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Solid Waste treatment process

• Sanitary landfill
• Composting (Aerobic/anaerobic)
• Incineration
• Pyrolysis
• Biomining

1. Sanitary Landfill
Sanitary landfills are sites where waste is isolated from the environment until it is safe. It is
considered when it has completely degraded biologically, chemically and physically. In high-
income countries, the level of isolation achieved may be high.

Siting condition for sanitary landfill

• Availability of land area-(reasonably for minimum one year. For short duration of
span disposal cost is more expensive), The volume of fill required depends upon
density, degree of compaction, depth of fill and life for which the site is to be used.
The volume required will change in different cases. At a waste generation rate
of 0.33kg/capita and final 'in situ' density of 1000kg/m3, about 150,000m3will be
needed per million population for one year's operation.
• Haul distance- Provided all the other conditions are satisfied, the site should be as
near the area to be served as possible. Larger the haul distance to the site, the larger
will be the recurring transportation cost.
• Soil conditions- Soil structure should be suitable for the excavation of landfill cells or
trenches and the construction of drainage works and, should also be of sufficiently
low permeability to slow the passage of leachates from the site. Sites in clay-rich
environments are preferable, as their low permeability will allow more time for natural
attenuation of leachates to occur. In establishing the suitability of a site, several test
pits should be dug to determine the ease of excavation of the insitu material and the
suitability of soil types.
• Topography- A suitable site will have sufficient grade to provide drainage of surface
runoff and adequate level areas to enable excavation of trenches and associated
earthworks and the construction of service facilities. Sites with slopes exceeding 1 in
5 are generally not suitable because of soil erosion risk.
• Climatic conditions- Rain and wind are major climatic factors influencing site
selection. For high rainfall areas, effective storm water diversion is essential if
leachates production is to be avoided. Litter and dust will be more difficult to control
where the site is not protected from prevailing winds. ( i. e wind patterns and local
surface water hydrology have impact on access of landfill site)
• Geological and hydro geological conditions- The rainwater percolating through
the solid waste tends to carry large amount of pollutants to the groundwater if the
underlying strata is pervious or fissured. NEERI studies have shown that the leachate
coming out is highly polluting (15 to 20 times more concentrated than the domestic
waste water).
• Cover Material- If the required soil cover is available at the site itself, no additional
expenditure need be incurred on transporting it to the landfill site. A soil analysis
along with the depth to which it is available is also necessary
• Approach-The site should be easily accessible for vehicles throughout the year. It is
desirable that narrow bridges, steep grades and roads that are likely to be
submerged during some periods are avoided. Such sites receive additional loads
from other processing and disposal site (which may not be working) in which case
alternate approach roads will be needed. Such sites should not be too close to
residential and commercial localities.

Working principle of sanitary landfill

• The working of sanitary landfill is based on biological principle.
• Before laying of solid waste in excavated trench, the bottom of excavated trench must
be strong enough to prevent the movement of leachate (It is liquid waste produced
from the degradation of solid waste) in vertical downward direction. The proper slope
must be given to bottom part of excavated trench to collect the leachate at one
common point. So that effectively, leachate can be treated and reuse for gardening
purpose. In addition to this, all sides of the excavated trench, must be protected by
liner to prevent lateral movement of leachate sides of the excavated trench.
• Solid waste is transported to the selected disposal site and is placed in a large
excavated trench upto a height of 0.3 m.

Fig. Sanitary Landfill

• This solid waste is compacted properly. During this stage, the micro-organisms
present in solid waste absorb the atmospheric oxygen for their survival and acts on
solid waste. Again another layer of solid waste is placed and compacted. Thus, the
degradation of solid waste in the initial stage takes place in the presences of oxygen
i.e. working of sanitary land fill under aerobic condition.
• The same procedure of filling and compacting of solid waste continues till it reaches
its design height. During this bottom portion of compacted waste becomes under
anaerobic and top portion becomes under aerobic (i.e. facultative).
• After reaching the excavated trench to design depth, the top portion of sanitary landfill
is covered with good quality of soil and thus working of entire sanitary landfill
becomes anaerobic
• During the working span of sanitary landfill, there are evaluation of gases such as
methane, carbon dioxise and hydrogen sulphide.
• The system for gas collection if not provided, vent pipe must be provided to escape
such type of gases.
• This technique of disposal of solid waste is good when sufficient area is available at
affordable cost.

Closure and post closure of sanitary landfill

The criteria establish specific standards for all owners/operators to follow when closing a
landfill and setting up a program of monitoring and maintenance during the post-closure
period. The owner/operator must enter the closure and post-closure plans into the landfill’s.
The final cover must be designed and constructed to have a permeability less than or equal
to the bottom liner system or natural subsoils, or a permeability no greater than 1X10 -5
cm/see, whichever is lower. Thus, the regulation is in the form of a performance standard
that must be achieved by the owner/ operator. The final cover must be constructed of an
infiltration layer composed of a minimum of 18 inches of earthen material to minimize
the flow of water into the closed landfill. The cover must also contain an erosion layer to
prevent the disintegration of the cover. The erosion layer must be composed of a
minimum of 6 inches of earthen material capable of sustaining plant growth. When a
landfill’s bottom liner system includes a flexible membrane or synthetic liner, the addition of
a flexible liner in the infiltration layer cover will generally be the only design that will allow the
final cover design to achieve a permeability less than or equal to the bottom liner. For 30
years after closure, the owner/ operator is responsible for maintaining the integrity of the
final cover, monitoring ground water and methane gas, and continuing leachate
management. (Approved states/tribes may vary this interval).

Engineering modern landfill (sustainable sanitary landfill)

The modern landfill (also known as bioreactor landfill system) begins with a careful
evaluation and preparation of the landfill base to assure the stability of the engineered
landfill. A bioreactor landfill changes the aim of land filling from the storage of waste to the
treatment of waste. A bioreactor landfill is a system that enhances the degradation of refuse
by microbial action. Microbial degradation may be promoted by adding certain elements
(nutrients, oxygen, or moisture) and controlling other elements (such as temperature or pH).
The most widely used and understood method of creating a landfill bioreactor is the
recirculation of leachate, as the factor that limits microbial activity in a landfill is water. The
recirculation of leachate increases the moisture content of the refuse in the landfill and,
therefore, promotes waste degradation. There is a provision for leachate recirculation and
landfill gas collection. Following steps ensures the engineered modern landfill
step 1: Engineered liner-A two-phase liner covers the bottom and sides of the landfill to
avoid any migration into the environment from the wastes.
step 2: Liquid collection system-Leachate and liquid are collected, properly removed and
treated to prevent the migration of moisture.
step 3: Daily health and maintenance-Daily measures protect surrounding areas from the
odour and scattering materials, ensuring the landfill is ecologically sound.
step 4: Lanfill gas-to-energy-Landfill gas is collected from the decomposition of waste to
controls odours and emissions, with the potential for conversion into renewable energy.
(The best sustainable option in terms of minimal environmental consequences, costs
and minimal social impacts is selected by comparing the impacts caused by each
disposal method).

2. Composting
Composting is defined as the biological decomposition of organic matter under controlled
aerobic/anaerobic conditions to form a stable, humus- like end product. The process is
facilitated by a diverse population of microbes, whose population dynamics vary greatly both
temporally and spatially, and generally involves the development of thermophilic
temperatures as a result of biologically produced heat]. It is one of the best-known
processes for the biological stabilization of solid organic wastes by transforming them into a
safer and more stabilized material that can be used as a source of nutrients and soil
conditioner in agricultural applications.

Composting basics

All composting requires three basic ingredients:

 Browns - This includes materials such as dead leaves, branches, and twigs.
 Greens - This includes materials such as grass clippings, vegetable waste, fruit
scraps, and coffee grounds.
 Water - Having the right amount of water, greens, and browns is important for
compost development.

Your compost pile should have an equal amount of browns to greens. You should also
alternate layers of organic materials of different-sized particles. The brown materials provide
carbon for your compost, the green materials provide nitrogen, and the water provides
moisture to help break down the organic matter.
Composting of fruits and vegetables, eggshells, coffee grounds and filters, tea bags, nut
shells, shredded newspaper, cardboard, paper, yard trimmings, grass clippings,
houseplants, hay and straw, leaves, sawdust, wood chips, cotton and wool rags, dryer and
vacuum cleaner lint, hair and fur, fireplace ashes can be done easily and effectively.
Following are the some solid waste which we cannot be used as raw material to produce the
 Black walnut tree leaves or twigs- Releases substances that might be harmful to
 Coal or charcoal ash: Might contain substances harmful to plants
 Dairy products (e.g., butter, milk, sour cream, yogurt) and eggs: Create odor
problems and attract pests such as rodents and flies
 Diseased or insect-ridden plants: Diseases or insects might survive and be
transferred back to other plants
 Fats, grease, lard, or oils: Create odor problems and attract pests such as rodents
and flies
 Meat or fish bones and scraps: Create odor problems and attract pests such as
rodents and flies
 Pet wastes (e.g., dog or cat feces, soiled cat litter): Might contain parasites, bacteria,
germs, pathogens, and viruses harmful to humans
 Yard trimmings treated with chemical pesticides: Might kill beneficial composting

Types of composting
There are two types of composting process (i) aerobic and (ii) Anaerobic composting
Aerobic composting is the process where decomposition takes place in the presence of
oxygen. As the quickest way to produce high quality compost, aerobic composting is a
widely accepted way of stabilizing organic wastes and converting them to a usable, and
value added compost product. It is largely a microbiological process based upon the
activities of several bacteria, actinomycetes, and fungi. The main product is rich in humus
and plant nutrients; the by-products are carbon dioxide, water, and heat.
Types of aerobic composting
• Onsite composting
• Vermicomposting
• Aerated (turned) windrow composting
• Aerated static pile composting
• In-vessel composting

a) Onsite composting
Organizations that are going to compost small amounts of wasted food can compost onsite.
Composting can significantly reduce the amount of wasted food that is thrown away. Yard
trimmings and small quantities of food scraps can be composted onsite. Animal products
and large quantities of food scraps are not appropriate for onsite composting. Following are
the point keeps in mind while selecting/or implementing the onsite handling composting

 The climate and seasons changes will not have a big effect on onsite composting.
Small adjustments can be made when changes happen such as when the rainy
season approaches.
 Food scraps need to be handled properly so they don’t cause odors or attract
unwanted insects or animals.
 Onsite composting takes very little time or equipment. Education is the key. Local
communities might hold composting demonstrations and seminars to encourage
homeowners or businesses to compost on their own properties.
 Creating compost can take up to two years, but manual turning can speed up the
process to between three to six months.
 Compost, however, should not be used as potting soil for houseplants because of the
presence of weed and grass seeds.
 You can leave grass clippings on the lawn-known as “grasscycling.” These cuttings
will decompose naturally and return some nutrients back to the soil, similar to
 You can put leaves aside and use them as mulch around trees and scrubs to retain

b) Vermicomposting
Red worms in bins feed on food scraps, yard trimmings, and other organic matter to create
compost. The worms break down this material into high quality compost called castings.
Worm bins are easy to construct and are also available for purchase. One pound of mature
worms (approximately 800-1,000 worms) can eat up to half a pound of organic material per
day. The bins can be sized to match the volume of food scraps that will be turned into
castings.It typically takes three to four months to produce usable castings. The castings can
be used as potting soil. The other byproduct of vermicomposting known as “worm tea” is
used as a high-quality liquid fertilizer for houseplants or gardens. Following are the point
keeps in mind while selecting/or implementing the vercomposting

 Ideal for apartment dwellers or small offices.

 Schools can use vermiculture to teach children conservation and recycling.
 It is important to keep the worms alive and healthy by providing the proper conditions
and sufficient food.
 Prepare bedding, bury garbage, and separate worms from their castings.
 Worms are sensitive to changes in climate.
o Extreme temperatures and direct sunlight are not healthy for the worms.
o The best temperatures for vermicomposting range from 55° F to 77° F.
o In hot, arid areas, the bin should be placed under the shade.
o Vermicomposting indoors can avoid many of these problems.

c) Aerated (turned) windrow composting

Aerated or turned windrow composting is suited for large volumes such as that generated by
entire communities and collected by local governments, and high volume food-processing
businesses (e.g., restaurants, cafeterias, packing plants). It will yield significant amounts of
compost, which might require assistance to market the end-product. Local governments
may want to make the compost available to residents for a low or no cost.

This type of composting involves forming organic waste into rows of long piles called
“windrows” and aerating them periodically by either manually or mechanically turning the
piles. The ideal pile height is between four and eight feet with a width of 14 to 16 feet. This
size pile is large enough to generate enough heat and maintain temperatures. It is small
enough to allow oxygen flow to the windrow's core.
Large volumes of diverse wastes such as yard trimmings, grease, liquids, and animal
byproducts (such as fish and poultry wastes) can be composted through this method.
Following are the point keeps in mind while selecting/or implementing the aerated (turned)
windrow composting
 Windrow composting often requires large tracts of land, sturdy equipment, a continual
supply of labor to maintain and operate the facility, and patience to experiment with
various materials mixtures and turning frequencies.
 In a warm, arid climate, windrows are sometimes covered or placed under a shelter
to prevent water from evaporating.
 In rainy seasons, the shapes of the pile can be adjusted so that water runs off the top
of the pile rather than being absorbed into the pile.
 Windrow composting can work in cold climates. Often the outside of the pile might
freeze, but in its core, a windrow can reach 140° F.
 Leachate is liquid released during the composting process. This can contaminate
local ground water and surface-water supplies. It should be collected and treated.
 Windrow composting is a large-scale operation and might be subject to regulatory
enforcement, zoning, and siting requirements. Compost should be tested in a
laboratory for bacterial and heavy metal content.
 Odors also need to be controlled. The public should be informed of the operation and
have a method to address any complaints about animals or bad odors.

d) Aerated static pile composting

Aerated static pile composting produces compost relatively quickly (within three to six
months). It is suitable for a relatively homogenous mix of organic waste and work well for
larger quantity generators of yard trimmings and compostable municipal solid waste (e.g.,
food scraps, paper products), such as local governments, landscapers, or farms. This
method, however, does not work well for composting animal byproducts or grease from food
processing industries.
In aerated static pile composting, organic waste mixed in a large pile. To aerate the pile,
layers of loosely piled bulking agents (e.g., wood chips, shredded newspaper) are added so
that air can pass from the bottom to the top of the pile. The piles also can be placed over a
network of pipes that deliver air into or draw air out of the pile. Air blowers might be
activated by a timer or a temperature sensors. Following are the point keeps in mind while
selecting/or implementing the aerated static pile composting
 In a warm, arid climate, it may be necessary to cover the pile or place it under a
shelter to prevent water from evaporating.
 In the cold, the core of the pile will retain its warm temperature. Aeration might be
more difficult because passive air flowing is used rather than active turning. Placing
the aerated static piles indoors with proper ventilation is also sometimes an option.
 Since there is no physical turning, this method requires careful monitoring to ensure
that the outside of the pile heats up as much as the core.
 Applying a thick layer of finished compost over the pile may help alleviate any odors.
If the air blower draws air out of the pile, filtering the air through a biofilter made from
finished compost will also reduce any of the odors.
 This method may require significant cost and technical assistance to purchase,
install, and maintain equipment such as blowers, pipes, sensors, and fans.
 Having a controlled supply of air allows construction of large piles, which require less
land than the windrow method.
e) In-vessel composting
In-vessel composting can process large amounts of waste without taking up as much space
as the windrow method and it can accommodate virtually any type of organic waste (e.g.,
meat, animal manure, biosolids, food scraps). This method involves feeding organic
materials into a drum, silo, concrete-lined trench, or similar equipment. This allows good
control of the environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture, and airflow. The
material is mechanically turned or mixed to make sure the material is aerated. The size of
the vessel can vary in size and capacity. Following are the point keeps in mind while
selecting/or implementing the in-vessel composting. This method produces compost in just a
few weeks. It takes a few more weeks or months until it is ready to use because the
microbial activity needs to balance and the pile needs to cool.
 Some are small enough to fit in a school or restaurant kitchen.
 Some are very large, similar to the size of school bus. Large food processing plants
often use these.
 Careful control, often electronically, of the climate allows year-round use of this
 Use in extremely cold weather is possible with insulation or indoor use.
 Very little odor or leachate is produced.
 This method is expensive and may require technical expertise to operate it properly.
 Uses much less land and manual labor than windrow composting.

Factors affecting aerobic composting

Particle Size: Grinding, chipping, and shredding materials increases the surface area on
which microorganisms can feed. Smaller particles also produce a more homogeneous
compost mixture and improve pile insulation to help maintain optimum temperatures (see
below). If the particles are too small, however, they might prevent air from flowing freely
through the pile.
Aeration: In aerobic composting oxygen is a major limiting factor. The growth of aerobic
microbes is directly affected by the oxygen supply. Lesser supply of oxygen to compost pile
can restrict the growth of aerobic microbes and leads toward slower decomposition of raw
organic material. In addition, proper aeration eliminates excessive heat, water vapor and
other gases trapped in the pile. Therefore, good aeration is necessary for proficient
composting. The proper aeration in composting can be achieved by controlling the particle
size of raw material used in composting and also with the frequent turning of pile.
Temperature: As explained above, composting involves two temperature phases: low
temperature (mesophilic; 20-45 0C) and high temperature (thermophilic; 50-700C) phase. If
the temperature goes too high or too low, the activity of composting microbes adversely
affected, which results immature and non effective composts. Most of the pathogens cannot
survive at 550C and above and for elimination of weed seeds the critical temperature is
about 620C and above. Therefore, for proper composting product temperature is a major
factor and it can be regulated by turnings and aeration of compost.
Moisture: The major role of moisture content in aerobic composting is to maintain the
metabolic activity of the micro-organisms. If the compost is too dry, the activity of microbes
rapidly reduce which results the slow composting process while moisture content in excess
amount that develops an anaerobic condition for microbial growth. Therefore for proper
aerobic composting process the moisture content should be 40-65 percent.
pH value: pH of composting pile can directly affects the microbial population by restricting
the availability of nutrients to microbes. Optimum pH for proper microbial growth in
composting pile is recommended between 6.0 and 7.5 for most microbes.
Nutrients : The major nutrients present in compost are; Carbon (C), Nitrogen (N),
Phosphorus (P) and Potassium (K). Carbon to nitrogen (C:N) ratio is a limiting factor in
composting process. At higher C:N ratio (40:1), excess amount of carbon source and limited
amount of nitrogen source restrict the growth of micro-organisms and resulting slower
decomposition process. In contrast, if C:N ratio is less than 20:1 it leads to under utilization
of N and the excess may be released into atmosphere as ammonia or nitrous oxide resulting
to odour problem. Other major nutrient in composting process is phosphorus (P) which is a
nonvolatile nutrient that means no loss during the process but it can leach out from the
system therefore the concentration of P in the raw material should be high. Similarly,
potassium is another non-volatile nutrient that can leach from the composting system. The
concentration of potassium in final product should be always greater than the original raw
Anaerobic composting
Anaerobic composting process takes place without the involvement of oxygen. It commonly
takes place in the nature. The anaerobic decomposition results the breakdown of organic
compounds by the application of anaerobic microorganisms. Similar to aerobic process,
anaerobic microbes also utilize nitrogen, phosphorus, and other nutrients to develop their
cell protoplasm. The major difference is between decomposition of organic and inorganic
compounds present into the compost pile like breakdown of organic nitrogen to organic
acids and ammonia. Similarly major portion of carbon is released in the form of methane gas
(CH4 ) and a small portion of carbon can be respired as CO 2. Since the major part of
anaerobic composting is breakdown of organic matter through reduction process but the
final product is subject to have some aerobic oxidation. There are no consequences of this
oxidation process on utilization of material as it is there for only short duration. Four major
stages take place during the anaerobic composting process: hydrolysis, acidogenesis,
acetogenesis and methanogenesis.
 The first stage is hydrolysis where the fermentative microbes breakdown the
insoluble complex organic matter, such as cellulose into soluble molecules as fatty
acids, amino acids and sugars. The hydrolytic activity is a rate limiting factor as it is
having a significant impact on raw material with high organic content.
 The second stage of anaerobic decomposition i.e. acidogenesis, involved in further
breakdown of remaining complex molecules by acidogenic (fermentative) bacteria.
 In the next phase of anaerobic digestion, simple molecules created through the
acidogenesis phase are further digested upto acetic acid, as well as carbon dioxide
and hydrogen by acetogenesis. The major bacteria of this phase are Clostridium
aceticum, Acetobacter woodii and Clostridium termoautotrophicum.
 The final phase is methanogenesis, methane is produced by bacteria called methane

Factors affecting anaerobic composting

Temperature: Temperature is a major limiting factor in anaerobic composting process.
Optimum temperature considered for optimum growth of mesophilic digester for biogas
production is 350C. Previous study on effect of temperature on mesophilic digester reports
that for each 100C drop the activity and growth rate of bacteria decrease by 50% and with
200C decrease in temperature biogas production falls down and even stops at 10 0C.
Temperature above 370C leads to prolong digestion process and leads to reduced rate of
biogas generation.
pH: pH is the second major factor that affect the processing of anaerobic composting.
Digestion process is significantly affected by variation in pH. The optimum pH range for
anaerobic digester is considered between 6.8 to 7.2. However, the anaerobic decomposition
process can tolerate a range of 6.5 up to 8.0.
Substrate: The initial substrate concentration directly influence the anaerobic digestion (and
also methane gas production during anaerobic decomposition is critically depends on initial
substrate concentration.
Pathogens: Unlike aerobic decomposition, in anaerobic composting pathogens are major
threats to composting material because there is not enough heat that can destroy the
pathogens. The only way of eradication of pathogen during this process is unavailability of
oxygen that provides unfavorable condition to the pathogens and can be slowly disappears
from compost. In addition to this, biological antagonisms against these pathogens in
compost can also reduce the chances of vaiability of pathogen in anaerobic compost.
Therefore, it is necessary that the condition should be completely anaerobic and the
composted material must be held for a periods of six months to a year to ensure complete
destruction of pathogens.

Aerobic vs. Anaerobic composting

Anaerobic composting was considered as a possible alternative to aerobic composting. The
major support of anaerobic composting was the minimisation of nitrogen loss. Even had this
advantage, the imitation and disadvantages of the anaerobic mode cannot be neglected.
There are several advantages of aerobic composting over anaerobic composting like:
a) rapid decomposition of raw material,
b) temperature of pile raises upto that level where pathogens and weeds cannot
c) the number and intensity of objectionable emissions are sharply reduced and,
d) can be generated in a short period of time.

Differences between aerobic and anaerobic composting

Decomposition: Decomposition of organic material in aerobic composting proceeds more
rapidly as compare to anaerobic process. In anaerobic decomposition the composted
material must be held for periods of six months to a year to ensure the proper
decomposition of organic material while in aerobic composting the complete decomposition
time (or composting time) is about 3 to 6 months.
Pathogen suppression Both aerobic and anaerobic composting requires microbes for
decomposition of raw material. Most of the pathogens are not susceptible to high
temperature and anaerobic conditions.
 Under aerobic conditions, compost pile may attain a temperature upto 60 0C to 700C
which is high enough to kill the pathogens present in the raw material. While in
anaerobic composting process temperature never reaches upto 700C. Therefore, the
possibility of the pathogens to remain into the compost is significantly higher as
compare to aerobic decomposition.
 In aerobic composting systems, the most important factor is interaction between
weed species and different composting parameters like temperature, time, and
i) During aerobic composting, higher temperature (upto 70 0C) increases the
mortality rate of weed seeds. Therefore, the longer the duration of high-
temperature exposure in composting, the higher the weed seed mortality.
ii) Similar study on compost reports that, at 35% moisture and 50-700C the weed
seeds like barnyardgrass, pigweeds, and kochia were killed. Generally in aerobic
composting process fungal pathogens do not survive due to high temperature.
However, many of them form a reproductive structures are usually more heat
resistant than their vegetative structures. Many pathogenic fungi like Fusarium
oxysporum, Olpidium brassicae, Synchytrium endobioticum and Plasmodiophora
brassicae, Phytophthora infestans can produce their reproductive structure that
can survive from 400C to 650C for 10-30 minutes. Similarly bacterial plant
pathogens are unlikely to survive composting, where temperature normally rises
above 500C. Therefore an optimum exposure of high temperature is necessary
for complete removal of pathogenic fungi from the compost. All these studies
support the important role of thermophilic phase of aerobic composting
processes over anaerobic composting where the temperature never raises upto
Emission of gases: At the initial phase of composting of waste material, emission of some
unpleasant odors is predictable. The source of this unpleasant smell is mainly because of
rapid activity of microbes towards degredation of complex compounds into simple
compounds. The intensity and extent of odours during anerobic composting is more as
compare to aerobic composting. In aerobic composting, a frequent supply oxygen to heap
helps to reduce the chances of formation and emission of unpleasant gases while in
anaerobic composting, due to closed system formation and emission of objectionable odor
is more. The possible solution for controlling the emissions of gases is chemical and or
biological treatment All above studies supports the advances of aerobic composting over
anaerobic. However, a transient anaerobic phase is recognized as essential part of
composting to destruct the halogenated hydrocarbons combined with conservation of
nitrogen. Therefore, there is a need of future study to explore the composting stages in
details for better understanding of efficient compost formation.

3. Incineration
Incineration is the treatment of waste material by combustion of organic substances present
in the waste materials. It converts the waste material into heat, flue gas and ash which are
released into the atmosphere without any further treatment for usage. During incineration
process, the types of waste products produced which can be further used in an effective way by
proper treatment reaction and analysis. The benefit of incineration is that it reduces the solid mass of
organic wastes by 80-85% and volume by 95-96% which is commendable

Uses of end products during incineration

• Heat which is in major percentage can be used to generate electric power.
• Flue gases contain traces of nitrogen, carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide, each of which has
better utilization when used optimally
• Nitrogen produced can be used as fertilizers to increase the productivity of crops,
carbon dioxide can be used as fire extinguishers and sulfur once extracted from
sulfur dioxide can be used in dental treatment
• Ash is obtained in the form of solid lumps which can be used for construction
A typical scheme for an incineration plant operating on real waste and with energy

Process description
• The collected material is located in a land site and from here taken to be sent to the
incineration process, normally performed in grid or rotating kilns.
• The gas coming from the combustion process at a temperature around 900o C to
1000o C is sent to a heat exchanger for steam production to be then used in a
thermal cycle for energy production.
• Out of the exchanger, at a temperature around 200 o to 250oC, the gas is then sent to
the gas cleaning line to abate the polluting substances (dust, acid gas, etc.), and is
discharged from the chimney into the atmosphere.
• As already noted, energy recovery is performed in a thermal cycle, usually with
turbine and condenser to maximize the production of electric energy.
• Combustion: Waste is continuously fed into the furnace by an overhead crane. The
waste is combusted in the specially designed furnace at high temperature of > 850 oC
for more than 2 second with sufficient supply of air so as to ensure complete burning
of the waste and to prevent the formation of dioxins and carbon monoxide.
• Boiler/ steam turbine: The heat from the combustion is used to generate steam in the
boiler. The steam then drives the turbine which is coupled to the electricity generator.
The excess heat generated can also be used for other purposes, e.g. heat for
swimming pool.
• Exhaust gas cleaning: The exhaust gas from the boiler is typically cleaned by the
following advanced pollution control systems to ensure compliance with the stringent
environmental standards.
• Dry or Wet scrubbers: To spray lime powder or fine atomized slurry into the hot
exhaust gas to neutralize and remove the polluted acidic gases (sulphur oxides,
hydrogen chloride).
• Activated Carbon Injection: To adsorb and remove any heavy metal and organic
pollutants (e.g. dioxins) in the exhaust gas.
• Bag house filter: To filter and remove dust and fine particulates.
• Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction: To remove a nitrogen oxide (which is a cause of
urban smog) by reacting them with ammonia or urea

4. Pyrolysis of Municipal Wastes

Pyrolysis is the thermal degradation of carbon-based materials through the use of an
indirect, external source of heat, typically at temperatures of 450 to 750°C, in the absence or
almost complete absence of free oxygen to produce a carbonaceous char, oils and
combustible gases. This drives off the volatile portions of the organic materials, resulting in a
syngas composed primarily of H2, CO, CO2, CH4 and complex hydrocarbons
• Pyrolysis is rapidly developing thermal conversion technology and has been
garnering much attention worldwide due to its high efficiency and good eco-friendly
performance characteristics.
• Pyrolysis technology provides an opportunity for the conversion of municipal solid
wastes, agricultural residues, scrap tires, non-recyclable plastics etc into clean
• It offers an attractive way of converting urban wastes into products which can be
effectively used for the production of heat, electricity and chemicals
• Pyrolysis process consists of both simultaneous and successive reactions when
carbon-rich organic material is heated in a non-reactive atmosphere.
• Simply speaking, pyrolysis is the thermal degradation of organic materials in the
absence of oxygen. Thermal decomposition of organic components in the waste
stream starts at 350°C–550°C and goes up to 700°C–800°C in the absence of
• Pyrolysis of municipal wastes begins with mechanical preparation and separation of
glass, metals and inert materials prior to processing the remaining waste in a
pyrolysis reactor.
• The commonly used pyrolysis reactors are rotary kilns, rotary hearth furnaces, and
fluidized bed furnaces.
• The process requires an external heat source to maintain the high temperature
• Pyrolysis can be performed at relatively small-scale which may help in reducing
transport and handling costs.
• In pyrolysis of MSW, heat transfer is a critical area as the process is endothermic
and sufficient heat transfer surface has to be provided to meet process heat
• The main products obtained from pyrolysis of municipal wastes are a high calorific
value gas (synthesis gas or syngas), a biofuel (bio oil or pyrolysis oil) and a solid
residue (char).
• Depending on the final temperature, MSW pyrolysis will yield mainly solid residues at
low temperatures, less than 4500C, when the heating rate is quite slow, and mainly
gases at high temperatures, greater than 8000C, with rapid heating rates.
• At an intermediate temperature and under relatively high heating rates, the main
product is a liquid fuel popularly known as bio oil.

Wide Range of End Products

• Bio oil is a dark brown liquid and can be upgraded to either engine fuel or through
gasification processes to a syngas and then biodiesel. Pyrolysis oil may also be used
as liquid fuel for diesel engines and gas turbines to generate electricity Bio oil is
particularly attractive for co-firing because it can be relatively easy to handle and burn
than solid fuel and is cheaper to transport and store. In addition, bio oil is also a vital
source for a wide range of organic compounds and specialty chemicals.
• Syngas is a mixture of energy-rich gases (combustible constituents include carbon
monoxide, hydrogen, methane and a broad range of other VOCs). The net calorific
value (NCV) of syngas is between 10 and 20MJ/Nm 3. Syngas is cleaned to remove
particulates, hydrocarbons, and soluble matter, and then combusted to generate
electricity. Diesel engines, gas turbines, steam turbines and boilers can be used
directly to generate electricity and heat in CHP systems using syngas and pyrolysis
oil. Syngas may also be used as a basic chemical in petrochemical and refining
• The solid residue from MSW pyrolysis, called char,, is a combination of non-
combustible materials and carbon. Char is almost pure carbon and can be used in
the manufacture of activated carbon filtration media (for water treatment applications)
or as an agricultural soil amendment.

5. Biomining
Bio-mining includes segregation of waste to separate sand that can be used for agriculture
and dry waste that will be sent to cement factories to be used as fuel. After completion of
the entire process, the land becomes vacant and will be used for implementing other
Bio-remediation & Bio-mining of Old Municipal Dumpsites:
It refers to the excavation of old dumped waste and make windrow (long row) of legacy
waste (old dumped municipal solid waste) thereafter stabilization of the waste through bio-
remediation i.e. exposure of all the waste to air along with use of composting bio-cultures,
i.e. screening of the stabilized waste to recover all valuable resources (like organic fines,
bricks, stones, plastics, metals, clothes, rags etc.) followed by its sustainable management
through recycling, co-processing, road making etc. The process flow chart as shown below

Fig. 1 Overview of bio-remediation and bio-mining of legacy waste

The process description is as follows
 The first step is to excavate legacy waste, loosen it and make windrows so as the
leachate can be dried of through solar exposure and all the entrapped methane is
removed from the heap. All biodegradable waste, like discarded food, fruit, flower and
garden waste, needs air to decompose it in an odourless way without producing
leachate. So the first step in stabilizing and bringing down airless legacy waste is to
expose as much of it as possible to air (Fig. 1).
 Addition of composting bio-cultures speeds up decomposition and rapidly creates
biological heat within the waste that helps to dry it out and reduce its volume by 35-
40%. This happens through loss of moisture and by decomposition of some of the
aerated waste to carbon dioxide and water vapour.
 This is called bio-remediation and makes the waste dry enough for screening.
Waste is called stabilized when there is no more generation of heat or landfill gas or
leachate, and seeds are able to germinate in it.
 The screening of such stabilized waste into different size fractions that can be
usefully used off-site or disposed of without affecting the environment. Screen sizes
commonly used are one or more of the following: 150 mm. 80 to 100 mm, 24 to
50mm, 12-16 mm and 4-6 .The finest fraction is called bio-earth or good earth. It
contains a mixture of humus-rich organics which improve soil fertility along with a
high proportion of soil or sand. which is why it cannot meet Fertilizer Control Order
(FCO) standards for compost.
 The coarsest fraction contains bricks, stones, coconut shells, footwear, cloth and
larger plastics. Density separation helps recover combustibles which can be used
(usually up to 5-10%) as fuel replacement after supplying it to customer
 The lighter mid-fractions are mostly plastics and can be shredded as per industry
requirement for use in bitumen hot-mix plants to make so-called Plastic Roads or as
refuse derived fuel for co-processing in cement kilns.
 Fractions up to 50mm do not require shredding for use as refused derived fuel (RDF).
The heavier mid-fractions are mostly stony inert which can be used in the lowest
layers of road-making or plinth-filling or in low-lying areas, but should not contain
more than 3-5% plastics by weight. Less than 10% of the original waste remains as
totally unusable residual rejects and may remain onsite, either in a small heap or
spread to raise the ground level by a couple of meters. The land which was hosting
waste dumps is now fully recovered for alternate uses.
 Bio-mining and Bio-remediation processes should be adopted as early as possible to
ensure holistic solid waste management.

Methods of bio-mining
Exposing the legacy waste to air to stabilize it has been done since 1998 in many ways.
Almost all of them involve forming the waste into long low heaps of about 2 meter height
called wind-rows, to get maximum surface area to volume. Repeated turning is necessary to
ensure that the innermost waste in wind-rows also gets exposed to air. Usually 3-4 turnings
of legacy waste are necessary to stabilize it. Following are the various methods of bio-
1. Bio-mining through Tractor Tiller by Windrows
2. Bio-mining through Trench Method
3. Bio-mining through Cone Method
4. Bio-mining through Windrow Method for Spacious Landfill Sites
5. Bio-mining through Thin Layer Spreading Method
1. Use a tractor-tiller to repeatedly loosen the topmost 150 mm layer of legacy waste. Mist-
spray the waste lightly with bio-cultures to control odour and get the decomposing
microbes dispersed into the waste. Hand-pick out large objects like rocks or coconut-
shells or long pieces of cloth. Form the waste into wind-rows using a Bob-cat or JCB or
similar earth-moving equipment. Turn these wind-rows every 5 days. After 2-3 weeks
when the heaps are free-flowing enough for screening, move the material to multi-deck
vibrating screens or to trommels (rotating cylinders with different size perforations) to get
fractions of different size and weight.

Schematic representation of Bio-mining through Tractor Tiller by Windrows

2. Use a JCB to dig 2-2.5 meter deep trenches downwards from the top of a legacy waste
heap at 1.5 to 2 meter intervals. This is a rapid and cost-effective way to slice the
uppermost layer into in-situ wind-rows. Mist-spray the sides of the trenches to get
microbes to reach exposed waste surfaces. Bring down these slices to form terraces and
turn one aerated windrow onto another weekly before repeating the process until almost
ground level is reached. Start screening when waste moisture is low enough.

Schematic representation of Bio-mining through Trench Method

3. Use a JCB to lift legacy waste off the top of a heap and drop it from a height to aerate and
loosen the waste and form 2-3 meter high cones. Mist-spray bio culture on the cones.
Every day or 2-3 days use the JCB to lift waste from the cones and drop it back to the
same or a nearby location, to aerate the waste. This is rather fuel-intensive.

Schematic representation of Bio-mining through Cone Method

4. Where space permits, move the waste to form several long parallel windrows. Turn these
weekly with a JCB. Often at the second or third turning, one heap can be combined with a
second one as their volumes decrease. Windrows can be aerated either by moving all the
waste to form a new parallel windrow, with the innermost waste on the outside for
aeration, or by moving all the waste forward in small steps while dropping it from a height
for aeration.

Schematic representation of Bio-mining through Windrow Method for Spacious Landfill Sites

5. If waste needs to be moved from one location to another part of the same site, usually the
perimeter, place it in thin 150 mm layers and mist-spray bio cultures. Allow 5 days to
aerate one layer before adding the next one and mist-spraying bio cultures on that also.
Turning may not be necessary when waste is spread thin like this, to decompose like
leaves on a forest floor.

Schematic representation of Bio-mining through Thin Layer Spreading Method

Processing Equipment’s for Processing of Legacy Waste:

The major equipment that would come in use would fall under the following heads of
processes like excavation, shredding, screening, air classification and ferrous separation. As
per suitability and requirement the appropriate choices should be made.
Screening: Trommel, vibrating screen and disc/star
Handling equipment: Loader (front load), conveyers and fork lifts

Procedure for treatment process of legacy waste

Processing of accumulated waste shall be done in following manner as given below:
1. Local Body (LB) shall make a time bound plan to execute the bio-mining process to
clear the old waste.
2. Volume of waste to be determined through contour survey (Total Station Survey) and
site measurements. Drone mapping of heap volumes at different stages is most cost-
effective and fast. Weighment of heaps is difficult and problematic as payment would
be collected for heavy fractions, leaving behind the more pollution-prone lighter
3. Initial Contour level survey of the site shall be done on start of work and Final Contour
level survey shall be done on final completion of the work.
4 Do an initial baseline survey of surface and subsurface soils and waters and also
leachate present, to check for heavy metals and toxics if any. Samples should be
drawn by an National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
(NABL) or The Ministry of Environment and forest (MOEF) certified lab, also at the final
stage. During operations, the operator should collect and keep daily samples of the
finest fractions, to be pooled and analysed monthly or at random by an NABL lab. This
is to ensure that unsterilized rotted waste is not simply moved from one location to
another by mining without bioremediation.
4. Sprinkle the newly exposed surfaces with a composting bio culture solution or a dilute
solution of 5% fresh cow dung in water. This will control smell and speed up
decomposition. With the help of Back Hoe loader, the waste in the demarcated area
should be loosened up.
5. Usually the top layer has several materials in the active biological state. This layer shall
be stabilised through composting bio-cultures, as well as herbal/biological sanitizers if
found necessary for odour control.
6. Raking of garbage layers by a long spike harrow operating in cross directions may be
done as needed to pull out large rags, plastic, rubber, textiles etc.
7. Waste pickers or labour should manually pick out bulky waste like coconut shells,
banana stems, tyres and rocks prior to screening for bio-mining. Store in separate
heaps for sale or use.
8. Turn these windrow heaps once a week until no more volume reduction is observed in
the heaps and no more heat is generated. If the garbage is stabilized, there will be no
smell or leachate formation and the material will be dry enough for sieving.
9. LB or its agency may deploy Trommels and/or Horizontal Screens or other types of
screens for the purpose of screening. Screen the stabilized waste in a rotary screen or
gravity screens of different size openings, preferably 35mm and 8mm. A fan can blow
out the plastic fraction for use by recyclers.
10.Appropriate numbers of excavators, back hoe loaders and workers will be required to
execute the work.
11.The recyclables recovered from the bio-mining process should be sent for recycling as
per the quality of the material, which should also be randomly sampled by an NABL
lab and tested for heavy metals, salinity/electrical conductivity and leachability to
ensure no environmental harm during use. FCO standards for pH and contaminants
could be provisionally used as a benchmark.. Non-Recyclable plastic material shall be
sent for road making or to RDF units or cement plants. Initial cleaning of recyclable
waste shall be done before it is transported for sale or disposal.
12.The recovered earthy fines shall preferably be used for landscaping or gardening or
road medians within the Local Body or the site. The recovered soil can also be used as
“Soil enricher” to develop green areas or by farmers.
13.The recyclables like plastic, glass, metals, rags and cloth recovered from the waste
during screening shall be sorted out and preferably cleaned before sending to
recycling industries or as RDF.
14.The heavy fractions may be sand and gravel usable for road shoulders or for plinth
filling. Stones and concrete if any can be used for road sub-grade, or for crushing.
recycling and reuse in the construction industry. The recovered construction and
demolition waste recovered from the bio-mining process may be sent to a C&D
processing facility if suitable for production of building materials.
15. In very old garbage layers with high debris content, most of the organic matter may
have already been decomposed. Do a seed germination test to ensure it is stabilised.
Add biocultures to fully stabilise it if heat is still generated in windrow heaps or volume
reduction is observed. After 7-10 days of stabilization the waste can be taken up for
16.Usually the finest fraction will be organic matter plus fine soil, called ‘bio-earth’, which
can be used as soil improver, especially for restoring alkaline or saline soils to fertility,
or to grow some vegetation for erosion control. It is also useful as a lawn subgrade
cum drainage layer, or it can be used as organic manure in tree pits. . The next
coarser fraction will be gravel and coarse organics, which can be used for road and
railway embankments the coarsest fraction may have a lot of combustibles (cloth etc.)
which can be baled and supplied as Alternate Fuel Resources in cement kilns or
17.There may be some (maximum 5-10% of total) left over waste including lumps of
heterogeneous nature. The waste may be soaked with leachate or hard and difficult to
disintegrate. This waste can be sent to scientific landfill for disposal (near zero
18.The recovered land from the bio-mining process shall be utilized for any purpose
deemed appropriate. Ideally reclaimed space should be reused for waste processing,
otherwise for alternate non-habitation uses.

Use of Screened Fractions:

When planning for bio-remediation and bio-mining, it is important at the same time to identify
where the screened fractions will go, in order to bring down the heap of mixed waste to
fractions that would each have been usable if unmixed. None of these fractions will bring in
income. In fact, their transport offsite is a cost to be budgeted for. Look for the nearest
industries using solid fuel. Look for the nearest bitumen hot-mix plants and also specify
Plastic Roads in road tenders to ensure offtake of the thin-film plastic fractions. Start a
dialogue with all kabadiwalas within the local body to see who will be willing to pick up or
accept which items. Plan for offsite aggregation space for different fractions and types of
waste that will result from screening. Identify aggregation and storage sheds for use by
waste-picker groups or kabadiwalas. Identify transporters who can transport different
fractions out on their return trips.
For the bio-earth or good earth finest fraction, test periodically for heavy metals, then look
for farmers willing to accept it. It is excellent for reclaiming salt-affected soils and for
restoration of mining overburden areas if any are nearby. There is a cess for restoration of
mined areas, which is normally unspent as forest departments are supposed to revegetate
them. But this is unviable in barren rocky soil by planting and watering saplings.
Revegetation is instead possible and effective by mixing grass seed with the good earth
fraction and spreading it on the overburden to start a natural succession of grasses, herbs
and shrubs.

Process Management:
There are several factors that must be kept in mind during implementation of the project.
Space Management:
For all waste-stabilising methods, management of space is the biggest challenge, as
aeration, stabilizing and screening mostly needs to be done within the boundaries of an
already overloaded dumpsite. This is achieved mainly by experience and creative common-
sense. Onsite earth-mover operators often come up with the best solutions, so seek their
opinions. Every dumpsite poses a case-by-case challenge, but there is no above-ground
dump that cannot be successfully bio-remediated and bio-mined.

Illustration of Trench Bio-mining at existing landfill site

Keep safety in mind. Always try to work downward from the top surface. Do not think of
slicing waste from the top down along one side of the heap unless you can ensure leaving a
stable wall of waste with a safe slope of 25 - 30 degrees while you work. Leaving a vertical
wall of waste during operations can cause a dangerous landslide of disturbed waste.
Leachate Management:
Most high heaps of legacy waste are water-logged with leachate even near the topmost
layers and all the way to the bottom, like a dhokla. This is not just from rainwater entering
the heap but is produced by airless rotting within the entire waste heap. So when legacy
waste heaps are opened up, some leachate almost always trickles out. This is not produced
by the formation of wind-rows or cones, which in fact help to dry out the waste by aerated
decomposition. Channels must be created to lead the oozing leachate rivulets to a lined
depression or pond for treatment or for leachate recirculation onto wind-rows as a type of
bioculture. (test to see if heaps generate enough heat with its use). Leachate can also be
treated in collection ponds by underwater composting. Bio-cultures that have been proved
successful at other locations can be sprinkled onto the leachate pools. But intermittent
aeration is a must, using small compressor pumps or aerators or airlift aeration or even
simple manual or mechanical agitation. Aeration is necessary for the added microbes to do
their work of digesting the polluting solids suspended in the dark and turbid leachate.
Success is noticed by a progressive change in colour from dark to light, by reduction or
absence of odour and by fine bubbles rising to the surface from digested solids.
Fire Control and Safety:
Most large dumpsites are smouldering from hidden fires. Methane itself is flammable with a
blue flame, and supports the yellow-flame burning of combustible plastics, cloth and oily
rags. Sometimes flammable industrial waste find its way onto dumpsites, aggravating the
It is difficult to begin bio-remediation work on a smoking dump. Sometimes digging into the
dump awakens hidden fires. So fire control is important. Adding water increases the
generation of both methane and leachate and is counter-productive, not a long-term
solution, Adding soil cover to smother the flames adds more material to a heap that one is
trying to bring down.
There is a better way, again requiring creative common-sense and experience and training
of earth-mover drivers. Most fires within heaps have a point source – a bag of textile
discards or plastic waste or a ball of oily rags. Earthmover drivers must learn to dig in and
pluck out these burning balls of fire. These should be laid nearby on the surface of the dump
and then rubbed out with the back of the excavator shovel to extinguish the flames and
smoke. Wet soil should be kept handy to immediately plug the excavated hole. Adding
composting bio-cultures can be tried, to counter the anaerobic conditions around the burning
spots. Smoking points must be tackled patiently and systematically, one by one, till the
dump is smoke-free to begin stabilizing operations by bio-remediation.
It is important to do the risk assessment and an onsite emergency plan should be kept
handy prior to commencement of dumpsite bio-remediation & bio-mining.

Schematic representation of screen components and its sustainable disposable

Use of Recovered Space :

The benefit of bio-mining lies in abatement of ongoing and future pollution and ill health and
in the recovery and re-use of valuable space. This is ideally for continued long-term waste
management since public consent for new waste sites is increasingly difficult because of
earlier visible mis-management of a virgin site. Ensure advance demarcation and
declaration of a buffer zone of no new habitation for upto 500 meters around the cleared site
to prevent real-estate activity from encroaching the buffer as soon as the dump is removed.
If a dump is engulfed within a growing city and its continued use for waste management is
unsuitable, identify in advance the planned future use of that site and put up a signboard
indicating that use, to ensure public acceptance of the biomining operations which will be
temporarily noisy and dusty. This will also protect the site from land-grabbers.
Cleared dumps are not permitted for habitation for at least 15 years (SWM Rules Schedule
I, H (2)). This is because of unhealthy leachate below the site and formation of flammable
and offensive landfill gases from waste pockets that may remain unexcavated.
Permissible options are reuse for SWM, open stadia, sports grounds, parks and gardens,
parking lots, container yards, warehouses of non-flammables and similar facilities where
people are not living or working all day and night.

Bio-mining Below-Ground Waste:

Many cities and towns chose abandoned quarry-pits to dump untreated waste, without
realizing the permanently harmful effects of this. Leachate oozing (seep or tricle) out at the
bottom of the pit cannot be seen or captured or treated and enters both shallow and deep
groundwater through fissures in the rock. The hydrostatic pressure in deep quarries, as
divers experience at increasing depths, forces the leachate even more forcefully into the
cracks. Dark and smelly water pollution begins to show up in nearby wells and bore wells
after a year or further away even after 3-4 years, after which the damage is irreversible.
But leachate in an airless rotting mass continues to form for up to 30 years, so further
damage can be prevented by bio-mining the quarry-pits. This has also been ordered by the
NGT. The waste needs to be excavated in descending layers like any open-cast mining and
unloaded on the surface in windrows or conical heaps which can be turned weekly for 5-6
weeks before screening. Use of bio cultures is most important here, to control odour and the
leachate which will run out while placing excavated material. Adding bio-cultures into the pit
without excavation will not give the waste and the digesting microbes the air needed for
stabilising the waste.
Immediate stoppage of further quarry-dumping of untreated waste is the most important
action. The excavated quarry-pit, or any other quarry-pits that are planned for waste
disposal, must first be filled to ground level with only debris and construction and demolition
waste up to slightly above surrounding ground level. The newly-created space can then be
used for waste stabilizing by unloading fresh waste in windrows here and turning them
regularly. Any small quantity of leachate produced will be visible as it runs out from the
edges of the heaps.
Bio-mining /screening may have to be interrupted during monsoons, both above grounds
and below ground.

Engineered Landfill and Capping:

Capping, in developed countries, is the preferred means of closure of scientifically
engineered landfills with bottom and side liners. These lines as well as drainage layers and
leachate and gas collection pipes are installed even before using the site for waste
placement. Their capping is meant to keep out rain from the landfill so as not to add to the
internally generated leachate which is continually pumped out through pipes and drainage
layers for treatment. Landfill gas captured through pipes is generally flared, as generating
power from its combustion is always loss-making.
The dumping of mixed MSW begins in low-lying areas without any prior waterproofing layers
to protect groundwater or prevent landfill gas migration. Capping of unlined dumps is in fact
dangerous as it makes the waste even more airless, generating more leachate and also
more methane and landfill gas, which leaks out below the edges of the capping. This
created a disaster at the Mindspace IT complex, constructed next to a capped landfill at
Malad in Mumbai. The landfill gases entered the Mindspace basement where the central air-
conditioning circulated it to every floor in the building, causing regular frequent failure of
every type of electronic equipment. Probably sulphur in the hydrogen sulphide gas made the
circuit-board connections non-conducting. The problem is still unsolved. Another capping
failure is at Bagalur in Bangalore, where leachate extraction wells were placed in a partly
lined quarry pit before waste placement. A garden was constructed over the filled pit, with
lawn sprinklers adding to the moisture in the waste through tears in the capping plastic. Now
landfill gas and methane can be seen and even heard, vigorously bubbling up in every
unemptied leachate-extraction well.
Capping should only be considered for the maximum 10% residual rejects after bio-mining
(screening) of stabilized waste. The SWM Rules 2016 in Rule 15 (zk) permit it only where
bio-mining and bio-remediation is not possible. Perhaps the only places where this is not
possible are in steep inaccessible ravines and narrow valleys in mountainous regions.

Clearing vs. Capping of Legacy Waste:

The SWM Rules 2016 clearly mandate clearing of sites as a first option, by bio-mining and
bio-remediation. Still, capping is often proposed or considered an option in India merely
because it is done in the West. But clearing a dumpsite almost to ground level rather than
capping it is a far better option for permanent pollution prevention, as well as for the
following additional reasons:
• Clearing by bio-mining recovers the entire base area of a dump at almost ground
level. Capping gives only one-third of the base area as usable area at an
inconvenient height for future use.
• Cleared sites require no after-care. Capping requires at least 15 years of continuous
leachate pump-out and treatment in a dedicated effluent treatment plant nearby. Gas
extraction is very difficult and inefficient when attempts are made to insert suction
pipes into dumped waste instead of before dumping begins. Poor success at Gorai
capping led to the forced refund by Mumbai city of Rs 15 crore advance carbon
• Capping of open dumps (wrongly called SLFs or Sanitary Landfills) requires intake of
fresh waste to be stopped and permanently diverted to a fresh site before capping
begins. With increasing protests against fresh waste disposal sites, getting started
elsewhere can often delay capping plans indefinitely. Bio-remediation and Bio-mining
to clear a site can start immediately at one part of an actively used dump while fresh
waste continues to be received and stabilized at another part. Clearing can be done
in phases to match available funds.
• In the USA, only grass is permitted to be grown on the soil cover of a capped site. It
must be regularly mowed for 15 years to prevent the growth of herbs or shrubs or
trees whose roots may penetrate the plastic layer below the soil cover. If trees are
planted over soil capping, they die in a few years as soon as their roots enter the hot
airless waste below. Capped sites are closed to the public for 15 years. But if a dump
is cleared to near ground level, it can be easily converted to a public tree park or
garden if desired, unless below-ground waste remains untreated on the site.
Thus capping of dumpsites is not advisable. However, if any scientific landfill site for
municipal waste is present which has been constructed as per the norms and guidelines of
MoEF&CC and has been filled to its maximum level, possibility of capping can be explored.

Operation & Maintenance Cost for Bio-remediation and Bio-mining :

Operational Expenditure of the project would depend on the size of dumpsite. The onsite
bioremediation cum biomining cost ranges between Rs 400 to 700 per cubic meter,
irrespective of capital cost. The case by case cost of moving screened fractions offsite will
be extra and variable, depending on distance to farmers, cement plants etc.

Case Studies :
Clearing of large dumps has been effectively done since at least 1998, at over 20
documented sites and perhaps other informally undocumented ones. Sites have been
effectively reused for waste disposal or for parks and sports grounds and open maidans for
periodic events.
There are at most five capped dumps to date in India, all with problems. Pune capped its old
waste to create an impervious base for windrow composting, but instead dumped more
waste which is now a stinking hill above it. Landfill gas leakage at Malad (Mumbai) and
unsuccessful gas capture at Gorai (Mumbai) and Bagalur (Bangalore) have been described
above. Case studies such as capping of legacy waste at Jawaharnagar in Hyderabad reveal
issues of cost over-runs. . The dump contains 12 million tons of the city’s waste
accumulated till 2012. Every monsoon, leachate from the legacy dump seeps into the
ground and pollutes the lakes around the site.
Leachate ponds to store the liquid have been of no use as they overflow during rains.
Capping normally means laying of a thick soil cover over a cover of HDPE (High Density
Polyethylene). To facilitate release of gaseous emissions from the dump, pipes are planned
to be installed. Besides, drainage pipes will also need to be laid to pump out leachate
emanating from wet garbage inside. The concessionaire claims to have so far completed 95
per cent of the profiling of garbage, and capped about 30% of the dump with soil cover.

Bio-remediation and bio-mining is currently (January 2019) going on at several places: Wai,
Phaltan, Ahmednagar and various parts of Maharashtra and also across the country. and is
planned at a few more cities in Tamil Nadu, Assam and Madhya Pradesh. The best way to
learn how to do it well is to observe legacy waste stabilizing (bio-remediation) and screening
(bio-mining) and disposal of fractions at such sites. Every State where dumpsite clearing is
under way must arrange for educational field visits by the field officers of nearby cities and
districts. Bio-remediation with 40% waste volume reduction has been done by cities in-
house at over eight sites, using their existing earthmoving equipment and manpower
available at the dump, and engaging only the bio-culture spraying services which often are
paid for by savings in fire control and leachate management. So bio-remediation can begin
at once anywhere, while tenders are floated for the bio-mining operations that usually begin
five months later when the stabilized waste is dry enough for screening.

Stabilising Fresh Municipal Solid Waste:

Clearing of old dumps is meaningless unless the creation of fresh open dumpsites is
stopped. This is best done by proper segregation of biodegradable waste and its processing
through aerobic composting or Biomethanation as mentioned in SWM 2016 Rule 15 (v) (a)..
procedure stabilisation of fresh municipal solid waste is given below
• For this the practice of unloading waste and then levelling it into airless heaps must
stop. Instead, incoming waste must be unloaded in wind-rows This is easily done by
moving the garbage vehicle slowly forward during unloading. This leaves the waste
unloaded as a long low heap which can be bio-treated with composting bio-cultures
and then shaped by a Bobcat or JCB into neat parallel windrows of maximum 2 – 2.5
meter height and of whatever length the site space permits. More than one row per
day can be formed, depending on daily waste volumes. If prevailing winds in the area
are West to East, let the wind-rows stretch from West to East (not North to South) so
that the wind can blow freely between the rows for maximum aeration and moisture
• These windrows must be punctually and regularly turned every 5-7 days, using small
earthmoving equipment or even tractors with lifting arrangement for smaller
quantities. The heaps can be turned to form a parallel windrow, with the innermost
airless portion getting exposed to air on the outside of the new heap at each turning.
Or the waste from one end of the windrow can be lifted up and dropped a little
forward, so the entire heap is aerated and moved a little forward in the process. At
the next turning the whole heap can be moved backward again similarly, if space is a
constraint. Leave enough space between windrows for movement of turning
• When the heaps are so hot inside that a lot of white water vapour like steam is seen
coming out during turning, that is a good sign that stabilizing is going well. After 4-5
turnings, water vapour will no longer be visible and the waste will have reduced in
volume by 40% and become free-flowing. A germination test is the best way to
ensure that the waste is stabilized and good to use. Sprinkle exactly 50 or 100 ragi
seeds in one tray of stabilized waste and in a similar tray of good red soil. Water both
in the same way for a week and count the sprouted seedlings. It waste is well
stabilized, the numbers in it should be similar to those in the red earth.
• Smaller towns with farms nearby can keep a mesh screen available onsite for use by
farmers who may wish to do some coarse screening before taking away the stabilized
waste to their fields, preferably free or on nominal payment. It is never really free to
farmers, who have to spend a day plus labour and vehicle hire to take it away to their
fields. But it is a huge help to cities to have their disposal sites emptied this way.
• If windrow unloading and stabilising is done for unmixed wet waste, all of the resulting
material is usable. But this should invariably be done even for mixed waste. The non-
biodegradable waste left over after screening may contain recyclables. These should
reach the dry waste sorting centres for recycling or sustainable end of life disposal.
Such Sorting Centres (SC) or Dry Waste Collection Centres (DWC) should preferably
be present in every ward. Material Recovery Facilities (MRF) for processing the
waste at city level should also be established based on the quantum of the waste
generation. Establishment of such MRFs and DWC shall be at the discretion of Local
Informal sector workers should be employed at such SC/DWC or MRFs to help include
waste pickers into city’s solid waste management together with their up-liftment. To ensure
sustainable and maximum waste recovery and recycling from such centres, the prime
responsibility can be contracted to competent executing agencies where disposal of dry
waste can operate through the principle of Extended Producers Responsibility. The non-
recyclables can be used to prepare refuse derived fuel for co-processing in cement plants or
used in road making as per the city’s requirement or pyrolysis etc.

Environmental Risks of Bio-mining :

There are several potential environmental risks associated with bio-mining projects and
therefore a plan addressing these potential risks should be kept ready. Most of the
conditions present at the landfill and its surroundings will be unique to the specific landfill,
and specific to the age of the waste being excavated.
Majorly the risks would be associated with proper management of hazardous waste that
may be uncovered during the operations of reclamation, managing the releases of gases,
odours, its associated risks to human health and controlling any fire, subsidence or collapse.
Environmental risks can be managed well if considered in advance of the operations and
appropriate mitigation measures have been designed by the executing agency.

i. The execution of projects of legacy waste bio-remediation/ bio-mining all the workers
involved should be covert under ESIC and proper safety equipment and kids should be
ii. Such projects can be a part of regulatory compliances of environmental protection under
PWM Rules, 2016.
iii. Local Bodies (LB) shall ensure insurances of workers working at the Bio-remediation/
Bio-mining dumpsite for any hazards due to fire, radiation or explosion.
iv.Small scale/ laboratory testing for monitoring a Bio-remediation / Bio-mining project will
need to be borne by the LB in addition to Operational expenditure to achieve objectives
of Bio-remediation / Bio-mining project.
v. Proper slope stabilization should be maintained during biomining

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