Exploiting The Malleability of Gold For Placer Concentrate Extractionand Recovery

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Minerals Engineering 94 (2016) 38–40

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Minerals Engineering
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Short communication

Exploiting the malleability of gold for placer concentrate extraction

and recovery
Gavin Clarkson a, Randy Clarkson b, Michael Hitch c,⇑
Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering, University of British Columbia, 517-6350 Stores Road, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4, Canada
New Era Engineering, Whitehorse, YT Y1A 5T8, Canada
Australian Centre for Sustainable Mining Practices, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A novel, chemical-free method for extracting gold from gravity middlings is described. This method
Received 22 October 2015 exploits the differences in relative malleability, rather than density, of gold and waste products by sub-
Revised 27 April 2016 mitting concentrates to grinding in a rod mill. The grind products are separated through a sieve, where
Accepted 30 April 2016
flattened gold particles are captured on the oversize while brittle waste reports to the fines. This paper
Available online 14 May 2016
presents the results of a field tour of this method throughout the Yukon placer gold fields, where gold
was extracted from difficult to process stockpiled middlings. Recoveries were often well over 90%, with
nearly pure raw gold effectively separated after only minutes of grinding in a batch mill. Gold remaining
Placer gold
Gravity processing
in the fine and evenly classified loss material is now more amenable to gravity processing than similarly
Gold malleability sized unground concentrate. Further lab testing indicated that gold recoveries were most sensitive to the
Placer concentration mill charge amount and total grind time. While these results are based on placer properties, the method
has potential in any mill involving a gravity recovery circuit.
Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (Noaparast and Laplante, 2004). The relative resistance to grinding

between gold and waste particles may be used for extraction.
The Yukon placer gold fields produce approximately 60,000 This paper describes a novel method to process these gravity
crude oz annually using nothing more than gravity concentration middlings without requiring the introduction of any reagents or
(Van Loon and Bond, 2014). For low grade alluvial deposits, gravity further permitting to placer operators. It exploits the malleability,
concentration is ‘‘virtually the only method effective at producing rather than density, of gold particles for extraction using a rod mill.
the concentration ratios required” (Mitchell et al., 1997, p. 9). The brittle high density waste minerals are effectively reduced,
Furthermore, improvements to the common sluice have resulted while ductile gold particles resist breakage and are flattened. The
in recoveries well above 90%, making more reagent-based extrac- grind products are then sieved. Flattened gold particles are
tion unnecessary. However, subsequent gravity-based upgrading captured in the oversize portion of the screen while pulverised
results in high grade middlings rich in high density gangue miner- waste fines are separated out. Use of a rod mill was justified based
als. The difference in relative density between the gold and waste on previous research, indicating gold particles subjected to grind-
is reduced, and the heavy interlocking waste grains hinder further ing in a ball mill were effectively flattened (Ofori-Sarpong and
upgrading. Operators are hesitant to introduce chemical reagents Amankwah, 2011), while rod mills preferentially grind larger
due to a strict permitting regime, and so the high grade middlings waste particles over fine gold particles (Wills and Napier-Munn,
are stockpiled with little processing priority. Some of this stock- 2006). This method, while currently used at a relatively small scale
piled is over 108,000 g/t gold, representing significant lost value. by independent operators, has broad potential in the gravity
Density is not the only unique property of gold. The malleability circuits for larger hard rock mills.
of gold results in a resistance to being reduced in grinding environ-
ments, up to 20 times slower than gangue (Banisi et al., 1991, 2. Methodology
p. 78). Gold requires more grinding than conventional ores, and
grains can be flattened and cold welded into coarser size classes Individual samples from 7 placer operators were tested in a
20  30 cm laboratory rod mill, with approximately 1:1 water to
⇑ Corresponding author. solid ratio by volume. Mill charges were sorted to 2.3 mm/
E-mail address: mhitch@mining.ubc.ca (M. Hitch). +297 lm. Grind products were sorted on a 297 lm sieve. Grinding

0892-6875/Ó 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Clarkson et al. / Minerals Engineering 94 (2016) 38–40 39

was stopped once the material on the 297 lm sieve was approxi- was most sensitive to charge load and grind time, a fact that was
mately 90% gold, considered a successful test. explored during subsequent correlation lab testing.
Recoveries were determined by measuring the gold content of Field concentrates tested in Table 1 were collected from differ-
the 297 lm grind products, considered overground gold parti- ent properties with various compositions, preventing accurate cor-
cles. This was performed on-site using mercury amalgamation of relation between samples. To investigate the recovery sensitivities
the fines, proven by duplicate fire assays. When recoveries were of this method, lab testing was performed with repeated tests of a
low, fines were occasionally subjected to 1–2 min of further grind- single blended cassiterite-dominant concentrate evenly salted
ing and sorted over a 210 lm screen, separating finer gold parti- with gold particles. These tests indicated that recoveries were most
cles. The middling concentrates at each property varied in influenced by charge load and the resulting longer grind times. The
composition, but were invariably dominated (>70%) by a single relationship between recovery, charge amount, and grind time are
high density waste mineral. illustrated in Fig. 2. There is a similar downward trend in recover-
After field testing, recovery sensitivities were performed in lab ies with increasing mill charge and grind times, linked due to the
tests using identical split samples from a single property dominant positive linear relationship between grind time and mill charge.
in cassiterite. The sample concentrate was well sorted medium As indicated during field tests, the recoveries are most sensitive
sand at 2.3 mm/+0.3 mm, consisting of >90% cassiterite (Fig. 1). to the mill charge, and there is greater advantage in multiple small
These lab tests explored the trends when adjusting charge amount grinds rather than fewer large grinds.
and grind time, as these were estimated to be the most crucial Of interest is the appropriate sizing of the 297 lm recovery
recovery components during field testing. screen. The screen size must be finer than the majority of the gold
particles in the concentrate to maximize recovery. The gold con-
tent of the 297 lm unground fines were determined at each
3. Results and discussion property. The majority of gold (>70–80%) was recovered with the
297 lm screen with few exceptions. Furthermore, any fine gold
The results of the field tests are displayed in Table 1. Excepting which passed through the collection sieve was now more amen-
one test, final recoveries were well over 80% and often over 90%, able to gravity upgrading, such as tabling, when compared to the
proving the resistance of gold to reduction during grinding. Note unground portions in the same 297 lm size range. Even at prop-
that from material being stockpiled with little processing priority, erties with a large proportion of fine gold, the grinding technique
a single 6 min grind test extracted over 111 g of raw gold at >90% managed to quickly extract the coarse gold particles and allow
purity, ready for smelting and sale. This material is approximately upgrading of the ground fines.
108,000 g/t. The concentrate listed was not able to be sufficiently At its current incarnation as a batch method, grinding for the
upgraded with further tabling attempts before grinding. Grinding purpose of separating gold particles is appropriate for high value
and sieving was the only technique that allowed the extraction gravity concentrates containing gold particles >100 lm. Limited
of nearly pure raw gold without the introduction of any chemical experiments indicated that the preservation of gold particles in
reagents. grinding environments can scale down further, with 297 fines
Test SgMg/HeF2 was the only field test with poor recoveries of subjected to grinding and gold particles extracted on a 74 lm
only 38%. This test also had the largest mill charge and longest screen, though further tests are needed to explore this aspect.
grind time. This implied that gold preservation for sieve capture The vast majority of gold in the Yukon placer fields is coarse, mak-

Particle Size Distribution of Cassiterite Concentrate


% Finer by Weight




0.001 0.010 0.100 1.000 10.000 100.000
Grain Diameter (mm)

Fig. 1. Particle size distribution of cassiterite concentrate used in correlation testing.

Table 1
On-site results of field tests. +210 lm gold recovered after 297 lm fines were reground for 1–2 min. N/A is listed where recoveries on the 297 lm screen were considered

Test name Mill charge Grind time Main waste Recovery Recovery Overall Au Overall Au
(kg) (min) mineral (+297 lm) (%) (+210 lm) recovery (%) recovery (g)
Galena F1 1.04 6 Galena 99 N/A 99 111.27
Cassiter F1 1.13 7 Cassiterite 60 29% 90 4.37
Cassiter F3 0.58 7 Cassiterite 86 8% 94 9.81
Garnet F3 0.44 5 Garnet 98 N/A 98 78.95
HBWC F1 0.74 6 Lead 83 N/A 83 92.14
HMg/He F1 1.19 9 Hematite 88 N/A 88 40.28
SGMg/HeF2 1.37 12 Hematite 38 N/A 38 15.84
40 G. Clarkson et al. / Minerals Engineering 94 (2016) 38–40

Charge Load vs Recovery response of grind fines to gravity-based methods like tabling when
100% compared to unground fines. There is significant value in stock-
95% piled placer middlings in the Yukon, with some as high as
% Recovery

90% 108,000 g/t gold at mines that have been saving this portion of
85% their concentrates for decades. This value can now be extracted
80% through an efficient automated method that does not require the
75% introduction of harsh chemical reagents.
70% Correlation lab testing indicated that recovery was the most
0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 sensitive to the charge load and total grind time in the mill. Greater
Mill Charge (kg/L) charges required longer grind times, exposing contained gold par-
ticles to longer periods of abrasion and possible reduction. Careful
Grind Time vs Recovery analysis of each differing concentrate type should be performed
before considering the ideal mill charge amount, as results
between differing compositions will likely vary.
% Recovery

Although this research was applied to the independent placer
miner, any mill including a gravity circuit could benefit from
applying this method. Centrifugal concentrates are upgraded by
table, which are plagued by the same losses of gold to middlings.
0 5 10 15 20 Applying a batch mill in gold rooms would make recirculating
Grind Time gravity middlings unnecessary. Further research potential is
exploring the application to fine gold <100 lm, and the develop-
Fig. 2. (Above) Charge load (kg of feed/L mill capacity) vs recovery of gold. (Below) ment of a continuous throughput concentrate comminution and
Total grind time vs recovery of gold. Colors indicate matching recovery tests. (For
classification circuit for the reagent free extraction of gold
interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.) particles.

ing the pursuit of such fine fractions unnecessary. For lode gold
mines however, the possibility is worth investigating further. Banisi, S., Laplante, A., Marois, J., 1991. The behaviour of gold in Hemlo Mines Ltd.
grinding circuit. Can. Min. Metall. Bull. (Canada) 84 (955), 72–78.
Mitchell, C., Evans, E., Styles, M., 1997. A review of gold particle-size and recovery
4. Conclusions methods.
Noaparast, M., Laplante, A., 2004. Free gold particles selection and breakage
functions estimation. Iranian J. Sci. Technol. 28 (B6).
The introduction of grinding concentrates for the extraction of Ofori-Sarpong, G., Amankwah, R., 2011. Comminution environment and gold
malleable gold particles from gravity middlings has significant particle morphology: effects on gravity concentration. Miner. Eng. 24 (6),
benefits. During tests, the batch rod mill reduced the brittle waste 590–592.
Van Loon, S., Bond, J.D., 2014. Yukon Placer Mining Industry 2010–2014.
portion of the middlings while preserving >90% of the contained Department of Energy, Mines and Resources, Yukon.
gold particles for screen collection, with few exceptions. Raw gold Wills, B., Napier-Munn, T., 2006. Mineral Processing Technology: An Introduction to
captured on the screen was nearly pure, with <10% waste, ready for the Practical Aspects of Ore Treatment and Mineral Recovery. GBR:
Butterworth-Heinemann, Jordan Hill.
immediate sale or smelting. Further benefits include the increased

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