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Every obstacle is breakable.

My name is Pamela Dorothy Castro. I was born on December 17, 1998 in Manila, Philippines. I
am the eldest among my two siblings. My father is a responsible farmer, and my mother is a
loving housewife, so the atmosphere of our house was always full of love even though there’s
always a lot of challenges that we were going through.
As of now, I am the bread winner in my family. My father is already suffering from a heart
illness that’s why he can’t do heavy work anymore as well as my mother. I also have two
siblings who were both already studying in college. As the eldest, I believe that it is my
responsibility to help my family at any costs, also the reason why I have to stop studying in
college and focus on my work to provide my family’s needs and expenses. It was difficult for me
at first, I am so sad that I will not be able to graduate on time and also sometimes I ask myself,
“How about me?, How about my dreams?”. But, I think there’s always a right time for
everything that is why I decided to help my family first because I know that they need me. Now,
I am finally back to college and continuing to finish my course as a BSED Major in English
student. I am really thankful for those people who gave me this another chance and to take this
step to fulfill my dreams, and of course I am so much thankful to the God Almighty.
I have a talent for writing and studying art that has something to do in performing. I always
enjoy using my imagination and making the world alive inside my heart by writing it, and also it
satisfies whenever I perform in front of people and show them different kinds of emotions. When
I was a teenager, I dreamed of becoming a writer or a theater actress
I cherish the hope that my diploma will become my ticket to a better tomorrow. Certainly, I
always dream of to be able to give a comfortable life to my family especially to my parents in the
future. That feeling whenever we go shopping, my mother doesn’t have to look at the price tags
anymore. However, as of now, my study and professional development are my core goals.
My main belief in life is that everything should be in harmony. People have to keep balance in
all spheres of life: society, family, work, friendship, and others. Do not always hope. Try to
observe and make some actions and always be humble and kind. In that way, we can successfully
face every obstacle in life and reach our goals step by step.

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