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 When you are ready to begin the test, use a telephone instrument to call the toll-
free number 1800 3000 1999. 

 Once you get through to the Interactive Voice Response system (henceforth
addressed as ‘IVR’) you will hear the message, “Hello! This will be an automated
evaluation of your spoken English skills. Please enter your Candidate ID,
followed by the hash key”. 

 Now, enter your candidate ID using the buttons on your telephone keypad
followed by the # (‘hash/pound’) key 

• The IVR will play a message “Please state your complete name and date of birth
in the order of day month and year after the beep”. You are expected to provide
the relevant information.

 You will now begin the test. This test consists of 3 sections. Please listen
carefully to the instructions (voice prompts) provided before each section and
follow them. The details of the sections are as follows: 

Section One - Pronunciation Assessment:

 You have been provided 30 sentences in the last section of this document.
Please read out the sentence corresponding to the number the system prompts,
one at a time. 

Please ensure you read the sentences in the same order as prompted by the IVR.
Read out the sentences loudly and clearly for accurate results. Speaking too
softly or too fast will affect scores negatively.

© MeritTrac Services Private Limited Confidential

Section Two: Grammar & Vocabulary Assessment:

 You will be read out 34 sentences by the IVR one at a time. Each sentence
contains a grammatical or vocabulary error. You will need to mentally correct the
error and repeat the correct sentence back into the phone. 

 In case you wish to hear a sentence again, press the number “9” on your
telephone instrument immediately after the beep. Each sentence can be
repeated only once. 

Section Three: Fluency Assessment:

 You can speak on any topic of your choice. 

 You will be given 20 seconds to gather your thoughts and prepare your speech. 
  After this a beep will sound and you must start speaking. 
 The IVR will automatically stop recording after 45 seconds and announce the end
 of the exercise. 
 You must speak for the entire duration of 45 seconds and cannot abort the
exercise in between. 

General Instructions

 Please speak in a normal volume and pitch, with a steady rate of speech. Please
speak in a way that you generally speak. 
  Remember to speak only AFTER the beep for your response to get recorded. 
 At any time if there is a connection failure with the telephone line, simply call
back on the same number and the system will guide you to resume the test from
 where it had been interrupted. 
 Do not voluntarily disconnect the line until you have completed the test, unless
 the system instructs you to do so. 
 If you do not know how to respond to a test item, just press the # button and
proceed. 

Good luck! 

© MeritTrac Services Private Limited Confidential

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