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UNIVERSITY OF MUMBA 55: LS PATRAR COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE ANDY-P. VARDE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE & ECONOMICS Consolidated Mark-lst of M.COM (ADVANCED ACCOUNTING) SY-Sem Il examinations held in Nov/ 2021 rT = ra a rt | a esos 3 | fame fatty i at ne irene E | “ a foe 1-3 “| neon vm asec cared I fear | =| —4 “| ao oes P| : J fae bets #| sl “ ae ramon nr i Be P a} fawn -070 Et a of x ae rot | se * = leone jameson EF 3] ee Page 1/6 sn BPS Awe & ve ‘Female, falre, Copy Case, AB Absent, @ 5042/5083/5084, * 504, # 0.228, + Cari Forward, NV Null Vol, RLE Result Held In Reserve Dve To Lower treet e ‘nversiy oF MUMBAL 0-216 Gs. s PATEAR COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND VP. VAROE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE ECONOMICS omhered att of COM (ADVANCED ACCOUNTING) SY emi examinations ell Nov/202. La rT =y al T ono stadia I [ont lets taaa al = mel ieee ee rem | ol [i a“ | nl en arosmnemnsmusrncum ||| | aI cae [ra] a | » a [wos aiuounravesisinirnasionin | = oe | | f b= | a {=e = lal fan few | m ol a Loe ee Thc ome , iaatadsl | =| a lana | sen | a | al = | lomat-2¢ | ra | sl = = le kid fa |g tag Ee Sen | 539 ry a el at 2 | feos | al we 1H) rs cot {Haun ns PSH PRAIA | | pee we he | a os » a ets : awl ae “g- 1 Female, Faure, C Copy Case, AB Absent, @ 5082/S043/S044, * 5045, 80.229, +Caed Forward NV Ml & VO, LE Re sult Weld n Rezerve ue To Lower (Reguaeh e UNIVERSITY OF MUMBA e Page 3/6 ‘5.45 PATKAR COLLEGE OF ARTS & SCIENCE AND V.P. VARDE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE & ECONOMICS ‘Consolidated Mark-list of M.COM (ADVANCED ACCOUNTING) Y-Sem Il examinations held in Now/2021 | Bee KM foal a is a a [essa Senet ora eet etal z a al loew-07@ pote teat eee ee a fal al = * a: EO | Female, FFilure, CC Copy Case, AB Absent, @ 5042/5043/S044, * 5045, 10.22, + Carried Forward, NV Null & Void, RLE Rest Held n Reserve Due To Lower e UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI sss pnran couseeor ans ase aoc ee cOLECE OY COMMER 8 ONOMES - a = ~ Rott No. ‘Student Name | met ee eS [3 fees ota so Law i ad lec 726 ap rocmaarorn =] ; = | Tout | _ 64 ‘a [i jeo-z2 a ; z= I {a} |= 2 ae omen 1 was ase siege Sia a cE ee ke 2 |3 | SS eee eae omar va =I ; a la | at ja | |= ye Female, F Fite, CC Copy Case, AB Absent, Page 416 (@ 5022/5043/5084, * 5045, #0229, + Corie Forward, NV Null & Void, RLE Result Meld In Reserve Due To Lower (Regutar) [UNIVERSITY OF MUMBAI e snus pan cour or ams scene aw vAOe COLGEO COMMERCE ECONOMIES FATE COLE COUNTING) 3 Sem Heian el NO . ie 2 i = = = [ | a areas caar cae | | jaa eet » a | al =r 2 a Sr Sees Sst ee aoe ' aa ef 3 | J, |e Ee Sia a ee a — sae A eaarenrencer 1 oe ae - Ee | ths ee : Frama = tt Bee to wl at fos oma Ee a | al econ Female, Fitre, CC Copy Case AB nent, @ 5042/5083/5084, +5045, #0229, Caried Forward, NV Nu Void, LE Result age:5/5 IRegutor e UNIVERSITY OF MUMBA e Page:6/6 5.8L PRTMAR COLLIS OF ATS & SCIENCE AND VP. VARDE COLLEGE OF COMMERCE & ECONOMICS onslaed Markit of M.COM (ADVANCED ACCOUNTING) Y Sem il examinatonshels in Nov/2021 1 Female, Failure, C¢ Copy Case, AB Absent, @ 5042/5042/S044, * 5045, 0.229,» Carried Forward, NV Null & Voi, RLEResut Held n Reserve Due To Lower

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