Question Paper - Vetm 2002 - December - Final Examination - 2020-21

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Code and Name of Course: VETM 2002 NEUROSCIENCE

Date and Time: ……….. 2020 9 2020 – December 10 2020 5 PM

December Duration: 24 hours

INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES: This paper has 09 pages and questions.


This examination paper consists of three (3) parts, Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3
 The students must answer all the questions from these three parts.
 Write your ID number on each page in all the parts.
 Marks are allocated to each question in brackets ( ) at the end of each question.
 The answers must be uploaded into drop box on myelearning in separate “single MS Word / PDF
 The answer must be submitted into drop box through turnitin.


(1) Student must answer all the questions in this section and clearly indicate the question number.
(2) Answer should be concise and to the point as per the question.


(1) Answer the question and clearly indicate the question number.
(2) Show diagrams, equations etc. where appropriate.

(3) Answer should be concise and to the point as per the question.


(1) Answer the questions and clearly indicate the question number.

The answers will be checked through Turnitin for plagiarism.

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Answer all questions and each carries 5 marks (40 marks)

1. A three-month-old male Maltese puppy brought to the hospital with a complaint of excessive
sleeping. On physical examination, it was observed that the head was enlarged than the normal
size and an opening on the top of the skull was palpated. The Magnetic Resonance Imaging
(MRI) scan revealed a lesion obstructing the cerebral aqueduct and enlargement of the third
ventricle. The veterinarian collected cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for further evaluation.

a. What is your diagnosis of this case? (1 mark)

b. Why the veterinarian decided to collect the CSF in this case for evaluation? (1 mark)
c. What are the possible sites the veterinarian can choose to collect the CSF in this puppy?
(1 mark)
d. Describe the CSF circulation by a flow chart. (2 marks.)

2. A ten-month-old male Yorkshire terrier dog suffered a head trauma when it was six months old.
Upon neurologic examination after the traumatic injury, the dog had ataxia and depression, and
responded to visual and auditory stimuli. After initial treatment, the dog showed marked
neurologic improvement and was sent home. After four months, neurologic signs were observed
and the dog developed generalized seizures, ataxia, and visual deficits. The below diagram is a
representative image of the MRI image taken from the dog and lesion is marked by arrows.

a. Determine the plane and anatomical level of this brain section (1 mark)
b. What is your diagnosis in this case? (1 mark)
c. Name the blood vessels involved in this condition. (1 mark)
d. List three (3) meningeal spaces and their clinical significance. (2 marks)
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3. A nine-year-old male castrated Golden Retriever dog collapsed while walking with the owner
and was in coma when admitted to the emergency department of the local hospital. Twenty-four
hours later, the animal recovered consciousness and was found to have paralysis on the left side
of the body, mainly involving the hind limb. There was also some sensory loss of the left hind
limb and foot. The MRI was performed and the report suggested that an artery supplying internal
capsule in the right cerebral hemisphere was blocked by a blood clot.
a. Name the artery which was blocked by the blood clot in this case (1 mark)
b. Draw the flow diagram of circle of Willi’s. (2 marks)
c. Name the major artery which supplies to the brain of the dog and cattle? (1 mark)
d. Explain the reason for the paralysis in this case? (1 mark)

4. A seven-month-old dog was brought to the hospital with a complaint that food was falling out
from the mouth while eating. The owner also informed that the animal was suffering from inner
ear infection for the past 10 days, and not recovered from the infection. On clinical observation,
loss of motor function on both sides of the face, inability to blink, a drooping ear, a drooping
upper lip, and drooling from the corner of the mouth and dried eyes were noticed.
a. What is your diagnosis in this case? (1 mark)
b. What is the connection between the clinical signs exhibited in this case and the inner ear
infection? (1 mark)
c. What is the primary reason for the dried eyes? (1 mark)
d. Why the animal could not be able to blink? (1 mark)
e. Why the upper lip drooped? (1 mark)

5. A neck MRI image of a dog revealed a tumour at the base of the skull compressing a nerve
structure located above the carotid artery.
a. Name the nerve structure affected in this case? (1 mark)
b. Name any four (4) target organs which could possibly be affected due to the compression of
tumour over this nerve structure. (2 marks)
c. Name the cranial nerves associated with the nerve structure. (2 marks)

6. A two (2) year-old dog’s neck was injured in an automobile accident. On examination, the
animal responded with difficulty in turning the head away from the injured side of the neck. The
dog also had a visible shoulder drop.
a. Which nerve was damaged in this case? (1 mark)
b. Name the nerves associated with the damaged nerve at the exit from the cranial cavity?
(2 marks)
c. State the reason for the shoulder drop. (1 mark)
d. State the reason for animals’ difficulty in turning the head. (1 mark)
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7. A six - month- old dog was brought to the hospital with symptoms of head shaking, ear
scratching, rubbing the right ear on the floor, and rotating the head toward the right side for the
past two days. The animal was treated for upper respiratory tract infection one week earlier and
still recovering.
a. What is the diagnosis in this case? (1 mark)
b. What is the connection between the respiratory infection and the present symptoms? (1 mark)
c. List the parts of the external ear and their function (3 marks)

8. A dog was brought to the hospital with a complaint that the right eye suddenly became blind.
The ocular examination revealed that the animal had very high intra-ocular pressure and the
veterinarian declared that the blindness was due to the extreme intra-ocular pressure.
a. What is the diagnosis in this case? (1 Mark)
b. What is the correlation between the very high intra-ocular pressure and blindness? (1 mark)
c. Name the fluid, which regulates the intra-ocular pressure? (1 mark)
d. State the secretion and drainage of the fluid responsible for intra-ocular pressure by a flow
chart. (2 marks)

1. Transport mechanism across plasma membrane:
a. List different types of transport across plasma membrane. (2.0 marks)
b. Differentiate between active and passive transport mechanism with examples. (2.0 marks)
c. Define the bulk transport mechanism. (1.0 mark)
d. List four major functions of plasma proteins. (2.0 marks)

2. Sensory Receptors:
a. List different types of sensory receptors with their location. (2.0 marks)
b. Define mechanoreceptors and list different types of mechanoreceptors. (2.0 marks)
c. Define the receptor activated by noxious stimuli. (1.0 mark)

3. Spinal cord reflexes:

a. Define reflexes and list the component of reflex arc. (2.0 marks)
b. List different types of spinal cord reflexes and explain in brief the inverse myotatic reflex.
(3.0 marks)
c. List name of two autonomic ganglia of parasympathetic nervous system (1.0 mark)
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4. Define: (2.0 marks)

a. Menace reflex
b. Cutaneous trunci muscle
c. Neuralgia
d. Micturation reflex

5. Write briefly the sympathetic and parasympathetic innervation of the blood vessels. (5.0 marks)

6. Briefly discuss neuroendocrine regulation of food intake. (5.0 marks)

7. Write briefly on the mechanism of hearing. (5.0 marks)

8. Explain briefly the following terms: (5.0 marks)

i) Baroreceptor reflexes
ii) Chemoreceptor reflexes
iii) Central nervous system ischemic response
iv) Regulation of blood pressure through the renin-angiotensin mechanism
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Answer all the spotters and each carries one mark.

Use the above image to answer the spotters 1-4.

1. Spotter 1
a. Identify the structure labelled A (Arrow head).
b. What is it’s functional significance?

2. Spotter 2
a. Identify the structure labelled B.
b. What will happen if this structure is damaged?
3. Spotter 3
a. Which bone is in close contact with the structure labelled C.?
b. In which domestic animal, the structure labelled C is well developed?
4. Spotter 4
a. Identify the structure labelled D.
b. What is it’s functional importance?
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Use the above image to answer the spotters from 5-7

5. Spotter 5
a. What is the major functional deficit experienced if the damage happens to the structure
b. Name the white matter which connects the structure A with the mid brain.
6. Spotter 6
a. Identify the structure (B) shown by white Arrow head.
b. What is the structural significance of structure B in the evolution of brain?
7. Spotter 7
a. Identify the region marked as C.
b. What is it’s functional significance?

Use the above image to answer the spotters 8-11

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8. Spotter 8
a. Identify the structure (A) labelled with black arrow.
b. What is it’s the functional significance?

9. Spotter 9
a. Identify the structure labelled B
b. What will happen when there is a lesion in this structure B?

10. Spotter 10
a. Identify the structure labelled C
b. What is it’s functional significance?
11. Spotter 11
a. Identify the structure labelled D
b. Write the it’s functional significance.

Use the above image to answer the spotters 12-13

12. Spotter 12
a. Identify the structure labelled A
b. What is it’s functional significance?
13. Spotter 13
a. Identify the structure labelled B
b. Name a foramen/aperture through which the structure B connected to subarachnoid
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Use the above image to answer the spotters 14-16

14. Spotter 14
a. Identify the structure shown by the label A.
b. Write the functional significance of the structure A.
15. Spotter 15
a. Identify the structure labelled B.
b. Write it’s functional significance.
16. Spotter 16
a. Identify the structure labelled C.
b. Write it’s clinical significance.

Use the above image to answer the spotters 17-18

17. Spotter 17
a. Identify the structure labelled A.
b. State the reason why the structure A can be easily detached from adjacent structures?
18. Spotter 18
a. Identify the iridescent green color structure labelled B.
b. What is its functional significance in cows?
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Use the above image to answer the spotters 19- 20

19. Spotter 19
a. Identify the structure labelled A.
b. Name a major relay station of this structure in the brain.

20. Spotter 20
a. Identify the structure labelled B.
b. Name the muscle attached to the structure B.


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