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Republic of the Philippines


Lingayen Campus
College of Education
Teacher Education Specialization Courses
2nd Semester, AY. 2020-2021
Activity on Global Citizenship Activity

Name: Pamela Dorothy L. Castro Date: June 07, 2021

Year/Course/Section: BSE ENGLISH Score:


1. Briefly define the following words a.) Global Citizenship  and b.)Global Collective


a) A global citizen is someone who is aware of and understands the wider world and their
place in it. Global citizenship helps young people to: Build their own understanding of
world events. Think about their values and what's important to them.
b) Environmental problems such as climate change, biodiversity loss, and waste
accumulation can be described as collective action problems. Since these issues are
connected to the everyday actions of vast numbers of people, vast numbers of people are
also required to mitigate the effects of these environmental problems.

2. Provide atleast 5 examples of world-wide issues that we are currently facing which you
believe can be solved if we all work together. Give a 3-sentence description for each. 


1) FOOD SECURITY. The number of hungry people in the world has increased
over the last few years. In previous years, food security has been the biggest threat
to the overall health of the human population, more so than malaria, tuberculosis
or HIV. And, 2020 saw the most severe increase in global food insecurity as a
result of the COVID-19 pandemic, impacting vulnerable households almost
key to our success, yet many children across the world do not have some of their
most basic needs met. Child health and education go hand in hand. Children who
are hungry cannot concentrate and, thus, cannot learn.
3) THE NEED FOR GENDER EQUALITY. Although women make up
approximately half of the population, there have historically been social barriers
to economic and personal freedom for women. While much has been done to
alleviate this, there is still quite a way to go, especially in low- and middle-income
settings. Globally, women still earn less than men, and women with children tend
to earn even less, this is a waste of potential and hampers progress on obstacles to
global prosperity.
4) GLOBAL ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES. Extinctions are happening at what
scientists estimate to be about 1,000 times the normal pace. Not only are we
losing them, we are also damaging our ecosystems and throwing them out of
balance. The effects of which we cannot anticipate due to the intricate and
complex nature of these systems.
5) WATER SCARCITY. As with food, there is actually enough fresh water for
each person currently living on the planet, however, access to that water is not
always possible for everyone. Issues such as poor infrastructure, displacement,
and conflict mean that many people often have to use unsafe water sources. This
is a clear health and sanitation risk.
3. In not more than 250 words, why do you think global citizenship is important?


Education must be not only a transmission of culture but also a provider of

alternative views of the world and a strengthener of skills to explore them. With the
interconnected and interdependent nature of our world, the global is not ‘out there’, it is part of
our everyday lives, as we are linked to others on every continent.

Global Citizenship nurtures personal respect and respect for others, wherever they
live. It encourages individuals to think deeply and critically about what is equitable and just, and
what will minimize harm to our planet. Exploring Global Citizenship themes help learners grow
more confident in standing up for their beliefs, and more skilled in evaluating the ethics and
impact of their decisions.

To be effective Global Citizens, young people need to be flexible, creative and

proactive. They need to be able to solve problems, make decisions, think critically, communicate
ideas effectively and work well within teams and groups. These skills and attributes are
increasingly recognized as being essential to succeed in other areas of 21st century life too,
including many workplaces. These skills and qualities cannot be developed without the use of
active learning methods through which pupils learn by doing and by collaborating with others.

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