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Opened: 1911

Students: 845
Teachers: 59
Opportunities after school:
- IT
- Automatization and Computers
- Arhitcture
-Human Rights


Our highschool was founded in 1910. In the beginning it was aimed for girls, but now
we have over 840 students, not only in the secondary school but also in the highschool. The
school contains 6 labs( chemistry, physics, biology and informatics) equipped with the best
equipment. The field of study is programming, chemistry, mathematics, sport, advanced
English. We are a European school, certified with ECDL and Cambridge.
Calistrat Hogas National College won the award “Jan Amos Comenius” from Romania
with the occasion of Europe Day.


Piatra-Neamt is situated in the North Est of Moldova in a mountain region, where

you can find a great amount of monasteries from the 16thcentury.
It is wideky known for the beauty of Ceahlau Masif, the reservoir from Izvorul
Muntelui and the impressive keys of Bicaz, the forttress on Neamt, the natural reservation
of Vanatori Neamt where bisons live freely.

First documented: 31.08.1431

Area: 77,4 km2
Population: 85.055
Famous for:
-Stefan’s Tower
-The ruins of royal basements
-The tower of steeple
- The church “Birth of Saint Ivan The Baptizer


Romania has 8 Unesco monuments , the most important beeing the painted
churches of northern Moldova such as Voronet(blue of Voronet). There comes a time when
every seasoned traveller likes to be surprised. With a mix of unique history, spectacular
nature, charming medieval cities and castles and surprising architecture, Romania is
absolutely worth a visit. Here are our 12 reasons why you should make this beautiful
country your next destination. Due to its varied landscape, Romania is the most
biogeographically diverse country in the European Union. With snow-capped mountains,
green hills covered in forests and vineyards, sandy Black Sea beaches and Europe’s largest
and best-preserved delta, Romania has something for everyone.

Formed in: 1859

Area: 238,397 km2
Population: 20121641
Official Language: Romanian

Famous for:
- Monastaires
-Nadia Comaneci
-Ilie Nastase
-Ion Tiriac
-Gica Hagi

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