PROFED - Assignment No.3 - Edora Deserie P

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Laguna State Polytechnic University Sta Cruz

College of Teacher of Education

Reaction Paper in
Professional Education 5

Name: Deserie P. Edora

Section: BSED 2B- Filipino
Professor: Dr. Evelyn Balaoro
In my own opinion on the video entitled “the teacher as a person in her roles in the
society” As far as we know, being a teacher is one of the most difficult professions, a
teacher is the builder of nation. He/she is a prestigious person in the society we have so
many expectations from a teacher ranging from his role in classroom environment to his
role as a citizen of the country. As a pivotal person in the process of education, a teacher is
supposed to be performing different tasks. For example in the classroom, a teacher is to
ensure the goals of education which can be specified as learning in terms of predetermined
knowledge, skills, and attitudes in specific subjects. It is through these subjects that a
teacher strives to achieve school goals as well as all-round development of students, which
is the broader goal of education. To ensure the all-round development of students, a
teacher has also to organize such co-curricular activities as games, sports, quizzes,
debates, excursion, tours, field trips etc. Next is teacher a colleague there are so many
teachers in a school organization. Among them each has the same goal of education.
Teachers have a collective role in the teaching-learning process which is social activity. For
the school to function smoothly we need for a group: of teachers to work in harmony. There
must be a constant interaction and close working ethics together which helps teachers not
only in understanding their students and their problems but also in their own personal
growth as teachers. It leads to the development of the attitude of openness’ among student.
Teacher in community in rural areas the teacher is looked upon as a leader of the
community. He/she is honored several times and able to be understood as the best advisor
in the community. He is highly respected person and a theme of literacy. He/she is
responsible for collecting different data like senses data etc. There so many roles of being a
teacher and as a future educator you must know that you are not just a teacher because
you will be the second parent of every child you teach

Next is “the demands of society from the teacher as a profession” based on my

experience when I was a Senior High we are already choosing a course to take in college
and suddenly I heard other people telling me “Are you sure you want an education course
you want to be a teacher it’s a hard to be a teacher because its endless learning sometimes
they don't get married but my answer is no that’s my fashion and teacher is my dream job
and I know to myself that I can help every student fulfill their dream. And according to
DepEd Order No 42 Series of 2017 or PPST this order is describe the standard and the
expectation in the teachers. And I often ask myself that when you are a teacher society has
high expectations of you. Especially if you are a teacher you must be a licensed
professional teacher and teachers are expected to have advanced knowledge and skills and high
academic and ethical standards. Teachers are expected to promote student's academic progress as
well as further students' social, emotional, and moral development and to safeguard students' health
and well-being. And they a twelve characteristic of an effective teacher first prepared as a future
education you must be prepared in every situation as a teacher example in the classroom you can't
teach when you're not ready because children will not have knowledge next is positive, as a teacher
you may be able a positive person because people in society expectations to the teacher are high
and you have optimistic attitude to the teaching to your student, hold high expectation as a future
teacher I believe that my students will learn from me and through me they will fulfill their dreams,
next is creative being a teacher I believe you must be a creative in any aspect it’s not possible the
quotes ”pwede na or okay na to” must be done professionally because you are a teacher. Teacher is
very resourceful even just making a lesson plan or for example a visual aid to use for teaching.
Number 5 fair as a teacher you must be fair to every student as a teacher o as a future teacher we
cannot practice the habit of favoritism always remember believe to the ability of each student next is
display a personal touch teacher is like mother they concern to each every students next is cultivate
a sense of belonging as a future educator we always think that every student is always welcome in
the classroom regardless of its status in life. Their so many effective characteristic of being a teacher
and we must always remember that when we are a teacher we act as a professional person and we
follow the so -called code of ethics

The human person in the society, humankind implies really focusing on and helping other
people at whatever point and at every possible opportunity. Humankind implies helping other people
on occasion when they need that help the most, mankind implies failing to remember our egotistical
advantages now and again when others need our assistance. Mankind implies stretching out
unequivocal love to every single living being on Earth. I believe no man is an island. Human person
as a social being Man is a social being. This implies that he is a being who lives in a social
relationship. ... Man lives in the society unlike the other living matters. Man's life and activity are
possible only in the social collective that is organically linked on the basis of a certain social
relations. Forms of society when you say forms of society this is the type of the live a group of
person in the society example is nomadic society have no permanent place of settlement. The
people roam from place to place with their luggage on the backs of camels, horses and donkeys in
search of fodder and water for their animals and food for themselves. They have no hereditary
property. A pastoral society is a social group of pastoralists, whose way of life is based on
pastoralism, and is typically nomadic. Daily life is centered upon the tending of herds or flocks
Next is a horticultural society is an organization devoted to the study and culture of cultivated plants.
Such organizations may be local, regional, national, or international. An agricultural society, also known as
an agrarian society, is a society that constructs social order around a reliance upon farming. More than half
the people living in that society make their living by farming. Some people make a living trading or making
and selling goods such as tools used for farming. And they have an industrial society, the feudal society and
etc. And we must always remember that wherever we are part of society we can learn to get along well we
cannot live alone we must cooperate. Social system it is the formal structure of role and status that can form
in a small, stable group. An individual may belong to multiple social systems at once; examples of social
systems include nuclear family units, communities, cities, nations, college campuses, corporations, and

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