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INFINITI G20 Case Study

Using the data in Exhibit 1 and the associated perceptual mapping software, describe the
two (or, if applicable, three) dimensions underlying the perceptual maps that you
generated. Based on these maps, how do people in this market perceive the Infiniti G20
compared with its competitors?
Infiniti G20 is one of the car brands competing with other 9 car brands in the market. From the
perceptual map below, people in this market perceive the Infinity G20 as more attractive, successful and
has more prestige when compared with other competitors in the market.

Figure 1: 2D Positioning Map

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Figure 2: 3D Positioning Map

The variance explained by the horizontal dimension is 54.6% and the variance explained by the vertical
dimension is 18.8%, the horizontal dimension is thrice as important in explaining customer perceptions.

From the perceptual map, SAAB, BMW and Honda are direct competitors of Infinity G20 because they lie
close to G20 in the perceptual map. The position of G20, SAAB, BMW and Honda is in Segment 3.
Customers perceive Infinity G20 as more attractive and successful when compared to competitors such
as BMW and SAAB.

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2. The market share of G20 is 12.48% and BMW is 12.93%. The claim is not credible because from the
perceptual map BMW has more prestige and is more quiet than G20

Figure 3: 3D view of all the brands for Quiet Attribute

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Figure 4: 3D view of all the brands for Prestige Attribute

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3. Infiniti G20 is also preferred more by Segment 3 (S3). The Segment 3 people include American
dreamers who are white-collars officials and between the age group of 25-35. This segment comprises of
30% of the overall segment size taken into consideration.

Figure 5: 3D view of segment (S1, S2, S3) attribute for all the brands

S1 - The most important attribute is prestige since it is close to S1.

S2 - The most important attribute is roomy since it is close to S2.

S3 - The most important attribute is attractive since it is close to S3.

The segment which we would market the infiniti G20 are segment 1 and segment 3 because attributes
which lie in this segment explain most of the variance. Reposition towards segment 3 because it targets
mix ethnicity, 75% people possess American express credit card which could be a financing option. This
belongs to American dreamers and own investment funds. Therefore, will try and make G20 more closely
aligned to attribute attractive and successful

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4.What ongoing research program would you recommend to Infiniti to improve its evaluation of its
segmentation of the market and positioning of its G20?

Infiniti G20 is promoted as an entry level luxury car in their present campaign; which is directly
competing with BMW as G20 is closely positioned with it. We recommend that Nissan should position its
car in a different segment likely that has less competition. We think that Nissan should focus more on
quiet and roomy segment. However, there is not sufficient data available where we can gauge people’s
expectations in these segments or how infiniti G20 is different from its competitors. We also recommend
to change their advertising strategy and focus more towards the car’s engine and how spacious it is.

5. Summarize the advantages and limitations of the software provided for this application.

The advantages of the Perceptual mapping software used here are as follows:

● To help us better comprehend market segments.

● To perceive how the objective market truly sees the brands in the commercial world.
● To assess the execution of the advertising efforts and other promotional changes to the marketing mix.
● To affirm whether how buyers see us fits with our positioning objectives.
● To be sure that our image has an unmistakable positioning space in the market.
● To follow how effectively our new items have been positioned into the market.
● To track opponent brands and their changing business sector position.
● To help the business spot the gaps in the market.
● To track the changes in customer preferences from time to time.

The limitations of the software are as follows:

● The software is more helpful for low-contribution purchase choices.

● It is more significant for individual brands, and less supportive for corporate brand picture.
● The data is often difficult to analyze or perceive. It is also costly to get obtain this data by means of
market exploration.
● Most of the times, there is a contrast between a shopper's impression of the brand's advantages versus
the reality.

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