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Sandhir Sharma, Ph.D.

Dean, Chitkara Business School

November 26, 2021

Dear students,

Seasons’ greetings to all of you!

Hope you and your family members are safe and healthy. These are unusual
times, but we have always tried to give you best of learning experience. We are
sure that you are enjoying your MBA program @ Chitkara Business School.

You are approaching your Winter Internship as a part of your Trimester II starting
from 20th December 2021. The purpose of winter internship during ongoing
Pandemic situation is to expose you to research through secondary data/extra
certification opportunities and project report writing. We are sure that you will
find it interesting and exciting while learning new skills during winter internship

Go through the details attached.

Wishing you all the best!

Sandhir Sharma, Ph.D

Dean, Chitkara Business School

© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021

Winter Internship Report Guidelines for
MBA Batch 2021-2023
(20 Dec 2021 – 15 Jan 2022)

Important Dates

Confirmation of Title – 23 December 2021

First Review:: 31st December 2021
Second & Final Review:: 6 Jan 2022
Report Submission: 15 Jan 2022
Viva:: 21-25 Jan 2022

Applicable to all specializations

Marketing/Finance & Banking/ Logistics & SCM/HR/Business Analytics
Number of Credits – 8, Min. number of hours- 144

© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021

Special Instructions due to ongoing Pandemic *Covid – 19*

1. We don’t recommend your personal visits to NGOs or small and medium organizations
for winter internship due to ongoing pandemic. If you decide to visit, it will be purely
your responsibility. However, all students are open to take up any Online project from
NGO/Small organization of their own choice.
2. Please be noted that you can work on your internship project 18 hours a week (Friday,
Saturday and Sunday) starting from 20th December 2021.
3. You have to ensure meeting the deadlines in consultation with your Faculty Mentor.
Your faculty mentor is approving authority of your project and idea to be worked
upon during internship.
4. You can choose any one option out of the following for completing your winter
internship project work;
- Option – 1 You can take up online internship from any NGO or small and
medium organization only. We don’t recommend your personal visits to NGOs
or small and medium organizations for winter internship due to ongoing
pandemic. If you decide to visit, it will be purely your responsibility. We would
prefer you complete your winter internship on time.
- Option – 2 You can do any research project based on secondary data/review of
literature on any topic of your choice with approval of your faculty mentor.
- Option – 3 You can do online certification of minimum 30 hours or more than
one certification but sum of the duration of certifications should be minimum
30 hours. In case of certification, you must ensure that you complete one project
within the topic of certification. Project is mandatory.
- Option – 4 You can also write research paper in consultation and under
guidance of your faculty. Your one research paper will be considered equivalent
to Project work.

* Special Note

- Faculty mentor is your final approving authority.

- Writing project is mandatory for all options except Option 4.
- Each one should have a separate project. No team projects will be accepted.
- Meet all deadlines.

© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021

5. Internship carries 8 credits and it is expected that all the students will do full justice to
the assignment. Having undertaken a good project/assignment during internship also
facilitates placement during MBA Degree. Quality of your project will directly impact
your placement performance.
6. The minimum tenure of the internship is 4 weeks for all students. Students are strongly
advised to adhere to this period.
7. Your report will be in two parts
a. Part – I (Introduction to Business/Organization & Environment)
b. Part – II (Identify a Problem, Do Research, Suggest a Solution)
8. What all you can do (Option wise)
- NGO/Small Organization based internship – you must ensure that organization
selected is either NGO or social organization or small and medium enterprise
only. Please speak to your faculty mentor regarding work assigned and decide
the project.
- To write a secondary data-based research project, please ensure that you follow
APA latest format for writing your project report.
- Online certification – you can choose any MOOC. It can be cross discipline also
e.g. liberal arts, psychology, science, technology etc. Speak to your faculty
mentor before finalizing the certification. Remember that you must write a
project report in the same subject that you would choose for online certification
and report should contain copy of completion certificate.
- Research paper – your faculty mentor can only guide you through.

© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021

Format of Project Report

o Cover page (Title of the project)

o Declaration Form
o Acknowledgement
o Executive Summary
o Table of Contents
o List of Figures
o List of Tables
o Part I of Report: Introduction to the organization
o Part II of the Report: Introduction to the Research Project –Related to the
company/industry chosen for internship.
o Annexure (Questionnaire, Data Sheets, Reports etc.)

Contents of Part I and Part II of the Report

Part I - Introduction to the Industry sector that you have chosen for writing project on
1) Introduction to Indian Business Environment
2) Critical appraisal of industry sector your project belongs to
3) Industry Environment of India
4) Political Environment of India and its impact on chosen Industry sector
5) Socio- Economic Environment & its impact on Industry sector chosen.
6) Your suggestions to improvise the performance of Industry sector

Part II Introduction to the Research Project

Chapter 1 Introduction – Identification of Problem area to be studied
Chapter 2 Need and Objectives of the study/project
Chapter 3 Procedure adopted for data collection, stepwise details of process design,
methodology to achieve predetermined objectives/solution to the problem
Chapter 4 Interpretation & analysis
Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusion and Suggestions
• Findings & Recommendations of the Study
• Limitations
Chapter 6 Your learning outcomes & experience

Samples of Cover Page, Declaration and Certificate of Internship are given in next pages.

© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021

(Cover Page Sample)
A study on supply chain distribution network of

Submitted to
in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of
Master of Business Administration

Submitted by: Supervised by:

ABC (Faculty Mentor)

Roll No. (Designation here)



© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021



I, "________________________________”, hereby declare that the work presented herein is

genuine work done originally by me and has not been published or submitted elsewhere. Any
literature, data or work done by others and cited in the report has been given due
acknowledgement and listed in the reference section.

(Student's Name & Signature)

(Roll No.)

Date: __________________

© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021



This is to certify that the project titled“__________________________________” carried out

by Mr./Ms.____________________ (student name), S/o or D/o____________________ has
been accomplished under my guidance & supervision as a duly registered MBA student of
Chitkara University. This project is being submitted by him/her in the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the award of the Master of Business Administration from Chitkara University.

His/Her dissertation represents his/her original work and is worthy of consideration for the
award of the degree of Master of Business Administration.

(Faculty Mentor)
Signature and Seal of the company

© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021

Option wise Matrix

Option 1 Follow Project format We want you to identify a

ONLINE Internship with given problem and give a solution
NGO/Small Organization based on your research.
Option 2 Follow Project format Identify a problem and propose
Project based on secondary given a solution based on your
data secondary research
Option 3 Follow Project format Identify a business problem and
Online Certification given propose a solution based on
your secondary research
Option 4 Follow APA latest As per Faculty Mentor’s
Research Paper writing guidelines. instruction

General Guidelines

The report should be STRICTLY IN THE FORMAT prescribed to all the students.

While preparing the report, please keep the following points in view:

• This is just to give you an idea. Total length of the report can be between 60-80
pages. The same has to be finalized in consultation with faculty mentor and
Industry expert.

• It has to be computer typed, Times New Roman, Font size 12 for main text in body,
Times New Roman, Font size 14 (Bold) for headings, 1.5 line spacing

• Left margin = 1.5” (wider for binding), Top, right & bottom margins = 1”

• Project report should contain page numbers (1, 2, 3….) starting from Introduction
chapter. Preliminary pages should be numbered: i., ii., iii, iv, v, vi etc. Page number
should be placed at bottom, center of the page

• It should be supported by numbered visuals / charts / pie charts wherever possible.

(Avoid overuse of images from internet especially in company Introduction)

• One soft copy of the report and two hard copies (one for library and one for
faculty mentor) with Brown Leather jacket and wording in golden letters to be
submitted to your allotted Faculty Mentor in department preferably on the day
of rejoining campus. One spiral bound report to be retained by the student.

© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021

The performance will be evaluated on the following grounds:

Evaluation Criteria

Parameters for Internal Evaluation Parameters for External Evaluation

- Liaison with Faculty Mentor - Quality of actual work done during

- Conduct during Internship internship
- Format of the report - Identification of problem – method
- Timely submissions/reporting & approach
- Quality of problem identified - Approach to solve the problem
- Quality of the report - Quality of solution & its
- Any other criteria set in by Faculty implementation
Mentor - Presentation of report & Viva
- Any other criteria set in by External

Marks distribution

- Faculty Mentor will score you out of 50 (Internal)

- External Evaluator will evaluate you out of 50 (External)

Please note that any sort of copying (from internet/existing report/other students) is highly
objectionable and unethical. Therefore, students are strongly advised to refrain from this
practice and hence it is advisable to get your report plagiarism checked through Urkund
Software. Or else they shall lose the credits and the same may affect award of degree.

The project report submitted without the signature of Faculty Mentor or after the due date will
not be accepted.

- All the best -

© Chitkara Business School, Winter Internship Project Guidelines 2021

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