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General Backgrounds:
Apocryphal Texts (•)
You possess the writings of one of your church’s founders or prominent figures.
While they’re not official canon, the revelations within make you a sought-after
expert. Gain two dice on related Intelligence rolls.
Flaw (•): The texts aren’t merely apocryphal, they’re considered dangerous by
your cult’s leaders. On social combat rolls involving the writings, increase the
Willpower damage modifier by 1.
Inspired Artist (••)
You channel your divine fervor into art. You’re a painter, a singer, a poet, a
sculptor, and your creations inspire all who experience it. Any artwork you craft
consisting of your cult’s symbology or channeling its message has an entrancing
effect, with onlookers being at a 1-die penalty to resist Social rolls from cult
members while in its presence.
Traveling Preacher (••)
You spread your cult’s message wherever you go, despite the risks Kindred take
when they travel. You’ve mapped out safe routes, established good places to go
to ground along the way, and learned where surveillance systems falter. When
traveling along established routes, reduce the Difficulty on rolls to avoid the
Second Inquisition’s or Hunters’ notice by 1.
Flaw (• or ••): Excommunicated
Once, you belonged. Something you did caused the leadership to cast you out and
make you persona non grata among your peers. They’ve stripped your access to
the cult’s support systems and resources. At one dot, subtract two dice from all
rolls dealing with the cult or its members. At two dots, cultists actively try to
destroy you: tanking your finances, undermining your reputation, and even calling
a Blood Hunt if you dare enter their territory.
Flaw (••): Faithless
You don’t actually believe any of the cult’s doctrines. You’re only in it for the
benefits, but true progress and power require a degree of commitment and
you’re not
willing to subject yourself to indoctrination. Keeping up appearances requires an
exhausting degree of vigilance; it’s only a matter of time before someone asks you
to prove your faith. Characters with this Flaw lose two dice on all Resolve and
Composure rolls associated with acting for the cult and may learn no Rituals,
Ceremonies, or purchase Loresheets associated with this cult higher than Level 2.

Ashfinder Backgrounds:
Streamer (••)
You’re a social media sensation, with a follower count in the hundreds of
thousands — minimum — hanging on your every post. They take your advice,
purchase the products you hawk, and rally to any cause you point them towards.
Once per story, you can call on them to perform a simple nonviolent action for
you. It may be something like donating money to a crowdfunding campaign,
flooding an elected official’s phone lines, or lighting a candle in their window on a
certain night. Note that this only acts as a Merit for as long as your online status
and actions are those of a mortal. If you start communicating Kindred secrets via
the internet, you will earn a two dot Adversary Background (representing the
vampire sent to silence you) and a two dot Enemy Background (representing
mortal scrutiny, probably in the form of an Inquisitor).

Memories of the Fallen (Thin-Bloods) (••)

Partaking of Ashe grants the user memories of the Kindred who died to make the
drug. You’re extremely receptive to the visions you have under its influence,
keenly feeling the echoes of their power and experiences. On Blood Alchemy rolls
relating to Ashe, one rolled 10 counts as two 10s. Two rolled 10s still count as
Flaw (••): Ashe Addiction
The need to relive other Kindred’s memories and wield their power is a constant
clamour in your mind. In addition to the Ashe Addiction rules in Cults of the Blood
Gods (p. 46), after a failed Blood Alchemy roll, the character suffers a two dice
penalty to all actions for the rest of the session.

Bahari Backgrounds:
Gardener (• to •••••)
As a faithful Ba’ham, you lead a Garden of your own. You guide new initiates, lead
rituals, and direct those who walk in your Garden to carry out the Dark Mother’s
will. This Merit acts as a selective form of the Herd and Influence Backgrounds,
where the adherents (mortal and Kindred) feed you willingly, providing they
receive the religious teachings and guidance of the Bahari, and you gain the
region specified as territory. If ever you fall out of favor with the cult, this Merit
goes with your reputation.
• Small Garden — 1-5 mortal adherents, located in a small, private space. The
garden is no bigger than a few potted plants or containers.
•• Growing Garden — 5-10 mortal adherents, 1-2 other Kindred, located in a
slightly bigger private space. This may be a rooftop garden in the city or a
backyard greenhouse in a rural area.
••• Community Garden — 10-30 mortal adherents, 3-5 other Kindred. The garden
is a larger plot of land, about an acre. This may be part of a city park or a town
•••• Sprawling Garden — 30-50 mortal adherents, up to a dozen Kindred. The
garden covers a large swath of land: an entire city park, an orchard in the country.
••••• Major Garden — over 50 mortal adherents, more than a dozen Kindred,
several of whom may branch out into Gardens of their own and oversee rituals.
The garden’s territory covers an entire city, or several towns in rural areas.
Dark Mother’s Song (••)
Your words make the listener’s pain and grief resonate like a struck harp. You
drive them to deeper and deeper insights and plant the seeds of justice and
vengeance in their hearts. Add three dice to Manipulation rolls when you’re
convincing others to take up the worship of Lilith.

Church of Caine Backgrounds:

Fire Resistant (•)
You’ve participated in the Sacrament of Firewalking (Cults of the Blood Gods, p.
64) several times. As a result, your body is able to withstand exposure to flames
outside of the ritual setting. You may convert fire-based Aggravated Health
damage to Superficial Health damage, up to your Blood Potency in Health boxes,
for one Rouse Check during daysleep, instead of three.
Flaw (•): Schism (Lasombra)
One of your great-grandsires was among the members of the Night Clan
participating in purging the Church of Caine several centuries ago. Others within
the Crimson Curia eye you warily, lest you share your predecessor’s views in
modern nights. Suffer a two dice penalty on Social rolls with other members of
your cult.

Church of Set Backgrounds:

Fixer (••)
With little more than a brief conversation, you know what people want. Even
when — especially when — it’s something they ought not have. You procure
questionable goods for your clients. If word of such acquisitions got out, they’d be
ruined. You keep their secrets because it’s good business, but sometimes that
leverage comes in handy. Once per story, call in a favor from or threaten to
expose a former client who has something you need. This may be using their
political pull, granting access to restricted files, or even require the client to
perform a criminal act. Once you’ve called in a favor from this client, they can’t be
leveraged in this way again.
Go to Ground (•)
The Church of Set teaches its members to be mobile, ready to slip away into the
shadows if persecutors come calling. You’re prepared to disappear with a
moment’s notice: exit routes mapped out, go bag prepared. Add two dice to rolls
to evade pursuit.
Vigilant (••)
The Church of Set has an unfair reputation for paranoia, when in fact they instill in
every initiate the need to keep eyes in the back of one’s head, having been
subject to persecution for centuries. Staying alert keeps the cult safe. You always
know when you are being watched, barring supernatural concealment like
Obfuscate, but you still need to roll in order to recognize who and from where.
Flaw (•): False Alarms
The hairs on the back of your neck stand up. Your skin crawls. You feel the weight
of unseen eyes upon you, even when you’re certain you’re alone. Your danger
sense is not only always on, it’s in constant overdrive ... and it’s not always right.
All failed Awareness rolls count as total failures (Vampire: The Masquerade, p.
122). The Storyteller may name up to three people or pieces of equipment in the
scene the character believes is watching them. Any or all may be utterly benign.

Cult of Shalim Backgrounds:

Gematria (•)
The Cult of Shalim uses a coded cipher called the gematria in their missives. You
understand the system and can encrypt or decrypt messages using it.

Insidious Whispers (••)

The Embrace cracks a person’s very core, throwing into question everything she
believed before her death. Many Kindred shore up their senses of self with
ambitions, dreams, and ideals to see them through the long nights. As a Shalimite,
you flow like water into those cracks, widening them until they split. When you
make a Social roll to undermine a character’s Conviction (based on you guessing
or interpreting it or something close to it), one rolled 10 counts as two 10s. Two
rolled 10s still count as four.
Flaw (•): Empty
You’ve carved away all of your fleeting, temporal joys. No bonds of love or lofty
ambitions remain. While within the cult, hollowness is good, that emptiness
radiates from you in a way that disturbs the uninitiated. People try to extricate
themselves from your presence quickly, making it hard to have more than
superficial conversations with them. Subtract two dice from Social rolls.

Mithraic Mysteries Backgrounds:

Bargainer (•)
Mithras was a god of merchants and traders, and as his devotee you see both the
value and drawbacks to any deals you broker. Reduce the Difficulty on rolls to
assess a transaction by 1.
Bull-Slayer (•••)
Like Mithras, when you set your sights on a target, you pursue it until it falls. You
may suffer setbacks, but you don’t give up — you adapt. During an Extended Test,
characters with this Merit can reroll up to three regular dice without spending
Willpower once per scene. If rerolling the entire dice result, they can do so once
per session.
Flaw (•): Failed Initiate
You faltered while taking one (or several) of the Seven Steps, and your Pater has
assigned a guide to ensure your future success. While it reflects the cult’s
investment in you, this vampire watches — and scrutinizes — your every move.
They may interrupt your plans at a whim, offering instruction and demanding you
prove yourself at inconvenient times.
Nephilim Backgrounds:
Archangel’s Grace (•••)
You’ve invested considerable time in dance studios, gymnasiums, and dojos
owned by fellow Nephilim. The training makes your movements lithe and assured,
every gesture an art form in itself. You may use your Performance Skill in place of
your Athletics Skill, or vice versa, when engaged in what for mortals would be a
cardio-heavy physical exertion such as fighting, fleeing, or dancing.
Flaw (•): Yearning
Your master is gone from your life. Perhaps she was Beckoned. Perhaps you broke
off contact, or she did, or someone else came between you. No matter how much
time has passed, you still wish you were at her side, pursuing her goals. When
your plans come into conflict with those your master set down for you, spend two
points of Willpower to work counter to her wishes. For extended actions, spend
one point for each roll. If you have no Willpower points left to spend, your next
action must be in pursuit of your master’s goals.

Holy Ground (•)
Your haven exists in a place of significance to your cult. You may keep an
apartment once owned by a respected Pater or claimed an alcove in the
catacomb where the cult’s founder is said to have slept. Other cultists view you as
the custodian of a holy place. Once per story, you may call on a large group of up
to ten cultists (half of them armed) to help defend your haven if it’s threatened.
Shrine (• to •••)
You keep a shrine in your haven. The number of dots purchased in this Merit are
equal to the dice bonus your character received on scrounging for, preparing, or
otherwise acquiring Ritual and Ceremony ingredients.
• Tabletop Shrine — The space is no bigger than a desktop or small table, with
items that easily fit in a drawer or a box you can stow beneath a loose floorboard:
a few candles, a ritual bowl, a small vial of vitae.
•• Moderate Shrine — You’ve devoted a room solely to worship, complete with a
small altar and several items relevant to your faith.
••• Large Shrine — You’ve spent considerable time and resources on making the
shrine as close to your faith’s temples and basilicas as you can. If you also have
the Security System Merit (Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 189), add one additional
die to rolls to resist unauthorized entry into the shrine.

Built-in Flock (Chasse) (•)
The cult maintains a front that attracts mortals such as a Shalimite self-help
center or Cinder Institute-sponsored retreats. Once per week, coterie members
may visit this establishment to feed, reducing the Difficulty to hunt by 1.
Mithraeum (Chasse) (••)
Your coterie’s domain overlaps with the local Mithraeum. Your coterie acts as
enforcers for the cult’s protection racket, and in exchange gains access to its
resources. This Merit provides the coterie with 2 dots of Haven Merits they can
swap for other Haven features at the start of each story, representing borrowed
stockpiles, watchmen, or other resources from the Mithraeum.
Networked (Portillon) (•)
You share access to the cult’s security precautions. If they have security cameras
around their temple, you can log in to the live feed. If a security team patrols the
block, the guards recognize you as a member. Once per story, the coterie can use
this asset in defense of its domain. For example, it may pull footage of an
intruder, or ask the patrol to expand their beat for a few nights.
Community Outreach (Lien) (•)
The cult performs acts of community service and has earned the residents’
goodwill. It makes frequent donations to food banks or turns abandoned lots into
community gardens, though it might hide these activities under a different name.
Locals recognize your character or coterie as part of that group. Add one bonus
die to all Manipulation and Subterfuge rolls when working with mortals in your
Flaw: (••) Disputed Domain (Chasse)
Your cult’s domain overlaps with a rival organization’s territory, causing frequent
tension and conflicts over resources. A group of Bahari may butt heads with
members of Gorgo’s Nest, or Church of Set square off against the Cult of Mithras.
Whenever you encounter its members, immediately roll to resist fury frenzy. For
each subsequent encounter, subtract one die from the roll. The start of a new
story resets the dice pool.
Flaw: (••) Visibility
Someone’s got it in their heads that the cult’s bad news. Whether they’re right or
not, any spaces associated with the cult are watched. This may take the form of a
lone conspiracy theorist posting members’ comings and goings on social media, a
handful of bored teens holding up signs outside the meeting-place of the cult’s
self-actualization classes, or a full-on protest attracting journalists and TV
cameras. All failed hunting tests become total failures and rolls to conceal the
coterie’s activities in the domain increase their Difficulty by 2.
Flaw: (•) Shared Vulnerabilities
Despite your coterie’s precautions, the cult’s own security is lax — a weakness
your foes can exploit to get to you. Enemies who take advantage of this ignore
the coterie’s Portillon rating so long as they breach the cult’s security system first.
General Rituals
Letter Ward
Ingredients: Pigeon blood, wax, dog blood.
Process: The letter writer, who need not be the sorcerer, pens a missive in pigeon
blood and clearly addresses the recipient. The sorcerer then melts wax and mixes
it with dog’s blood to seal the letter.
System: The sorcerer makes the Ritual roll when anyone other than the recipient
opens the letter. The victim suffers one point of Aggravated Health damage if the
caster wins the Ritual roll, or three points of Aggravated damage on a critical win,
and the letter destroys itself in a burst of flame.

Bloody Message
Ingredients: Mirror, sufficient human blood to write the message, UV light.
Process: The practitioner designates a type of individual in their mind — e.g.,
mortal, ghoul, vampire, male, a child, unemployed — and bathes a mirror in UV
light. The sorcerer writes a message on the mirror with a fingertip, using human
blood as the ink. The message appears on another reflective surface (a mirror,
polished glass, water) the practitioner has seen before and can mentally recall,
when the designated type of individual passes by.
System: The sorcerer makes the Ritual roll when enchanting the designated
surface. For every success the practitioner rolls, the message will repeat for each
new individual of the chosen type who passes the surface. The message clears
itself from the surface as soon as it’s been read once. It appears in the
handwriting and language in which the sorcerer wrote it.

This ritual causes lower-order living creatures to find the ritual area
repellent. Animals avoid the area, vermin scuttle away from it, and even plants
may take on a pitiful appearance. Used as a low-level precaution against
Animalism spies, this ritual also prevents infestations of the sorts of creatures
who would be drawn to gore, carrion, and the other sorts of remains the Sabbat
often leaves in its wake.
Ingredients: Vinegar or alcohol
Process: The ritualist sprinkles the vinegar or alcohol on the floor and turns
counterclockwise, visually circumscribing the area in which the lesser creatures
are to be expelled.
System: If the ritual is successful, living creatures of animal intellect and below
hastily vacate the area of about a hundred meters square. Thereafter, nothing
prevents a directed or controlled creature from returning (but such things may be
visible, and stand out due to their active expulsion), but such creatures won’t do it
of their own volition unless enraged or no other option to traverse it exists. The
effects last for one scene or one night, whichever comes first.

Herd Ward
Ingredients: Scorpion poison, sufficient vitae to provoke a Rouse Check.
Process: The sorcerer mixes scorpion poison with their own vitae to draw the
ward. The vampire can ward a single kine at level 1, or at level 3 inscribe the ward
on a door so all who stay within the ward for that night are protected.
System: The sorcerer makes the Ritual roll when another vampire tries to feed on
the warded kine. The transgressor suffers one point of Aggravated Health damage
if the caster wins the Ritual roll, or three points of Aggravated damage on a
critical win.
Once the Herd Ward is triggered, a Kindred still trying to drink from the
kine must roll Stamina + Resolve against Difficulty 4 for a normal Ward, or 7 for a
critical-success Ward.

Level 2
This ritual allows the caster to speak with the residu-al psychic aura of someone
who has died.
Ingredients: A human corpse or the corpse of a destroyednvampire.
Process: The ritual must be cast within ten feet of a human corpse or the corpse
of a destroyed vampire.
System: A successful Ritual test allows the caster to speak with the animate
reflection of the deceased for one scene as if they were still alive. This
communication is not with the deceased spirit and only has access to the
memories of the deceased up to the time of death. A Critical Win extends the
duration of the speech to an entire evening.

Level 3
This ritual shows what happened in the caster’s present location at a specific time
in the past up to five years ago.
Ingredients: One drop of blood for each year the caster is trying to look backward
in time (three or more drops requires a Rouse Check).
Process: The caster selects the location for their ritual, cuts their hand, and allows
the drops of blood to spill on the earth.
System: A successful Ritual test allows the caster to see what happened in their
present location at a specific time of their selection, up to five years ago. The
caster can see what happened in the past as if they had been standing where they
are now.
Duration is one scene with clarity of vision determined by the number of
successes scored. The vampire cannot recall the vision with any clarity after the
scene elapses, meaning the Storyteller is not obligated to answer any questions
about the vision after that time. A Critical Win permanently fixes the scene in
their memory.


This ritual heals obvious wounds on a corpse, causing a body to appear as though
it died a natural death.
Ingredients: A white feather.
Process: The caster must symbolically “dust” the body with a white feather.
System: A successful Ritual test causes a corpse to appear as if it died a natural
death. This ritual does not add blood to the corpse, but does reduce the chance
that this blood loss will be discovered (increase difficulty of all rolls to determine
cause of death by three). The body must have at least half its original blood for
this ritual to succeed. A Critical Win increases the difficulty of all rolls to
determine cause of death by five.

This ritual fortifies the target’s mind against frenzy.
Ingredients: Crystal glass, Kindred vitae.
Process: The caster shares blood with the target of the ritual while the caster
whispers quietly into the target’s ear, weaving a temporary cage around the
target’s beast.
System: The caster must share a glass of blood with their target. A successful
Ritual test grants the target a four-die bonus to resist frenzy for one scene. A
Critical Win extends this duration to an evening. The caster must share blood with
another and cannot cast this ritual upon themselves.


This ritual forces Lupines into their wolf form.
Ingredients: Wolf blood, Kindred vitae, a silver jug.
Process: The caster mixes Kindred vitae with wolf’s blood and pours the mixture
from a silver jug around a specific area. This can be as small as a meter or large
enough to encircle a house.
System: The caster makes three Rouse checks to summon the blood necessary for
the ritual and marks out a closed area with a mixture of Kindred vitae and wolf’s
blood. A successful Ritual test forces all Lupines crossing the threshold defined by
the caster to automatically transform into their Lupus form, unless they succeed
on a contested Willpower test against the casters Intelligence + Blood Sorcery or
the number of successes scored on the initial ritual roll (if yearlong).
The ritual dissipates at dawn unless the initial ritual roll is made at +2 to
difficulty. If successful, the ritual lasts a year and a day. A Critical Win doubles the
number of successes the Lupine needs on its roll to defeat the ritual. The Unseen
Change forces the target Lupine into their form as a normal wolf, denying them
the raw power of their dreaded half-wolf form.

This ritual forms a small rat out of Kindred vitae that goes wherever the caster
instructs and observes whatever the caster desires.
Ingredients: Kindred vitae, small quantities of alcohol, silver bowl.
Process: The ritual is cast over the course of 20 minutes while the caster fills a
silver bowl with vitae and measured doses of alcohol. A rat made of blood slowly
forms as the caster stirs the mixture, becoming ever more solid until it scampers
out of the bowl to serve its master.
System: A successful Ritual test summons a rodent made of Kindred blood from
the bowl that is bound to the caster and allows them to see through its eyes. The
rat will go wherever the caster instructs it to go and observe whatever the caster
tells it to look for. The rat can be instructed to steal small items, but the caster
must be very explicit as to what they want stolen and where it is located. The rat
remains in service until sunrise. A Critical Win allows the caster to provide the
creature with extremely precise instructions.

This ritual sharpens the caster’s hands to a razor’s edge.
Ingredients: A pair of razor blades, two drops of Kindred vitae.
Process: The caster places a razor blade in each palm, gripping them tightly as the
ritual is cast. At the end of the ritual, they vanish into the caster’s person, leaving
a pair of supernaturally sharp hands in their wake.
System: The caster must make a successful Ritual test and two Rouse Checks.
Success turns the caster’s hands into light piercing Brawl weapons with a +2
damage modifier. The caster must be very careful about what they touch while
employing Bladed Hands (+1 difficulty to all rolls to handle delicate objects). A
Critical Win increases the damage to +3. The ritual lasts for a single evening.

This ritual shrouds the caster in the illusion of a nondescript person that blends
easily into crowds.
Ingredients: A plain white mask , vitae from a Kindred with the Discipline of
Obfuscate, and a chameleon’s skin.
Process: The caster performs an hour-long ritual that concludes when they don a
featureless white mask and consume a concoction of vitae and lizard skin. A
sweat of blood forms under the mask, spreading across the caster’s body until
they are coated in a ruby crust that mystically conceals their true identity. The
mask itself slowly turns crimson until the ritual wears off.
System: A successful Ritual test is required to activate this ritual. Upon success,
the caster is cloaked in the illusion that they are an ordinary person in their mid-
20s, with a nondescript face and average body similar to the Obfuscate ability
Mask of a Thousand Faces. The nondescript appearance of this vampire shifts
across different faces, seen as different by individuals who can all see the caster.
This can of course lead to confusion and alarm. The caster can only see
their own reflection in mirrors and photographs. Illusion of Perfection can be
pierced by the Auspex ability Sense the Unseen, with a contested Wits + Auspex
vs. the successes scored on the ritual roll. Illusion of Perfection lasts one scene,
but a Critical Win extends its duration to an entire evening.

This ritual creates the illusion that a vampire’s haven is haunted.
Ingredients: Vitae from a Kindred who possessed the Discipline of Obfuscate
Process: The caster places a drop of Kindred blood on all entrances and exits to
the haven in addition to all exterior walls and the roof over the course of a three-
hour ritual.
System: The caster makes three Rouse Checks in addition to a Ritual test. Upon
success, the haven assumes an ominous cast and rumors begin to circulate that
the house in haunted. Casual passersby will avoid the house at all cost and even
the most courageous mortals will think twice before entering. Mortals attempting
to enter the haven must make a successful Composure + Resolve test against the
number of successes the caster made on their ritual roll. Success indicates they
can enter while failure bars their passage (although they can spend Willpower to
enter a turn).
The effects of Haunted House last for 10 years, after which the haven
appears strange and run down, but not “haunted.” Dr. Mortius spent decades
crafting this ritual with vampires of Clan Ravnos, inspiring Clan Tremere to forbid
its use as a threat to the Masquerade (and their power), but knowledgeable
Kindred may be willing to share it with others for a price.

Sleep of Judas
Ingredients: Blood of Willerton’s Judas tree (though possibly the blood from
another mystical landmark), opium.
Process: The sorcerer distills and boils the blood of the Judas Tree until only a
black tar-like substance remains. They mix this with an equal amount of opium,
which can either be used as a paste or re-liquefied with no loss of effect.
System: The sorcerer makes the Ritual roll when the target is drugged. On a
normal success, the victim may oppose by rolling dice equal to their remaining
undamaged Health boxes. A critical success immediately incapacitates a vampire
and kills a mortal or ghoul. Sleep of Judas wears off after a number of hours equal
to the success margin of their roll.

Based on sanguinary properties similar to the Vaulderie, this Ritual allows a
Pack Priest to share their Blood Potency with their pack, while strengthening their
own ability to keep those packmates in line.
Ingredients: One fingernail of the Pack Priest
Process: The Priest tears a nail from their finger and breaks it into pieces, one for
each member of the Pack. They place their own portion of the torn nail in the
Vaulderie chalice, while the other members place theirs under their tongue. If the
Ritual is successful, the pieces of nail dissolve into the Vaulderie blood consumed.
System: In addition to the effects of the Vaulderie, the members of the Pack have
their Blood Potency raised to the same level as the officiating Priest. Additionally,
the Priest gains three dice on any Dominate or Presence tests against other
members of the Pack. The effects last for one night.

This Ritual violently disrupts electrical currents in the area, shorting out or
fusing all wiring in the vicinity. Used to kill alarms, surveillance, and artificial
lighting, the element of stealth is often short-lived, as collateral damage in the
form of fires usually follows. Many Sabbat packs consider this less a flaw than a
feature, though.
Ingredient: A copper coin
Process: The caster smears their Blood on the coin, drops it to the ground and
grinds their foot on it, as if they were extinguishing a cigarette. If the Ritual is
successful, the coin shatters like porcelain as a Blood-borne current ravages the
electrical systems of the surrounding area.
System: The Ritual instantly wrecks wiring in the vicinity to the extent that all
electrical equipment ceases to function. This includes isolated circuits such as cars
on batteries and any backup generators running or starting up within a minute of
the casting. The area affected is equivalent to a large warehouse or a three-story
building, though it can be extended at casting by adding a level of Difficulty for
each additional building or building-equivalent.
On a critical win the outage is relatively discreet, but will otherwise cause at
least one fire, together with random bursts of static electricity raising hell with
speakers, car alarms, and other loud electrical objects.

Level 4
Developed by Nicolai himself, this ritual allows the caster to conceal their Kindred
aura from users of Auspex.
Ingredients: A toy belonging to a mortal child.
Process: The caster must acquire the toy of an innocent mortal child and use the
ritual to mystically infuse it with the power of their Kindred vitae, drawing the
child’s innocence into their aura. The caster must then carry the toy on their
person to mask themselves from the powers of Auspex.
System: The caster makes a Rouse Check and makes their Ritual test. Upon
success, the caster’s aura is altered to make them appear mortal, with any stains
of diablerie rendered invisible. Auspex users employ- ing Scry the Soul on the
caster will perceive their aura as mortal until the effects of the ritual dissipate,
unless they make a contested roll between their Intelligence + Auspex versus the
caster’s Intelligence + Blood Sorcery + four dice.
The ritual lasts one night unless the ritual test is made at +2 to difficulty
which extends it until the end of the story. A Critical Win doubles the ritual’s
duration. Note that there is no recorded instance of Nicolai sharing this ritual with
his fellow Tremere and can only be learned by capturing Nicolai’s notes or via
other method of the Storyteller’s determination.


This ritual rends the earth to reveal a vampire concealed by Protean.
Ingredients: A leather whip, Kindred vitae.
Process: The caster locates the exact spot a user of Protean sank into the earth
using Earth Meld. They then slit their palm, smearing vitae on the point of entry
and repeatedly strike the ground with a leather whip.
System: The caster makes a Rouse Check and a ritual test. Upon success, a 10-foot
by 10-foot chasm opens, leading to the subterranean resting place of a vampire in
an Earth Melded state. The ritual automatically awakens the target vampire if
they are asleep, but will not do so if they are in torpor. A Critical Win opens the
chasm without waking the target.

This ritual transforms the target into a bat like the level four Protean ability,
Ingredients: A vial of rabid vampire bat blood, Kindred vitae acquired from a
vampire with the Protean Discipline, and a string-suspended puppet crafted from
bat bones.
Process: The target must drink a vial of blood from a rabid vampire bat, mixed
with Kindred vitae while the caster puppeteers the bone marionette.
System: The caster produces two Rouse Checks’ worth of their blood (with
associated rolls required), with the blood of a rabid vampire bat and gives it to the
target to drink. The ritual is cast, and upon a successful ritual roll, the target is
transformed into a bat per the Metamorphosis ability of the Protean Discipline.
The target may elect to resist this transformation ith a Stamina + Occult
roll. If the target rolls more successes than the ritual’s practitioner, they prevent
the transformation, while their Total Failure can leave them in a horrifically
deformed, half-human, half-bat state.
The half-bat creature gains +2 Strength, +1 Dexterity, +1 Stamina, and +1
Presence up to a maximum of 5, but cannot communicate verbally, reduces its
Manipulation to 0, and takes 1 aggravated Health damage for every turn exposed
to bright light, artificial or otherwise.
The ritual can be cast on both Kindred and humans and lasts for a full
evening or until the caster dispels the ritual via a successful ritual test. The
duration of Protean Curse can be extended by making a Rouse Check and a
successful ritual roll at the beginning of each night the caster wants to maintain
the ritual. A Critical Win for the practitioner doubles the duration of Protean
Curse. The caster cannot use this Ritual on themselves.

Level 5
A time-consuming and elaborate Ritual, this colossal undertaking allows the
construction of a distance-defying portal allowing multiple vampires to cross vast
distances in mere moments. While only one instance is known so far, Blood-
sorcerers of the Sabbat suspect that it is only a matter of time before they may
construct more as means to perform devastating hit-and-run attacks in the heart
of rival sects’ domains.
Ingredients: Anything required to build a copy of the target destination, including
but not limited to sand, mortar, concrete, metal, and dirt. One vampire sacrifice
and a number of mortal ones equal to the number of travelers.
Process: In order to function, the gate needs to mbe an exact copy of the target
location, whether a building, cellar, attic, or some other location equipped with a
physical structure that can be designated as a portal. This requires spies to spend
weeks documenting the target location, smuggling examples of materials and
taking countless pictures or making sketches of the place. Meanwhile, the replica
is built (the more remote, the more secure), and the area consecrated with blood
– vast amounts of it.
Preparing the portal requires at least one mortal sacrifice per intended
traveler, their remains to be scattered about the simulacrum edifice. The final
activation calls for a vampire sacrifice. If a suitable victim isn’t on hand, the lot
probably falls to the vampire present who’s the least able to resist being forced
into the role, though ritualists have proposed Embracing a mortal sacrifice for this
System: If the Ritual Test is successful, the gate allows the desired number of
vampires passage outward, and an equal number – not necessarily the same
individuals – to return. Until that number has been matched, the gate remains
open indefinitely, though nothing reveals the target location as such. Mortals
cannot use the gate; to them it appears as nothing more than a repulsive

Oblivion Ceremonies
Level 2
Prerequisite: Shadow Cast
Striking a pact with a death-spirit, the caster buys themselves a short time
of immunity to surveillance, as the otherworldly entity scrambles cameras around
the vampire.
Ingredient: A small piece of aluminum mesh
Process: The user spends a scene in isolation, contacting the spectre and bonding
it to the aluminum mesh. The mesh is then placed in a light-proof container, to be
taken out when the effect is to be activated. Once removed and attached to a
visible piece of flesh or garment of the caster, the effect is initiated.
System: Do not make a Ritual roll until the effect is activated. If possible, the
result of the test should be kept secret from the player. If successful, cameras
around the caster will end up scrambling their image, though they will pick up
everything else normally. The effect lasts for a full scene, or until the mesh is
Level 3
Some places seem haunted, raising the hackles of mortal and vampire alike. A
place Harrowhaunted is in a different league. Places subjected to this Ceremony
convey a sense of such miasmic dread that most breathing creatures find it hard
to, well, breathe, let alone stay. Sabbat vampires often use this to discourage
unwanted visitors from lingering in the proximity of their communal havens.
While it won’t scare away encroaching vampires, most mortals will
unconsciously take the long road around it, or make up excuses for why they’ll
check up on the rumors surrounding the place “tomorrow... probably.”
Prerequisite: Aura of Decay
Ingredient: Mortals subjected to abject terror and suffering. The more the
Process: It starts with a “party.” A number of mortals are confined to the place
and inflicted with terror and torture that ends with their death. But this is no
mercy. The broken remains of their souls, scarcely more than fear-urges and
sublime revulsion, are bound to the place, their bones buried in the ground, and
made to share their torment with anyone who enters uninvited.
System: Mortals entering the vicinity (anything up to a two-story building) are
beset by an irrational terror, requiring a Composure + Resolve test each turn to
remain. If they fail they will indulge any excuse to leave, or run shrieking on a
total failure. Vampires are less affected, but each scene spent in the location
requires a test for fear frenzy.

Level 4
While many of the entropic effects of Oblivion are restricted to mortals,
this Ceremony allows the wielder to infect the blood of a vessel, making
an otherwise healthy-appearing mortal into pure poison to the children of Caine.
Prerequisite: Necrotic Touch
Ingredient: The vampire’s saliva
Process: The vampire needs only introduce a drop of their spittle to the skin of
their victim, either by feeding on them or by smearing it upon them through
physical contact.
System: A victim befouled in this way shows no symptoms, and is unaware of the
harm done to them or the danger they pose to the undead. Anyone feeding on
them will likewise be unaware of the effects apart from a rancid strangeness to
their Blood. (Generous Storytellers can allow a Wits + Survival test at Difficulty 3
to notice that something is amiss, allowing the player to abort their feeding.)
Once the feeding is done, the effect occurs: The feeding vampire gains
Hunger instead of sating it, on a 1-for-1 basis. (A vampire who would’ve sated
three Hunger would gain three Hunger.) This will likely risk hunger frenzy (see
Vampire: The Masquerade p. 220). No matter if they are fed on or not, the
infected mortal dies in their sleep the following night, the only clue to their fate a
patch of – mildew? – and acrid night-sweat.

Church of Caine New Rituals

The Lure of Flames is the thaumaturgical embodiment of victory over fear.
Pioneered by vampires of Clan Tremere, the Church of Caine heavily utilizes these
powers as part of their sacraments and their arsenal against enemies of the faith.
It is both a way to protect oneself from the bane of fire and a weapon used to
instill both injury and terror in the enemy. This form of Blood Sorcery exists in the
form of Rituals, with the rolls required detailed on p. 275 of Vampire: The
Masquerade, unless noted otherwise.
Level 1
Dampen the Fear
This Ritual allows the caster to briefly douse their natural vampiric fear of fire.
• Ingredients: A holy object, such as a crucifix, bible, or Qur’an.
• Process: The vampire must burn the holy symbol before walking into, past, or
otherwise interacting
with fire. The object does not need to be destroyed, just exposed to the fire.
• System: A successful Ritual roll following the burning of the holy object grants
the character +2 dice on all rolls relating to resisting Rötschreck. A critical win
results in the character needing to make no terror frenzy rolls at all. The power
wears off once the scene ends.

Level 3
Fire in the Blood
This Ritual allows a vampire to invoke the anguish of fire in a victim’s blood.
Blistering heat emerges from the target’s veins and causes intense pain. The
power from this Ritual differs from Cauldron of Blood (see
Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 274) in that it is usable from a distance and an
efficient way to incapacitate rather than kill the victim.
• Ingredients: A sample of the target’s blood, a visual depiction of the target such
as a photo, painting, or video recording, a candle made from red wax or a lighter
made of iron.
• Process: The vampire concentrates on the visual depiction of their target (which
can be the individual in person) and burns the target’s blood sample, usually held
in a petri dish, glass bottle, or vial, over the flame. The effect occurs almost
immediately, as the victim’s blood heats up in their veins.
• System: The player makes a Ritual roll following the incantation versus the
target’s Resolve + Occult (or Resolve + Fortitude, if the target is a creature with
this Discipline). Each point of the vampire’s margin is applied as Superficial Health
damage that also inflicts wracking pain upon the victim, forcing them to incur a −2
dice penalty to Physical pools for the remainder of the scene. On a critical win, the
penalty increases to −3. A Kindred target must make a Rouse Check due to the
damage to their vitae.

Level 5
Creatio Ignis
The caster of this Ritual diverts hungry flame from their flesh, using an
enchanted coating of vitae like a buffer and can set items and people alight using
the fire. This Ritual is a phenomenal breach of the Masquerade as the power is
entirely visible and can cause intense environmental feedback, not to mention the
bloody coating of the caster’s hands before activation.
• Ingredients: Sufficient vitae (from any vampire) to coat the caster’s arms up to
the elbows, a source of flame (such as a lighter).
• Process: The vampire immerses their arms in the blood and withstands the urge
to feed or frenzy (if using their own vitae for this, it compels three Rouse checks).
After extracting their arms, exposure to flame will ignite the vitae rather than the
vampire it coats. The vampire can then go on to set targets alight using the fire on
their skin.
• System: If the user is at Hunger 4 or more, make a hunger frenzy test at
Difficulty 3 to avoid draining the ingredients. At any point during the night they
may expose the vitae to fire and make a Ritual roll. A win ignites flames on the
vampire’s hands and arms, which in a spectacular display provoke a terror frenzy
test (Difficulty 2) in all nearby vampires except the caster. They may touch others
with Dexterity + Brawl in physical combat to inflict two Aggravated Health
Entering a grapple ignites the other person’s clothes, continuing the
damage each turn until a Composure + Survival roll (Difficulty 3) is won to end the
burn. The caster is only resistant to flame on their arms and will burn as usual
elsewhere. The fiery arms extinguish when the caster wills it or when the scene

The Bahari New Rituals

The lilin teach each other uncommon powers, that while not exclusive to
the Bahari, are rare beyond their ranks. When Bahari hear of other vampires
practicing these arts of the Blood, they’re quick to pay a visit to the Kindred
involved and find out if they represent another chapter of the cult, or if they’ve
stolen these gifts from a more worthy vampire. Bahari Blood Sorcery exists in the
form of Rituals, with the rolls required detailed on p. 275 of Vampire: The
Masquerade and still requiring dots in Blood Sorcery, unless noted otherwise.

Level 1
Coax the Garden
This Ritual allows the caster to bring plant life, such as roots, grass, and tree
branches to act in their defense.
• Ingredients: Human blood, poppy seeds.
• Process: The vampire casts a concoction of human blood and poppy seeds onto
the earth, and in doing so rouses all plant life within a 5 yard/meter diameter.
While these plants are rarely lethal in their attacks, they can successfully disable
and alarm their victims.
• System: A win on the Ritual roll following the casting of the Ritual ingredients
animates the plant life. The affected flora causes a two-dice penalty to physical
dice pools for those caught in the range of the Ritual, as plants trip and grip them.
Victims who stay in the area for longer than a turn must make a Dexterity +
Athletics roll (Difficulty 3), or be grappled and suffer two points of Superficial
Health damage for each turn ensnared.
If the caster achieves a critical win, the damage from plant attacks doubles.
On a total failure, the plants attack the caster. The plants will target anyone who
isn’t the caster. They remain active until the end of the scene.

Level 5
Eden’s Bounty
This rare Ritual allows a vampire to drain blood and energy from any living
creatures in the nearby area, allowing the caster to stave off Hunger without even
having to bare their fangs.
• Ingredients: A dead body, a living tree, one fresh apple, one rotten apple.
• Process: The vampire lays a dead body (age of the corpse is immaterial) at the
foot of a tree and places the healthy apple in the corpse’s mouth, followed by the
rotten apple into the vampire’s. If the apple does not fit in the corpse’s mouth,
the caster may hammer it in, dislocate the jaw, or otherwise rend the throat
open, so long as it fits. As the body rapidly merges with the tree’s roots and trunk,
blood from mortals up to 1 mile/kilometer away drains into the earth and out
through the rotten apple in the vampire’s mouth, sating Hunger.
• System: The player makes a Ritual roll following the placement of the corpse
and the apples. On a win, the vampire’s Hunger is slaked to one, despite any
Blood Potency feeding penalties. On a critical win, the vampire’s Hunger is slaked
to zero without killing.
On a total failure, the vampire falls into a hunger frenzy. Depending on the
number of kine in the Ritual area and the type of kine nearby, Stains may accrue;
for example vampires with a Prey Exclusion (see Vampire: The Masquerade, p.
181) may suffer Stains if this Ritual is used in an area heavily populated by their
excluded class of mortal, whereas varied groups with more kine to draw from are
less likely to bear an ethical cost.
A lot of blood is wasted with this Ritual, as all the mortals in the area lose a
little blood to the earth, though the loss is not visible. For the remainder of the
chapter, those kine suffer a one-die penalty to all Physical rolls and 1 Aggravated
Health damage. Resonances from this form of consumption are fleeting, unless a
large number of mortals in the area possess the same Resonance (such as
Sanguine at a rave, Melancholic at a memorial ceremony, etc.).
Ceremonies of Shalim
Shalimites practice their own brand of Oblivion Ceremonies, and while
vampires outside the cult can learn them with a suitable Mawla, it’s rare for a
member of the cult to teach an outsider. The rules surrounding learning and
practicing Oblivion Ceremonies are addressed on p. 93, but following are some
example Ceremonies rare to anyone outside the cult.
Note: The Shalimite Ceremonies use Oblivion powers from Chicago by
Night as their pre-requisites. If you do not own this book, the Storyteller is free to
suggest another Oblivion power to act as a pre-requisite.

Level 1
Traveler’s Call
This simple Ceremony is taught by the cult to all priests before their release
into the wider world. Since all priests of Shalim are linked by their common bond
with Apolleon the Traveler, they are able to use his presence in eternal Oblivion
as a nexus between themselves and their followers.
Pre-required Power: Oblivion’s Sight (see Chicago by Night)
Ingredients: The black book gifted to them following their indoctrination into the
Process: By using the Traveler’s Call with their black book in hand and the name
of another Shalimite in mind, a priest can send a ripple out across Oblivion, calling
the target to their location. Unlike a true summoning, this power does not place a
compulsion upon the victim, but does alert the Shalimite being contacted to the
vampire’s current location through a repetitive, flashing vision of the scenery
surrounding the calling Kindred.
System: The cultist must possess their black book and know the name of another
Shalimite. The vampire’s player makes a Ceremony roll (Difficulty 3). The
contacted vampire can choose to ignore the call, but the flashing vision gives
them −2 dice to all rolls involving concentration for the remainder of the scene, at
which point the call disappears. A critical win by the vampire allows them to send
a single-word message to their point of contact along with the vision.
Level 3
Name of the Father
Priests of Shalim have all been trained to use their voices as weapons,
slicing through the sugar coating their victims wrap around their love for the
world. By invoking the name of their dark master and calling for his aid, they
channel a fraction of his power into an adversary and cloud their very mind with
shadow, causing them to stand dumbstruck by the emptiness of Oblivion.
Pre-required Power: Shadow Perspective (see Chicago by Night)
Ingredients: The ability to speak ancient Greek, eye contact with a victim, five
charcoal sticks
Process: The priest invokes an incantation in a dialect of ancient Greek, invoking
the name of Shalim as they crush four charcoal sticks in hand. These words are
spoken while making eye contact with the victim, therefore the victim must be
able to see and hear the user for this power to be successful. Upon crushing the
final charcoal stick, a shadow crosses the eyes of the priest and those of the
victim, leaving the eyes of each participant entirely black as the victim succumbs
to a crushing sense of despair.
Those who have experienced this power and lived to tell of it speak of an
all-consuming darkness closing in around their thoughts and robbing them of all
sensation. The last thing they recall is a distant, rumbling laughter echoing in their
System: The vampire’s player makes their Ceremony roll vs. the victim’s Resolve +
Composure. On a win, the vampire may activate this Ceremony’s effects as long
as they’re in the victim’s presence. Upon activation, the victim is paralyzed with
despair for a number of turns equal to the margin. While under this effect, victims
cannot see, hear or experience any form of sensory input except touch and
physical pain, which brings them out of the effect. The victim can expend
Willpower equal to the number of turns they would remain paralyzed to break
free of the power.

Level 5
Pit of Contemplation
Only the most powerful of Shalim’s priests have been able to manifest this
ability, but the effect is one of the most terrifying and demonstrative uses of
Oblivion yet seen in modern nights. The ability to c ast an enemy into Oblivion
terrifies even the toughest of Kindred.
Pre-required Power: Tenebrous Avatar (see Chicago by Night)
Ingredients: Pot of ink, three liters/six pints or more of blood from an innocent
the user murdered, an unlit room (this power does not work outside)
Process: The vampire personally murders an innocent mortal, likely incurring
Stains depending on the Chronicle Tenets and their Convictions. While innocence
is subjective, traditional sacrifices are children, virgins, and holy individuals. The
vampire then takes at least three pints/six liters of the deceased’s blood into an
unlit room and uses it to paint a doorway on a wall in the chamber. Finally, the
vampire splashes a pot of ink onto the blood-painted portal. Focusing their will
upon the gateway, the priest opens a tear through to Oblivion.
Anyone foolish or unfortunate enough to fall into the gap is immediately
transported into a pocket of eternal black nothingness for as long as the priest se
es fit. If the priest is destroyed without releasing their prisoners, any undead
prisoners remain trapped in the void (unless and until another vampire reverses
the Ceremony).
Priests may choose to pass through the door, but doing so condemns them
forever. Some Shalimites do this when they feel they have completed their work
as a part of the cult.
System: Following the Ceremony steps, the priest’s player makes their Ceremony
roll, and on a success the effect is quick and implosive. A hole opens at the point
where ink and blood mix. The hole dr aws objects, air, and people toward it and, if
they fail a Dexterity + Athletics roll (Difficulty 4), sucks them into a pock et within
While trapped, victims are suspended in an endless blackness. They cannot
see or hear anyone or anything around themselves. Only the priest who conjures
this blasphemous gateway can free those held within (at least until the priest is
destroyed), by pouring a vampire’s vitae over the painted door (sufficient to
provoke a Rouse Check). Mortals sucked into Oblivion are instantly killed.

Banu Haqim Rituals

Level 2
Ishtar’s touch
The blood sorcerer can convert a dose of their own vitae into a touch-activated
narcotic that renders a victim uninhibited and vulnerable to Disciplines such as
Presence and Dominate, along with attempts at mundane manipulation, coercion
and interrogation.
Ingredients: A small amount of hashish or other narcotic substance
Process: The chosen substance is mixed with the user’s Blood and rubbed
between their fingers as the incantation
is read (or whispered). The Ritual only takes a couple of minutes to prepare.
System: The user makes a Ritual roll vs. the Stamina + Resolve of the target
mortal or vampire after they make contact with the affected vitae. For the
remainder of the scene, the victim suffers a dice penalty equal to the margin of
win on the Ritual roll on all resist pools involving Composure or Resolve. (Apply
the penalty only once in case the pool involves both Attributes.) The narcotic
vitae retains its potency until it is touched, up until the end of the scene.
Level 3
One With The Blade
The Banu Haqim connection to the delivery of harm and death is such that
they can speak with a weapon and command it to strike with increased accuracy
and lethality. Many Banu Haqim are known for their dedicated weapon, which in
some cases are carried with them for centuries of use. Such a weapon never rusts
or dulls for as long as it remains in the vampire’s possession. If someone else
physically claims it as their own, it ages much as a ghoul denied vitae would do.
In the case the weapon is still useable following this degeneration, if it is
used against its original owner — the blood sorcerer — it inflicts grievous harm in
retribution for them having lost it. Ingredients: A melee weapon and enough of
the caster’s vitae to fully immerse it.
Process: The vampire submerges their chosen weapon in their own vitae and
speaks a mantra dedicating their life to the weapon. The weapon must remain
submerged without interruption until the following sunrise.
System: Once the Blood is exsanguinated and the weapon is submerged, make a
Ritual roll. On a win, the weapon becomes mystically dedicated to the user. It
remains of immaculate quality unless subjected to focused harm when outside
the caster’s ownership. Additionally, if anointed by the Blood of the user it gains a
two-dice bonus when used in combat. The anointment takes a single turn, forces
a Rouse check and lasts for a full scene. A vampire can never possess more than
one weapon dedicated this way.
In order to perform this ritual on a new weapon, the previous dedicated
weapon must be destroyed first. The vampire with this weapon must ensure it
never leaves their possession. If stolen and used against them, it cannot gain any
additional dice but deals Aggravated damage against its owner (the one who
originally performed the Ritual).
Level 2
Amalgam: Fortitude 1
The vampire soothes the mental or emotional turmoil of their subject,
restoring to them a modicum of steadfastness. It is especially effective when used
on mortals, either to help them through momentary agitation, or to calm them
before feeding on them.
Cost: One Rouse Check and additional Willpower depending on circumstances
Dice Pool: Composure + Auspex
System: The vampire rolls Composure + Auspex against Difficulty 2 and restores a
number of superficial Willpower damage levels equal to the margin on the roll.
Alternatively, the user restores one aggravated Willpower damage level for every
three successes in the margin.
If successfully used on a mortal, Obeah similarly calms them if they’re in a
turbulent emotional state, or puts them otherwise at ease.
Use of this power takes a whole turn. If the vampire
spends an entire scene instead, reduce the Difficulty to 0. Obeah must be used on
someone other than the vampire invoking the power. A subject can be affected
by the power only once per night.
If the user soothes more than one subject per night, the user suffers
superficial Willpower damage equal to half the number of successes in the margin
for every additional subject, as they take on the burden of so many charges.
Duration: N/A
Level 3
The mind-numbing fear of realizing one’s role as prey is unique, and
vampires versed in sensing the Beast can learn to recognize it in those who
experience it. This power allows a vampire to become aware of any mortal in an
area projecting the distinct note of fear produced by prey animals having come
face to face with their predator, allowing them to quickly track and silence those
who would threaten their clandestine presence.
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pool: Resolve + Animalism
System: The vampire sniffs the air and rolls Resolve + Animalism. Each success on
the roll allows them to sense and track the position of a mortal who has
witnessed what a Camarilla Kindred would call a “Masquerade violation.” (The
user senses the closest mortal first if there are more than one and order matters.)
The effect lasts for one scene, or one night on a critical win. The power is
ineffective on mortals who are familiar enough with vampires to sublimate the
note of fear, such as ghouls, vampire retainers, or dedicated hunters.
Duration: One scene or night
Level 5
unburdening the bestial soul
Amalgam: Dominate 3
Prerequisite: Obeah
As seekers of the promises of Golconda, some vampires explore ways to
remedy the turbulent souls of their fellow Damned. This power shares some
amount of the vampire’s moral serenity with a repentant Kindred, allowing some
semblance of remorse to be restored while also keeping the Beast at bay. It does
require the user to take on part of the mind and spirit of their subject, shackling
their will to that of the user. (Most often seen among the Salubri, this power has
no doubt contributed to their reputation as monstrous soul-thieves...)
Cost: Two Rouse Checks, gain one Stain
Dice Pool: Composure + Auspex vs. Humanity
System: The vampire spends a scene in seclusion with the subject and rolls
Composure + Auspex vs. the Humanity of the subject. For every success in the
margin, they can remove one Stain from the subject, or erect a psychological
“shield” that will protect the subject from future Stains on a one-forone basis. For
example, a margin of three applied to a subject with no Stains would effectively
“cancel out” up to three Stains acquired later in the session.
On a critical win the user can choose to forgo the above benefits, instead
restoring a single point of Humanity to the subject, but no vampire can gain that
benefit more than once, ever. Unburdening the Bestial Soul works only on
vampires, and only on subjects whose Humanity is lower than that of the user.
No matter the benefits received, for the rest of the session the subject is
numbed, having part of their mind merged with the user, and any Dominate
powers used on them by this power’s user succeed automatically with no eye
contact necessary. When the power expires, all psychological “shields” not used
up are lost, though Stains removed or Humanity gained on initial application do
not revert.
Duration: One session

Blood Sorcery
Level 3
The user is able to extend the Blood Bonding properties of their vitae,
enabling it to retain its ensnaring properties when stored, or even when present
in the body of a ghoul. Anyone drinking the stored vitae or from the ghoul will be
affected just as if they’d imbibed it directly from the user’s wrist. Developed by
the Tremere in a failed attempt to alleviate their Bane, the power has resurfaced
in the Sabbat, where the Discipline is less limited by clan lineage, and has been
used to great effect in some of their longer schemes.
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pool: None
System: The user activates this power when calling upon their Blood, either for
storing or when giving it to a ghoul. Each use empowers three Rouse Checks’
worth of Blood. Anyone ensnared by the Transitive Bond will be unaware of its
effect until they lay eyes on their eventual Regnant, but they might become
restless and catch glimpses of them in dream-like visions during daysleep. The
Blood Bond otherwise functions as described in Vampire: The Masquerade, pp.
Duration: N/A

Level 5
No matter the distance, Blood calls to Blood. Working on that principle, this
power allows a vampire to reclaim Blood that has been yielded to create ghouls,
reclaiming that which has been given. Regardless of where they are, ghouls of the
vampire will find the life-giving vitae in their veins rebelling within them,
returning through mystical means to its source, while their bodies suffer
catastrophic damage. Sabbat elders have been known to keep ghouls for this
express purpose, an emergency reserve available anywhere at any time, at the
trifling cost of a few mortal lives.
Cost: One or more Stains (when called to return)
Dice Pool: None
System: The user concentrates for a turn and choses which of their servants are
to repay their Blood debt. The ghouls do not need to be present, and distance
doesn’t matter. The vampire sates two Hunger for each ghoul, while the ghoul
suffers five levels of aggravated damage as their body ages irregularly and rapidly,
the undead Blood inside them feeling as if it were attempting to violently vacate
them. While the power does not require the vampire to Rouse the Blood it
should, if ever learned by someone outside the Sabbat, merit Stains to employ.
Duration: N/A
Level 2
Slavish Devotion
Amalgam: Presence 1
Those already under the mental dominion of the vampire find their minds
strengthened against interference from other Kindred.
Cost: No additional cost
System: Any attempt to mentally coerce a character already under the influence
of the vampire’s Dominate has its Difficulty increased by two, or suffers a four-
dice penalty in contests. The Difficulty cannot rise above 7.
Duration: Passive
Domitor’s Favor
Kindred are creatures of cruel irony, and the name of this Discipline power
is one such example. While conditioned with the Domitor’s Favor, a thrall with a
Blood Bond to that vampire finds it much more difficult to act against their
master. Domineering Tzimisce are especially fond of this power, using it to ensure
the loyalty of their servants.
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: Defiance rolls for willful thralls under the effects of Domitor’s Favor are
made at a three-dice penalty and thralls may not spend Willpower on them.
Additionally, total failure on a defiance roll means that the Blood Bond does
not weaken that month. See pp. 233-244 of Vampire: The Masquerade for more
information on Blood Bonds and rolls made to defy them.
Duration: One month

Level 4
Ancestral Dominion
Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 3
Vampires of great age and potency find it possible to exert their will via the
Blood, without the traditional need for eye contact and verbal communication
with their target, and with no maximum range. This power enables a Kindred to
compel a descendant to take an action on their behalf, even if it’s one the target
would normally be opposed to. Vampires instinctively know an ancestor is
manipulating them, when subject to this power.
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pools: Manipulation + Dominate vs. Intelligence + Resolve
System: On a successful roll of Manipulation + Dominate, the victim acts to fulfill
the dominating vampire’s request, providing it doesn’t entail harming themself.
For every generation beyond the first one separating the user of this power from
their target, the resisting vampire gains an additional die to their roll. For
example, when a Fifth Generation vampire attempts to use this power on a
Seventh Generation descendant, the Seventh Generation descendant gains one
die in defense. An Eighth Generation descendant would gain two dice. If there’s a
Generation gap of more than eight steps (Third to Eleventh is eight steps), the
power automatically fails. On a total failure, the vampire cannot use this power
on that target for the remainder of the chapter.
Duration: Whichever comes sooner: until the compelled action is taken or the
scene ends.

Less memory manipulation than eradication, this callous power does away
with subtlety and wipes every trace of memory from a victim, leaving them a
pliant effigy of themselves. While they retain most of their learned skills, they
forget everything else – their experiences, friends, family, wants and wishes – in
most cases, forever. Use of this power outside the Sabbat is rare, as even the
most ruthless of the undead find it excessive. The Black Hand isn’t above taking
this shortcut to ensure that a captive servant is made ready for conditioning or
that a promising childe is remade to their tastes.
Cost: Two Rouse Checks
Dice Pool: Resolve + Dominate vs. Composure +
System: The user Rouses their Blood, holds the gaze of their victim, and must
then engage in an extended conflict of Resolve + Dominate versus the victim’s
Composure + Resolve, accumulating ten successes during an entire scene. The
process must not be disturbed, and the victim must be restrained or otherwise
submit during the act, as any break in concentration requires the conflict to be
restarted (and another two Rouse Checks), as does a critical win on the part of the
Once the process is complete, the victim is left a confused, slack-jawed
shell. They lose memories of their name, history, and most of their old
personality. They lose Convictions, Touchstones, and Ambition, and most of their
Backgrounds become moot, as they forget how to access them. (These, together
with other Advantages, are left to the Storyteller’s discretion – a Contact may
remember them if they cross paths again, for example.) Attributes, Skills, and
Disciplines remain, however. The memory loss is permanent, though on occasion
a victim has regained some of their past when faced with a traumatic event
involving a past Touchstone. (Test Resolve + Composure at Difficulty 5, for
example when a former Touchstone is threatened, hurt, or killed while in their
presence, at the Storyteller’s discretion.)
A wiped victim is usually fed whatever lies are needed to keep them loyal,
or quickly subjected to Path indoctrination. Use of this power is exceedingly cruel,
and should merit Stains in most chronicles.
Duration: Permanent

Level 2
Amalgam: Auspex 1
The vampire projects their Fortitude outwardly, willing the power of their
Blood to mend the injured body of another vampire.
Cost: One Rouse Check and additional Health depending on circumstances
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Fortitude
System: The vampire rolls Intelligence + Fortitude against Difficulty 2 and mends a
number of superficial Health damage levels equal to the margin on the roll.
Alternatively, the user mends one aggravated Health damage level for every three
successes in the margin.
Use of this power takes a whole turn. If the vampire spends an entire scene
instead, reduce the Difficulty to 0. Valeren must be used on someone other than
the vampire invoking the power, and can be used only on vampires. A subject can
be affected by the power only once per night.
If the user mends more than one subject per night, the user suffers
superficial Health damage equal to half the number of successes in the margin for
every additional subject, as they take on the burden of so many charges.
Duration: N/A
Level 4
Requirement: Toughness
When a fist hits concrete, it’s usually the fist that breaks. So it is with this
power, where a vampire turns a blow against the one delivering it. This power has
been known to break weapons and shatter bones.
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: Anyone who makes a successful Brawl attack against the user suffers the
damage which Toughness subtracts (see Vampire: The Masquerade p. 258) as
Superficial Health damage. Melee weapons also suffer reflected damage, and
break once they endure their damage modifier’s worth (unless it is holy, magical,
or otherwise unbreakable). This power may only be used while Toughness is
active and can be used in response to an attack so long as the vampire has yet to
use a Discipline during the current turn.
Duration: One scene (or until hit)

Level 4
The user creates a temporary gate out of the victim’s own shadow, causing
them to fall through Oblivion and into the waiting arms of the user. The victim
will appear to fall into their own shadow, only to reappear falling out of the one
cast by the user. The brief journey through the end of everything is usually
enough to traumatize the victim into submission, though one must be prepared if
the quarry responds violently in fear.
Cost: One Rouse Check, Gain one Stain
Dice Pool: Wits + Oblivion vs. Dexterity + Wits
System: In order to use this power, the vampire needs clear sight of both the
victim and their shadow. The vampire’s player or Storyteller then rolls Wits +
Oblivion vs. Dexterity + Wits to maneuver the victim’s shadow beneath them,
creating a supernatural rift into which they appear to fall. At the Storyteller’s
discretion, a stationary victim not paying attention can be automatically caught.
A victim caught by this power will then reappear, falling out of the shadow
cast by the user. (As with similar powers, the power does not work if the caster is
without a shadow.) An unprepared mortal victim will be terrified and likely
catatonic, while a vampire must test for fury or fear frenzy, Storyteller’s choice, at
Difficulty 4.
Duration: Instant

Level 2
Amalgam: Presence 1
The vampire is able to create brief but vivid hallucinations,
distracting and drawing the attention of those affected. A hallucination can affect
any single sense — it can be visual, audial, tactile, etc. — occurring long enough to
make an impression before ceasing. The user decides on the specifics of the
hallucination, though due to its brief nature it cannot convey more than
something glimpsed in the corner of the eye or a voice faintly heard (it cannot be
employed to create a fake ID, for example).
Dice Pools: Manipulation + Obfuscate vs Composure + Wits
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: The vampire rolls their Manipulation + Obfuscate. Anyone unprepared
and within eyesight of the vampire and eligible to experience the hallucination (by
being in line of sight of its projected appearance, or by being the target of a tactile
sensation) is distracted, losing two dice on their next action. Additionally, those
who fail to resist using their Composure + Wits lose their next active action if they
fail. (However, they can still defend and resist as normal, with a two-dice penalty.)
Other effects resulting from the hallucination are up to the Storyteller, but
they are advised to err on the side of caution. These hallucinations can never be
recorded or transmitted (such as by using Ghost in the Machine).
Duration: One turn
Level 3
fata morgana
Amalgam: Presence 2
The vampire can craft elaborate hallucinations, making any subjects in their
vicinity see, hear, and feel whatever the user can devise. From seeing and tasting
a takeout container filled with maggots and rice to a thunderous torrent of
reeking, rancid blood boiling out of the sewers, Fata Morgana causes witnesses to
experience circumstances that just aren’t real.
There is no limit to the number of victims who can be affected
simultaneously, but in order to be affected by Fata Morgana a subject needs to be
able to see the user or vice versa, though they do not need to be actively aware of
them. The vampire does not need to remain present once a victim is affected.
Visual effects are always separate objects. They cannot be used to “mask”
or otherwise disguise items or individuals, and can never entirely block line of
sight. Fata Morgana hallucinations cannot appear to affect the surrounding
reality: The torrent of blood won’t wash away cars parked in the street or
pedestrians, and an explosion created with Fata Morgana will not cause any
damage, hallucinatory or otherwise. A collapsing staircase won’t tumble anyone
currently descending the staircase.
Sensory effects created by Fata Morgana cannot blind or deafen or in other
ways overload senses, not even those supernaturally augmented. Similarly,
hallucinations are not caught on camera or other kinds of recording devices.
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Obfuscate
System: The user makes a Manipulation + Obfuscate test against a Difficulty equal
to one plus the number of senses the hallucination targets. (An audio-visual
hallucination would thus be Difficulty 3, while a complete five-sensory experience
would be Difficulty 6.) The easiest visual hallucinations to create are fairly small or
discreet — increase the Difficulty by one for room-sized hallucinations, two for
house-sized hallucinations, and so on.
Further complications can add additional Difficulty, but that is left to the
Storyteller’s discretion. Any attempt to mimic the appearance of a specific
individual or in other ways deceive can require additional Performance or
Subterfuge tests as appropriate. Vampires and other supernatural creatures have
a chance to disbelieve the hallucination, but mortals can do this only if they have
reason to suspect it to be fake. In both cases they roll Intelligence + Awareness
against the user’s Manipulation + Presence.
A success means that the individual in question is no longer affected by the
hallucination, and it effectively disappears for them. Any attempt to interact with
the hallucination will also cause it to lapse entirely, as everyone present will
become aware of its unreal nature (as with the collapsing staircase example, if
someone is using the staircase).
Note that the use of this power is not overt, so even if the hallucination is
revealed, it is not obvious from whom it originated. These hallucinations can
never be recorded or transmitted (such as by using Ghost in the Machine).
Duration: One scene, unless the vampire chooses to let it lapse before that.

Mental Maze
Amalgam: Dominate 1
Serpents maintain that Obfuscate is less about illusion and more about
perception. Mental Maze is the ability to remove all sense of direction and
location from a victim, allowing the vampire to make their target a prisoner in
their current environment, such as a home, a nightclub, or worse — a vampire’s
cellar. The victim finds their location folding back on itself, subtly altering their
perception of previously visited rooms, convincing them that an actual exit will
only lead deeper into the maze, and eventually breaking them down into a state
of panic and fragility.
Cost: One or Three Rouse Checks
Dice Pools: Charisma + Obfuscate vs. Wits + Resolve
System: The vampire personally speaks the words “you cannot escape” to their
victim and rolls Charisma + Obfuscate versus the target’s Wits + Resolve, with
lower Generation vampires being able to negate the roll with a Willpower point as
per Dominate’s characteristics (see Vampire: The Masquerade p. 255).
On a win, the victim struggles to find their way out of the building they’re
in. An additional two Rouse Checks allows this power to be used in a single room
or a densely packed outdoor environment (such as a construction site or forest).
Mortals cannot attempt to escape but supernatural creatures can make a Resolve
+ Awareness test each scene using the vampire’s initial as the Difficulty, suffering
a point of Superficial Willpower damage for every missing success if they fail.
This roll cannot benefit from Teamwork, as any guidance given does not
match what the victim sees. This power ends if the environment becomes
dangerous (e.g. the building catches fire), unless the vampire has Terminal Decree
(see Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 257).
Duration: One night
Amalgam: Dominate 1
Prerequisite: Mask of a Thousand Faces
Subtle but effective, this power forces the effect of Mask of a Thousand
Faces on an unwitting subject. The victim will no longer be seen for who they are,
even by those closest to them. Often employed over a longer period of time, the
power is used by those who want to break their subject subtly but utterly, cutting
them off from means and society to the point that they’ll do anything to escape
such a fate.
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pool: Manipulation + Obfuscate vs. Charisma
+ Insight
System: The user locks eyes with the victim and must then succeed at a
Manipulation + Obfuscate vs. Charisma + Insight test. On a win, the effect lasts for
one night, plus one for each success in the margin. While under its effect, the
victim is treated as employing Mask of a Thousand Faces, and is unable to be
recognized by anyone. (The user can try to persuade friends and family with a
Composure + Persuade test, but even when presenting proofs, the apprehension
caused by this particular power will make it hard to convince them.)
If the subject is ever made aware of the power being used on them the
effect ends, and the power cannot be employed on someone aware of its effects:
It relies on the unconscious ignorance of the victim to remain active. As use of the
power isn’t overt, it can be reapplied repeatedly though, so long as the user
doesn’t reveal their intent. In most chronicles, use of this power to break
someone should merit Stains.
Duration: One night plus one additional night for each success in the margin

Level 1
Eyes of the Serpent
Amalgam: Protean 1
The eyes of the vampire turn into slitted, serpent-like orbs able to freeze a
mortal meeting the vampire’s gaze in place. The user can even mesmerize other
vampires with this power, though the effect is short lived and likely to rouse the
victim’s ire.
Cost: Free
Dice Pools: Charisma + Presence vs. Wits + Composure
System: By catching the eye of a mortal (see avoiding eye contact on p. 255 in the
Core book for victims actively trying to avoid it) the vampire can immobilize a
victim, keeping them frozen in place as long as they themselves maintain eye
contact. The effect can only be maintained on a single victim at a time, and ends if
they suffer damage or are forcibly removed. Speech is still possible, though
shouting is not.
In order to paralyze a vampire in the same way, the user must win a contest
of Charisma + Presence vs. Wits + Composure. The vampire victim can escape
paralysis on any turn after the first by spending a point of Willpower.
Duration: Until eye contact is broken or the scene ends.
Level 3
True Love’s Face
Amalgam: Obfuscate 3
Using a potent cocktail of concentrated emotion and illusions, the vampire
can alter a mortal’s blood resonance or even risk a vampire’s connection to
Humanity. The victim (and only the victim) perceives the vampire as a mortal they
hold strong emotional ties with (such as hate for a rival, passion for a new lover,
or the complicated feelings a vampire holds for their Touchstone).
Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pools: Manipulation + Presence vs. Composure + Wits
System: To impersonate someone the victim has strong emotions for, the
vampire must know their appearance and what the victim feels for them. How
they uncover this will vary between vampires. When activated the Storyteller rolls
a hidden contest between the user’s Manipulation + Presence and the victim’s
Composure + Wits, where failure means the visage holds no emotional charge,
which is deeply uncanny and sours any social interaction with the victim. It also
prevents them from falling victim to this power for the rest of the story.
On a win, the vampire adds their Presence rating to any rolls for affecting a
mortal’s resonance or a vampire’s emotional state. Appearing as a vampire’s
Touchstone is a dangerous game, especially if the victim possesses Sense the
Unseen (see Vampire: The Masquerade, p. 249), but played right it can lead to
Stains for the victim as their Touchstone appears to become damaged or
detached entirely through shifts in behavior, ideals, or even apparent death.
Duration: One scene
Level 2
Amalgam: Dominate 2
Rare outside clan Tzimisce, this power allows the vampire to demand
obedience of their own flesh. Skin, muscles, and even bone can be sculpted or
warped out of shape, the end result sometimes unnervingly beautiful but just as
often monstrous.
Skilled users can craft bizarre characteristics or reshape their entire bodies,
though larger transformations exact a heavy toll on their physique. Kindred who
use Vicissitude create everything from useful body-tools to… expressive
Dice Pools: Resolve + Protean
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: Roll Resolve + Protean. Every success on the roll allows a single
Vicissitude change to be made to the user, though the total number of changes
cannot exceed the user’s Protean rating, no matter the number of applications or
Each change causes the loss of a single Physical Attribute dot of the user, as
the body mass must come from somewhere. (No Attribute can be taken
below 1.) Each use of the power takes one full turn to perform. Potential
Vicissitude changes are listed below:
Redistribution: Add a single dot to any of the user’s Physical Attributes. This
cannot cause any Attribute to exceed 5 dots. These changes are visible, but not
Weapons (Once per subject only): The user gains the equivalent of a light
piercing or heavy impact weapon (+2 Damage) in the form of bone spurs or
bludgeons of dense cartilage. (In contrast to Feral Weapons, the damage caused
by these weapons is mundane, but Feral Weapons employed by a vampire
proficient in Vicissitude often take the shape of similar osseous spikes and
Armor: One Attribute point can be turned into two points of armor value
(p. 304), with an upper limit of six points of armor. This often takes the form of
reinforced sub-dermal reinforced bone or layers of fat and cartilage, and appears
increasingly inhuman as the points so allocated increase.
Appearance: The user can change their appearance, either for the sake of
hiding their identity, enhancing their Looks Merit, or to mimic someone else. This
is a time-consuming affair, taking an entire scene to perform, and requires a
Dexterity + Craft test in order to succeed. Difficulty is 3 to hide one’s identity, 4 to
increase Looks (each level of the Merit counts as one change) and 5 to mimic a
specific person. A failure on the test yields no result (but the Attribute dot is still
lost) while a total failure causes the Looks Merit to drop one level, potentially
turning into a Flaw if at baseline. Nosferatu are unable to use this aspect of the
power for anything but hiding their identity.
Other changes: More creative uses of this power, such as creating a secret
pouch somewhere on the body or moving eyes around, are beyond the scope of
these mechanics, and the Storyteller needs to decide on the number of changes
(and Attribute points lost) required, and the Difficulty and time required for the
operation. Dexterity + Craft and Intelligence + Medicine are the most important
rolls in these cases. Changes can be mended as aggravated damage, with each
change equivalent to a single level of damage (restoring lost Attribute points
Duration: Permanent

Level 3
Amalgam: Dominate 2
Prerequisite: Vicissitude
Extending their mastery over flesh, the vampire is now able to inflict their
ministrations on the bodies of others. The power is rightly feared, as many
of its users have a reputation for inhuman torture, though some employ it to
great effect to enhance and adapt their servants and allies.
Dice Pools: Resolve + Protean vs Stamina + Resolve
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: In order to use this power, the user must be able to work undisturbed on
the subject, who thus either needs to be willing or restrained. For a willing
subject, follow the same system as Vicissitude (above). An unwilling subject can
resist with their Stamina + Resolve, with the user’s margin counting as Vicissitude
Each use of this power takes a full scene to perform. Again, the total
number of changes cannot exceed the user’s Protean rating, no matter the
number of applications or successes. In case of multiple users working on a single
subject, only count the highest Protean rating.
Changes can be mended as aggravated damage, with each change
equivalent to a single level of damage. (Mortals will thus require extensive
Duration: Permanent

Amalgam: Blood Sorcery 2
A seldom-seen but unmistakably effective way to clean up a mess, this
power turns the body of the vampire semi-permeable while drawing inert blood
and viscera in the vicinity inside them, feeding their Beast and sating their
Hunger. Other bodily remains, bereft of blood, crumble to ash or vanish in greasy
smoke. While the vampire using the power draws blood and gore to themselves,
the surrounding area is left remarkably clean, and the Sabbat able to employ this
ability use it as a way to cover their tracks with great effect.
Cost: 1 Rouse Check
Dice Pool: Strength + Protean
System: Use of this power requires at least one dead body in the area of effect,
roughly an area extending 5 meters in all directions from the user. The vampire
rolls Strength + Protean, and is able to absorb the blood and eradicate the
remains of one body per success rolled. The state of the body is of no significance
so long as it is fresh, and even “somebody” whose remains are little more than a
red smear will be consumed.
The user sates one Hunger per body affected, but cannot sate more Hunger
per use than their Blood Sorcery rating, nor can they reduce it below one through
this power. Using this power takes one turn per body absorbed. It should also be
noted that, while efficient in getting rid of evidence, the power is extremely overt
while in use, as the user becomes a literal vortex of blood and viscera. Vampire
remains aren’t affected by this power.
Duration: One turn per body

Level 4
horrid form
Amalgam: Dominate 2
Prerequisite: Vicissitude
With a mastery of the body so complete that it surpasses natural
limitations, the vampire can take on a truly monstrous form, complete with
vicious claws, protruding fangs, ridged features, and corded muscles. Although its
exact traits can vary between occasions, the form often has an individual, specific
appearance that manifests every time this power is used, a vision of the user’s
Beast made flesh. Some look like hellishly malformed animals, some look demonic
or atavistic, and some defy any sense of worldly familiarity. Many incorporate the
traits of other vampires in nature, such as leeches, bats, ticks, and mosquitoes,
magnified to grotesque proportions.
Dice Pools: None
Cost: One Rouse Check
System: Horrid Form takes a full turn to activate, during which time the vampire
can only defend, using their pre-Horrid Form dice pools. It then grants the
vampire a number of free Vicissitude changes (no Attribute dots are lost) equal to
their Protean rating. These can be spent on Redistribution, Weapons, and Armor.
Generous Storytellers can also consider other changes such as wing-like
membranes allowing the vampire to glide, extended limbs for reach, or other
creative (but fair) uses.
However, with the Beast so close to the surface, any criticals rolled while
using Horrid Form for any reason are considered messy criticals, and any Frenzy
test taken is done at a +2 Difficulty level. The vampire also assumes an
unmistakably inhuman appearance and is unable to communicate in anything but
grunts, hisses, and roars.
Duration: One scene, unless voluntarily ended sooner.

Level 5
one with the land
Amalgam: Animalism 2
Prerequisite: Earth Meld
The Kindred possesses such mastery over their own form that they may
extend it even into their domain itself. Not only may the vampire sink into the
very earth, they maintain a preternatural awareness of events transpiring within
the domain.
Cost: Two Rouse Checks
System: As with Earth Meld (see Vampire: the Masquerade, p. 270), except the
vampire is not limited by the makeup of the surface where they take their rest.
Some vampires have been known to suffuse themselves into the walls of their
manors while others secrete themselves beneath the warped floorboards of a
squat, or even hide beneath a shallow pool of “dead water.”
Additionally, in a distance of one mile in any direction from where the
vampire’s body has become One with the Land, the vampire may elect to
experience any sensory stimuli within that area, such as listening to a
conversation therein, physically enjoying a lovers’ tryst, or catching the scent of a
fire that an unruly mob may be stoking. The vampire experiences these senses
through the presence of animals, however minute, in the vicinity of the events. If
the events are discreet or intentionally hidden, a Wits + Animalism test vs. the
relevant opposing dice pool used is required.
Rising from this state before nightfall the day after it has been entered
requires a Resolve + Protean test at Difficulty 4, and even then it can take up to an
hour for the vampire to fully reemerge. A critical win allows them to rise instantly,
Duration: One day or more, or until physically disturbed

The Heart of Darkness

Amalgam: Fortitude 2
Practiced almost exclusively by vampires within the higher echelons of the
Church of Set, this power enables a vampire to remove their own heart and store
it outside their body. The vampire’s flesh and bone warp as they reach their hand
into their bare chest without the need for incision, after which point, they remove
the heart. This power is not without risk to the practitioner and can only be used
by a vampire on themselves.
The vampire typically places the heart in a ceremonial canopic jar or urn,
though there is no restriction as to where the heart can go. Many cult-minded
Kindred take advantage of the fact the organ can retain vitae, and even slake their
Hunger from afar, by receiving ritualistic blood donations.
For as long as it is removed, the vampire is immune to staking attempts, unless a
stake is driven through the removed heart. The vampire’s emotions are detached
— metaphysically and biologically, if the heart can be said to be the font of
emotion — providing them a resilience against their Beast’s urges but a remove
from compassion and warmth.
System: This power requires no roll, but inflicts two Aggravated Health damage to
the vampire when removing their heart. No powers can be used to mitigate this
damage, and reattaching the heart requires two Rouse Checks. Once removed the
vampire gains a two-dice bonus to resist frenzy, but suffers a two-die penalty on
Remorse rolls. If the heart is dealt Aggravated Health damage equal to or greater
than the vampire’s Health, they fall into torpor. If an extracted heart is destroyed
— only possible with fire or sunlight — the vampire experiences final death.
While the heart is removed, the vampire’s body cannot be staked unless
the heart is located and separately impaled, in which case the vampire falls
paralyzed. If blood is fed to the heart, it will slake the vampire’s Hunger as normal
(even Blood Bonding them if fed Kindred vitae from the vein), and the heart can
be fed from in the same way — possibly leading to diablerie. The vampire is still
susceptible to death via fire or sunlight even without a heart.
Duration: Permanent (or until the heart is destroyed/returned)

Thin-Blood Alchemy
Level 1
Portable Shade, or even more irreverently, “suntan lotion,” is a formula
developed by Cainites on the Path of the Sun to augment a thin-blood’s already
substantial resistance to sunlight to near mortal levels. While it doesn’t render
the subject completely immune, it extends the time they can endure daylight
while masking immediate burns sustained by the sun.
Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
Ingredients: Blood of the Alchemist, sanguinic mortal blood, fresh plant leaves.
Some alchemists also use various off-the-shelf sunblock ointments in the mix,
though it is unknown whether they contribute significantly to the formula.
Dice Pools: Stamina + Alchemy
System: Make a Stamina + Alchemy test when ingesting the formula. The user is
able to endure sunlight without taking damage for a number of hours equal to the
number of successes on the test. At sunset, make another test with the same
pool, this time with a Difficulty equal to the number of hours spent in daylight. A
failure causes the user to sustain a level of aggravated damage, while a total
failure has them sustain two, as the accumulated sunlight boils the Blood in their
Duration: A number of hours equal to a Stamina + Alchemy test, or the next
sunset, whichever comes first.

Level 3
A dread tool of the Path of the Sun, On-Demand Sunburn traps sunlight in
the very body of its user, enabling them to unleash it as a destructive force
through their own skin, searing themselves and their prey in a sizzling embrace.
While the damage done by a single user is not enough to incinerate a vampire, a
group of self-immolating Heliophiles can spell doom for fledglings and elders
Ingredients: Blood of the Alchemist, choleric mortal blood, gold shavings,
mercury, as well as assorted halogens (usually chlorine or bromide). The formula
also needs to be subjected to sunlight for several hours before use, and
alchemists employing athanor corporis usually “juice up” on Portable Shade (see
above) for this.
Activation Cost: One Rouse Check
Dice Pools: None
System: On activation, the alchemist becomes an unliving battery of sunlight with
a single charge seething in their veins. They can unleash this charge at will,
inflicting aggravated damage upon themselves and another vampire whom
they’ve successfully achieved skin contact with, as their own skin smolders and
The user takes two levels of aggravated damage, while the victim suffers an
amount equal to their Bane Severity, as if exposed to daylight for a full turn. If the
victim has the means to reduce the damage (such as through Fortitude) they can
do so. If the formula isn’t activated before then, the power automatically
activates at the first sunset after ingestion, causing two levels of aggravated
damage to the user.
Duration: Until unleashed or next sunset, whichever comes first.
The resources seen here can be found in the following books:
• Anarch Sourcebook
• Camarilla Sourcebook
• Sabbat Sourcebook
• Children of the Blood
• V5 Companion
• Chicago by Night
• Cults of the Blood Gods
• Let The Streets Run Red

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