooling duty and the feed temperatures) on the production rate of methane, ethane
and ethylene and hence on total profit were studied. Genetic algorithm results
showed that the multi-objectives can be achieved by manipulating the decision
variables to increase the profit to approximately (82) US dollar more than actual

Optimization, Simulation, Demethanizer, Distillation Column, Genetic
Algorithm, Aspen plus.

‫االختيار االمثل لعمود تقطير ازالة الميثان باستخدام الخوارزمية الوراثية‬

‫( التابع لوحدة االثيلين الموجودة‬DA-1501) ‫في هذه الدراسة تم اخضاع برج ازالة الميثان‬
‫ في البصرة للمحاكاه واالختيار االفضل بواسطة الخوارزمية‬PC-1 ‫في مجمع البتروكيمياويات‬
.‫الجينية وخوارزمية االسبن بلس إليجاد افضل الظروف التشغيلية‬
,‫تم تطوير موديل الحالة المستقرة لدراسة سلوك خليط المركبات المتعدده في برج ازاله الميثان‬
‫ مجموع الكسر المولي‬,‫ االتزان‬,‫ ( موازنه الكتله‬MESH ‫موديل البرج مبني على معادالت‬
.)‫وموازنه الحرارة‬
‫ نسخة‬, ‫المحاكاه واالختيار االفضل في هذه الدراسة تم الحصول عليها بواسطة برنامج ماتالب‬
‫ موديل المحاكاة لبرنامجي الماتالب واالسبن‬.)11.1( ‫ نسخة‬, ‫( وبرنامج االسبن بلس‬2010.a)
‫بلس قد اخضع الختبار الصالحية عن طريق مقارنه نتائج موديل المحاكاة مع البيانات الحقيقة‬
Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

‫ اختبار الصالحية‬.‫ الموجود في البصرة‬PC-1 ‫المستحصل عليها من مجمع البتروكيمياويات‬

.‫اوضح تشابه كبير وموثوقية لكال نموذجي المحاكاة‬
‫في النه اية نتائج الخوارزمية الجينية واالسبن بلس أوضحت ان االهداف المتعدده ممكن تحقيقها‬
‫) دوالر امريكي في الساعة‬82( ‫بواسطت التالعب بمتغيرات القرار لزيادة الربح الى ما يقارب‬
:‫الكلمات المرشدة‬
.‫ آسبن بلس‬، ‫ الخوارزمية الجينية‬،‫ برج التقطير‬، ‫ برج ازالة الميثان‬، ‫ المحاكاة‬، ‫االختيار االمثل‬

The designing and selecting of operating conditions for the distillation column
is a very challenging task because there are many variables must be taken into
consideration in the designer calculations such as; dimensions of the column,
number of plats, type of the plat, feed location, side products location, ... etc.
Distillation is usually modeled with equilibrium MESH model equations. In
addition to MESH equations, thermodynamic correlations for individual
components are required in distillation modeling (1).
The main objective and the driving force for the optimization is the economic
consideration which is done by two methods: minimizing the energy and maximize
the profit. The economic optimization of a distillation column involves the
selection of the optimum design specification and operating conditions such as
number of trays, feed location, side product location and the energy used in the
separation and to minimize the total investment and operation cost (2, 3).
Optimization of the distillation column is a very hard issue because there are
many variables that must be taken in calculations which give very wide range of
variables to choose from, before the computers the selection of the number of the
variables was done by hand and take a lot of time, now with the availability of the
modern computers that task is much easier. There are many stochastic optimization
methods and programs for the optimization research (3).

Genetic Optimization Methods

Stochastic optimization methods are optimization algorithms which incorporate

probabilistic (i.e., random) elements to diversify and intensify the search space of
decision variables. Further, the injected randomness may provide the necessary
impetus to move away from a local solution when searching for a global optimum.
Stochastic optimization methods of this kind include: simulated annealing (SA),
harmony search (HS), particle swarm optimization (PSO) and evolutionary
algorithms (e.g. genetic algorithms (GA), differential evolution) (5 -9).
Genetic algorithm (GA) is a stochastic technique that simulates natural
evolution on the solution space of the optimization problems. It operates on a
population of potential solutions (i.e., individuals) in each iteration (i.e.,
generation). By combining some individuals of the current population according to
predefined operations, a new population that contains better individuals is
produced as the next generation. Individuals for reproduction are selected based on
their objective function values and the Darwinian principle of the survival of the

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

fittest (10). Genetic Algorithms has been widely studied, experimented and applied
in many fields in engineering worlds (11).
Mathematical Model

The distillation column is modeled using equilibrium MESH model equations

which describe multi-components, steady- state vapor-liquid separation process.
The flow diagram of demethanizer distillation column is shown in fig. (1).

Fig. (1). Flow diagram of demethanizer distillation column

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

The distillation column consists of N-number of equilibrium stages including

the reboiler and condenser. The first stage is the condenser and the last stage (N-
stage) is the reboiler. The feed(s) enter as vapor or liquid or both to the distillation
with a mole flow rate of Fj and overall molar composition Zij.
The liquid and vapor side streams from the distillation are SL and SV
respectively measured by molar flow rate. The heat transfer referred as Qj which
can be added or removed to the equilibrium stage except the heat transfer to
condenser referred as Qc and the heat transfer of reboiler referred as Qr.

Model Assumptions
The proposed model include the following assumptions:-

1. The streams leaving any stage are in equilibrium.

2. No heat losses to the surrounding.
3. No chemical reactions occur.
4. The liquid and vapor flowrates is mixed perfectly with the liquid and vapor
on the entering point.
5. Constant trays efficiency.
6. No pressure drop across the distillation.

The MESH Equations

For single equilibrium stage the steady-state MESH equations are as follow:
Material balance for i components on stage j are (1, 13):
L j-1* Xi,j-1 - (Vj + SVj) Yij - (Lj+SLj) Xi,j + FjZi,j +Vj+1*Yi, j+1 = 0 ……… (1)
Equilibrium phase relation for i components on stage j are:
Yi,j - Ki,j Xi,j = 0 .…….. (2)
Summation of mole fraction:
…….. (3)
i 1
i, j  1.0  0

i 1
i, j  1.0  0 …….. (4)
Heat balance or energy balance for i components on stage j are:
Lj-1 hj-1-(Vj + SVj) Hj - (Lj + SLj) hj + Fj hFj + Vj+1 Hj+1 - Qj = 0 ….…. (5)
The total material balance on each stage is:
Lj-1 -(Vj + SVj) - (Lj + SLj) + Fj + Vj+1 = 0 ….…. (6)
The vapor and liquid on each stage is in equilibtuim so the liquid at each stage
is at its bubble point and the vapor on that stage is at its dew point. Newton-
Raphson's numerical method was used for estimating bubble points.
Equations (1 to 4) were used to calculate the composition of each component at
each tray within the distillation column. The set of equations for each component at
each tray are solved by Gaussian elimination algorithm. The total mateial and heat
balance equations represned in equations (5) and (6) are solved by 2N * 2N
Jacobian matrix to estimate the vapor and liquid flowrates at each stage (1).

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Demethanizer column specifications (DA-1501)

Demethanizer is distillation column which is used to separate methane from the

gas mixture. In the petrochemical complex PC-1 at Basrah the demethnizer
distillation column called (DA-1501). The demethnizer respond the charge gas
from the furances to seperate methane as a vapor at the top of the tower from
ethane, ethylene and heaver hydrocarbons as a liquid from the bottom of the tower.
The data in this study were taken from PC-1 archive. The demethanizer
dimensions is as follow, 1.25 m outside diameter top section and 2.0 m bottom
section. The column contains 22 conventional valve trays in the top section and 43
conventional valve trays in the bottom section. The column was designed for a
pressure of (517 psig) and normally operates at (455 psig).
The operating top temperature is (-75°C) and (-1°C) at the bottom of the
column. The design temperature is (-100°C), The temperature at tray 54 is (-3°C).
Three feeds are supplied from the chilling train and entered at different points. The
first feed, as sub-cooled liquid, entered between trays 4 and 5 from the top, the
second feed, also sub-cooled liquid, entered between trays 7 and 8 and the third
which is saturated liquid, entered on tray 23, table (1) shows the details of each
feed and other flow streams.
Table (1): Data sheet for demethanizer (DA-1501), 16% Ethylene content
COMP. F1 F2 F3 D W V1 Lo Wo
Type Liq Liq Liq Vap Liq Vap Liq Liq
H2 2.27 11.82 15.25 29.34 0 30.44 1.1 0
CO 0.05 0.19 0.15 0.39 0 0.52 0.13 0
CH4 12.25 38.89 27.25 78.23 0.16 180.18 101.95 0.16
C2H4 68.88 284.98 362.02 3.51 712.38 31.13 27.62 712.38
C2H6 28.47 177.74 309.73 0.17 515.78 2.8 2.63 515.78
C2H2 0.44 1.71 1.72 0.04 3.83 0.35 0.31 3.83
C3H6 0.07 1.87 9.98 0 11.92 0 0 11.92
C3H8 0.01 0.32 2.06 0 2.39 0 0 2.39
C3H4 0 0.04 0.21 0 0.25 0 0 0.25
i-C4H10 0 0.01 0.21 0 0.22 0 0 0.22
C4H8 0 0.1 1.45 0 1.55 0 0 1.55
C4H6 0 0.41 7.93 0 8.33 0 0 8.33
n-C4H10 0 0.08 1.74 0 1.82 0 0 1.82
i-C5H12 0 0.03 1.69 0 1.72 0 0 1.72
n-C5H12 0 0 0.24 0 0.24 0 0 0.24
Kmol/hr 112.44 518.19 741.64 111.68 1260.59 245.42 133.74 1260.59
Kg/hr 3005.5212 14167.31 21359.23 1429.504 37162.19 3931.63 2503.613 37162.2
Mwt av. 26.73 27.34 28.8 12.8 29.48 16.02 18.72 29.48
Temp. C° -98.1 -70 -34.9 -98.1 -0.9 -75.4 -98.1 -7.2
P Kpag 3042.93 3048.81 3040.38 2979.2 3072.35 3036.07 3036.07 3072.35
P Bar 31.03 31.09 31.72 30.38 31.33 30.96 30.96 31.33

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Simulation techniques

MatLab environment (Version R 2010a) was selected to performe simulation

and optimization because of its high-level technical computing language and
interactive environment for algorithm development, data visualization, data
analysis and numerical computation (13).
Another program named (Aspen Plus 11.1) was used as which is a reliable and
very advance program in the chemical processes design and simulation that is
being used by many of petrolum companies, chemical engineering design and
international universities around the world. Aspen Plus provide a simulation for the
demethanizer analysing and properties estimation for the distillation column side
by side of optimization of the demethanizer (14). The flow logical diagram of
simulation program is shown in fig (2).

Figure (2) : Flow logical diagram of simulation program

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Validity of the mathematical model

In the (PC-1) complex there are three sources of feed to the complex. The
classification of these feeds was based on the ethylene content in each feed with
(12%, 16% and 19%) ethane. The demethanizer designed to handle all of these
feeds, all of the simulation and optimization in this study was based on the (16%)
ethane feed stocks.
Before starting the optimization procedure, the simulation program was
subjected to validity test to verify the model validity and its reliability to
demonstrate the actual demethanizer tower in PC-1 complex.
The results obtained from the simulation program were compared with the
existing data collected from the PC-1 data sheets (Lummus manual, 1978), for the
demethanizer feed stock of 16% ethane content to verify the validity of the
simulation model. The difference between the actual data and results estimated
from Matlab simulating model are shown in table (2).

Table (2): Difference between the actual data and estimation results (ethane
content 16%)
Top product Bottom product
Comp. Actual Estimated Actual Estimated
Abs. Error Abs. Error
(kmol/hr) (kmol/hr) (kmol/hr) (kmol/hr)
H2 29.34 29.34 0 0 0 0
CO 0.39 0.39 0 0 0 0
CH4 78.23 78.2273 0.0027 0.16 0.1527 0.0073
C2H4 3.51 3.4755 0.0345 712.38 712.3594 0.0206
C2H6 0.17 0.184 0.014 515.78 515.7804 0.0004
C2H2 0.04 0.00784 0.039992 3.83 3.8606 0.0306
C3H6 0 6.22E-11 6.22E-11 11.92 11.8913 0.0287
C3H8 0 1.34E-12 1.34E-12 2.39 2.3843 0.0057
C3H4 0 0 0 0.25 0.2494 0.0006
i-C4H10 0 0 0 0.22 0.2195 0.0005
C4H8 0 0 0 1.55 1.5463 0.0037
C4H6 0 0 0 8.33 8.32 0.01
n-C4H10 0 0 0 1.82 1.8157 0.0043
i-C5H12 0 0 0 1.72 1.7159 0.0041
n-C5H12 0 0 0 0.24 0.2395 0.0005
111.6800 111.625 0.05536 1260.59 1260.54 0.055

The estimated result from the Aspen plus was also compared with the existing
data of the demethanizer (16%) ethane feed stock to verify the validity of the
Aspen plus simulation model. The difference between actual and estimated data
from Aspen plus 11.1 is shown in table (3).

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Table (3): The difference between actual and estimated data from Aspen plus
Top product Bottom product
Comp. Actual Estimated Actual Estimated
Abs. Error Abs. Error
( kmol/hr) (kmol/hr) ( kmol/hr) ( kmol/hr)
H2 29.3400 29.3400 0 0 0 0
CO 0.3900 0.3900 0 0 0 0
CH4 78.2300 78.2900 0.06 0.1600 0.1000 0.06
C2H4 3.5100 3.5000 0.01 712.3800 712.3900 0.01
C2H6 0.1700 0.1600 0.01 515.7800 515.7700 0.01
C2H2 0.0400 0.0380 0.002 3.8300 3.8300 0.00
C3H6 0 0 0 11.9200 11.9200 0
C3H8 0 0 0 2.3900 2.3900 0
C3H4 0 0 0 0.2500 0.2500 0
i-C4H10 0 0 0 0.2200 0.2200 0
C4H8 0 0 0 1.5500 1.5500 0
C4H6 0 0 0 8.3300 8.3400 0.01
n-C4H10 0 0 0 1.8200 1.8200 0
i-C5H12 0 0 0 1.7200 1.7200 0
n-C5H12 0 0 0 0.2400 0.2400 0
111.68 111.772 0.082 1260.59 1260.54 0.05
From the above two table’s one can conclude that both two programs are able to
simulate the demethanizer distillation column very well.

Finding the optimum operating conditions for the distillation column is very
difficult task, the objective of the distillation is different from one process to
another, due to the difference in the objective function of the distillation column
there are different decision variables.
The calculation of the economic objective function for the distillation column
can be written as follows (15) :
Objective function = (D PD+B PB –F PF)- (R PR + S PS) ……… (8)
Equation (8) was modified by replacing the top products by methane production
rate and the bottom by ethane and ethylene production rates to insure the separation
factor in addition to maximizing the profit.
The modified objective function equation will be written as follow:
Profit = (Methane * unit price $ + Ethane * unit price $ + Ethylene * unit price $ -
Feed(s) * unit price $) - (Qreb * unit price $+ Qcond * unit price $) …….. (9)
Where: Methane, ethane, ethylene and the feed is measured in k-mole per hour
and Q-reb and Q-cond are measured in Kj/hr.
The prices of the (PC-1) complex for the variables of equation (9) are shown in
table (4).

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Table (4): unit price for the feed, products and the energy consumed
Variable Measuring Unit Unit Price $
Feed price kmol / hr 4.1587-3
Methane (from Top) kmol / hr 3.7658
Ethane (from Bottom) kmol / hr 6.6139
Ethylene (from Bottom) kmol / hr 23.1485
Q- reboiler kJ / hr 2.8435-5
Q- condenser kJ / hr 2.8435-5

The objectives of demethanizer optimization are:

 Increasing the production of methane from the top of the distillation tower.
 Increasing the production of ethane from the bottom of the distillation tower.
 Increasing the production of ethylene from the bottom of the distillation
 Minimizing the heat duty of the reboiler.
 Minimizing the cooling duty of the condenser.
These objectives can be achieved by maximizing the profit representing in
equation (9). The decision variables are the reflux ratio; heat duty of reboiler and
the cooling duty of condenser.
The selection of the optimum values for the decision variables (heat duty of the
reboiler, cooling duty of the condenser and the reflux ratio) was carried out by
using Genetic algorithm and Aspen plus 11.1.
The optimization of the demethanizer was performed based on the (16%) ethane
feed stock. The optimization is based on assuming the values of the decision
variables (reflux ratio, reboiler heat duty and condenser cooling duty) by genetic
algorithm and calculation the profit with equation (9). The actual operating
conditions for (16%) ethane of feed stock are shown in table (5).

Table (5): Actual operating conditions for (16%) ethane content feed stock
Discretion Value Units
Reflux ratio 1.197 ----
Reboiler heat duty 6.52x106 kj / hr
Condenser heat duty 1.05x106 kj / hr
Feed (F1) temperature -98.1 ºC
Feed (F2) temperature -70 ºC
Feed (F3) temperature -34.9 ºC
For performing optimization on demethanizer and finding the optimum
operating conditions; equation (9) was used to calculate the profit with the aim of
maximizing the profit.
The actual profit based on the values of table (5) are (19958.93) US dollar per
hour. The actual profit will be used as a reference value to be compared with the
optimum profit estimated from Aspen plus programs.

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Multivariable Optimization Using GA

The multivariable optimization process was performed on the (reflux ratio,
reboiler heat duty and condenser cooling duty) all together to find there optimum
values. These three variables were selected because they have a major effect on the
distillation processes and there is highly interaction between them. Genetic
algorithm program was selected to perform the optimization. The objective
function for genetic algorithm is to find the maximum profit represented in
equation (9).
The results of multivariable optimization performed by genetic algorithm are
shown in table (6). In this table, the values of decision variables and profit at
different generations are tabulated.

Table (6) Genetic Algorithm optimization results

Methane Ethane Ethylene Ethylene
Methane Ethane
Qc Qr Profit kmole/hr kmole/hr kmole/hr Separatio
Gen RR Separatio Separatio
kJ/hr kJ/hr dollar/hr (at the (at the (at the n
n Fraction n Fraction
top) bottom) bottom) Fraction
1 0.58 -1200000 8850000 18341.14 71.654 0.914069 504.201 0.977248 649.201 0.906858
7 0.645 -1183000 8673000 18548.51 55.717 0.710768 506 0.980734 660 0.921942
15 0.6775 -1174500 8584500 18766.34 75.817 0.967173 506.770 0.982227 665.801 0.930046
34 0.775 -1149000 8319000 19071.28 64.327 0.82061 508.411 0.985406 680.017 0.949904
51 0.9902 -1140500 8230500 19318.43 69.565 0.887428 508.560 0.985696 689.68 0.963402
69 0.85 -1155000 7799000 19566.68 72.302 0.922332 511.844 0.992061 698.509 0.975734
86 0.722 -1161750 7478250 19724.41 73.653 0.939571 514.35 0.996918 704.001 0.983406
94 1.0375 -1153250 7566750 19765.86 76.266 0.972907 513.001 0.994304 705.85 0.985989
112 0.6431 -1183000 7257000 19833.21 74.546 0.950968 515.82 0.999767 707.89 0.988839
128 0.5958 -1034250 7124250 19856.99 75.194 0.959231 515.910 0.999942 708.440 0.989607
174 0.58 -1030000 7080000 19873.53 75.350 0.961226 515.903 0.999928 709.072 0.99049
240 0.5958 -1195750 7124250 19887.15 75.015 0.956951 515.350 0.998857 710.130 0.991968
374 0.6469 -1030918 7072699 19893.6 75.909 0.968349 515.902 0.999926 709.840 0.991563
485 0.6469 -1030918 7063200 19898.69 75.953 0.968918 515.310 0.998781 710.210 0.99208
604 0.58 -1200000 7080000 19909.16 75.149 0.958661 515.910 0.999943 710.850 0.992974
742 1.1966 -1037000 7191700 19919.11 78.343 0.999407 514.71 0.997616 711.040 0.99324
825 0.7862 -1052656 7072699 19925.33 76.802 0.979746 515.904 0.99993 711.092 0.993312
998 1.2137 -1034250 7124250 19945.19 78.388 0.999974 515.290 0.998741 711.908 0.994452
1156 1.1398 -1046200 7121700 19945.88 78.31 0.998979 515.399 0.998951 711.931 0.994484
1240 1.1284 -1048100 7107700 19951.42 78.299 0.998837 515.540 0.999225 712.117 0.994744
1451 1.1227 -1049000 7100700 19954.4 78.287 0.998694 515.610 0.999361 712.22 0.994887
1743 1.0245 -1052656 7072699 19958.55 78.008 0.995132 515.907 0.999936 712.330 0.995041
2358 1.197 -1050000 7090000 19958.93 78.231 0.997982 515.780 0.999691 712.364 0.995089
2697 1.1114 -1050800 7086700 19959.27 78.254 0.998268 515.751 0.999633 712.380 0.995112
3931 1.1057 -1051700 7079700 19962.03 78.265 0.99841 515.821 0.999769 712.470 0.995237
4671 1.1012 -1052700 7072700 19965.04 78.276 0.998552 515.9302 0.999983 712.56 0.995362
4912 1.201 -1091850 7091690 19999.91 78.385 0.999939 515.93 0.999981 714.521 0.995993
5710 1.23 -1011840 5963870 20041.13 78.362 0.999133 515.898 0.999919 714.401 0.997543
6000 1.22 -1011840 5963870 20041.13 78.362 0.999133 515.898 0.999919 714.401 0.997543

Tables (6) shows that, the profit increasing at each generation and maximum
profit was found at generation (5710) at which the profit equal to (20041.13) US
dollar per hr.
Genetic algorithm optimization results have the flexibility of selection the local
optimum operating conditions due to the changes in objective function. As the

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

demands of the marks change or the requirements of the PC-1 complex changes,
the local optimum operating conditions can be selected from the genetic algorithm
optimization results to satisfy the new demands.
The local optimums for the demethanizer from table (6) are:
At generation of (998); the methane separation factor and production reach
the maximum value, where methane separation factor is equal to
(0.999974) and the production of methane is (78.388) kmole / hr. The
methane production increases about (0.2%) compared with actual methane
production at generation (2358).
At generation of (4671); the ethane separation factor and production reach
the maximum value, where ethane separation factor is equal to (0.999983)
and the production of ethane is (515.9302) kmole / hr. The ethane
production increases about (0.04%) compared with actual ethane
production at generation of (2358).
At generation of (4912); the ethylene separation factor and production
reach the maximum value, where ethylene separation factor is equal to
(0.995993) and the production of ethylene is (714.521) kmole / hr. The
ethylene production increases about (0.3%) compared with actual ethylene
production at generation of (2358).
The maximum profit can be found at the last generation of (5710); where
the profit equals (20041.13) US dollar per hour. The increase in the profit
from the actual profit at generation (2358) is equal to (0.42 %) which
represents (82 US dollar per hour).

The interaction between the decisions variables make the searching for the
global optimum operating conditions is necessary. Global optimum can be found at
generation (4912) at which all the decision variables increased.
Table (7) shows the differences between the values of the decision variables and
the profit as well as methane, ethane and ethylene production rates at actual
operating conditions (at generation 2358) and the optimum operating conditions (at
generation 4912).

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Table (7): The difference between actual and the optimum values at
generation (4912)
Actual Optimum Changing
Variables Percentage
Operating Operating Sign
Reflux Ratio 1.197 1.201 0.004 Increasing
Q-reboiler KJ/hr 7090000 7091690 1690 Decreasing
Q-condenser KJ/hr -1050000 -1091850 41850 Decreasing
Profit US dollar per hr 19958.93 19999.91 40.98 Increasing
Methane kmole/hr 78.2318 78.385 0.1532 Increasing
Methane separation factor 0.997982 0.999939 0.001957 Increasing
Ethane kmole/hr 515.7804 515.93 0.1496 Increasing
Ethane separation factor 0.999691 0.999981 0.00029 Increasing
Ethylene kmole/hr 712.364 714.521 2.157 Increasing
Ethylene separation factor 0.995089 0.995993 0.000904 Increasing

Optimization with Aspen plus11.1

Aspen plus simulation provide full physical properties estimation along with a
complete analysis for the separation process inside the demethanizer tower.
Optimization with aspen plus is different from GA optimization technique which is
based on the simulation on the natural evolution of the organisms while aspen plus
is based on solving mesh equations using inside-outside method.
Aspen plus provide a multivariable and multi-objectives optimization, for the
demethanizer the objective function is to find the maximum profit based on
equation (9). The decision variables to performed optimization are (reflux ratio,
reboiler heat duty and condenser cooling duty) manipulated all together to find
there optimum values.
The results of multivariable optimization performed by aspen plus 11.1 as well
as the decision variables for a different iteration are shown in table (8).
In aspen plus optimization the decision variables must be defined as well as the
step change for each variable. The same prices in table (4) were used to calculate
the profit.

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Table (8) Aspen plus 11.1 optimization results

Methane Ethane Ethylene
Iter. Reflux Qc Qr Profit US Methane Ethane Ethylene
Sep. Sep. Sep.
No. Ratio kJ/hr kJ/hr dollar/hr kmole/hr kmole/hr kmole/hr
Fraction Fraction Fraction
1 1.211 -1200000 8850000 18947.47 65.134 0.830894 504.460 0.977749 676.381 0.944823
312 1.1952 -1195750 8805750 18974.99 65.444 0.834861 504.771 0.978350 677.371 0.946206
665 1.1795 -1191500 8761500 19002.26 65.762 0.838906 505.072 0.978931 678.352 0.947575
841 1.1164 -1174500 8584500 19111.05 67.048 0.855312 506.262 0.981238 682.264 0.953037
1325 1.1006 -1170250 8540250 19137.73 67.371 0.859431 506.551 0.981800 683.222 0.954378
1498 0.9586 -1332000 8142000 19360.73 69.854 0.891112 509.133 0.986800 691.423 0.965832
1986 0.9428 -1127750 8097750 19391.84 70.453 0.898754 509.424 0.987362 692.281 0.967034
2111 0.7851 -1085250 7655250 19615.35 72.971 0.930873 512.330 0.993003 700.101 0.977957
2487 0.7693 -1081000 7611000 19638.52 73.188 0.933644 512.635 0.993584 700.920 0.979103
2956 0.864 -1106500 7876500 19507.93 71.794 0.91586 510.860 0.990153 696.370 0.972747
3547 0.8482 -1102250 7832250 19530.27 72.042 0.919019 511.154 0.990716 697.151 0.973836
3789 0.9271 -1123500 8053500 19415.55 70.735 0.902356 509.701 0.987905 693.121 0.968207
3945 0.9113 -1119250 8009250 19439.07 71.010 0.905854 509.990 0.988467 693.950 0.969366
4215 0.722 -1068250 7478250 19700.66 73.808 0.941545 513.520 0.995309 703.072 0.982106
4758 0.7062 -1064000 7434000 19911.92 74.003 0.944032 513.821 0.995891 712.021 0.994609
4984 0.6115 -1191500 7168500 19871.29 74.868 0.955071 515.797 1.001996 709.391 0.990934
5279 1.1952 -1195750 7124250 19981.9 78.191 0.997464 515.721 1.001511 713.601 0.996815
5548 0.6746 -1174500 7345500 19791.97 74.214 0.946733 515.472 0.999089 706.360 0.986702
5841 0.6589 -1178750 7301250 19814.19 74.388 0.948948 515.841 0.999806 707.137 0.987777
6541 0.6431 -1183000 7257000 19829.47 74.554 0.951070 515.221 0.998605 707.898 0.988839
6948 1.1637 -1187250 7212750 19948.7 77.983 0.994811 515.931 0.999981 712.239 0.994901
7451 0.6273 -1187250 7212750 19850.99 74.714 0.953112 515.601 0.999341 708.644 0.989887
7960 0.6273 -1042750 7212750 19819.55 74.890 0.955361 515.334 0.998817 707.156 0.987805
8354 1.1812 -1042750 7212750 19911.95 78.342 0.999385 514.572 0.997344 710.804 0.992904
8741 1.208 -1035200 7205700 19926.12 78.354 0.999542 514.901 0.997984 711.302 0.993602
9124 1.197 -1050000 7090000 19958.92 78.232 0.997981 515.780 0.999691 712.364 0.995089
9512 1.211 -1200000 7080000 19919.76 78.275 0.998536 515.731 0.999593 710.851 0.992974
9747 0.58 -1200000 7080000 19929.43 75.155 0.958735 515.292 0.998740 711.902 0.99444
9999 0.6115 -1038500 7168500 19957.96 78.237 0.998046 515.752 0.999631 712.412 0.995156
11047 1.1975 -1038500 7169500 20004.06 78.265 0.998407 515.924 0.999969 714.350 0.997849
11144 1.1024 -1052650 7072700 19868.78 75.351 0.961226 515.254 0.998662 709.071 0.990487
11235 0.58 -1030000 7080000 19921.54 76.806 0.979799 515.266 0.998682 711.091 0.993309
11345 1.0883 -1041000 7073300 19979.61 78.353 0.999497 515.928 0.999976 713.164 0.996206
11597 1.214 -1022140 5974150 20038.13 78.341 0.999375 515.888 0.999899 714.322 0.997823
15000 1.214 -1022140 5974150 20038.13 78.341 0.999375 515.888 0.999899 714.322 0.997823

Table (8) shows that, the profit increasing at each iteration and reach the
maximum profit at iteration (11597) at which the profit equal to (20038.13) US
dollar per hour. The percentage increasing in profit base on the profit at actual
operating conditions (at iteration 9124) is equal to (79) US dollar per hour.
As the same for genetic algorithm aspen plus optimization results have the
flexible of selection the locale optimum operating conditions due to the changes in
objective function. As the demands of the markets change or the requirements of
the (PC-1 complex) changes the optimum operating conditions can be selected
form the aspen plus optimization results to satisfy the new demands.

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

The local optimums for the demethanizer from table (8) are:
At iteration (8741); the methane separation factor and production reach the
maximum value, where methane separation factor is equal to (0.999542)
and methane production is (78.354) kmole / hr. The methane production
increases about (0.16%) from the actual methane production at iteration
At iteration (6948); the ethane separation factor and production reach the
maximum value, where ethane separation factor is equal to (0.999981) and
ethane production is (515.931) kmole / hr. The ethane production increases
about (0.03%) from the actual ethane production at iteration (9124).
At iteration (11047); the ethylene separation factor and production reach
the maximum, where ethylene separation factor is equal to (0.997849) and
ethylene production is (714.350) kmole / hr. The ethylene production
increases about (0.28%).
The maximum profit can be found at iteration (11597), where the profit is
equal to (20038.13) US dollar per hr. The profit increases from the actual
profit at iteration (9124) by (0.4%) which represents (79 US dollar per
The optimum results can be found at iteration (11345), where all the
decision variables increase based on the actual operating conditions at
iteration (9124).

Table (9) shows the differences between the values of the decision variables and
the profit as well as methane, ethane and ethylene production at actual operating
conditions (at iteration 9124) and the optimum operation conditions (at iteration

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Table (9): The difference between actual and the optimum values at Iter.
Actual Optimum Changing
Variables Percentage
Operating Operating Sign
Reflux Ratio 1.197 1.0883 0.1087 Decreasing
Q-reboiler KJ/hr 7090000 7073300 16700 Decreasing
Q-condenser KJ/hr -1050000 -1041000 9000 Decreasing
Profit US dollar per hr 19958.93 19979.61 20.68 Increasing
Methane kmole/hr 78.2318 78.35312 0.12132 Increasing
Methane separation factor 0.997982 0.999497 0.001515 Increasing
Ethane kmole/hr 515.7804 515.928 0.1476 Increasing
Ethane separation factor 0.999691 0.999976 0.000285 Increasing
Ethylene kmole/hr 712.364 713.164 0.8 Increasing
Ethylene separation factor 0.995089 0.996206 0.001117 Increasing

Observers of the above two tables (7) and (9) can be clearly noted that the
improvement in the final profit is very few and it is due to the fact that the tower
actually designed to work at the best conditions.
The optimization by aspen plus is faster than by genetic algorithm. By GA the
assumptions of the decision variables and creating the population as well as
evaluating of the objective function takes about (0.1) sec. The time for each
simulating of the demethanizer is about (1.01) min. The long simulation time
occurs due to the 2211 equations that need to be solved to simulate demethanizer
distillation column.
As for time consumption; the simulation by aspen plus are solved by (10-13)
sec. and the assumption with the solving of the profit equation about (4) sec. but
the number of iteration needed to find the optimum value is more the number of
genes in GA optimization program. Fig (3) shows the profit change with number of
trays for genetic algorithm and aspen plus optimization programs.

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Figure (3): Profit by GA and Aspen with the Trail No.

Demethanizer (DA-1501) which is one of the distillation columns in the
petrochemical complex PC-1 in Basra was subjected to optimization. Two
programs were used; Genetic algorithm and Aspen plus to performer the
In this study the following conclusions were found:
1- Proposed simulation model is reliable to simulate the demethanizer
distillation column.
2- From the simulation and optimization results may be to note that the results
of mathematical model tremendously apply to practical results taken at the same
3- Proposed mathematical model can easily be applied to any distillation
tower in the other process.
4- Simulation by genetic algorithm is slower than optimization by Aspen
5- The improvement in the final profit is few and it is due to the fact that the
tower actually designed to work at the best conditions.

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm

Symbol Definition Units
ASPEN Advanced System for Process Engineering -
D Distillate molar flow rate kmol/hr
GA Genetic Algorithm -
H Vapor molar enthalpy kJ/kmol
h Liquid molar enthalpy kJ/kmol
i Component identification number -
j Stage identification number -
K Equilibrium constant -
L Liquid molar load on each stage kmole/hr
MESH (Material balance, Equilibrium, Summation of mole, -
Heat balance)
N Number of stages -
ODE Ordinary Differential Equation -
P Price $ dollar
PC Petrochemical complex -
PSO Particle Swarm Optimization -
Q Rate of heat transfer kJ/hr
R Reflux ratio -
S Steam flow rate in reboiler kg/hr
SA Simulated Annealing -
SC Simultaneous Convergence -
SL Liquid side stream molar rate -
SV Vapor side stream molar rate -
T Temperature K
TSA Simulated Annealing Temperature -
V Vapor molar load on each tray kmole/hr
Xij Liquid mole fraction -
Yij Vapor mole fraction -
Zij Feed mole fraction -

Optimization of Demethanizer Distillation
Column using Genetic Algorithm


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