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Auckland Daily Chronicle

Business Briefs

AUCKLAND (6 June) - Ann Marie Haas, former executive director of Gear Good, a company
that develops and sells software for bike-sharing companies, has a new but related position. [1]-.
Beginning in November, she will be general manager of City Wheels, a bike-sharing company
in Auckland. -[2]-.

The move comes at an opportune moment for both Ms. Haas and City Wheels. Ms. Haas had
worked for Gear Good in Wellington since the company was founded five years ago but was
yearning to return to Auckland, where she grew up. City Wheels was looking for a new leader to
oversee its planned expansion from 50 to 75 bike stations in Auckland. -[3]-. "I'm thrilled to join
a company that's important to residents and tourists alike," Ms. Haas said.

The City Wheels system is simple and affordable for occasional use. [4]-. The first thirty
minutes of biking are free, and after that, the cost is $4 per hour or $20 per day. Ms. Haas said
she is enthusiastic about this venture, both for herself and for the city of Auckland.

-Tahei Davis, Staff Writer

1. What is the purpose of the article?

The purpose of the above article is to provide information regarding the former executive director of
Gear Good, Ann Marie Hass . She will take on a new position as general manager of City Heels,
due to the reasons she wants to return to Auckland, where she grew up. So she applied for a job
as general manager at Auckland, City Heels. This article also aims to provide brief information
regarding the system in City Heels that is still affordable and simple for occasional use.

Text-message chain

Claire Cha 3:55 P.M.

You left in such a rush. Did you manage to catch the train?
Hyuk Shin 3:55 P.M.
No, but there's another one in 10 minutes.
Claire Cha 3:57 P.M.
That's a relief. Did you send the catering invoice to Mr. Kwon before you left the office?
Hyuk Shin 3:59 P.M.
Yes, but I had to send it by express mail. The fax machine wouldn't connect.
Claire Cha 4:01 P.M.
That's OK. He'll get it by tomorrow anyway.
Hyuk Shin 4:02 P.M.
That's what I thought.

2. Where most likely is Mr. Shin as he writes to Ms. Cha?

Mr. Shin is most likely at the train station waiting for the next train which would arrive in 10
minutes when he texts message Ms. Cha.

M: Excuse me. I've come to your office because l received a service request from Sarah Long.
W1: Yes. Um... her desk is next to mine. Sarah, the repair person from Raymond is here- to fix
the water cooler.
W2: Oh, sorry. I was just finishing up a conference call. Anyway, the cooler is right here behind
my desk.
M: Water is leaking from the device's spout, right?
W2: Yeah. I noticed it dripping this morning.
M: Hmm.. the spout isn't working correctly and needs to be replaced.
W2: OK. However, before you begin, I've got to notify the building manager that a repair is
going to be made. Janice, what is Mr. Renner's extension?
W1: It's 6849. I'll call him and tell him for you.
W2: Great. I appreciate it.

3. What problem does the man mention?

The man mentions that the problem is the water is leaking from the spout because the spout doesn't
work correctly and needs to be replaced with a new spout.

4. Why will Janice call the building manager?

Janice will call the building manager to inform her that the spout doesn’t work correctly and needs
to be replaced with a new one.

Community Victory
After a months-long battle to stop the development of a new shopping mall on the location of
the former River valley Courthouse, residents, local businesses, and civic groups are cheering
the decision to keep the 150-year-old building intact.
-[1]-"We're disappointed," added Branford Construction's CEO. "We felt that the community
would benefit and grow, but obviously, residents want to preserve their history and I respect
Instead, efforts are being made to restore the old deserted courthouse to its former glory.
-[2]- "The community is getting together for this and we are collecting donations to have the
building renovated," said local resident Enid Tran. "We hope to make a public library or school
out of the building.
-[3]- "It's been here for as long as I can remember. In fact, my grandfather worked as a clerk
there," added a local business owner, Kevin Lamb, "It's an iconic symbol of our community and
we don't want it destroyed." The community has already raised over $100,000 through an online
petition and donations keep pouring in.
-[4]-The community hopes that restoration of the building begins within the next couple of

5. What is indicated about the old courthouse?

The old River valley Courthouse building is indicated about rebuilding into a shopping mall.
However, the local community rejects the development of the building. The court building is
150 years old and has become an icon of the community.

6. What is suggested about the fundraising efforts?

The fundraising efforts is suggested about collecting donations to have the building renovated. The
community raised more than $100,000 through an online petition aiming for the restoration of
the building in the next few months.

City Trends Report – Valencia

Tourism numbers in Valencia have been increasing for three years running as people are
beginning to discover this often underrated city on the eastern coast of Spain. At the beginning
of the survey period, the city received just under a million visitors a year, but the latest figures
show this has jumped to over 1.4 million.
There are a number of factors that ca account for this change. The new Sanchez Museum
of Iberian Art and its nearby conference facilities to rail services from Valencia to Madrid and
Barcelona have reduced travel time significantly. With a major airport expansion due to be
completed before the end of the year, things are expected to get even better for Valencia.
In addition, the city government's launch of an international advertising campaign two
years ago has also proved beneficial. The city was marketed by television, print, and social
media as a tourism destination. Reaction to the campaign continues to be positive.
Finally, as well as its attraction tourists and business visitors, Valencia is increasingly being
recognized as an excellent place to live. The consultancy Apollo and Company recently put the
city in third place in a report measuring the quality of life in small European cities. They cited
its lovely waterfront location, low housing costs, and modern infrastructure as reasons for its
high place.

7. What is the report mainly about?

The report above provides information about the development of tourism in Valencia which has
increased due to several factors such as the existence of a new museum and conference facilities
near the train service from Valencia to Madrid.

8. Why was Valencia ranked in third place?

The city of Valencia is in the third position due to the increasing visitor attraction of the city of
Valencia which reaches 1.4 million visitors. Apart from that, Valencia's city location has
beautiful seaside, low housing costs, and modern infrastructure as reasons for its high place.
9. What is the purpose of the letter?
The purpose of the letter is to explain the products of the Well Time Benefit company. The
company offers a variety of packages that cover every type of insurance need. It is useful to
meet the needs of Ms. Miskin as a manager where he works.

10. How can companies receive insurance for parental absence?

The companies can receive insurance for parental absence by contacting to Well Rime Benefit
company sooner 555-4433 or the Well Time Benefit company will contact the office of the
company where Ms. Miskin working as a manager in the next two weeks

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