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Vibrio cholerae (Cholera) Attack

Nishanth S. Hiremath, Srihari Cattamanchi, Vidyalakshmi PR, and Milana Trounce

DESCRIPTION OF EVENT countries, and contaminated food on an international flight.8 In addition

to sporadic cases, epidemics sometimes occur, including several during
Cholera is an acute diarrheal illness caused by the bacterium Vibrio the 1990s in South and Central America.8
cholerae. If cholera is left untreated, it leads to dehydration and death. Only two serotypes of V. cholerae cause epidemic disease: the O1
V. cholerae is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) cat- serotype (divided into two groups, El Tor and “classical”) and the
egory B bioterrorism agent. It is a motile, curved, gram-negative rod O139 serotype. Other serotypes cause sporadic cases of gastroenteritis.
that exists in nature independent of a mammalian host and is a normal Recently, the O139 serotype has spread from India and Asia to the
inhabitant of surface water. More than 99.9% of naturally occurring, Middle East.9 At this time, there is no weaponized form of the disease.
waterborne V. cholerae organisms are associated with tiny crustaceans: A bioattack using V. cholerae would most likely occur via contaminated
zooplankton called copepods. The cholera bacteria attach themselves to water or food source.
copepods and travel with their hosts as they follow their algae and Infection can occur after the ingestion of as few as 1000 organisms.
plankton food source. Attempts to limit cholera transmission have used Infection is more likely in patients who are receiving acid suppression
this fact and led to the active filtering of water through low-tech filters therapy because gastric acid at a pH of less than 2.5 will effectively kill
(e.g., eight layers of “sari” cloth in Bangladesh). V. cholerae organisms. After ingestion, the incubation period is 4 hours
Although cholera is virtually nonexistent in North America (0 to 5 to 5 days, with most patients presenting within 2 to 3 days.7,10,11 Most
cases per year), it is endemic in agrarian areas with poor sanitation, V. cholerae infections are asymptomatic or present with only mild dis-
crowding, famine, and war.1 Areas of occurrence include Sub-Saharan ease. Depending on the serotype, up to 75% of infected individuals will
Africa, the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and South America.2 remain asymptomatic. Of the other 25%, the majority have a mild diar-
Figure 132-1 displays all countries that reported cholera outbreaks from rheal illness not requiring medical attention, 5% require hospitaliza-
2010 to 2013.3 tion, and 2% develop classic cholera (also known as cholera gravis)
Approximately 3 to 5 million cases of cholera occur each year world- with voluminous “rice water” stools. The symptoms of cholera gravis
wide, with more than 100,000 attributable deaths.4 During the nineteenth include a gradual to sudden onset of vomiting, malaise, headache,
century, the disease spread from the Ganges Delta region in India, the and intestinal cramping with mild or no fever, trailed by painless
original reservoir of the disease, across the world.4 Cholera first spread and voluminous diarrhea that looks likes rice water. Fluid losses surpass
as a pandemic in 1817; subsequently, six pandemics occurred that killed 5 to 10 L/day and up to 1 L/h of diarrhea is not uncommon. Patients
millions of people across all continents.2 During the seventh pandemic with blood type O are more likely to develop severe disease. The mor-
that began in 1961, the El Tor biotype of V. cholerae Serotype O1 orig- tality rate in the 2% with cholera gravis is 50% to 75%, giving an overall
inated in Sulawesi, Indonesia, and rapidly spread to other countries in mortality in infected persons of 1% to 1.5%. Patients can die within 2 to
Asia, Europe, and Africa, reaching Latin America in 1991.4 V. cholerae 3 hours of the initial signs of infection, but death in the untreated indi-
O139 Bengal, a new strain identified in India and Bangladesh, caused vidual usually occurs after several days.12 The mortality risk is increased
an outbreak in 1992, which is still confined to Asian countries.2 The in children (10 times greater than in adults), the elderly, and pregnant
recent Haiti cholera outbreak in October 2010 due to a strain found women. There is also an amplified risk of fetal death.13
in South Asia has produced by the date of this writing more than Definitive testing for V. cholerae is performed relatively easily in the
6631 attributable deaths and 470,000 cases of cholera.5 The CDC has laboratory. Stool cultures should be sent and plated on thiosulfate-
declared the ongoing Haiti cholera outbreak as the worst outbreak in citrate-bile salts-sucrose (TCBS) agar or tellurite, taurocholate, and gel-
recent history; it is also the best-documented outbreak in modern public atin agar (TTGA). Gram stains of stool may show sheets of curved
health.5 gram-negative rods. Other rapid diagnostic methods primarily used
Transmission of cholera occurs via the fecal-oral route. Ingestion of the in epidemiological studies include the detection of V. cholerae organ-
typical environmental reservoir of V. cholerae, undercooked food, espe- isms in stool specimens by polymerase chain reaction and monoclonal
cially shellfish, and “burial ceremonies requiring the handling of intestinal antibody-based stool tests.14
contents” have also been implicated in the transmission.6 Cholera can sur- The most likely scenario for an outbreak would involve a large num-
vive for 24 hours in sewage, about 6 weeks in water containing organic ber of otherwise healthy persons presenting over a period of several
matter, and 16 days in soil. V. cholerae can withstand freezing for 3 to days with severe diarrhea or gastroenteritis symptoms and dehydration.
4 days but is readily killed by dry heat at 242.6 °F (117 °C) or by boiling.7 Once a few cases of cholera are confirmed, the possibility of biological
Of the 18 cholera investigations undertaken by the CDC between 1988 and terrorism should be considered.
1998, four occurred in the United States and involved various factors Cholera should be included in the differential diagnosis of all cases
including patients at nursing homes, raw fish, food imported from other of severe watery diarrhea and vomiting, especially those producing


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