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PE 101- Movement Enhancement

Midterm Examination 2021
Course & Year: Instructor
Test I, Multiple Choice: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Designed to promote the optimum development of the individual physically, mentally,
emotionally and socially in the performance of properly selected physical activities.
a. Physical Fitness b. Physical Education c. Endurance d. Body composition
2. The ability to perform without undue fatigue and have extra strength energy in case of
a. Physical Education b. Speed c. Physical Fitness d. Exercise
3. Which aspects of physical education that can promotes the well fitness of the individual.
a. physical fitness, b. Physical Aspect, c. Strength d. Aerobics
4. An aspect of physical education which makes the individual think and feel towards every
bodies concern.
a. Mental Aspect b. Social Aspect, c. Emotional Aspect d, Trust
5. Teenage disease or medical conditions for having more body fat and more in sitting not involve
in physical activities.
a. Endurance b. Overweight c. Indigestions d. Power
6. The quality of plasticity, which gives the ability to do a wide range of movements.
a. Trunk Bending . b. Arabesque Position c. Flexibility d. Sit and Reach
7. The act or process of moving or things from one place to another.
a. Organic Vigor b. Balance, c. Movement d. Agility
8. The ability to deliver oxygen and nutrients to tissues, and to remove wastes, over sustain period
of time.
a. Flexibility b. Cardio Respiratory Endurance c. Muscular Strength . d. Stamina
9. It refers to the relative makeup of human body.
a. BMI b. Body Composition c. Skeletal Muscle. d. Abdominal Muscle
10. Teenage disease which results for successive and excessive drinking of different kinds of
a. Physical Fitness b. Binge drinking c. Alcohol/miss brauch d. Muscular Strength
11. Conduct considered fitting for a sportsperson, including observance of the rules of fair play,
respect for others, and graciousness in losing.
a. Social Aspect b Sportsmanship c. Camaraderie d. Perseverance
12. A feeling of close friendship and trust among a particular group of people.
a. Social b. Emotional c. Camaraderie d. Self Trust
13. Showing great refinement and concern with the highest things in life.
a. Emotional Aspect, b Spiritual Aspect c .Social life d. Respect
14. Movements where the body travels through space from one location to another.
a. Agility b. loco motor c. standing Long Jump d .Jumping Jack
15. Physical fitness test that measures leg power.
a. Front kick b. Standing Long Jump c. Push up d. Square Jump
16. Program of physical exercises that helps people improves their fitness level.
a. Exercise b. Aerobics c. Swimming d. Marathon
17. Physical activities that results in contraction of Skeletal Muscle.
a. Speed. B. Exercise c. Balance d. Skipping Rope
18. Capacity of matter to perform work as the result of its motion.
a. Metabolism b. Muscles. C. Energy d. Body Mass
19. The series of processes by which food is converted into the energy and products needed to
sustain life.
A. Weight Loss, b.TMetabolism c. Energy d. BMI
20. The speed at which the biochemical reactions of metabolism in living cells take place.
a. Metabolic Rate b, Organic Vigor c. Reaction Time d. Coordination

Test II- Enumeration:

Objectives of Physical Education. Types of Joints
1. Improvement in the Fields of Education 11. Ball and socket joint
2. Improvement in Life-Style and Social Relationship 12. Gliding joint
3. Individualistic Improvements 13. Condyloid joint
4. Improvements in the Sense of Responsibility 14. Pivot joint
5. Improvements in Knowledge 15. Hinge joint
Aspects of Physical Education Teenage Diseases
6. Physical Aspects 16. Depression
7. Mental Aspects 17. Binge Drinking
8. Social Aspects 18. Diabetes
9. Emotional Aspects 19. Underweight / Obesity
10. Spiritual Aspects 20. Heart Disease

Health benefits of exercises.

21. Exercise controls weight. 25. Exercise promotes better sleep.
22. Exercise combats health conditions and diseases. 26. Exercise can be fun and social
23. Exercise improves mood 27. Exercise boosts energy.
24. Exercise increases your chances of living longer.

Kinds of movements
28. Locomotor Movement
29. Non-locomotor Movement
30. Manipulative Movement

III- Compute the BMI of the following weight and height. (5 pts each)
BMI Formula W/Hcm2. Write your answer below the numbers.
1. 58 kgs, 5’
2. 46 kgs, 5’8”
3. 50 kgs, 5’4”
4. 75 kgs, 4’10”
1. W = 58 kgs , H = 5’ 3. W = 50 kgs , H = 5’4”

H = 5’ = 60 inches H = 5’4” = 64 inches

60 x 2.54 = 152.4 64 x 2.54 = 162.56
152.4 / 100 = 1.524 162.56 / 100 = 1.6256
(1.524)2 (1.6256)2
= 2.32 = 2.64

BMI = W/H2 BMI = W/H2

= 58kgs / 2.32 = 50 kgs / 2.64
BMI = 25 (overweight) BMI = 18.94 (normal)

2. W = 46 kgs , H = 5’8” 4. W = 75 kgs , H = 4’10”

H = 5’8” = 68 inches H = 4’10” = 58 inches

68 x 2.54 = 172.72 58 x 2.54 = 147.32
172.72 / 100 = 1.7272 147.32 / 100 = 1.4732
(1.7272)2 (1.4732)2
= 2.98 = 2.17

BMI = W/H2 BMI = W/H2

= 46kgs / 2.98 = 75 kgs / 2.17
BMI = 15.44 (severely underweight) BMI = 34.56 (obese)

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