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Scripting System 

: Set Up Documentation

Introduction :
This program is an archival program. It requests a zip file on a web server. Then unzip file, check it
and then upload it on smb server. Program removes automatically expired files.

1 –Download project :

After downloading the project, check your version of python, python 3 is required for the proper
functioning of the program. You can download python 3 here:.

You must then download all the libraries necessary for the correct functioning of the program. To do
this, launch:.

Finally we need to generate the crontab which will automate the launch of the program every day.

Create CRON manually

- Create default cron file (be careful: do not use sudo, or you will create cron for root): “crontab -e”

- Edit this one by writing without quotes: “0 23 * * * cd ; python3”

- Verification crontab is created: “crontab -l” returns you what you wrote in file

2 –Set Up SMB server :

Follow this guide to set up smb server on your machine :
3 –Configuration :
Now we can configure program. Edit configuration file: “config.json” :

In this file, you will can configure program that will run.

If you accidently erase this file, you can regenerate buy running “” file.

zip String Name of zip to get on web server (ex: “my_zip”).

file String Name of dump file to get on web server contained in zip file and archived in SMB Server
(ex: “my_dump_file”).

time-to-save String Time in days to store zip files on SMB server (ex: “2”). Default is 5.

smb : Set of data to configure access to SMB server.

Provide : your ip adress, user and password of the client, client name: for exemple PC name, and
the name of the sharefolder on your PC (sharefoldername)

email : Set of data to configure e-mails.

Provide : auth information : your email username and password, caracteristics of your email
server : ip and port. And the dest of your daily report.

3 –Launch Programm :
Run the file with the command « python »

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