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Village life is calm and peaceful while city life is

fast paced.

Village is undeveloped area or it is away from the

city. It is also say’s remote area.

In village we can’t get easily many facilities like as

a city. It is undeveloped area but it is nature of
In the village we can see many natural things like
mountain, hills, ever green forest, lakes etc.

Village Life:

Village life is quite slow but peaceful. Villagers

lead a simple life. They live in harmony with
each other.

They value relationships and make efforts to

maintain the same.

They are well aware about the people living in

their neighbourhood and stand by them in their
hour of need.
Villagers also give special importance to their
customs and traditions and follow them

The festivals in villages are celebrated

collectively and thus the joy and happiness
during that time doubles up.

People in villages are mostly involved in

agricultural activities.

Some of them are artisans and are involved in

preparing various kinds of beautiful handicraft

Villagers may not be equipped with modern day

technologies and gadgets but they have their
own ways of enjoying life.

Many of the villages around the world are

devoid of the basic amenities such as electricity,
sanitation facilities, hospitals, schools, etc.

Villagers face numerous challenges owing to the

lack of these amenities.
Most of the villagers do not give much
importance to education.

They are content with the basic education they

acquire in the village schools

Importance of Village Studies:

Village studies have its own importance.
These have enriched the knowledge of the Indian
Society in general and rural India in particular.
These have given great encouragement to the
growth of rural society.
After independence, planners in India realised that
unless Indian villages were properly studied, no real
progress could be made.
Scholars now began to pay more and more
attention to village studies.
• Village studies help in planning rural

• Village studies provide useful information to

other disciplines.
• Village studies provide useful knowledge
about Indian social reality.

The Importance of Traditions and Key

Role of Village Rituals:
• The village ritual is considered very important to
the villagers since they have high level anticipation
of the event where they are all happy to be part of
the whole process.
• No one is forced to attend but everyone comes
willingly knowing exactly his or her roles and the
plan for the whole process.

• The event is conducted in a more straightforward

manner where everyone is satisfied with how the
ritual is conducted.
• The traditions are key, help in binding the society
together, and enhances unity and cohesion among
villagers that is a key aspect and the role of these
village rituals that are annual events.

Advantages of Village Life:

• It is also saying that people living in the
village help each other and understand
everyone’s problem and provide a solution to
each other.
• The life of the people living in the village is
very hard as they have to work a lot for
earning daily needs not also the money

• they have to farm their food and have to do

their household works and also have to look
after the cattle.

• Also, the small children have to travel a lot

the get an education as there is a very less
number of schools available in and village
and students from many distances come to
receive training in the school.

Issues in Villages:

• There are many issues in a village foreign

person living in the city on another hand the
people living
• in the village do not see things are the problem
as they are the daily things for them with there
to face.

• They use problems in the village is that there is

a lack of various services, where there is no
water connection or water pipe line

• we drink water to the home rather than people

have to walk a long distance to well of water
and bring the water to the home.

“A village is a place that is far away from the

pollution and noise of the city. Also, you feel a
connection with the soil in a village. Moreover,
there are trees, a variety of crops, diversity of
flowers, and rivers, etc. Besides all this, you feel
the cold breeze at night and a warm but pleasant
breeze in the day”


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