Internship 15days Physics

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Embedded System Internship Program

(B.Sc Physics)
Day -1

 Introduction of Embedded system

 Introduction of Micro Controllers
 Introduction and Initialization Of Compiler Software (Keil)
 Introduction And Initialization Of Simulation Software (Proteus)

Day -2

 Introduction to Embedded C
 Difference between C & Embedded C
 Programming style
 Basic structure of C program

Day- 3
 Introduction of LED’s
 Interfacing Circuit Description of LED’s

#1 Shifa Arcade, Bharathi Nagar 1st Street, North Usman Road, T‐Nagar, Chennai – 600 017
#74 Kongunagar, Ramanathapuram, Opp Alvernia School, Coimbatore - 641 045.
# 5C6/A4, Kulavanigarpuram, Near Saravana Store, Tirunelveli-627 005.
9600 114466 | 95000 88927 | 97910 04050 | |
 Programming of LED’s Interfacing
 Introduction to 7 Segment Display
 Types of 7 Segment Display
 Interfacing Circuit Description of 7 Segment Display
 Programming of 7 Segment Display Interfacing

Day- 4
 Introduction to 16 x 2 LCD
 Commands of 16 x 2 LCD
 Interfacing Circuit Description of 16 x 2 LCD
 Programming of 16 x 2 LCD
 Introduction to 4X4 Keyboard matrix
 Interfacing 4x4 key board matrix

Day : 5 - 6
 Introduction to Motors
 Types of Motors used in Embedded System
 Programming & Controlling of motors in Embedded System

#1 Shifa Arcade, Bharathi Nagar 1st Street, North Usman Road, T‐Nagar, Chennai – 600 017
#74 Kongunagar, Ramanathapuram, Opp Alvernia School, Coimbatore - 641 045.
# 5C6/A4, Kulavanigarpuram, Near Saravana Store, Tirunelveli-627 005.
9600 114466 | 95000 88927 | 97910 04050 | |
Day : 7 - 8
 Introduction to Timers & Counters
 Difference between Timer and Counter
 Description of SFR associated with Timers & Counters
 Programming of Timers & Counters
 Introduction to ADC

 Introduction of UART(Serial communication)
 Programming of ADC
 Programming of UART(serial communication)

 Introduction of Renewable Energy Management (REM)
 Introduction of Optical Sensors
 How Sensors used in REM ?

#1 Shifa Arcade, Bharathi Nagar 1st Street, North Usman Road, T‐Nagar, Chennai – 600 017
#74 Kongunagar, Ramanathapuram, Opp Alvernia School, Coimbatore - 641 045.
# 5C6/A4, Kulavanigarpuram, Near Saravana Store, Tirunelveli-627 005.
9600 114466 | 95000 88927 | 97910 04050 | |
Day - 11
 Automate Renewable Energy process
 Application work in an Optical sensors are Temperature, Light Intensity etc..

Day- 12
 Application work in Motor Application & Drive

Day : 13 - 15
 Automation Control of Renewable Energy Generation

 Project work in Automation Control

 Project work in Energy Monitoring System

#1 Shifa Arcade, Bharathi Nagar 1st Street, North Usman Road, T‐Nagar, Chennai – 600 017
#74 Kongunagar, Ramanathapuram, Opp Alvernia School, Coimbatore - 641 045.
# 5C6/A4, Kulavanigarpuram, Near Saravana Store, Tirunelveli-627 005.
9600 114466 | 95000 88927 | 97910 04050 | |

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