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Business Plan Survey: WAFFLE TIME

The Business Plan survey asks about the personal details of the owner and information
of his business. The survey is conducted by the BSBM-HRDM students of Cavite State
University. The goal of our survey is to know more about your small business and the flow of
process of your business.

The questions are best answered by an owner. Your answers are confidential. The
information will help to shape programs that benefit the small business community.


Name of the Business Owner:

Business Name:
Business Address:
Contact Number:
E-mail Address:

1. What business are you in?

2. In what year was your business started?
3. Why are you in business?
4. How long have you been in operation of your business? (at this/previous location)
o Under 1 year
o 1-5 years
o 6-10 years
o 11-20 years
o Over 20 years
5. Do you own/lease the space in which your business is located?
o Own
o Lease
6. Where is the main branch of your business?
7. Where is the first outlet of your business?
8. How many franchise does your business have?
9. What is the Vision Statement of your business?
10. What is the Mission Statement of your business?
11. What is the Objectives of your business?
12. What are the Specific Goals of your business?
13. What are the Strengths and Weaknesses of your business? (Give at least 5 S&W each)
14. What are the Opportunities and Threats does business faced? (Give at least 5 O&T
15. Who is your target market?
16. How does your business operate?
17. What are the procedures and interviews for becoming a WAFFLE TIME employee?
18. What services/products does this business provide?
19. How much is the initial investment of your business?
20. What is your monthly profit?
21. How long is the contract term of your business?
22. To the best of your knowledge, What are the 3 busiest months of the year for this
business? (Select only 3)
● January
● February
● March
● April
● May
● June
● July
● August
● September
● October
● November
● December
23. To the best of your knowledge, What are the 3 slowest months of the year for his
business? (Select only 3)
● January
● February
● March
● April
● May
● June
● July
● August
● September
● October
● November
● December
24. What avenues of marketing have you implemented for your business?
● Newspaper
● Radio
● Television
● Billboards
● Flyers
● Mailing address lists
● Magazine
● Facebook
● Online advertising
● Promotional activities (Coupons, Referral programs, etc…)

25. Kindly rate the degree of you are experiencing the following business challenges.
A lot A little Not at all Don’t know

1. Conflict with building owner/tenant.

2. Difficulty recruiting/retaining employees.

3. Expensive employee wages/benefits.

4. Expensive rent.

5. Product delivery/loading challenges.

6. Insufficient financing.

7. Suburban competition.

8. Internet competition.

9. Unskilled workers.

10. Shoplifting/theft.

26. From your previous answer, How do you overcome those challenges?
27. What do you think is the advantage of your business among all WAFFLE business in
this area?
28. Is your business affected by business cycle/seasons?
o Yes
o No
29. From the previous answer, (if YES describe how it does affect your business, if NO put
30. Is there any concerns/issues that the target audience might have regarding in your
products? (if NONE put N/A)
31. Do you communicate with your customers via e-mail?
o Yes
o No
32. What is the procedures/requirements if you want to purchase/open a franchise?
33. Do you plan to expand your business through new products/services by utilizing more
square footage?
o Yes
o No

Thank you for giving your precious time to answer this Survey questionnaire.

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