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Quarter 1 - Module 5:
Using Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs to
Convey Emotional Response or

Quarter 1 – Module 5: Using Verbs, Adjectives and Adverbs to Convey Emotional
Response or Reaction
Second Edition, 2021

Copyright © 2021
La Union Schools Division
Region I

All rights reserved. No part of this module may be reproduced in any form without written
permission from the copyright owners.

Development Team of the Module

Author: Jeramie O. Madarang

Editor: SDO La Union, Learning Resource Quality Assurance Team
Content Reviewer:
Language Reviewer:
Illustrator: Ernesto F. Ramos, Jr., P II
Design and Layout: Mariville R. Camarillo

Management Team:

ATTY. Donato D. Balderas, Jr.

Schools Division Superintendent
Vivian Luz S. Pagatpatan, Ph.D
Assistant Schools Division Superintendent
German E. Flora, Ph.D, CID Chief
Virgilio C. Boado, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of LRMS
Belen C. Aquino, Ph.D, EPS in Charge of English
Michael Jason D. Morales, PDO II
Claire P. Toluyen, Librarian II

Printed in the Philippines by: _________________________

Department of Education – SDO La Union

Office Address: Flores St. Catbangen, San Fernando City, La Union
Telefax: 072 – 205 – 0046
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Quarter 1 - Module 5:
Using Verbs, Adjectives and
Adverbs to Convey Emotional
Response or Reaction

Introductory Message
This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, our dear
learners, can continue your studies and learn while at home. Activities,
questions, directions, exercises, and discussions are carefully stated for you
to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you
step-by-step as you discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in

each SLM. This will tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module
or if you need to ask your facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better
understanding of the lesson. At the end of each module, you need to answer
the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are provided for each
activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teacher are
also provided to our facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on
how they can best help you on your home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on
any part of this SLM. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises
and tests. And read the instructions carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in

answering the tasks in this module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher
or facilitator.

Thank you.


This module is designed and written to help you, young learners learn
better the English language. The scope of this module permits it to be used in
many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary levels of learners. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequenceof the learning competencies for Grade 8 learners.

The Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC) covered in this module

is to use a range of verbs, adjectives and adverbs to convey emotional
response or reaction to an issue to persuade.

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify a range of verbs, adjectives and adverbs to convey emotional

response or reaction to an issue to persuade;
2. use a range of verbs, adjectives and adverbs to convey emotional
response or reaction to an issue to persuade; and
3. write a short persuasive paragraph using a range of verbs, adjectives
and adverbs to convey emotional response or reaction to an issue.


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write it on your answer

1. What are words that express actions or state of being.

A. adverbs B. adjectives C. nouns D. verbs
2. Which of the following words state an action?
A. always B. happy C. often D. starts
3. Which of the following words express a state of being?
A. looks B. petty C. people D. seldom
4. How do you call words that describe or modify nouns?
A. adverbs B. adjectives C. nouns D. verbs
5. The words below express a positive feeling, EXCEPT __________.
A. anxious B. carefree
C. inspired D. objective
6. It is __________ to see friends backstabbing each other.
A. insignificant B. impolite
C. worst D. sad
7. These are words that modify verbs or adjectives.
A. adverbs B. adjectives C. nouns D. verbs
8. Which among the following expresses unhappiness because of failing to
meet expectations?
A. disappointingly B. disapprovingly
C. unfortunately D. unluckily
9. I __________ believe that we should help street children by asking
private and government agencies to provide them child care services.
A. evidently B. personally
C. probably D. wisely
10. Many health workers __________volunteered in helping those who cannot
afford medical services.
A. actively B. objectively
C. probably D. truthfully



Emotive language is the term used when certain word choices are made
to evoke an emotional response from a reader. It is also called emotional
language. This type of language has the ability to connect the readers or
listeners with the speaker or writer. The reason behind is that when content
is conveyed in a way that it appeals the emotion, the subconscious mind of
readers or listeners automatically memorizes it. Emotive language is also used
as a persuasive technique in speaking and writing.

Take a look at these two sentences.

Sentence 1:
Sleep early.
Sentence 2:
Sleep early so you have energy for tomorrow.

Can you notice the difference? Both sentences aimed on making you sleep
early. BUT, they are conveyed in completely different ways.

Sentence 1 has a sense of command in it. If we have to focus on the

reaction it will initiate, you will notice that the sentence fails to evoke
emotions. With that, it cannot be considered as an example of emotive

While in Sentence 2, it has the ability to evoke an emotional reaction. In

a way, it is asking you sleep early as it will make you feel energized tomorrow.

Analyze whether the following sentences use emotive language. Write
check ( / ) if the sentence evokes emotional response from a reader and ( X )
if not.
1. The rise of Delta variant cases in our country is disturbing and
2. This pandemic is never-ending.
3. People are willing to do anything just to get vaccinated.
4. The government should make a concrete solution for this pandemic.
5. The whole barangay was put into danger because of the carelessness
of others.



Of all parts of speech, the verb is the most important. It is the moving
power, the motor, of a sentence.

A verb is a word or phrase (group of words) that is a major sentence

element. It expresses a state or an action and provides essential information
within a sentence. Without a verb, a group of words will not have a complete

Action Verbs

Some verbs tell of an action:

Mom started the car. The rain drenched us.

Sometimes the action is one you cannot see:

Carlos needed help. Kate had a good idea.

Whether you can see the action or not, an action verb tells that something
is happening, has happened, or will happen.

Stative Verbs

A few verbs do not tell of an action. They merely tell that something is.
They express a state of being:

Francis lives in New York.

The sales lady stood behind the counter.

Linking Verbs

A linking verb connects the subject with some other word or words in the
sentence. It also describes the appearance of the subject noun phrase in a

Don sounds cheerful.

James looks tired.

Here are the most common linking verbs:

be ( am, are, is, was, were, been, being)

become look smell appear taste
seem feel grow sound

Emotional response verbs

An emotional response verb is a verb that expresses an action or a

state of an emotional or psychological nature. With an emotional response
verb, someone feels something.

Here are some examples of emotional response verbs:

amaze astonish confuse bewilder

amuse bother disappoint frighten
annoy concern excite surprise
impress frustrate please shock
worry overwhelm thrill bore

Emotional response verbs have the following features: the SOURCE or

stimulus and the EXPERIENCER or RECEIVER, who feels the emotional
response. The SOURCE can be a person, thing, or event; the EXPERIENCER
is usually a person, although animals, too, can exhibit responses that we
might label emotional.

Consider the following sentence:

Bringing home four medals in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics motivated the
other Filipino athletes.

In this sentence, the emotional response verb is motivated;

the SOURCE noun phrase is bringing home four medals; and
the EXPERIENCER is the other Filipino athletes.


Nouns and pronouns help us name and identify things and people in the
world around us. Verbs help us make statements and ask questions about
things and people.
On the other hand, modifiers –adjectives and adverbs- help us describe
what we have seen and heard.
There was a brilliant flash.
We heard the jet faintly in the distance.
In addition, modifiers help us state how we feel about things and people.
The room was messy.
Our new puppy was extremely energetic.


An adjective modifies a noun; that is, it provides more detail about a

noun. This can be anything from color to size to temperature to personality.
Adjectives describe the qualities or states of being of nouns: enormous,
doglike, silly, yellow, fun, fast. They also describe the quality of nouns: many,
few millions, eleven.

Emotional Response Adjectives

Adjectives are also commonly used to make the audience feel a specific
way regarding something.
Consider these sentences:

A poor old father of two died on the spot when a reckless drunk driver
lost control of his car.

An innocent bystander had his face shredded by broken glass when the
drunk man lost his temper.

In these sentences, the writer uses the adjectives as emotive language to

make the reader feel sorry for the victims and anger towards the perpetrators.
This makes the reader agree with the writer because we want to seek justice
for the crimes committed.

Examples of Emotional Response Adjectives

Adjectives Showing Positive Emotions

happy thankful supportive

inspired active better
delighted satisfied helpful
secured excited carefree
hopeful amused glad

Adjectives Showing Negative Emotions

lazy afraid distressed

coward helpless weak
sad scared discouraged
embarrassed boring harsh

In order to make our meaning clear, vivid, and complete, we usually have
to tell how, when, where, or to what extent something is true. Adverbs are
used for this purpose.

Adverbs Used with Verbs

Adverbs are used to go with, or modify, verbs to tell how, when, where,
or to what extent an action happened.

Study the following list of adverbs:

How? When? Where? To What Extent?
secretly then nearby often
quickly later somewhere deep
sorrowful afterwards here seldom
hurriedly during there always

Now use some of the above adverbs in this sentence:

The pirates secretly buried their gold somewhere deep in the Mediterranean
during their time.
You can see what a great difference the adverbs make in the above
sentence. They make the meaning of the verb buried clearer, and they add
vividness and completeness to the whole sentence.

Adverbs Used with Adjectives or Other Adverbs

Besides being used to modify verbs, adverbs are also used to modify
adjectives and other adverbs. Notice the italicized adverbs in the following

Nika was happy.

Nika was extremely happy.

Ricky spoke slowly.

Ricky spoke too slowly.

Here are some more adverbs that are often used to modify adjectives or
other adverbs:
very nearly so
just somewhat more
quite rather most

These adverbs all tell how much or to what extent something is true.
You can see how useful adverbs are in making clearer, more complete, or more
vivid the adjectives or other adverbs that we use.

Emotional Response Adverbs

Adverbs describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They are commonly
classified into time, place, manner, degree and frequency. Aside from that,
there are also adverbs that help you express your thoughts and emotions
convincingly about an issue. They are called adverbs of opinion. This type of
adverb emphasizes the intensity of your stand or opinion. They help clarify
your belief about a certain issue.

Here are the commonly used adverbs of opinion:

Fortunately Owing to good luck Definitely Exact or certain
or favor
Strongly Firmly grounded Really/Actually In reality or
emphasizing a
Clearly Clear manner Unfortunately Unlucky or
Obviously/ Very evident or Hopefully Expressing
Evidently easily seen desire or hope

Personally In a personal way Surely/ In a sure manner

or as far as oneself Absolutely or without a
is concerned doubt
Truthfully/Truly Telling the truth Probably Likely to happen

Disappointingly Unhappy because

of failing to meet
Completely Entirely or nothing
is missing

Take note on how some of the adverbs above are used in the following

1. I definitely need to submit my report on Monday.

The word definitely emphasizes the stand of the speaker/writer that
he/she is certain about the submission of his/her report on Monday.

2. Unfortunately, she lost the chance of getting the promotion.
The word unfortunately conveys that she has not been promoted- a
feeling of sorry; a sad feeling.


Instructions: Read and analyze each activity carefully. Write your answers
on your answer sheet.

Activity 1: Verb Review

Directions: Identify which type of verb is used in the sentence. Write
whether is: Action Stative or Linking Verb.
1. The athletes made us proud.
2. Hidilyn Diaz clinches the gold medal.
3. The boxer knocked out his opponent in ten seconds.
4. The coach believes that he could have won the gold if he only
focused on his training.
5. The incentives they will receive are alluring.

Activity 2: EMO-verbs
Directions: Analyze the sentence to identify the emotional response verb used
in the sentences. After that, write the SOURCE or EXPERIENCER used.

1. The number of positive cases in our barangay surprised me.


2. The slow action of the government officials on the crisis disappoints the

3. Teenagers who give more time in playing mobile games than reading
books annoy me.

4. The rapid spread of the Delta variant in Region 1 frightened the mayor.

5. The different guidelines in the classifications of community quarantine

confused the people.

Activity 3: Find Me
Direction: Pick out the adjectives used in the sentences.

1. People who are sick with the virus may be infectious for many days and
pass the virus on to others.
2. Too many innocent lives were lost.
3. This awful situation will only do the worst until we do something to make
it better.
4. The government has declared a state of emergency due to the high case of
5. Strict home quarantine should be imposed in places with high cases.

Activity 4: ADD-jectives
Directions: Complete the following sentences. Choose from the adjectives
below to make it more emotive.
agonizing thankful shocking delighted strong

1. The _____________ power of the family dynasty disgusted me.

2. As your friend, I will be _____________ if you share your problems to me.
3. The _____________ news astonished the public.
4. You should be _____________ for the blessings that you receive.
5. The patient has suffered _____________ pain.

Activity 5: Finding Adverbs

Direction: Identify the adverb in each sentence.

1. Children below 5 years are prohibited outdoors.

2. She goes out daily that is why she contacted the virus.
3. Is there a place anywhere where there is zero case?
4. The children miss playing outside.
5. Anxiously, they returned home because they forgot something.

Activity 6: Identifying Adverbs

Direction: Pick out the adverbs of opinion used in the following sentences.

1. We definitely need to follow the rules implemented during the pandemic.

2. Hopefully, all our efforts to fight the pandemic will have a positive result.
3. Surely, the pandemic will end if we follow the given health and safety
4. Various organizations are evidently doing their best to help frontliners.
5. Fortunately, staying at home helped me bond more with my family.

Activity 7: Emo-Lang
Direction: Group the following words according to their kind as emotive
language used in persuasion.

angrily adorable intrepid adventurous joyful

meagerly apathetically methodically bewilder bored
confuse depress amused annoy baffle



Now that you have already learned about emotive language and the words
used in it, it is time for you to apply what you have learned through writing!

Directions: Choose a topic below and write a short persuasive paragraph. Be

sure to use a range of verbs, adjectives, and adverbs to reflect emotive
language. Use three (4) verbs, three (3) adjectives and three (3) adverbs in your
Underline the Verbs Encircle the Adjectives Box the Adverbs

 Keeping Safe During Covid-19
 What To Do During the Quarantine
 Coping Up with Stress and Boredom During the Pandemic
Be guided by the criteria given below.
Content 10 points
Organization 3 points
Topic Relativity and Cleanliness 2 points

Sample paragraph:
Health refers to physical and mental well-being. It is also the condition of
being free from any disease. Each person is responsible for his or her own
health by practicing good healthy habits. The following are some healthy
habits that one needs to do: practice personal hygiene; keep the home clean;
eat healthy foods; have enough rest, relaxation, and exercise; have a healthy
lifestyle; have a strong faith in God; have a good relationship with loved ones;
and visit the doctor regularly. These habits make a person physically and
mentally healthy.


Directions: Check your mastery of the lesson on using verbs, adjectives,
and adverbs in expressing emotional response or reactions. Choose the
letter of the correct answer.

1. The coach _________ to support the athletes.

A. came B. come C. comes D. comed

2. Which among the sentences uses a linking verbs that helps express an
A. You are brave enough to tell what you truly feel.
B. You should talk to a guidance counselor when you feel sad.
C. You made the right decision in sharing your problems to me.
D. You do not know that your parents can help you in times of need.

3. Identify the SOURCE in the sentence:

The high number of recorded positive cases frightened me.
A. me
B. frightened
C. positive cases
D. The high number of recorded positive cases
4. Identify the EXPERIENCER in the sentence:
The high number of recorded positive cases frightened me.
A. me
B. frightened
C. positive cases
D. The high number of recorded positive cases
5. Which adjective does not express a positive feeling?
A. delighted B. distressed C. inspired D. satisfied
6. Which adjective expresses a positive feeling?
A. discouraged B. embarrassed C. helpless D. objective
7. Parents are _______ to see their children help in the household chores.
A. amused B. angered C. distressed D. furious
8. Which type of adverb emphasizes the intensity of your stand about an
A. Adverb of Manner B. Adverb of Opinion
C. Adverb of Place D. Adverb of Time
9. Staying at home _______ helped me bond more with my family.
A. clearly B. in my opinion C. personally D. quite
10. I am _______ happy that many people helped those who are in need.
A. completely B. strongly C. surely D. truly

1. D
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. A
6. D
7. A
8. D
9. B
10. A
Try It!
1. /
2. x
3. /
4. /
5. /
Activity 1: Verb Review
1. Stative
2. Action
3. Action
4. Stative
5. Linking
Activity 2 : EMO-verbs
SOURCE: the number of positive cases in our barangay
SOURCE: the slow action of government officials
SOURCE: teenagers who give more time in playing mobile games than reading books
Activity 3: Find Me
1. infectious
2. innocent
3. awful
4. high
5. strict, high
Answer Key
Activity 4: ADD-jectives
1. strong
2. delighted
3. shocking
4. thankful
5. agonizing
Activity 5: Finding Adverbs
1. outdoors
2. daily
3. anywhere
4. outside
5. anxiously
Activity 6: Identifying Adverbs
1. definitely
2. hopefully
3. surely
4. evidently
5. fortunately
Activity 7: Emo-Lang
confuse adorable angrily
depress adventurous meagerly
bewilder joyful apathetically
annoy amused methodically
baffle bored
Answers may vary
1. A
2. A
3. D
4. A
5. B
6. D
7. A
8. B
9. C
10. D

A. Book
The Writing Improvement Project, Building English Skills Green Level,
McDougal, Littell & Company, Box 1667, Evanston, Illinois 60204

B. Online Reference

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SDO La Union

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management Section
Flores St. Catbangen, San Fernando City La Union 2500
Telephone: (072) 607 - 8127
Telefax: (072) 205 - 0046
Email Address:


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