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LA 1201 – Final

1. The house lots at Walden are:

a. Typical subdivision lots
b. Much smaller than typical lots
c. Adjacent to community open spaces and thus seem more spacious
d. A and C
e. B and C

2. The common elements that are shared by landscape architecture and

a. Nature and art
b. Design with numbers
c. Man technology and nature
d. Design in an artistic realm
e. None of the above

3. According to Lu Cutrera, a thorough and broad-reaching analysis:

a. Can prevent the complete reworking of a solution if the product
is found not to be environmentally sound.
b. Is not possible in engineering landscape architecture and
c. Prevents engineers from being held liable for miscalculations.
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

4. The characteristics of specials places include:

a. Strong image
b. Progression (sequence) of experience
c. Set off as special places in space and time
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

5. In comparing the architecture of a hot arid climate with that of a warm and
humid climate:
a. Hot arid-small windows; warm humid-large openings
b. Hot arid-flat roof; warm humid-high “umbrella” roof
c. Hot arid-heavy adobe insulation; warm humid-rooms that allow air to
flow through
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

6. Early Louisiana plantation houses feature:

a. Porches to control the sun’s rays
b. Cross ventilation
c. Main floor elevated to capture breezes
d. B and C
e. All of the above.

7. In order to be the designer of an interpretative exhibit, it is beneficial to have

a background that includes:
a. Design ability
b. Teaching ability
c. A knowledge of construction
d. The science of museum operations
e. All of the above

8. In the interpretative Swamp Exhibit at the Audobon Zoo, visitors find the
following along the walkways:
a. Animal habitats
b. Cultural exhibits about people of the swamp
c. Artifacts of swamp life
d. All of the above.
e. None of the above.

9. The use of water in an environmentally sensitive manner might include:

a. The use of exeriscape of planting designs.
b. Recycling water
c. Correctly designing and managing irrigation systems
d. Creating water codes and displays that conserve water.
e. All of the above.

10. Most adventure playgrounds:

a. Include whimsical replicas of the tropical islands, castles, and dragons
or equipment based on other children themes.
b. Encourage children to use materials like scrap lumber to build
their own play environments
c. Are not changed once construction is completed.
d. Do not allow adult managers or supervisors
e. None of the above.

11. Through what two processes doess a child develop intelligence:

a. Assimilation and feedback
b. Assimilation and accommodations
c. Assimilation and interaction
d. Accommodation and feedback
e. None of the above.

12. In playground design, provisions for parents should be:

a. Out of sight from children so the children develop independence
b. Low priority
c. Comfortable and have easy access and visibility of playground
d. A and C
e. None of the above.

13. The reason that psychologists tell us that water and sand can provide the
child with an excellent play experience is :
a. That these materials can respond to manipulation by the child.
b. ???
c. ???
d. All of the above.

14. The planned improvements for Bourbon street included:

a. Better signs
b. Improved lighting
c. Improved pavements and street gutters
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

15. Four phases of preservation are:

a. Preservation, conservation, restoration, and technology
b. The associative, the aesthetic, landscape architecture, and
c. Schematic design, conceptual development, construction details, and
d. The associative, the aesthetic, the historic district, and adaptive
e. None of the above.

16. Versailles is an example of the historical preservation approach that is called:

a. Adaptive use
b. Frozen time
c. Management of change
d. Historic district
e. None of the above

17. In historic environments, such as in Williamsburg, the goal is to provide a

better understanding of:
a. The daily lifestyle and activities
b. Utilitarian aspects of life
c. The gardens of the period, both decorative and utilitarian
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

18. According to William H. Whyte, successful plazas provide:

a. Trees
b. Water
c. Food
d. Triangulation
e. All of the above

19. William H. Whyte found that dangerous public places are those that are:
a. Close to bus streets
b. Cut off from and separated from the street
c. Heavily populated
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

20. William Whyte noted that:

a. Food vendors should be encouraged in plazas
b. Outdoor cafes should be compactly designed for greater sociability
c. People tend to be attracted by other people who are eating
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

21. As the design for Scotlandville Park proceeded, a decision was made to:
a. Sell narrow strips of tree covered land not needed for the interstate to
private developers
b. Avoid recreational use of the floodplain due to the risks of flood
c. Use bicycle and pedestrian pathways to create a linear park
linking different usage areas
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

22. Scotlandville Park features:

a. Multiple uses of highway right-of-ways
b. Interconnection of the community with pathways
c. A linear park
d. Nature areas in the floodplain
e. All of the above

23. The Scotlandville Park plan calls for:

a. Draining the flood plain to provide more space for the park
b. Preserving the natural vegetation
c. Maintaining good visibility of the highway from adjacent
d. All of the above
e. A and B

24. For the Scotlandville Bypass Highway:

a. The Landscape Architects planned and designed the highway joint use
b. The Highway Engineer planned and designed the joint use
c. The Design Team planned and designed the joint use
d. A and B
e. None of the above

25. The goals of New Orleans waterfront renovation include which of the
a. Improving the visitor’s ability to get close to the water
b. Creation of links between Jackson Square, the French Market, and the
c. Use of Artillery park as a vantage point to the river and Jackson
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

26. The French Quarter projects that were shown by Max illustrated how the
planning of:
a. Five separate projects improved the historic area
b. Links and nodes enhance five related projects in the historic area
c. Historic areas are incompatible with modern engineering techniques
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

27. The French Quarter Moon Walk was:

a. An historic preservation project
b. Built to the provide a commemoration of Neil Armstrong’s famous
c. Built to provide public access to the New Orleans riverfront
d. All of the above
e. None of the above

28. Sam Corso works in series. This means:

a. Numbered sequences
b. Variations on an idea
c. The disposition of colors
d. All of the above
e. None of the above.

29. Sam Corso explained that he is a multi-media artist who works in:
a. Various types of painting and drawing
b. Stained glass
c. Sculpture
d. Mosaics
e. All of the above

30. The drainage canal at Walden:

a. Is lined with concrete to speed the flow
b. Was reshaped and widened to create a lake effect
c. Was hidden along service alleys to disguise a potential eyesore
d. A and C
e. None of the above


31. The preservation plan for Magnolia Mound Plantation in Baton Rouge calls
for the representation of the layers of history that are associated with the
long history of the place. TRUE

32. A child is going from one side of a piece of play equipment to another
through tubes of decreasing size. When he reaches a tube to small to crawl
through, he crawls over it. This is an example of learning through
assimilation according to Plaget. FALSE

33. Mounds of dirt, empty boxes and tree branches are the types of cheap
equipment that only should be used where budgets are insufficient to
purchase more “realistic” play equipment. FALSE

34. The ideal playground for children would have experiences that might include
roughness, smoothness, dryness, wetness, cold, warmth, hardness, softness,
etc. TRUE

35. Halprin’s Portland Fountain is a node in a series of links and nodes that were
designed to create the framework for urban redevelopment. TRUE

36. Halprin’s underlying principle for the Portland Fountain was “the essential
purpose of design is to create the possibilities for events to happen.” TRUE

37. A system of links and nodes is a common characteristic of the Portland

Fountain Complex and the French Quarter Riverfront Complex. TRUE

38. In the art of stained glass, the lead, framework for the glass is an important
part of the artistic composition. TRUE

39. Sam Corso is a keen observer of his environment from which he develops
ideas for his art. TRUE
40. Zero line lot cluster development at Walden results in less usable area than
on typical subdivision lots. FALSE

41. The hydrological aspects of the Walden site were major aspects in the “big
picture” that affected its planning and design. TRUE

42. From the viewpoint of marketing professional services, Lu Cutrera explained

how his work as the landscape architect in preparing a project master plan
creates big projects for the engineers in his firm. TRUE

43. According to Lu Cutrera, the environmental impact statement should always

be taken care of after the engineering analysis and design of a project has
been completed. FALSE

44. The “kite plan” in Washington, D.C. refers to the area in Potomac River Park
denoted for kite flying. FALSE

45. The Design process used by Lawrence Halprin for the FDR Memorial was a
very introspective and personal one in which the genius of Halprin came into
full bloom without the aid of other collaborators. FALSE

46. Simply stated, the basic design of the FDR Memorial consists of four outdoor
rooms connected by passageways. TRUE

47. Ray Isaacs illustrated how the Eskimo Igloo, and the Indian pueblo are
similar in their abilities to reduce the harsh effects of climate. FALSE

48. Because of their undeveloped technology, early Indian cultures were unable
to fully respond to the environment in their architectural solutions. FALSE

49. As illustrated by London Parks, the success of parks is enhanced by locating

them away from the city center. FALSE

50. Successful parks must be planned as essential parts of the urban

environment and not as afterthoughts. TRUE

51. The workshop approach that Halprin uses is a good tool for deigning for all
kinds of people, including the handicapped. TRUE

52. The skulls of the landscape architect in preparing grading plans were
unnecessary in the construction of the Louisiana Swamp Exhibit in the
existing swamp-like environment at the Audubon Zoo. FALSE

53. The Audubon Zoo Swamp Exhibit focuses all attention on the wild animals
native to the Louisiana Swamp. FALSE
54. People watching, according to William Whyte, is the number one activity in
successful city space. TRUE

55. According to Sadik Artunc, the tropical Florida style landscape is appropriate
in Arizona if there are enough funds to support it. FALSE

56. Current population trends are reducing the water shortage problems
because the population is tending to relocate where water supplies are more
plentiful. FALSE

57. Zeriscape can help to conserve water by reducing the need for irrigation.

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