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A 5E’s Detailed Lesson Plan

in Science III

Submitted by:
Jayve M. Oyardo
I. Objectives

At the 50 - minute lesson, the pupils are expected to:

a. Identify the basic needs of plants, animals, and humans;

b. Explain how living things depend on the environment to meet their basic needs; and

c. Recognize the need to protect and conserve the environment.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Basic needs of plants, animals and humans.

Materials: Visual materials like pictures of living things and their basic needs, materials for the group
activity such as manila papers, worksheets, marker, tape, and Power Point Presentation.

References: Science Learners Material 3, page 110-115

Aposto, Joy, A., et al. 1977. Science and Health 3, pp. 35-40

Apolinario, Nenita, A. 1977. Science and Health Today 2, pp. 114-116

Science Concepts:

1. There are five basic needs that are applicable to all living organisms. These are air, water, nutrients
(food), light (sunlight) and a proper habitat/shelter in order to survive.

2. All living things depend on their environment in order to live, grow and survive.

Science processes skills: observing, comparing, communicating, predicting, classifying

Values Integration: Collaboration, patience, Creativity

III. Procedure

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

A. Motivation
Let us sing a song: (Tune: LERON-LERON SINTA)

“What do we need to live?”

Shelter, air, food, water (Students will sing)
Are the things we need to live,
Shelter to protect us,
Air for us to breathe,
Food for our tummies
And water to drink,
We can all get these from
Our environment!

 Based from the song. What are the things Air, food, water, and shelter
we need for us to live?
 What terms can we use to describe these Basic needs

B. 5E's Lesson Proper


Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

 Good morning class! Before we start our discussion for

today, first I would like you to participate in our jumbled
letters game. The mechanics of this game is you're going Yes Teacher we are ready!
to rearrange the jumbled letters and try to guess the
correct word. Raise your hand if you want to answer.
Are you ready students?


RIA_________ (The students can now start to

share their answers with their
2. classmates.)






The words are Air, Water, Food,

TERSHEL________ Sunlight, and Shelter.
Basic needs of the animals, plants,
 What words are shown in the board? and humans.
 Good Job! The jumble words are air, water, food,
sunlight, and shelter and we call these as what?

Yes, Teacher!
Did you enjoy our game?
Do you still want to do another activity?
 I will show you a picture and I want you to tell me what
is it that you see in the picture that I will flash. First
A dog.
 Class can you tell me what is this?
An animal.
 Correct, and dog is classified as a what?
 Very Good! And now let’s proceed to our 2 nd photo. Can
you tell me again what is it?
A flower.

A plant.
 Great and a flower is classified as what?
 For our last picture, what can you tell about this?
A student sitting on a chair.

 Right, and you as students you are called as what? Humans

 Very good! You answered all the questions correctly and They are called The Living Things.
now I want you to tell me what do we call the group of
animals, plants, and humans? The living things need these basic
needs to live and survive.
 Great answer! But what do you think is the relation
between living things and basic needs?


Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

Activity: How do I survive?
 I will group you into three. Each group will be assigned to
discuss how each living things survive.
Group 1 - Plants
Group 2 - Animals
Group 3 - Humans
 For each group I will give a handout/pictures showing
how these living things survive (Group 1- pictures of
photosynthesis cycle, Group 2 - pictures of animals
drinking water from a lake, birds living in trees, wild
animals hunting for food and others, Group 3 - pictures of
people eating in a restaurant, drinking a glass of water,
breathing and others) and try to analyze how each living
things survive by answering the activity sheet (as shown
below). (They will be working by groups)

 Let each group observe and analyze the pictures, answer

the activity sheet, post the pictures on the board and
report their data in front of the class. (Two representatives from each
group will discuss their output).


Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

Let us examine what you have observed from your
Air, Food, Shelter, Water and Sunlight.
 What are the basic needs that all living
things have? Eating, breathing, drinking, living in a habitat.
 Great. Based from the pictures, what
activities do you think are common to
plants, animals, and humans? No, plants need to breathe carbon dioxide in air
 Do animals, plants, and humans breathe while animals and plants need oxygen to breathe.
the same air? Plants absorb carbon dioxide from humans and
 Where do they get the air to breathe? animals, and it gives off oxygen necessary for
animals and humans to breathe. But they all get
the air they breathe from the environment.

No, plants take food the ‘minerals’ and ‘nutrients ’

from the soil or surrounding. While animals and
 Correct. But what about their food? Do humans eat a variety of foods (meats, vegetables,
animals, plants and humans eat the same etc.) filled with nutrients. But all of them get the
food? one resources which is the environment.

 Where do they get the food they eat? Plants, animals, and humans need water but not
from the same sources that they get. However,
they get water from the environment.
 Do animals, plants, and humans drink the
same water? Where do they get the water Animals, plants, and humans do not live in the
that they drink? same habitat but their habitats are all found in the
 Do animals, plants, and humans live in the
same habitat? Can we find their habitats in All of these basic needs are found in the
the environment? environment.

 Great Answers. And where do you think

animals, plants, and humans get these No, Teacher.
basic needs?

 Yes, correct. The environment provides all

these basic necessities. But what if the
environment is destroyed, will it be able to
provide the basic needs of all living things?
Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

(Present the power point presentation.)

From your activity we have learned that all living

things such as plants, animals and humans need
the five basic needs to survive. These are the
water, food, air, shelter and sunlight.

• For air, plants use the carbon dioxide in air to

create sugars (food energy) and oxygen. The
oxygen created by these plants ensures that other
living things such animals and humans have
oxygen to breathe.

• For water, all organisms require water, but the

amount needed varies from species to species.
Plants need water to grow and make food. For (The students will listen attentively)
humans and animals, water is necessary for body

• For food (nutrients), plants take in nutrients

from the soil or the environment to carry out its
processes(photosynthesis). While humans and
animals eat different kinds of food filled with
nutrients to survive.

• For shelter (habitat), all living things need

appropriate space to live and survive. For plants,
some live in damp conditions, while others survive
in drier environment (e.g cactus). Animals live in
different habitats. For example wild animals like
snakes, lion, and others live in forest. Birds live in
trees, whales live in water etc. And for humans, we
live in a house -- a shelter where we eat, sleep and
do some sort of activities. All living things need a
habitat where right temperature and sufficient
resources are present, necessary for them to live
and survive.

• The place where all these living things get their

basic needs is called its environment.

• That is why, we need to keep protect and

conserve our environment, since it is the primary
source of our basic needs.


Direction: Identify and encircle the basic needs in the pictures below and label it whether if it's a food,
shelter, air, water and sunlight, and answer the following questions below.

1. Do animals, plants and humans have the same basic needs? If yes, what are these?

2. How do living things depend in the environment in order to have these basic needs?

3. What would happen if the environment could no longer give the needs of plants, animals and


List down some activities in which you can perform to help protect and conserve the environment.

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