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9. A negative attitude towards the members of a particular group.

a. prejudice c. discrimination
b. racism d. ethnocentrism

10. The belief that our own nation, race, or group is the best.
a. prejudice c. stereotyping
b. ethnocentrism d. racism

11. The situation when people encounter problem that they do not know how to solve it.
a. ethnocentrism c. stereotyping
b. racism d. scapegoating

12. It refers to the tendency to picture all members of the particular group as having the same
a. discrimination c. stereotyping
b. racism d. prejudice

13. It is described on the basis of unequal distribution of income and wealth.

a. economic inequality c. political inequality
b. social inequality d. gender inequality

14. When people move, or migrate, from one society to another, they are commonly called
members of the ____________.
a. majority c. ethnic group
b. minority d. women’s group

15. Which of the following was not identified as a group that has substantial advantages
accorded upon them?
a. men c. members of the upper class
b. women d. wealthy

Lesson Social Inequality

Learning Competency: Identify characteristics of the systems of

What’s In

What did you remember about the social stratification topic? Were you able to find out your
ascribed and achieved status? Were you able to look for rags to riches story? I hope that whatever
you learn in the previous module will give you an inspiration to become the best you can be in the

What’s New

Activity 1: WHAT DO YOU THINK?

Do you agree that women and men should always be treated the same way? Give three (3)


What Is It

Social inequality is the existence of uneven

opportunities and rewards for a diverse social
positions or statuses within a group or society. It
happens when resources, in whatever nature, are
distributed unevenly in most societies.

Social inequalities are correlated also to

gender inequality (women and LGBT), ethnic
minorities, racial inequality and persons with Image:
disabilities, etc.

Gender and sexual orientation has been a subject in inequality. Traditionally, women
were regarded as placed in the lower social status in the society compared to men. Men were
accorded to have more social and political rights. In these modern societies, though there are
already many women representations in the civil society, the culture of stereotyping is still evident.
They are also subjected to abuse and violence.

A similar situation is also experienced by the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender)
community whose gender preferences are subject to discrimination in the society.

Ethnic minorities, as we usually call them taga-bukid (from the hinterlands), are also
subject to social discrimination – the cultural marginalization that they experience from the
dominant majority. They are also victims of stereotyping, abuse and violence.

Persons with disabilities (PWD) or differently-abled persons are also victims of

inequality and deprived of the opportunities in the society especially in the employment sector due
to their physical impairments.

Minorities in the social structure. Members of the society that have more power than
others are called dominant members. Dominant members set the standards in the society. They
enjoy more privileges such as better houses, better schools, and higher income. On the other
hand, those who are barred from such privileges and opportunities are called the minorities. They
are usually denied by the equal treatment of the majorities or dominant.

Discrimination and prejudice. Discrimination happens when minorities are being deprived
of equal treatment and are kept in a lower status by the dominant members of the society and the
resistance of equality.
Closely linked to discrimination is prejudice. Prejudice can be either positive or negative but
most of the times it connotes negativity.
Prejudice is defined as a negative attitude toward the members of a particular group. It is
a prejudgement of others that allows us to brand or label them in various negative ways.
Discrimination is an act while prejudice is an attitude

Stereotyping refers to our tendency to picture all members of a particular category as
having the same qualities. Usually, stereotyping is a result of over generalization.

Ethnocentrism is the belief that our nation, race, or group is the best or superior than

Scapegoating. This is a situation when people encounter problems that they do not know
how to solve it. Often they feel frustrated and eventually it leads to aggression. When it happens,
people usually look someone or something else to be blamed for their own troubles or problems.

Racism. It is the belief that one’s own race is superior and has the right to control or direct

There are ways to address this social inequality issues. First, there should be enough laws
to protect these vulnerable groups in the society. If laws are already made available, execution of
these laws should be strengthened.

Another way is to promote programs and projects from the government and non-
government organizations for these groups. Educate the public, in whatever avenue, to address
the culture of social inequality.

What’s More

Activity 2: THE ONE

1. It’s research time. Look for a profile of a woman, a member of the LGBT, a member of an
ethnic minority, and a differently abled person who has made invaluable contribution in your
community, in the society or in our country.
2. Describe each of their background and invaluable contributions to the society.
3. Use the format below as your guide but you can always modify it depending on your own
skills, creativity, and available resources. Use long bondpaper for this activity; one profile
per sheet.
Civil Status:
Photo Talents/Skills:
contribution to
“Nickname” the society

Profiling Activity
Criteria Rating
Content and ideas are organized in a clear, logical manner. 5 4 3 2 1
The profile provides adequate if not complete background information. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original. 5 4 3 2 1
Total points (15)

Activity 3: ESSAY

Do you think that men and women today have equal opportunities in our society? Why or
why not?

Rubric for Activity 3

Criteria Rating
The answer relates entirely to the assigned topic. 5 4 3 2 1
The answer conveys a genuine personal view regarding the topic. 5 4 3 2 1
The work is original and does not contain plagiarized content. 5 4 3 2 1
Total points (15)

What Have I Learned

Activity 4: TRUE or FALSE

Direction: Write the word True if the statement is correct, write the word False if the
statement is incorrect.

1. Discrimination is a biased thought against an individual or group.

2. Having high quality, free education and health care available for everyone
help reduce inequality.
___________ 3. Same sex marriage is legal in the Philippines.
4. Women are accorded more on social and political rights.
5. Social inequality is almost present in all societies.

What I Can Do


Enumerate five (5) possible ways to eliminate, if not, minimize social inequality in the

1. __________________________________________________________

2. __________________________________________________________

3. __________________________________________________________

4. __________________________________________________________

5. __________________________________________________________


• Social inequality is the existence of uneven opportunities and rewards for a diverse
social positions or statuses within a group or society.

• Gender and sexual orientation has been a subject in inequality. Traditionally, women
were regarded as placed in the lower social status in the society compared to men.

• A similar situation is also experienced by the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual,

transgender) community whose gender preferences are subject to discrimination in the

• Ethnic minorities are also subject to social discrimination – the cultural

marginalization that they experience from the dominant majority.

• Persons with disabilities (PWD) or differently-abled persons are also victims of

inequality and deprived of the opportunities in the society especially in the employment
sector due to their physical impairments.

• Members of the society that have more power than others are called dominant
members. Those who are barred from such privileges and opportunities are called the

• Discrimination happens when minorities are being deprived of equal treatment and
are kept in a lower status by the dominant members of the society and the resistance of

• Prejudice is defined as a negative attitude toward the members of a particular group.

It is a prejudgement of others that allows us to brand or label them in various negative

• Stereotyping refers to our tendency to picture all members of a particular category as

having the same qualities.
• Ethnocentrism is the belief that our nation, race, or group is the best or superior than
• Scapegoating is a situation when people encounter problems that they do not know
how to solve it. People usually look someone or something else to be blamed for their own
troubles or problems.

• Racism is the belief that one’s own race is superior and has the right to control or
direct others.



Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. People whose cultural background differs from that of the dominant members of the society
a. ethnic minority c. PWD
b. women d. LGBT

2. People who are barred from some degree of power, prestige, or wealth.
a. dominant c. minority
b. wealthy d. majority

3. Women regarded as placed in the lower social status in the society compared to men.
a. racial discrimination c. ethnic discrimination
b. gender discrimination d. disability discrimination

4. It is the existence of uneven opportunities and rewards for a diverse social positions or
statuses within a group or society.
a. economic inequality c. political inequality
b. cultural inequality d. social inequality

5. It is the thinking that one’s own race is superior than the others.
a. discrimination c. stereotyping
b. racism d. prejudice

6. This people who have physical impairments do not usually enjoy the benefits that abled
people received.
a. PWD c. ethnic group
b. LGBT d. women

7. This is a group of people whose gender preferences are subject to discrimination.

a. dominant c. LGBT
b. minority d. PWD

8. An act of depriving minorities of equal treatment and are kept in the lower status of the
society and the resistance of equality.
a. stereotyping c. racism
b. discrimination d. prejudice

9. A negative attitude towards the members of a particular group.

a. prejudice c. discrimination
b. racism d. ethnocentrism

10. The belief that our own nation, race, or group is the best.
a. prejudice c. stereotyping
b. ethnocentrism d. racism

11. The situation when people encounter problem that they do not know how to solve it.
a. ethnocentrism c. stereotyping
b. racism d. scapegoating

12. It refers to the tendency to picture all members of the particular group as having the same
a. discrimination c. stereotyping
b. racism d. prejudice

13. It is described on the basis of unequal distribution of income and wealth.

a. economic inequality c. political inequality
b. social inequality d. gender inequality

14. When people move, or migrate, from one society to another, they are commonly called
members of the ____________.
a. majority c. ethnic group
b. minority d. women’s group

15. Which of the following was not identified as a group that has substantial advantages
accorded upon them?
a. men c. members of the upper class
b. women d. wealthy



1. False
2. True
3. False
4. False
5. True

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