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2020 – '21 Full Marks : 70
Answers to this paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 15 minutes. This time is to be
spent in reading the question paper. The time given at the head of this paper
is the time allowed for writing the answers.
General Instructions :
1. All questions are compulsory. There are 37 questions in all.
2. This questions paper has four sections : Section-A, Section-B, Section-C and Section-D.
3. Section-A contains twenty questions of one mark each, Section-B contains seven questions of two
marks each, Section-C contains seven questions of three marks each, and Section-D contains
three questions of five marks each.
4. There is no overall choice. However, internal choices have been provided in two questions of
one mark, two questions of two marks, one question of three marks and three questions of
five marks weightage. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
5. You may use the following values of physical constants where ever necessary.
c = 3 × 108 m/s
h = 6.63 × 10–34Js
e = 1.6 × 10–19 C

0  4  10-7 TmA -1

0  8.854  1012 C2 N1 m2

 9  109 Nm 2C 2
4  0

me = 9.1 × 10–31kg
mass of neutron = 1.675 × 10–27kg
mass of proton = 1.673 × 10–27kg
Avogadro's number = 6.023 × 1023 per gram mole
Boltzmann constant = 1.38 × 10–23 JK–1

1. Give an example to show that the direction of velocity of a body can change even when its acceleration
is constant.

2. The position of the particle is given by r  3tiˆ  2t 2 ˆj  4kˆ . Find the magnitude of the velocity at
2 sec.
3. The temperature at which liquid starts to freeze is known as point of the liquid.

PATHFINDER EDUCATIONAL CENTRE H.O.  24551840 Jodhpur Park  24994308 Saltlake  23590008 Dum Dum  25488321 Behala  24098282 Bally  26715407 Howrah  26779745 1
CBSE – XI 2020 - ’21 Physics Annual Examination

4. Give dimensions of (i) Stress and (ii) Strain

5. What is the angle between A  2iˆ  2ˆj with x-axis?
6. Why are the rain drops spherical?
7. State the clausius statement in the Second Law of thermodynamics.
8. Give the number of significant figures in 5.030 × 104

9. What is the maximum height reached by an oblique projectile if its time of flight is T?
10. What is relative error? The temperature of two bodies measured by a thermometer are
t1 = 20ºC ± 0.5ºC and t2 = 50ºC ± 0.5ºC. What is the temperature difference and error therein?
11. A spherical ball contracts in volume by 0.0098%. When subjected a pressure of 100 atmospheres. Calculate
the bulk modulus. Given that 1-atmosphere pressure is 1.013 × 105 Pa.
12. A particle suffers displacement by 4m in the northward, 2m in the south east and 1 m in the south
west direction. Find the displacement of the particle.
13. On a hot day, a car is left in sunlight with all the windows closed. After some time it is found that
the inside of the car is considerably warmer than the air outside. Explain why?
14. A tank used for filling helium balloons has a volume of 0.6 m3 and contains 2.0 mol. of helium gas
at 200ºC. Assuming that the helium behave like an ideal gas.
15. A particle is executing SHM. What fraction of its energy is kinetic when the displacement is half the
16. The escape velocity on earth is 11.2 km/s. What will be its value on a planet having double the radius
and eight times the mass of earth?
17. State the law of conservation of linear momentum. Derive it from the Newton's second law of motion.
18. What is the change in internal energy of a gas during
(i) isothermal expansion
(ii) adiabatic expansion

19. Two identical springs of spring constant K are attached to a block of mass m and to fixed supports
as shown below :

Show that the mass executes simple harmonic motion when displaced from its rest position on either
side. Also, find the period oscillations.
20. Three equal masses of m kg each are fixed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC. What is
the force acting on mass 2m placed at the centroid P of the triangle? Take AP = BP = CP = 1m.

2m m

PATHFINDER EDUCATIONAL CENTRE H.O.  24551840 Jodhpur Park  24994308 Saltlake  23590008 Dum Dum  25488321 Behala  24098282 Bally  26715407 Howrah  26779745 2
CBSE – XI 2020 - ’21 Physics Annual Examination

21. State the First Law of thermodynamics. Establish the relation between CP and CV.
22. Water flows through a horizontal pipe of which the cross-section is not constant. The pressure is
1 cm of mercury where the velocity is 0.35 ms–1. Find the pressure at a point where the velocity
is 0.65 ms–1.
23. Deduce the workdone in the following complete cycle.

A(4, 1)
P (Pascal) 1 4
2 B(2, 4)
C(2, 1)

1 2 3 4 2 V (litre)
24. The displacement of a particle moving along x-axis is given by x = 18t + 5t2.
Calculate :
(a) The instantaneous velocity at t = 2 sec.
(b) Average velocity between t = 2 sec and t = 3 sec.
(c) Instantaneous acceleration.
25. What is a conservative force? Prove that gravitational force is conservative and frictional force is non-
26. A cubical ice box of thermocole has each side 30 cm long and a thickness of 5 cm, 4 kg of ice
is put is the box. If outside temperature is 45ºC and the co-efficient of thermal conductivity is
0.01 J/S/m/ºC. Calculate the mass of ice left after 6 hours. Latent heat of fusion of ice
= 335 × 103 J/kg.
27. State the main feature of kinetic theory of an ideal gas.

SECTION – D [5×3=15]
28. What do you understand by ‘Laminar flow’ and ‘Streamline flow’? Water is flowing with a speed of 2
m/s in a horizontal pipe with cross section area. 2 × 10–2 m2 at pressure 4 × 104 Pa. What will
be the pressure at a smaller cross-section where the area decreases to 0.01 m2?
29. Two bodies A and B of masses 5 kg and 10 kg in contact with each other rest on a table against
a rigid wall as shown in the given figure. The co-efficient of friction between the bodies and the table
is 0.15. A force of 200N is applied horizontally to A. What are (a) the reaction of the partition.
(b) the action-reaction forces between A and B? (c) What happens when the wall is removed?

200 N

30. (a) From the top of a building a ball is dropped while another is projected horizontally at the same
(i) Which ball will strike the ground first?
(ii) Which ball will strike the ground with more speed? Justify your answer in each case.

PATHFINDER EDUCATIONAL CENTRE H.O.  24551840 Jodhpur Park  24994308 Saltlake  23590008 Dum Dum  25488321 Behala  24098282 Bally  26715407 Howrah  26779745 3
CBSE – XI 2020 - ’21 Physics Annual Examination

(b) A body is projected with speed u at an angle  to the horizontal to have maximum range. What
is the velocity at the highest point?
(c) What is the angle of projection of a projectile motion whose range R is n times the maximum

PATHFINDER EDUCATIONAL CENTRE H.O.  24551840 Jodhpur Park  24994308 Saltlake  23590008 Dum Dum  25488321 Behala  24098282 Bally  26715407 Howrah  26779745 4

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