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CONSTITUTIONAL LAW It does not apply to penal statutes. (Estrada vs. Sandiganbayan, 377 SCRA
Q: What is the guarantee of Equal Protection of the Laws?
Q: What is the test of a valid ordinance? The equality that it guarantees is legal equality or the equality of all persons
1. Must not contravene the constitution or a statute before the law. It does not demand absolute equality. It merely requires that
2. Must not be unfair or oppressive all persons shall be treated alike, under like circumstances and conditions both
3. Must not be partial or discriminatory as to privileges conferred and liabilities enforced.
4. Must not prohibit but may regulate trade Requisites for valid classification for purposes of the equal protection clause
5. Must be general and consistent with public policy The classification must:
6. It must not be unreasonable. 1. Rest on SUBSTANTIAL DISTINCTIONS
2. Be GERMANE to the purposes of the law
Q: The Chief of the Philippine National Police issued a circular revoking 3. NOT LIMITED TO EXISTING CONDITIONS only
all permits to carry firearms outside of residence. The holder of such a 4. APPLY EQUALLY to all members of the SAME CLASS.
permit claimed that the circular is unconstitutional, because his permit
is a vested right protected by the due process clause. Is he right? Q: What applies when alienage becomes a basis for classification?
No. The license is merely a statutory privilege. It does not create a right. It may The constitution, as a general rule, places the civil rights of aliens on an equal
be revoked at any time. The circular is reasonable. Its basis is the need for footing with those as citizens. But their political rights do not enjoy the same
peace and order in society. (Chavez vs. Romulo, 431 SCRA 534) protection.

Q: A lawyer contended that the Anti Plunder Law is unconstitutional Q: A law repealed the provision in the Omnibus Election Code that an
because it is vague for failure to define the terms “Combinations”, elective official who runs for another elective office forfeits his office. It
“Series” and “Patterns” and for being overbroad. Is his contention was claimed that this violates equal protection because an appointive
tenable? official is deemed resigned upon the filing of his certificate of
No. Due process does not require that every word in a law be defined. The candidacy. Is the contention right?
failure of Congress to define the words used in the law will not necessarily result No. There are substantive distinctions between elective officials and appointive
in its ambiguity so long as the legislative will is clear or can be gathered from officials. The former are elected to an office for a definite term, while the latter
the whole law. The word shall be interpreted according to their natural hold their office by virtue of their appointment. The former are allowed to take
meaning. A law is vague when men of common intelligence must guess its part in partisan political activity while the latter are prohibited from engaging in
meaning and differ in its application. partisan political activity except to vote. (Fariñas vs. Executive Secretary, 417
The over breadth doctrine refers to a law which sweeps unnecessarily, broadly SCRA 503)
and thereby invades a protected freedom because of its possible chilling effect.
Q: What is the right guaranteed by Sec. 2 of the Bill of Rights?
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Sec. 2. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, responsibility of the issuing judge to satisfy himself of the existence of probable
and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures of whatever nature and cause (Soliven v. Makasiar, 167 SCRA 394).
for any purpose shall be inviolable, and no search warrant or warrant of arrest To be sure, the Judge must go beyond the prosecutor’s certification and
shall issue except upon probable cause to be determined personally by the investigation report whenever necessary (Lim v. Felix, 187 SCRA 292).
judge after examination under oath or affirmation of the complainant and the
witnesses he may produce, and particularly describing the place to be searched Q: What is the procedure in issuing search warrant?
and the person or things to be seized. The judge personally evaluates the report and supporting documents submitted
by the prosecutor regarding the existence of probable cause and, on the basis
General Rule: Search and seizures are unreasonable UNLESS authorized by a thereof, issue a warrant of arrest or
validly issued search warrant or warrant of arrest If on the basis thereof, the judge finds no probable cause, he may disregard the
prosecutor’s report and require the submission of supporting affidavits of
Q: What are the requisites for a valid warrant: witnesses to aid him in arriving at the conclusion as to the existence of probable
1. It must be issued upon PROBABLE CAUSE. cause.
2. The existence of probable cause is determined personally by the
JUDGE. Q: What is meant by examination “UNDER OATH OR AFFIRMATION OF
3. The judge must EXAMINE UNDER OATH the complainant and the THE COMPLAINANT AND WITNESSES”?
witnesses he may produce. The oath required must refer to the truth of the facts within the personal
4. The warrant must PARTICULARLY DESCRIBE the place to be searched knowledge of the complainant or his witnesses because the purpose is to
and person or things to be seized. convince the judge of the existence of probable cause (Alvarez v. CFI, 64 Phil.
5. It must be in connection with One specific offense. 33).
The true test of sufficiency of an affidavit to warrant the issuance of a search
Q: What is “PROBABLE CAUSE” warrant is whether it has been drawn in such a manner that perjury could be
For the issuance of a warrant of arrest: charged thereon and affiant could be held liable for the damages caused
Probable cause refers to such facts and circumstances which would lead a (Alvarez v. CFI).
reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe that an offense has been
committed by the person sought to be arrested. Q: When is a search warrant particular?
For the issuance of a search warrant: 1. A search warrant may be said to particularly describe the things to be
Probable cause would mean such facts and circumstances which would lead a seized when the description therein is as specific as the circumstances
reasonably discreet and prudent man to believe that an offense has been will ordinarily allow or
committed and that the objects sought in connection with the offense are in the 2. When the description expresses a conclusion of fact – not of law – by
place to be searched. which the warrant officer may be guided in making the search and
seizure or
NOTE: Probable cause for the issuance of a search warrant does NOT require 3. When the things described are limited to those which bear a direct
that the probable guilt of a specific offender be established, unlike in the case of relation to the offense for which the warrant is being issued (Bache and
a warrant of arrest. Co. v. Ruiz, 37 SCRA 823).

The judge is NOT required to personally examine the complainant and his Yes. A “John Doe” warrant can satisfy the requirement of particularity of
witnesses. What the Constitution underscores is the exclusive and personal description if it contains a descriptio personae such as will enable the officer to
identify the accused (People v. Veloso, 48 Phil. 159)

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3. Seizure of goods concealed to avoid Customs duties/authorized under
Q: What is a GENERAL WARRANT? the Tariffs and Customs Code
A general warrant is one that does not allege any specific acts or omissions a. The Tariffs and Customs Code authorizes persons having police
constituting the offense charged in the application for the issuance of the authority under the Code to effect search and seizures without
warrant. It contravenes the explicit demand of the Bill of Rights that the things a search warrant to enforce customs laws.
to be seized be particularly described. b. Exception: A search warrant is required for the search of a
dwelling house.
Q: The bag of a departing passenger at an airport was searched c. Searches under this exception include searches at borders and
because the metal detector sounded. It turned out that the bag ports of entry. Searches in these areas do not require the
contained marijuana. The marijuana was seized, and the passenger was existence of probable cause
charged with illegal possession of marijuana. The passenger argued
that the warrantless seizure of the marijuana and his arrest were 4. Seizure of evidence in Plain vie.
illegal. Decide. a. There was a prior valid intrusion;
The contention is not valid. Republic Act No. 6235 authorizes the search of b. The evidence was inadvertently discovered;
prohibited materials at airports. This is valid for the purpose of airport security. c. The evidence is immediately apparent;
The arrest of the passenger is valid because he was caught in flagrante delicto. d. Plain view is justified seizure without further search. (People v.
(People vs. Suzuki, 414 SCRA 43) Valdez, 341 SCRA 25)

Q: When are WARRANTLESS SEARCHES valid? 5. Waiver of right

1. Search made as an Incident to lawful arrest a. Requisites of a valid waiver:
a. An officer making an arrest may take from the person 1. The right exists.
arrested: ii. The person had actual or constructive knowledge of the
i. Any money or property found upon his person which was existence of such right.
used in the commission of the offense or iii. There is an actual intention to relinquish such right
ii. Was the fruit thereof or b. The right against unreasonable searches and seizures is a
iii. Which might furnish the prisoner with the means of personal right. Thus, only the person being searched can waive
committing violence or escaping or the same.
iv. Which may be used in evidence in the trial of the case c. Waiver requires a positive act from the person. Mere absence
b. The search must be made simultaneously with the arrest and it of opposition is not a waiver.
may only be made in the area within the immediate control of d. The search made pursuant to the waiver must be made within
the person arrested the scope of the waiver.

2. Search of Moving vehicles 6. Conduct of "Areal Target Zone" and "Saturation Drives" in the exercise
a. This exception is based on exigency. Thus, if there is time to of military powers of the President (Guazon vs. De Villa, 181 SCRA 623)
obtain a warrant in order to search the vehicle, a warrant must 7. Checkpoints (Valmonte vs. De Villa, 178 SCRA 211)
first be obtained. REQUISITES
b. The search of a moving vehicle must be based on probable a. Abnormal times
cause. b. Limited to visual search
c. Vehicle not searched
d. Passengers not subjected to body search

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As long as the vehicle is neither searched nor its occupants subjected to a body Q: What is Hot pursuit?
search and the inspection of the vehicle is limited to a visual search = valid A. The pursuit of the offender by the arresting officer must be continuous from
search (Valmonte V. De Villa) the time of the commission of the offense to the time of the arrest.
B. There must be no supervening event which breaks the continuity of the
8. Stop and Frisk chase.
Even before an arrest, when an officer is justified in believing that the individual
whose suspicious behavior he is investigating at close range is presently Q: What is Stop and frisk?
dangerous, he may conduct a limited protective search. When a policeman observes suspicious activity which leads him to believe that a
The purpose of this limited search is not to discover evidence of a crime but to crime is about to be committed, he can investigate the suspicious looking
allow the officer to pursue his investigation without risk of violence. person and may frisk him for weapons as a measure of self-protection. Should
he find, however, a weapon on the suspect which is unlicensed, he can arrest
9. Exigent and emergency circumstances best illustrated in People v. De such person then and there for having committed an offense in the officer’s
Gracia (233 SCRA 716), where a warrantless search was allowed where presence.
there was a prevailing general chaos and disorder because of an
ongoing coup. NOTE: Probable cause is the minimal requirement for the validity of either a
warrantless arrest or a warrantless search.
Carrol doctrine: warrantless search of a vehicle that can be quickly moved out Q: What is the Exclusionary rule:
of the locality or jurisdiction is valid Any evidence obtained shall be inadmissible for any purpose in any proceeding.
However, in the absence of governmental interference, the protection against
Q: What are the INSTANCES WHEN WARRANTLESS ARRESTS ARE unreasonable search and seizure cannot be extended to acts committed by
VALID? private individuals. (People v. Marti, 193 SCRA 57)
1. When the person to be arrested has committed, is actually
committing, or is about to commit an offense in the presence of the Q: What is protected under the freedom of expression?
arresting officer. Sec. 4 of the Constitution provides that “No law shall be passed abridging the
2. When an offense has in fact just been committed and the arresting freedom of speech, of expression, or of the press, or of the right of the people
officer has probable cause to believe based on personal knowledge of peaceably to assemble and petition the government for redress of grievances.”
facts and circumstances indicating that the person to be arrested has
committed it. Q: What are the prohibitions under Section 4?
3. When the person to be arrested is a prisoner who has escaped from a 1. Prohibition against PRIOR RESTRAINT
penal establishment or place where he is serving final judgment or 2. Prohibition against SUBSEQUENT PUNISHMENT
temporarily confined while his case is pending, or has escaped while
being transferred from one confinement to another. Q: What is the Prohibition against prior restraint?
Prior restraint means official governmental restrictions on the press or other
Q: What is Waiver of an invalid arrest? forms of expression in advance of actual publication or dissemination.
When a person who is detained applies for bail, he is deemed to have waived Ex. movie censorship, judicial prior restraint = injunction against publication,
any irregularity which may have occurred in relation to his arrest. However, license taxes based on gross receipts for the privilege of engaging in the,
when a person who is detained applies for bail, before he enters a plea, he is business of advertising in any newspaper, flat license fees for the privilege of
not barred from later questioning the legality of his arrest. selling religious books.

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Q: When is a Government control-based regulation justified? the person. The statements are not used to attack personalities but to
1. It is within the constitutional power of the government; give one’s opinion on decisions and actions.
2. It furthers an important or substantial government interest; 2. Obscenity
3. The governmental interest is unrelated to the suppression of free Tests:
expression; and a. Whether the average person, applying contemporary
4. The incidental restriction is no greater than is essential to the community standards would find that the work, taken as a
furtherance of the interest. whole, appeals to the prurient interest.
b. Whether the work depicts or describes, in a patently
Q: Can the prohibition of the publication of election surveys shortly offensive way, sexual conduct, specifically defined by law.
before elections be justified on the ground that there is a need to c. Whether the work, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary,
prevent pressure on voters, the bandwagon mentality, misinformation, artistic, political or scientific value.
and junking of weak candidates?
No. A Government control-based regulation is justified: (1) if it is within the Q: What is the rule with respect to public personalities?
constitutional power of the government; (2) if it furthers an important or With respect to public personalities (politicians, actors, anyone with a
substantial government interest; (3) if the governmental interest is unrelated to connection to a newsworthy event), opinions can be aired regarding their public
the suppression of free expression; and (4) if the incidental restriction is no actuations. Comment on their private lives, if not germane to their public
greater than is essential to the furtherance of the interest. personae, are not protected.
This restriction does not meet the last two tests. The causal connection of
expression to the asserted government interest makes such interest related to Q: A petitioner questioned the constitutionality of the Public Assembly
the suppression of free expression. The regulation can be more narrowly Law on the ground that it violated section 3 of the Bill of Rights, since it
pursued by punishing unlawful acts rather than prohibiting speech. is not content-neutral and is overbroad. Decide.
The COMELEC can confiscate false survey results by virtue of its power under The contention is not valid. The law does not absolutely ban public assemblies
the Administrative Code of 1987 to stop false election propaganda. (Social but merely regulates their time, place and manner. It is not content-based,
Weather Station vs. COMELEC, 357 SCRA 496). because it refers to all kinds of public assemblies. The reference in the law to
public assemblies for prosecuting a lawful cause does not make it content-
Q: Can the trial of Former President Estrada be covered by television on based, because assemblies have to be for lawful causes. The law is not
the basis of the right of the people to be informed of the court overbroad. It regulates the right to peaceable assembly only to the extent
proceeding? needed to avoid a clear and present danger of the substantive evils the State
No. The right of the accused to a fair trial must prevail over freedom of the has the right to prevent. (Bayan vs. Ermita, 488 SCRA 226)
press and the right to information. Television can work profound changes in the
behavior of the people it focuses on. Live television coverage can have Q: What is the policy of maximum tolerance in the Public Assembly
mischievous potentialities for intruding upon the detached atmosphere that Law?
should surround the judicial process. (Perez vs. Estrada, AM. No. 01-4-03-SC, It means the highest degree of restraint that the military, police and other
Sept. 13, 2001). peace-keeping authorities shall observe during a public assembly in its
dispersal. (Section 3(c), BP 880).
Q: What are unprotected speeches?
1. Libel Q: What is the non-establishment clause?
These are statements of OPINION, not of fact, and are not considered No law shall be made respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the
actionable, even if the words used are neither mild nor temperate. free exercise thereof.
What is important is that the opinion is the true and honest opinion of

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Q: What are the exceptions to this rule? make it difficult to differentiate it from any other economic imposition that
1. exemption from taxation of properties actually, directly and might make the right to disseminate religious doctrines costly. (Tolentino v.
exclusively used for religious purposes (Sec. 28, Art. VI of the Sec. Of Finance).
2. Citizenship requirement of education institutions, except those Q: What is the rule on the exercise of eminent domain?
established by religious groups, and mission boards. Private property shall not be taken for public use without just compensation.
3. optional religious instruction in public elementary and high schools: at
the option expressed in writing by the parents or guardians, religious Q: Who can exercise the power of eminent domain:
instruction taught within regular class hours by instructors designated 1. The national government
or approved by the religious authorities of the religion to which the 2. Congress
child or ward belongs. 3. Executive, pursuant to legislation enacted by Congress
4. appropriation allowed where the minister or ecclesiastic is employed 4. Local government units, pursuant to an ordinance enacted by their
in the armed forces, in a penal institution or in a government owned respective legislative bodies (under LGC)
orphanage or leprosarium. 5. Public utilities, as may be delegated by law.

Q: When is government aid that might redound to the benefit of Q: What are the elements of the power of eminent domain
religion be allowed? 1. There is a TAKING of private property
1. when it has a secular legislative purpose 2. Taking is for PUBLIC USE
2. when it has a primary effect that neither advancer nor inhibits religion 3. Payment of JUST COMPENSATION
3. when it does not require excessive entanglement with recipient
institutions. Q: What are the elements of taking?
1. The expropriator enters the property
Q: What are examples of valid government aid? 2. The entrance must not be for a momentary period, i.e., it must be
1. expropriation of birthplace of Felix Manalo, founder of Iglesia for it permanent
was proven that the purpose was preserving it as a historical 3. Entry is made under warrant or color of legal authority
landmark (Manosca v. CA) 4. Property is devoted to Public use
2. Issuance of religious commemorative stamps (Aglipay v. Ruiz). 5. Utilization of the property must be in such a way as to oust the owner and
3. Purchasing of the image of a saint in connection with the celebration deprive him of the beneficial enjoyment of his property.
of the barrio fiesta which is a socio-religious affair (Garces v. Estenzo)
What are the aspects of freedom of religious profession and worship? Q: What is meant by public use?
1. the right to believe Public use, for purposes of expropriation, is synonymous with public welfare as
2. compelling state interest the latter term is used in the concept of police power.
a. whether the right to religious freedom has been burdened? Examples of public use include land reform and socialized housing.
b. whether the person is sincere in his/her religious belief.
Q: When does a law impairs obligations and contracts?
Q: Does imposition of taxes on religious materials and income of 1. If it changes the terms and conditions of a legal contract either as to
ecclesiastics violative of religious freedom? the time or mode of performance
No. The free exercise clause does not prohibit imposition of generally applicable 2. If it imposes new conditions or dispenses with those expressed
sales and use of tax on sale of religious materials by a religious organization. 3. 3 If it authorizes for its satisfaction something different from that
The resulting burden on the exercise of religious freedom is so incidental as to provided in its terms.

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A mere change in PROCEDURAL REMEDIES which does not change the Q: What are the requisites for the admissibility of an extrajudicial
substance of the contract, and which still leaves an efficacious remedy for confession?
enforcement does NOT impair the obligation of contracts. The following are the requisites: (1) the confession must be voluntary; (2) it
A valid exercise of police power is superior to obligation of contracts. must be made with assistance of competent and independent counsel; (3) it
must be express; and (4) it must be in writing. (People v. Gallardo, GR 113684,
Q: When does Custodial Investigation Commence? Jan. 25, 2000)
CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION commences when a person is taken into custody Q: Who are persons not entitled to bail?
and singled out as a suspect in the commission of a crime under investigation. 1. Persons charged with offenses PUNISHABLE by RECLUSION PERPETUA
Rights during custodial investigation apply only against testimonial compulsion or DEATH, when evidence of guilt is strong
and not when the body of the accused is proposed to be examined (i.e. urine 2. Persons CONVICTED by the trial court. Bail is only discretionary
sample; photographs; measurements; garments; shoes). pending appeal.
3. Persons who are members of the AFP facing a court martial.
Q: What are the rights under Section 12?
1. Right to remain silent Q: What is the exclusionary rule?
2. Right to have competent and independent counsel, preferably of his Any confession or admission obtained in violation of this section shall be
own choice inadmissible in evidence against him (the accused). Therefore, any evidence
3. Right to be provided with the services of counsel if he cannot afford obtained by virtue of an illegally obtained confession is also inadmissible, being
the services of one. the fruit of a poisonous tree.
4. Right to be informed of these rights.
Q: Who are not independent counsels?
Q: When are Section 12 rights available? 1. Special Counsel, public or private prosecutor, counsel of the police, or
When rights are available: a municipal attorney whose interest is adverse to that of the accused.
1. AFTER a person has been taken into custody or 2. a mayor
2. When a person is otherwise deprived of his freedom of action in any 3. a barangay captain
significant way 4. any other whose interest may be adverse to that of the accused
3. When a person is merely “invited” for questioning (R.A. No. 7438)
4. When the investigation is being conducted by the government (police, Q: When is there waiver of the right to bail:
DOJ, NBI) with respect to a criminal offense. 1. if appellant escapes from prison or confinement
5. Signing of arrest reports and booking sheets. 2. if appellant jumps bail
3. if appellant flees to another country during the pendency of the
Q: When are Section 12 rights not available? appeal
1. During a police line-up.
Exception: Once there is a move among the investigators to elicit Q: The accused was charged with estafa for issuing a check without
admissions or confessions from the suspect. funds. The prosecution failed to prove fraud. The prosecution asked
2. During administrative investigations. that the accused be convicted instead of violation of BP 22. Is the
3. Confessions made by an accused at the time he voluntarily request valid?
surrendered to the police or outside the context of a formal No. Violation of BP 22 is not included in estafa. They have different elements.
investigation. Estafa is a malum in se. Violation of BP 22 is a malum prohibitum. Conviction
4. Statements made to a private person. for the latter offense will violate the right of the accused to be informed of the

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nature and cause of accusation. (People vs. Cuyugan, GR 146641, Nov. 18, Q: The accused, who was charged with rape, was subjected to a DNA
2002). test. The semen recovered from the victim was identical to that of the
accused. He argued that the test violated his right against self-
Q: When is the right to confrontation not available? incrimination. Is he right?
1. The admissibility of “dying declarations” No. There is no testimonial compulsion involved. The accused was merely
2. Trial in absentia under Section 14(2) subjected to a physical examination of his body. (People vs. Yotar, 429 SCRA
3. With respect to child testimony 504)

Q: What is the right against self-incrimination? Q: What is the prohibition against double jeopardy?
1. What is PROHIBITED is the use of physical or moral compulsion to No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of punishment for the same offense. If
extort communication from the witness or to otherwise elicit an act is punished by a law and an ordinance, conviction or acquittal under
evidence, which would not exist, were it not for the actions compelled either shall constitute a bar to another prosecution for the same act.
from the witness.
2. The right does NOT PROHIBIT the examination of the body of the Q: What are the types of double jeopardy?
accused or the use of findings with respect to his body as physical 1. First Sentence of Sec. 21: No person shall be twice put in jeopardy of
evidence. Hence, the fingerprinting of an accused would not violate punishment for the same offense.
the right against self-incrimination. However, obtaining a sample of 2. Second Sentence: When an act is punished by a law and an ordinance,
the handwriting of the accused would violate this right if he is charged conviction or acquittal under either shall constitute a bar to another
for falsification. prosecution for the same act.
3. The accused cannot be compelled to produce a private document in Under the first kind of jeopardy, conviction, acquittal, or dismissal of the case
his possession, which might tend to incriminate him. However, a without the express consent of the accused will bar a subsequent prosecution.
third person in custody of the document may be compelled to produce Under the second kind of jeopardy, only conviction or acquittal – not dismissal
it. without the express consent of the accused – will bar a subsequent prosecution.

Q: When cannot this right apply? Q: What are the requisites for a valid defense of double jeopardy?
This right cannot be invoked where the document sought to be produced is one 1. First jeopardy must have attached prior to the second.
required by the state to be kept pursuant to its taxing or police power (ex. Tax 2. The first jeopardy must have terminated.
code requires books of account to be kept) 3. The second jeopardy must be for the same offense, one that includes or
is necessarily included in the first offense, or is an attempt or
Q: When the right can be invoked? frustration of the first, or is an element thereof.
1. In criminal cases
2. In all other government proceedings, including civil actions and Q: When does jeopardy ATTACH: (1st requisite)
administrative or legislative investigations. 1. A person is charged
2. Under a complaint or information sufficient in form and substance to
Q: Who can invoke the right? sustain a conviction
Only natural persons. Judicial persons are subject to the visitorial powers of the 3. Before a court of competent jurisdiction
state in order to determine compliance with the conditions of the charter 4. After the person is arraigned
granted to them. 5. Such person enters a valid plea.

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Q: When does jeopardy NOT attach? 1. The graver offense developed due to a supervening fact arising from
1. If information does not charge any offense the same act or omission constituting the former charge.
2. If, upon pleading guilty, the accused presents evidence of complete 2. The facts constituting the graver offense became known or were
self-defense, and the court thereafter acquits him without entering a discovered only after the filing of the former information.
new plea of not guilty for accused. There is no valid plea here. 3. The plea of guilty to the lesser offense was made without the consent
3. If the information for an offense cognizable by the RTC is filed with the of the prosecutor and the offended party.
MTC. 4. Under (1)(b), if the facts could have been discovered by the
4. If a complaint filed for preliminary investigation is dismissed. prosecution but were not discovered because of the prosecution’s
incompetence, it would not be considered a supervening event.
Q: When does first jeopardy TERMINATE: (2ND REQUISITE)
1. Acquittal Q: What is the effect of appeal by the accused?
2. Conviction If the accused appeals his conviction, he WAIVES his right to plead double
3. Dismissal W/O the EXPRESS consent of the accused jeopardy. The whole case will be open to review by the appellate court. Such
4. Dismissal on the merits. court may even increase the penalties imposed on the accused by the trial
Q: When can the PROSECUTION appeal from an order of dismissal?
1. If dismissal is on motion of the accused. Q: For failure of the witnesses for the prosecution to appear at the
Exception: If motion is based on violation of the right to a speedy arraignment of the accused and the pre-trial, will the revival of the case
trial or on a demurrer to evidence. place the accused in double jeopardy?
2. If dismissal does NOT amount to an acquittal or dismissal on the No. The absence of the witnesses is not a valid ground for the dismissal of the
merits. case. The dismissal of the case is void. It denied the prosecution due process
3. If the question to be passed upon is purely legal. because it deprived the prosecution the right to prove its case. (People vs. Tac-
4. If the dismissal violates the right of due process of the prosecution. an, 398 SCRA 373)
5. If the dismissal was made with grave abuse of discretion.
Q: An accused was acquitted by the trial court. The prosecution
Q: What are considered to be the “SAME OFFENSE”: (under the 1 st questioned the acquittal by filing a petition for certiorari on the ground
sentence of Sec. 21) that the appreciation of the evidence by the trial court was erroneous.
1. Exact identity between the offenses charged in the first and second Should the petition be entertained?
cases. No. It will violate the prohibition against double jeopardy. (Martin vs. Sultan,
2. One offense is an attempt to commit or a frustration of the other 366 SCRA 316)
3. One offense is necessarily included or necessary includes the other. Q: The law provided that the surviving spouse of a pensioner of the
NOTE: Where a single act results in the violation of different laws or different Government Service Insurance System has no right to receive the
provisions of the same law, the prosecution for one will not bar the other so survivorship pension if they got married within three years before the
long as none of the exceptions apply. retirement of the petitioner. Is the law valid?
No. Since membership in the pension plan is mandatory, the pensioner has a
Q: What are supervening facts? vested right to its benefits, which is protected by due process. Denying the
Under the Rules of Court, a conviction for an offense will not bar a prosecution spouse the right to the survivorship pension without allowing the spouse to
for an offense which necessarily includes the offense charged in the former prove the marriage was not contracted for financial reason. Besides, the law
information where: violates equal protection. Even if the pensioner died more than three years after

Vena V. Verga -9-

they contracted marriage, the spouse will still not receive the pension. Q: Does an alien marrying a Filipino automatically become a Filipino?
(Government Service Insurance System vs. Montesclaros, 434 SCRA 491) No. The Supreme Court held that an alien woman marrying a Filipino citizen
does not by that fact alone become a Filipino. She has yet to prove that she has
ART. IV: CITIZENSHIP all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications enumerated in Sections 2
and 4 of the Naturalization Law before she may be deemed a Filipino citizen
Q: Who are citizens of the Philippines? (Chan v. Galang).
1. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at the time of the adoption of
the 1987 Constitution ART. X: LOCAL GOVERNMENT
2. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens of the Philippines.
3. Those born before January 17, 1973 of Filipino mothers, who elect Q: A provision in the General Appropriations Act provided a portion of
Philippine citizenship upon reaching the age of majority. the internal revenue allotment for local government units will be
4. Those who are naturalized in accordance with law. released subject to the guidelines to be prescribed by the Oversight
Committee on Devolution. The guidelines required projects to be funded
Q: Distinguish dual citizenship from dual allegiance? to be approved by the Oversight Committee on Devolution. Is this
Dual citizenship arises when, as a result of the concurrent application of the valid?
laws of two or more states, a person is simultaneously considered a citizen of No. The guidelines make the release of the internal revenue allotment not
those states. Dual allegiance refers to the situation in which a person automatic. Under section 6, Article X of the Constitution, the internal revenue
simultaneously owes, by some positive act, loyalty to two or more states. Dual allotment shall be automatically released. Besides, the provision amends the
nationality is involuntary and legal, while dual allegiance is voluntary and illegal. Local Government Code. Congress cannot include matters that should be more
(Mercado vs. Manzano, 307 SCRA 630) properly enacted in a separate legislation. (Province of Balayan vs. Romulo, 429
SCRA 81)
Q: Is the illegitimate child of a Filipino father and an alien mother a
natural-born Filipino citizen and qualified to run for President? Q: Can a city be created by merging two municipalities?
Yes. When the Constitution provided that those whose fathers are citizens of the Yes, Section 10, Article X of the Constitution allows the merger of local
Philippines are citizens of the Philippines, it makes no distinction between government units to create a city. (Cawiling vs. COMELEC, 368 SCRA 453)
legitimate and illegitimate children. It will violate equal protection to make a
distinction between the citizenship of the legitimate child of a Filipino father and ART. XI: ACCOUNTABILITY OF PUBLIC OFFICERS
the citizenship of the illegitimate child of a Filipino father. Legitimacy or
illegitimacy has no relevance to elective public office. (Tecson vs. Commission Q: Can former President Estrada be prosecuted even if he was not
on Elections, 424 SCRA 277) convicted in the impeachment trial?
Yes. Section 3 (7), Article XI of the Constitution merely states the limited reach
Q: Is it constitutional to allow a Filipino citizen who is a permanent of impeachment and the consequence of the judgment. It cannot extend further
resident of a foreign country to register as an absentee voter if he than removal from office and disqualification to hold any other office, and the
executes an affidavit declaring that he will resume actual physical party convicted shall be liable for prosecution. Conviction in the impeachment
permanent residence in the Philippines within three years? proceedings is not a condition sine qua non to his prosecution. (Estrada vs.
Yes. The residency requirement is not applicable to Filipinos abroad. The Desierto, GR No. 146710, April 3, 2001)
affidavit serves as an expression of the Filipino abroad that he has not lost his
domicile in the Philippines. (Macalintal v. Commission on Elections, GR Q: What are the grounds for impeachment?
157013, July 10, 2003).

Vena V. Verga - 10 -
The grounds for impeachment are culpable violation of the Constitution,
treason, bribery, graft and corruption, other high crimes, and betrayal of public Q: What re the requisites of a de facto officer?
trust. 1. a validly created office
2. color of title or general recognition or reputation
Q: A complaint for impeachment was filed on June 2, 2003. It was 3. physical possession
referred to the Committee on Justice on April 5, 2003. On Oct. 23, 2003,
a second complaint for impeachment was filed against the same public Q: What are the effects of the acts of a de facto officer?
officer. Can it be entertained?
No. Under sec. 3 (5), Article XI of the Constitution, no impeachment proceeding Acts of a de facto officer are just as valid for all purposes as those of a de jure
shall be initiated against the same official more than once within a period of one officer as far as the public or third persons are concerned. But the acts done
year. The intention of the framers of the Constitution was that the proceeding is must be such as might be lawfully done by an officer de jure or else such acts
initiated when a verified complaint is filed and referred to the Committee on will be void in all cases.
Justice for action within a period of one year. (Francisco vs. House of
Representatives, 415 SCRA 44)
Q: What is the reason behind the doctrine of de facto public officers?
Q: What is an officer de jure? Public policy. It is meant to protect the interest of the public who can not in all
An officer de jure is one who has the lawful right to the office in all respects, but cases inquire into nor compel the officers to show title to the office.
who has either been ousted by it, or who has never actually taken possession of
it. Q: Is a de facto officer entitled to compensation?
Yes. In cases where there is no de jure officer, a de facto officer who in good
Q: What is a usurper or intruder? faith has had possession of the office and performed the duties pertaining
A usurper is one who has intruded upon the office and assumes to exercise its thereto is legally entitled to the compensation of the office and may in a proper
functions without either lawful title or color of right to it. His acts therefore are action recover the same. This is based on the grounds of equity where the one
entirely void. He may however grow into an officer de facto if his assumption of who rendered service is actually compensated.
the office is acquiesced in.
Q: What are the limitations on Congress in creating public offices?
Q: What is an officer de facto? 1. Congress cannot prescribe additional qualifications to those which are
1. Without a known appointment or election, but under such provided under the Constitution. (Supreme Court: The Civil Service
circumstances of reputation or acquiescence as were calculated to Commission cannot add to qualifications provided by law.)
induce people, without inquiry, to submit or invoke his action, 2. The qualifications should not be detailed.
supposing him to be the officer he assumed to be, or when by general 3. The qualifications should be germane to the office.
reputation one is accepted as a public officer.
2. Under color of a known or valid appointment or election, but where the Q: What are the two modes of commencing official relations?
officer failed to conform to some precedent, requirement or condition, 1. by appointment
like the taking of an oath or the posting of a bond. 2. by election
3. Under color of appointment or election but void, because the officer is
ineligible or the electing or appointing authority has no authority to Q: What are the steps in the appointment of public officers?
elect or appoint. If the appointment requires the confirmation of the Commission on
4. Under color of appointment or election pursuant to an unconstitutional Appointments, the steps are as follows:
law before the same is adjudged as such. 1. nomination

Vena V. Verga - 11 -
2. appointment court after the acceptance of the resignation of the judge. The judge
3. confirmation received a notice of the acceptance of his resignation after the
4. acceptance promulgation of the order. Respondent questioned the validity of the
order. Is he correct?
If the appointment requires no confirmation, the steps are as follows: No. Acceptance is necessary for resignation of a public officer to be operative
1. nomination and to be informed of the acceptance, the public officer should be notified. The
2. appointment acts of the judge prior to the notification of acceptance are valid. The former
3. acceptance judge was at least a de facto officer. (Gamboa v. CA, 108 SCRA 1)

Jack says that until the process of appointment is completed, the appointment Q: A mayor was charged with violation of the Anti-Graft and Corrupt
can still be withdrawn. In Binamira v. Garrucho, the Supreme Court held that it Practices Act. He was suspended. As a result of his death, his case was
is the President and not the Secretary of Tourism who has the authority to dismissed. His heirs tried to collect his salaries during his suspension.
appoint the General Manager of the Philippine Tourism Authority. Can the salaries be collected?
No. If a public officer is suspended because of a case filed against him and he
Q: X, 40 years old and a high school dropout was given a professional is acquitted or proven innocent, he is entitled to backwages. Dismissal of a
appointment as policeman. He was suspended because of the filing of a case because of death is not equivalent to an acquittal. (Malanyaon v. Lising,
criminal case against him for infidelity in the custody of a prisoner. 106 SCRA 237)
Upon his acquittal, he sued for the payment of backwages
corresponding to the time of his suspension and reinstatement. May he ART. XII: NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PATRIMONY
get paid and be reinstated?
No. He lacks the prescribed qualifications, being a high school dropout. He Q: Is it valid to allow a foreign corporation to enter into a financial and
cannot be reinstated. At best, he is a de facto officer who is merely entitled to technical assistances agreement with the government involving the
emoluments for actual services rendered. (Castillo v. Arrieta, 61 SCRA 55) management and operation of a mining enterprise?
Yes. Section 2, Article 12 of the Constitution allows other forms of assistance or
Q: X was elected Congressman. His opponent Y filed an electoral activities having to do all technical or financial assistance because it will not
protest. Y prevailed. Y now wants to recover X’s salary while X was in prohibit the involvement of foreign corporations in the management of mining
office. Is Y correct? ventures. Foreign corporations who will invest in mining will require that they be
No. X was a de facto officer who is entitled to emoluments for services given a say in the management to ensure its success. The Constitutional
actually rendered. (Rodriguez v. Tan) Commission understood technical or financial agreements as interchangeable
with service contracts. (La Bugal-B’laan Tribal Association, Inc. vs. Ramos, 445
Q: Mayor X ran for Congressman. He changed his mind and decided to SCRA 1)
be mayor again. Should he get paid for the time he ran for
congressman? Q: Can the President take over privately-owned public utility or a
No. The Rodriguez case does not apply because when mayor X ran for business affected with public interest as a result of a declaration of a
congress, he in effect had resigned form office. He did not even have a color of state of national emergency?
title to make him a de facto officer. (Monroy case) No. This requires a delegation from Congress. Since Section 17, Article XII and
Section 18, Article XII of the Constitution all relate to national emergencies,
Q: The former judge issued an order granting a motion for they must be read together. The President has no authority to exercise the
reconsideration. After the issuance of the order, the President powers under Section 17, Article XII without an Emergency Powers Act passed
accepted his resignation. The order was promulgated by the clerk of by Congress. (David v. Arroyo, 489 SCRA 160)

Vena V. Verga - 12 -
Prior to the enactment of the Local Government Code, a municipal corporation
ART. XIV: EDUCATION, SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY, ARTS, CULTURE AND is not usually held liable for damages in the exercise of its governmental
SPORTS functions. However, in the exercise of proprietary function, a municipal
government may be held liable. BUT in the light of Sec. 24 of the Local
Q: Can a faculty member in a state university be charged with violation Government Code which provides: Local government units and their officials are
of anti-graft and corrupt practices by giving students passing grades not exempt from liability for death or injury to persons or damage to property,
without requiring them of regular classes and giving them reading this distinction is already immaterial. The municipal corporation and its officers
materials for self-study and holding tutorial meetings? may be held liable in the exercise of its governmental and proprietary functions.
No. The academic freedom of the faculty member includes the right to
determine how he will teach. (Camacho vs. Gercio 387 SCRA 628) Q: Section 68 of the Revised Administrative Code authorized the
President to create, divide, or merge a municipality. Is this
NO. First, no standard for the delegation of the power was laid down. The
Q: Mr. X filed an action for replevin against officers of the Department standard “public welfare” was for the transfer of capital. Second, the Code
of Environment and Natural resources because they seized the truck he provides that it is the Provincial Board (Sangguniang Panlalawigan) which
owned on the claim that he illegally cut lumber. Can the action be should create barrios, a unit smaller than a municipality. If the President is
entertained? devoid of any power to create a barrio, the more reason why he cannot create a
No. In the enforcement of the forestry code, the officers were performing their larger unit like a municipality.
duties as officers of the DENR within the limits of their authority. The suit
against them is a suit against the state without its consent. (Calub vs. CA, 331 Q: What are the requisites for the existence of a de facto municipal
SCRA 55) corporation?
1. VALID LAW authorizing incorporation
Q: Can the Constitution be revised through initiative? 2. ATTEMPT IN GOOD FAITH to organize under it
No. While the Constitution authorizes Congress and the Constitutional 3. COLORABLE COMPLIANCE with the law
Committee to amend or revise the Constitution, it only allows the people to 4. ASSUMPTION OF CORPORATE POWERS
propose amendments through initiative. (Section 2, Article XVII of the
Constitution, Santiago vs. COMELEC, GR 127325, March 19, 1997) Q: Is the municipality created by the President under Section 68 of the
revised Administrative Code a de facto municipal corporation?
LAW ON PUBLIC CORPORATIONS No. There is no valid law authorizing its incorporation.

Q: What is the two-fold character of a municipal corporation? Q: Camarines Sur wants to expropriate a parcel of land to be used as a
GOVERNMENTAL: it serves as an agent of the state in carrying on the functions housing project for government employees and as a pilot farm. Court
of government which the state cannot conveniently exercise, e.g. enforcement of Appeals denied petition of the province holding that it must first
of police regulations, suppression of crime, collection of taxes, eminent domain. obtain approval from the Dar because this involves conversion of land
for non-agricultural purposes. Is the Court of Appeals correct?
PROPRIETARY: it acts just like any private business corporation, e.g. operation NO. The Supreme Court reversed the Court of Appeals decision. Both the LGC
of waterworks, slaughterhouses, public markets, wharves, cemeteries. and the CARL do not require prior approval of the DAR. To uphold CA’s decision
would put the power of eminent domain in the hands of the DAR and not the
Q: What is the importance of this distinction? LGU.

Vena V. Verga - 13 -
Q: There were 14 members of the provincial board, one of them was lawyer was illegally hired since it was without the baranggay council’s
abroad. 7 members attended a session. As the vice-governor was authority. Is the council correct?
absent, one of the members presided. 6 members approved a proposal No. Although there is a need for a baranggay resolution, the council is deemed
to enter into contract. The member who was presiding also voted, to have acquiesced to the hiring of the poor private lawyer.
temporarily relinquishing the chair to another member for that purpose.
After voting, he resumed the chair. Was the proposal validly approved? Q: Can an administrative case against a local elective official proceed if
No. Since section 53 of the Local Government Code provides that a majority of he was re-elected?
all the members of the provincial board constitute a quorum, the entire No. The people by reelecting him are considered to have condoned his misdeed.
membership must be considered in computing the quorum. The quorum should The fact that the misdeed was not made an issue during the election is of no
be eight. A presiding officer cannot vote except to break a tie. The temporary moment, because the people voted for him with knowledge of his character.
officer cannot have greater power than the regular presiding officer. (Zamora (Garcia vs. Mojica, 314 SCRA 207)
vs. Caballero, 419 SCRA 384)
Q: A person who was elected mayor for two consecutive terms lost in
Q: Can a mayor require a company which sells eyeglasses not to put up his bid for elections for a third term but won in the recall election
an optical clinic and not to employ optometrists? against the incumbent mayor. Can he run again for mayor immediately
No. In effect, the mayor is regulating the practice of optometrists. Such function upon the expiration of his term?
is within the exclusive domain of the PRC Board of Examiners in Optometry. Yes. For the three term limit to apply, two conditions must concur: (1) the
(Acebedo Optical Company v. CA, 329 SCRA 314) officer concerned has been elected for three consecutive terms; and (2) he has
fully served the three consecutive terms. The victory in recall election should
Q: When an LGU sues or is sued, can it hire a private lawyer? not be counted in the computation of the term limitation so he did not fully
No. The LGU must be represented by its provincial/city/municipal attorney. serve for three years. (Adormeo vs. COMELEC, 376 SCRA 40).
The implementing rules provide that if for some reason there is no
provincial/city/municipal attorney, the Provincial or City Prosecutor may Q: Can a city require that tricycles be registered by it and that tricycle
represent the LGU. drivers obtain a licenses from the city?
No. The Local Government Code did not delegate to local government unit the
Q: Mayor was sued for damages for the unauthorized practice of law functions of the Land Transportation Office regarding the registration of motor
while in public office. The Fiscal represented him. Can the Fiscal do vehicles and the issuance of driver’s licenses for tricycles. (Land Transportation
so? Office vs. City of Butuan, 322 SCRA 809).
Yes. In this case, the Mayor is sued in an action involving the performance of
his duties. Fiscal may represent him. Q: May an LGU close or open roads?
Yes. Pursuant to an ordinance, an LGU may permanently or temporarily close
Q: The Mayor suspended an employee. He was sued by the employee. or open a local road, alley, park or square falling within its jurisdiction. If it is a
The mayor hired a private lawyer. Can he do so? permanent closure, the ordinance must be approved by at least 2/3 of the local
Yes. The mayor acted illegally. He can hire a private lawyer. legislature, and when necessary, an adequate substitute for the public facility
that is subject to closure is to be provided. (Section 21, LGC)

Q: The province sued the Aboitiz Corporation for real estate taxes. Q: Does the City Mayor have the power to order the closure of a
Baranggay intervened, claiming that under the law it is supposed to business establishment?
have a share in the real estate taxes. The baranggay captain hired a Yes. The power to close emanates from the power to issue licenses or permits.
lawyer. The lawyer collected his fees. The baranggay says that the However, the mayor must observe due process before ordering the closure of a

Vena V. Verga - 14 -
business establishment. He must give the applicant or licensee notice and They shall not:
opportunity to be heard. (Lim vs. CA, GR 111397, August 12, 2002) 1. appear as counsel before any CIVIL case where a LUG or any office or
agency or instrumentality of the government is an adverse party.
Q: What are the prohibited interests for local officials and employees? 2. appear as counsel in any CRIMINAL case wherein an officer or
It shall be unlawful for any local government official or employee, directly or employee of the National Government or LGU is accused of an offense
indirectly to: committed in relation to his office.
1. Engage in any business transaction with the local government unit in 3. collect any fee for their appearance in an administrative proceeding
which he is an official or employee or over which he has the power of involving the LGU of which he is an official; and
supervision, or with any of its authorized boards, officials, agents, or 4. use property and personnel of the government EXCEPT where the
attorneys, whereby money is to be paid, or property or any other thing sanggunian member concerned is defending the interest of the
of value is to be transferred, directly or indirectly, out of the resources government.
of the local government unit to such person or firm;
2. Hold such interests in any cockpit or other games licensed by a local Q: Can local elective officials who are doctors practice their profession?
government unit. Yes, they may practice their profession even during official hours of work only
3. Purchase any real estate or other property forfeited in favor of such on occasions of emergency PROVIDED they do not derive monetary
local government unit for unpaid taxes or assessment, or by virtue of a consideration therefrom.
legal process at the instance of the said local government unit.
4. Be a surety for any person contracting or doing business with the local Validity of Contracts Entered into by a Local Government Unit
government unit for which a surety is required; and
5. Possess or use any public property of the local government unit for Q: What are the requisites for the validity of contracts entered into by
private purposes. a local government unit?
1. it must be within the power of the local legislature to execute
All other prohibitions governing the conduct of national public officers 2. it must be signed by the local chief executive
relating to prohibited business and pecuniary interest so provided for under 3. it must have prior authorization by the local legislature
Republic Act Numbered Sixty-seven thirteen (R. A. No. 6713) otherwise 4. it must comply with substantial requirements prescribed by law *
known as the "Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards for Public Officials 5. it must conform with the formal requisites of contracts **
and Employees" and other laws shall also be applicable to local government
officials and employees. (Art 89, LGC) * e.g. in a contract entered into for the construction of public works, the
contract must be accompanied by a certification of the availability of funds; in a
Q: Can a governor, city, or municipal mayor practice their profession? contract to purchase entered into by the LGU, the Supreme Court held that a
CONTRACT to SELL is the minimum requirement for compliance
No. They are absolutely prohibited from practicing their profession and from ** only the LGU can invoke the lack of consent of the local chief executive
engaging in any occupation other than the exercise of the functions as local
chief executive. Civil Liability of Local Government Units

Q: Can a sanggunian member practice his profession? Q: Under what circumstances can an LGU be held civilly liable?
Yes, he may practice his profession, engage in any occupation, or teach in 1. under Article 2189 of the Civil Code, provinces, cities and municipalities
schools, EXCEPT during session hours. hall be liable for damages for DEATH or INJURIES suffered by any
person due to defective roads, streets, bridges, public buildings, and
Q: How about sanggunian members who are members of the bar? other public works UNDER THEIR CONTROL OR SUPERVISION *

Vena V. Verga - 15 -
2. under Article 34 of the Civil Code, when a member of a city or Q: The distressed financial condition of a rural bank was used as a
municipal police force refuses or fails to render aid or protection to any subject of a case study in a seminar of employees of the Bangko Sentral
person in case of danger to life or property, such peace officer shall be ng Pilipinas. The bank filed an administrative case against the Head of
primarily liable for damages, and the city or municipality shall be the Supervision and Examination Department and the Director of the
SUBSIDIARILY LIABLE. Department of Rural Bank for violation of the law prohibiting disclosure
* Article 2189 has been amended by Article 24 of the LGC where an LGU may of the information about the conditions. Will the case prosper?
be held liable for DEATH or INJURY to persons or DAMAGE to property. No. They were not the ones who conducted the seminar. They cannot be held
liable under the principle of command responsibility. Their immunity from
Q: Can an agent or official of the LGU be liable for damages pursuant to liability for the misfeasance of their subordinates rests upon considerations of
acts which are legal on its face? public policy, the necessities of public service, and the embarrassments of a
No. A suit for damages will not proper against the officers who acted pursuant contrary doctrine. (Reyes v. Rural Bank of San Miguel, 429 SCRA 135)
to orders which are patently legal and regular on its face. Public Officers may be
held liable for damages for violation of the constitutional rights of private Q: X questioned in court the validity of a regulation issued by the
individuals or when they acted with malice or bad faith or where their acts were Philippine Coconut Authority on the ground that it is contrary to law.
ultra vires, otherwise, they are not liable for damages. The Philippine Coconut authority moved to dismiss the case for the
failure of X to exhaust administrative remedies. Decide.
Q: If a private party sued an LGU, can the LGU’s properties be levied The rule on exhaustion of administrative remedies has no application to the
upon? exercise of the rule making power of an administrative agency. Only the
The private person can only levy those properties by the LGU which are exercise of its quasi-judicial function is subject to the doctrine. (Associations of
patrimonial in character. the Philippines Coconut Dessicators v. Philippine Coconut Authority, 285 SCRA
Q: What if the LGU has no patrimonial property?
The proper remedy is mandamus to compel the LGU to make an appropriation Q: X, a police officer, was charged criminally and administratively for
of its budget to pay the liability. shooting someone, He was acquitted in the criminal case. He claimed
that the administrative case should be dismissed. Is he right?
Q: A city approved an ordinance which granted a company a franchise No. the administrative case is different from the criminal case. Since the
to operate a cable television and which required the approval of the quantum of proof in an administrative case is different, the decision in it need
Sangguniang Panglungsod for any change in the rates to be charged not be the same as in the criminal case. (Millares v. Go, 349 SCRA 596)
the public. Is it valid?
No. Under Executive Order No. 205, the National Telecommunications Q: Distinguish a regulation which is in the nature of subordinate
Commission has exclusive authority to grant certificates of authority to cable legislative power and interpretative regulation.
television operators. Under Executive Order No. 436, the National A delegation in the nature of subordinate legislation is designed to implement
Telecommunications Commission has exclusive power to regulate cable law by providing its details. It must be published. An interpretative regulation is
television operators. This includes the fixing of rates. (Batangas CATV, Inc. vs. designed to provide guidelines to the law, which the administrative agency is in
Court of Appeals, 439 SCRA 326). charge of enforcing. It need not be published. (Commission of Internal Revenue
v. Michel Lhuiller Pawnshop Inc., 453 SCRA 1043)

Q: What is the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies and

ADMINISTRATIVE LAW what are the exceptions.

Vena V. Verga - 16 -
The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies requires that where the
remedy before an administrative agency is provided and can still be resorted to Q: A manager was unseated by the appeal board when someone
by giving the said agency every opportunity to decide a matter that comes contested his appointment. Consequently, he was demoted. Later on,
within its jurisdiction, relief must be first sought by exhausting this remedy the Court of Appeals reversed the decision of the Appeal Board and
before bringing an action or resorting to the courts of justice. ordered the reinstatement of the manager. Is he entitled to recover full
backwages from the person who contested his appointment?
Exceptions: No. Since the manager received compensation attached to the lower position,
1. private land only the salary differentials can be recovered from the person who contested his
2. purely questions of law appointment.(General Manager vs. Monserate, 381 SCRA 200)
3. quo warranto
4. denial of due process Q: A public officer who was charged administratively was placed under
5. patently illegal action preventive suspension and was found guilty. He was ordered dismissed
6. irreparable injury and the decision was executed pending appeal. He was acquitted on
7. estoppel appeal. Is he entitled to backwages?
8. futility of resort to administrative remedies He is not entitled to backwages for the period of preventive suspension. The
9. decision of Department Secretaries (alter ego) Provision for payment of salaries during preventive suspension in case of
10. recovery of possession of public lands acquittal was deleted form the present law. Preventive suspension is authorized
11. unreasonable delay by the Civil Service Law. However, he is entitled to backwages during the
12. poverty enforcement of the decision of dismissal pending appeal because such is
13. public interest punitive and considered illegal since the public officer was acquitted. (Gloria vs.
14. requirement by law of immediate resort to judicial review CA, 306 SCRA 287).

Q: Enumerate the exceptions to the rule that a regulation should be Q: Is a government employee who was dropped from service for
published. absence without leave entitled to retirement benefit?
The following are the exceptions: Yes. Dropping him from the service is not disciplinary in nature. (Gonzales v.
1. it is interpretative Civil Service Commission, GR 105752, Sept. 2, 1993)
2. it is merely for the internal administration of agency
3. it was issued by a superior to prescribe guidelines to be observed by his Q: Can a government employee who was dropped from the service, for
subordinates in the performance of his duties. absence without leave apply for re-appointment?
Yes. Dropping him from the service is not disciplinary in nature. (Gonzales v.
Q: What is the doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction? Civil Service Commission, GR 105752, Sept. 2, 1993)
According to the doctrine of primary jurisdiction, even if a court had jurisdiction
over a case, if its determination requires the special knowledge of an ELECTION LAW
administrative body technical matters are involved, relief must first be obtained
in the administrative proceeding. (Industrial Enterprise Inc vs. CA, 184 SCRA Q: A person who was born in the United States of Filipino parents used
126). an American passport. He wanted to run for public office. His opponent
claims he is disqualified since he is not a Filipino citizen. Is his
Q: Are compensation and permanence required for public office? opponent right?
No. Salary is not an element of public office. Continuity is not indispensable for
public office. (Laurel vs. Desierto, April 12, 2002)

Vena V. Verga - 17 -
No. Since the candidate possesses dual citizenship, his use of the passport is Two conditions must be established:
merely an assertion of his American Nationality. (Mercado vs. Manzano, 307 1. no voting took place on the date fixed by law or the election resulted in
SCRA 630) failure to elect;
2. the votes cast will affect the result of the election. In turn, there are
Q: A losing candidate for mayor filed an election protest. He died three instances of failure of election:
during the pendency of the case. Can he be substituted? a. the election was not held on the date fixed by law
Yes. He should be substituted by the vice mayor, the public officer who would b. the election was suspended
have succeeded him. (De Castro v. COMELEC, 267 SCRA 806). He cannot be c. during the preparation and transmission of the election return
substituted by his heirs, since public office cannot be inherited. (Abeja v. or in their custody or canvass, the election results in the failure
Tanada, 236 SCRA 60) to elect. (Macabago vs. COMELEC, 392 SCRA 178)

Q: Three losing candidates for councilor filed an election protest. The Q: What circumstances may be considered as granting execution
revision of the ballots showed the two other losing candidates who pending appeal in case a prostestor wins an election contest?
were not parties to the case were the ones who got the most votes. Can A combination of any two or more of the following reasons suffice:
they be proclaimed as winners? 1. public interest or the will of the electorate
Yes, since their votes surpassed those of the protestants, they should be 2. the shortness of the remaining term of the contested office; and
proclaimed elected even if they were not parties to the case. (Idulza v. 3. the length of time the election contest has been pending. (Santos
COMELEC, 427 SCRA 701) vs. COMELEC, 399 SCRA 611)

Q: What is absentee voting? Q: Can tampering and falsification of the election returns be raised as
It refers to the process by which qualified citizens of the Philippines abroad an issue in a pre-proclamation controversy?
exercise the right to vote. (Section 3(a) RA 9181) No. In a pre-proclamation controversy, the Board of Canvassers cannot go
behind the election returns if they are regular on their face. Pre-proclamation
Q: What are the requirements for a Filipino who is an immigrant to controversies are supposed to be disposed summarily without need to present
register for absentee voting? evidence. (Belac v. Commission on Elections, 356 SCRA 394)
He must submit the following:
1. valid Philippine passport or certification by Department of Foreign Q: Can the Commission on Elections annul a proclamation because of an
Affairs that he submitted documents for issuance of a passport or is a error in the computation of votes in the statement of votes?
holder of valid passport but cannot produce it for a valid reason Yes, because of the error proclamation is void. (Torres v. Commission on
2. accomplished registration forms Elections, 270 SCRA 583)
3. affidavit declaring his intention to resume physical permanent residence
in the Philippines within 3 years of his registration (Section 8, RA

Q: What conditions are required for the declaration of failure of


Vena V. Verga - 18 -
GROUNDS Fraud and irregularities in 1. Disloyalty to the Illegal composition and Proclamation based on Violation of Election Code
casting, counting of Republic proceedings of the Board irregular and illegal
votes, and election 2. Ineligibility of Canvassers canvass whether in the Commission of prohibited
incidents election returns, acts
Irregularities in certificate of canvass,
preparation, proceedings and
transmission, receipt, composition of board of
custody, and appreciation canvassers
of election returns and
certificates of canvass
VENUE President and VP: President and VP: Re: Board of Canvassers: Comelec Comelec Law Dept. for
Presidential Electoral Presidential Electoral with Board or with preliminary investigation,
Tribunal Tribunal Comelec then Courts for
Senators: Senate Senators: Senate Re: Election Returns:
Electoral Tribunal Electoral Tribunal with Board of Canvassers

Representatives: House Representatives: House

of Rep. Electoral Tribunal of Rep. Electoral Tribunal

Regional/Provincial/City: Regional/Provincial/City:
Comelec Comelec

Municipal: RTC Municipal: RTC

EFFECT IF CASE Incumbent-protestee Incumbent-respondent Election return set aside Proclamation annulled Respondent penalized
PROSPERS removed from office dislodged Recount with fine, imprisonment,
Suspension of Filing suspends the disqualification to hold
If protestant gains Petitioner does not Proclamation running of the period public office or
highest number, he/she assume the petition. within which to file deprivation of right to
is proclaimed election protest or quo vote
Follow the rules on warranto
succession of officers or
conduct special elections
PETITIONER Any candidate for the Any voter Any candidate or political Any candidate or political Any voter
position party party
PERIOD Within 10 days from Within 10 days from Upon convening of Board Within 10 days from Within 5 years from
proclamation proclamation When election return proclamation commission
Vena V. Verga - 19 -
Vena V. Verga - 20 -

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