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Prohibition of Child Marriage Amendment Bill 2021

raising legal age for marriage of women from 18 to 21

will apply to all communities in the country and, once enacted, will supersede existing
marriage and personal laws under which the marriage of a minor who’s attained
puberty(assumned at 15) was also valid
Gender neutrality, to provide equal rights to men and women to enter into matrimony
Objective Bring down incidence of teenage pregnancies
and Lower maternal mortality rates and infant mortality rates
benefits Improve nutrition levels, metal well being and sex ratio at birth
hoped to Might aid women to continue education and livelihood after an early marriage
achieve attainment of psychological security and skill sets
irony- parliamentary committe responsible for scrutinising the bill will have only 1
woman member
world over legal age- USA- , UK- Canada- ,France-
Child Marriages:
Existing women’s legal marriage age (18) hasn’t prevented child marriages (they are
illegal but not void)
as there are primarily economic factors coupled with a few cultural factors that lead to
early marriages among women.
The change in isolation will never stop child marriage, unless there is socio behavioural
change among parents and community. Factors like distressness, poverty, patriarchial
norms, lack of oppurtunity for schooling and employment are still contributing in the
prevalence of child marriage
better access to affordable and quality education

Second, it deflects attention from the government’s own failure to provide for those
enabling factors with matching investment. Increasing the age of marriage does not
automatically translate to women acquiring more higher education or joining the labour
force in huge numbers. This is best illustrated by the gross enrolment ratio (GER) in
higher education. The GER of women in the age group 18-23 has been rising since 2001-
02, when the legal age of marriage was 18. The age of marriage for women at 18,
therefore, has not been a debilitating factor. It is the lack of more state-run and state-
funded educational institutions, and not age of marriage, that has prevented more
women from enrolling in higher education.

Other fears:
Will render illegal many marriages
criminalise adult women who elope to escape forced marriages or domestic violence
will even further marginlise vulnerable sections (SCs STs minorities) & make them law
Anti vaxxers
Novak Djokovic, a twenty time Grand Slam champion, while he is a champion in tennis, his off court
behavior can only be described as abhorrent at best. Consistently making falsified and unscientific
claims on vaccination tarnishes the legacy his tennis has created.
There is a general apprehension about vaccination. It is the duty of influential people to convince
the general public about vaccination and promote it
Free will to not get vaccinated cannot come at the risk of putting thousands of lives in danger

staunchly refused to get vaccinated to enter into Australia for championships & requesting
Djokovic's exemption has raised further questions about preferential treatment especially when
students from India below the age of 18 were not given an exemption despite India not providing
vaccination to people below 18 years of age until recently
Jakovic also organized tournaments and parties in the peak of COVID , breaking social distancing and
masking norms
notable eg

Business News:

Reliance Industries raised USD 4 billion, making it India’s largest forex bond deal

India demanded Chinese phone maker Xiaomi to pay INR 6.53 billion in import taxes for evading custom


ptowire- a global cryptocurrency super app has launched India's first cryptocurrency index IC15 to
monitor the performance of the 15 most traded cryptocurrencies globally

India's exports crossed USD 300 billion in the first nine months of 2021-22

FMCG distributers across the country revolting against manufacturers because of price disparities
between traditional trade and organized channels including players such as Jiomart, Metro Cash and
Carry, Udaan


Apple became the first company to touch a market cap of USD 3 trillion

Sri Lanka might face bankruptcy in 2022 amidst a deepening financial and humanitarian crisis as inflation
rises and its coffers run dry. COVID pandemic and tourism loss have impacted the government but high
government spending tax cuts huge debt repayments to China and low forex reserves have worsened
the crisis

Following Evergrande & Kaisa’s defaults, China’s Shimao Group is the latest property developer to fail
natural Gas shortage is hitting Pakistan export and adding to economic stress

China crypto crackdown sparks thailands crypto mining boom

NFT stands for non fungible token as in unique . So it's basically a one of a kind digital collectible. Some
people say it's the next pyramid scheme . But a growing few believe that NFTS form the perfect
instrument to capture value in digital objects

creators or artists can monetize their works owning a loyalty every time their NFT is sold

collectors can claim bragging rights or status symbol upon ownership

investors can diversify their portfolio

more than $9 billion have been spent on NFT so far

They are not the same as crypto because crypto by its nature is fungible that is one Bitcoin is exactly the
same as another . However no two NFTS are the same . However both of them are built upon a
decentralized Ledger that is blockchain most LFTS are supported by the ethereum blockchain to store
their data

GST rate changes:

5% GST on cab rides, food delivery(earlier collected by restaurant itself, but now delivery platforms)

rates hiked for shoes but not for clothes from 5% to 12%

Other news:

India's COVID R-naught value has risen to 2.69 which is higher than the peak of the second wave (1.69)
An R-naught of 2.69 means that every 100 infected people can infect 269 others

states having elections this year UP, Himachal Pradesh, Uttrakhand, Manipur, Gujarat, Punjab, Goa
Pictures of more than 100 women were taken from their social media profiles without their consent And
put up for auction on a mobile application called Bulli Bai. These women are face have been facing
targeted sexual harassment online. This was not the first time Muslim women were put up for auction,
this has happened at least three times in the last year itself. The aim of the app was to target women
from specific communities and defame them and circulate it on a large scale to heard sentiments

Abstract topic:

New Year's resolution:

the tradition of New Year's resolution isn't really new, they have been around for ages . It traces back to
ancient times back then New Year's celebrations would last twelve whole days. This was also the start of
farming season so people made promises of good behaviors to the Roman gods for a bountiful harvest
ahead. In medieval times too, Knights would place their hands on peacocks to renew their vows of

At their core, resolutions are visions, not behaviors. Habits, on the other hand, are repeated, actionable
behaviors. Saying you will hit the gym in January is one thing, actually doing it every day is another. So
maybe habits stick because they are routine in nature and resolutions are not. Resolutions will stick if
they turn into habits!

Resolutions might, in fact, even hinder good behavior. Because by definition, resolutions are idealistic.
Because they are not so grounded in reality, you are less likely to make them your reality.

Why do we continue to make New Year's resolutions?

There is something about a renewed commitment and the hope for a better future that really helps
make January feel like a fresh start. It's always great to make an internal promise to change something
that you have been wanting to for a long time, but that change need not be attached to a date or a

Resolutions are self imposed. So we are not too hard on ourselves if they fail. we resolve to try again
next January. There is always another chance. Why do we not choose to make resolutions at any other
time of the year? Because the new year brings with it the promise of a clean slate. But it also entails high
pressure to be or to act differently.

New Year's resolutions also work when they are not too lofty. In business speak, goals need to be
measurable to be achievable. Also, most of us treat our lives like a narrative - each year is a new chapter,
and each month is a sub chapter. So perhaps resolutions are more likely to work when they are split into
smaller ‘mini resolutions’ that have month wise targets.

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