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CARDIAC GLYCOSIDES AND Atenolol (Tenormin) (beta1) A: PO: 25-100 mg/d; max:

INOTROPIC AGENTS 200 mg/d To control angina pectoris. Also effective in managing
Rapid-Acting Digitalis hypertension. Closely monitor blood pressure and heart rate.
Cardioselective drug; blocks beta1. Can be used by patients with
Digoxin (Lanoxin) A: PO: 0.5-1 mg initially in 2 divided doses
asthma. Pregnancy category: D; PB: 5%-15%; t 12 : 6-7 h
(digitalization); maint: 0.125- 0.5 mg/d IV: Same as PO dose but
given over 5 min Older adults: 0.125 mg/d C: 1 mo-2y: PO: 0.01-0.02
Metoprolol tartrate (Lopressor, Toprol XL) (beta1) PO:
mg/kg in 3 divided doses; maint: 0.012 mg/kg/d in 2 divided doses C:
IV: Dosage varies C: 2-10y: PO: 0.012-0.04 mg/kg in divided doses 50-100 mg in 2 divided doses; may increase to 100-400 mg/d PO: ER:
100 mg/d; may increase to 400 mg/d IV: 5 mg q2min; followed in 1-2
.Pediatric doses are usually ordered in mcg in elixir form. t 12 : 30-40 h by PO: 25-50 mg q6h; Similar to atenolol in blocking beta1. High
h Excretion: 70% in urine; 30% by liver metabolism; To treat HF, doses of metoprolol can affect beta2 and could cause
atrial fibrillation bronchoconstriction. Can reduce cardiac oxygen demand, which
decreases heart rate and contractility. Pregnancy category: C; PB:
Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors (Positive Inotropic Bipyridines) 12%; t 12 : 3-7 h
Milrinone lactate A: IV: Initially: 50 mcg/kg/over 10 min
Nadolol (Corgard) (beta1 and beta2) A: PO: 40 mg/d; may
Continuous infusion: 0.375-0.75 mcg/kg/min with 0.45%-0.9% saline
For short-term treatment of HF. May be given before heart increase dose; max:240-320 mg/d in divided doses; For angina
transplantation. Heart rate and blood pressure should be closely pectoris and hypertension. Pregnancy category: C; PB: 30%; t 12 : 10-
monitored. Pregnancy category: C; PB: 70%; t 12 : 1.5-2.5 h 24 h
Atrial Natriuretic Peptide Hormones
Propranolol HCl (Inderal) (beta1 and beta2)
Nesiritide (Natrecor) A: IV bolus: 2 mcg/kg, followed by 0.01 A: PO: Initially: 40 mg b.i.d.; maint: 160-480 mg/d in 2-3 divided
mcg/kg/min, by IV infusions; max: 0.03 mcg/kg/min continuous IV doses; max: 640 mg/d SR: 80-160 mg/d; may increase to 120-160
infusion. To treat acute HF by increasing sodium loss. Useful in mg/d; max: 640 mg/d; First beta blocker; blocks beta1 and beta2.
managing dyspnea at rest. Causes vasodilation. Contraindicated for No longer drug of choice to prevent angina because drug poses
patients with systolic BP <90 mm Hg. Pregnancy category:
risk for bronchospasm. Monitor heart rate, blood pressure, and
t 12:18 min respiratory status. Pregnancy category: C; PB: 90%; t 12 : 2-6 h

Antidote for Digitalis Toxicity Calcium Channel Blockers

Amlodipine (Norvasc) A: PO: Initially: 5 mg/d; maint: 5-10
Digoxin immune Fab (Digibin) mg/d; max: 10 mg/d Older adults: Initially: 2.5 mg/d; maint: 2.5-10
A: IV: 760-800 mg IV diluted in 50 mL NSS. Infuse mg/d; For angina pectoris and hypertension. May be given with
over 30 min For serious digitalis toxicity. Agent binds with digoxin to another antianginal or antihypertensive drug. Pregnancy category:
form complex molecules. (Serum digoxin level >2 ng indicative of C; PB: 93%; t 12 : 30-50 h
digitalis toxicity.) Onset of action: 30 min; duration of action:
3-4 d. Pregnancy category: C; PB: UK; t 12 : 23 h Diltiazem HCl (Cardizem) A: PO: 30-60 mg q.i.d.; may
increase to 360 mg/d in 4 divided doses; max: 480 mg/dSR: 60 mg
ANTIANGINAL DRUGS q12h; max: 360 mg/d CR: 120-180 mg/d; max: 360 mg/d; For
Stress tests, echocardiogram, cardiac profile laboratory angina pectoris. Hypotensive effect not as severe as with
tests, and cardiac catheterization may be needed to nifedipine. Monitor kidney function. Pregnancy category: C; PB:
determine the degree of blockage in the coronary arteries 70%-80%; t 12 : 3.5-9 h
and then also to treat the condition.
Felodipine (Felendil XL) A: PO: Initially: 5 mg/d single
Nitrates dose; maint: 2.5-10 mg/d; max: 10 mg/dOlder adults: Initially:
2.5 mg/d; max: 10 mg/d; To treat chronic angina pectoris and
Dilation of veins, which decreases preload and decreases O2
manage hypertension. Reduces O2 demand by the heart. Potent
demand peripheral vasodilator; increases heart rate and myocardial
Short Acting contractility. Pregnancy category: C; PB: >99%; t 12 : 10-16 h
Nitroglycerin (Nitrostat, Nitro-Bid, Transderm-
Nitro) to control angina pectoris (anginal pain) Isradipine (DynaCirc) A: PO: 2.5-7.5 mg b.i.d.; max: 10
mg/d Primary use is to treat hypertension. Also given for angina
Pregnancy Category: C
pectoris. Pregnancy category: C; PB: 95%; t 12 : 8 h
A: PO/SL: 0.3, 0.4, 0.6 mg; repeat q5min × 3 as needed;
SR: 2.5- 6.5 mg, 2-4 times/d
IV: Initially: 5 mcg/min; dose may be increased Nicardipine HCl (Cardene SR, Cardene IV) PO: 20 mg
Pregnancy Category: C t.i.d.; maint: 20-40 mg t.i.d. PO: SR: 30 mg b.i.d.; maint: 30-60
Ointment: 2% 1-2 inches to chest or thigh area mg b.i.d. IV: Initially 5 mg/h infusion; max: 15 mg/h; For angina
Patch: 2.5-15 mg/d to chest or thigh area pectoris. May be used alone or in combination with other
antianginals. Also used for hypertension. Peripheral edema,
Long Acting headache, dizziness, and lightheadedness may occur. Pregnancy
category: C; PB: 95%; t 12 : 2-4 h
Isosorbide Dinitrate (Isordil,Sorbitrate)
A: PO: IR: Initially 5-20 mg b.i.d/t.i.d.; maint:
10-40 mg b.i.d./t.i.d. Nifedipine (Procardia, Adalat) A: PO: Initially 10 mg
A: SL: 2.5-10 mg q2-3h PRN t.i.d.; 30 mg q6-8h; max:180 mg/d. PO:ER: 30-60 mg/d; max: 90
A: SR: 40-160 mg/d mg/d; For angina pectoris. Closely monitor blood pressure,
To prevent anginal attacks. Can lower blood pressure. Tolerance especially if patient taking nitrates or beta blockers. A potent
builds up over time. Headaches, dizziness, lightheadedness, and calcium channel blocker. Pregnancy category: C; PB: 92%-98%;
flush may occur. Pregnancy category: C; PB: UK; t 12: 1-4 h t 12 : 2-5 h

Isosorbide mononitrate (Imdur) Nisoldipine (Sular) A: PO: ER: Initially 17 mg/d; maint: 17-
A: PO: IR: 5-20 mg b.i.d.; max: 40 mg/d 34 mg/d. Older adults: PO: Initially 8.5 mg/d; maint: 8.5-34 mg/d
A: PO: SR: 30-60 mg in morning; max: 240 mg/d For angina pectoris and hypertension. Suppresses contraction of
To prevent anginal attacks. SR form provides controlled delivery cardiac and vascular smooth muscle. Increases heart rate and
and a 6-hour drug-free period, which helps reduce drug tolerance cardiac output. Decreases blood pressure. Caution: Patients with
and increase effectiveness. Pregnancy category: C; PB: 5%; t 12: heart disease are prone to MI and HF. Pregnancy category: C;
5h PB: 99%; t 12 : 7-12 h

Beta Adrenergic Blockers Verapamil HCl (Calan, Isoptin) A: PO: 40-120 mg t.i.d.;
Block the beta1- and beta2-receptor sites. Beta blockers max: 480 mg/d. IV: 5-10 mg over 2 min; may repeat in 30 min if
decrease the effects of the sympathetic nervous system by needed. For angina pectoris, cardiac dysrhythmias, and
blocking the action of the catecholamines (epinephrine and hypertension. Peripheral edema, constipation, dizziness,
norepinephrine), thereby decreasing the heart rate and headache, and hypotension may occur. Pregnancy category: C;
blood pressure. PB: 90%; t 12 : 3-8 h

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