Jesus Is The Light of The World Big Book Col

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Jesus Is The Light Of The World

By Jill Kemp
Illustrated by Richard Gunther

Some names the Bible

uses to describe Jesus
help us to understand
Him more.

Jesus is the bread of life.
John chapter 6 verse 35.
Just as bread makes us healthy and strong,
knowing Jesus grows our soul and spirit.
Jesus is the water of life.
John chapter 4 verse 10.
We don’t need to look for other
things to make us happy deep inside.
Jesus is the door for the sheep.
John chapter 10 verse 9.
He keeps us safe when we follow
Him. Sheep trust their shepherd.
Jesus is the true vine.
John chapter 15 verse 1.
We are the branches and we
get our strength from the Him.
Jesus is the lamb of God.
John chapter 1 verse 9.
He takes away the sins of the world.
We only need to believe in our redeemer.
Jesus said, “I am the
good shepherd. I know my
own and they know me.”
John chapter 10 verse 14
Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”
John chapter 8 verse 12.
Light takes away darkness and
we don’t need to be afraid.

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