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Education is the key to success

Nelson mandela said that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can
use to change the world”
Firstly we must to define what is success for our self . Depending on the final
purpose everyone builds his way secondly I believe that the most important part of
this way is education. WHY? Because we work on this all our life. Ass a baby our
parents taught as how to walk, after they learned as to speak. In this chronology
everyone is developing his self. Studying some objects, learning some ethnic
rules, we increase the probability to be a successful person. Success is the result of
our work and education. Only being a perseverant, hard working ang educated
person, you can build something strong and wonderful.
Education has allowed the community to succeed both socially and economically
by enabling it to develop common culture and values
Supporting this idea, we can speak about every celebrity. They are famous not only
for their job or inventions. They famous for their education an manners
Nevertheless one of the most important benefits of education is making people
educated. We live in the center that is permanently changing. Every day are
coaming new inventions, the question is: people who invented all this, are educated
or no? of course yes!!! Because success is the result of education. Without our
proper education we can’t be ourselves. For example, sir isac newton, who was the
president of the royal society and become from an educate family, the educaten
than taught him parents help him to become a celebre
mathematician, physicist, astronomer, theologian

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