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College of Criminal Justice Education

Criminology Department
Purok Waling-waling, Arellano Street, Zone II, City of Koronadal

Name (Optional):

Part I. Demographic Profile of Respondents

Instruction: Check the box that corresponds your answer.


18- 20 21- 23 24- 26 27- 29


Male Female

Year Level:

1st Year 2nd Year 3rd Year 4th year

Part II. Psychological distress

Instruction: Put a check mark on the box that corresponds to the items that best
express your opinion. Be guided with the scale below.


5 - Always
4 - Often
3 - Sometimes
2 - Rarely
1 - Never
1.1 Mental Distress Mean Description

1. I feel distressed during examination. 3.22 Sometimes

2. I am feeling distressed because of many
activities that I need to finish. 3.58 Sometimes
3. I am feeling distressed because of
combining paid work and my studies. 3. 64 Sometimes
4. I am feeling distressed because of not
enough money for my school expenses. 3.65 Sometimes
5. I feel distressed to understand the
discussion because of poor connection 3. 67 Sometimes
6. I am feeling distressed because of
unrealistic expectations to my studies 3. 45 Sometimes

7. I have too much struggle in online class. 3.58 Sometimes

8. I feel distressed because of annoying
sound during my class. 2.74 Rarely
9. I am distressed because I don’t know how
to use the application in online class 2.77 Rarely
10. I feel distressed because I considered
seriously hurting another person. 2.63 Rarely

Total: 3.293 Sometimes

1.2 Emotional Distress Mean Description

1. I am distress because of having low grades

result. 3.27 Sometimes
2. I feel distress because of lack family
support. 2.72 Rarely
3. I feel distress because of new learning
program. 3.37 Sometimes
4. I am distress because of some negative
thought from other students about myself. 3.21 Sometimes
5. I feel distress because I can’t able to catch-
up getting behind my work. 3.28 Sometimes
6. I am distress because of unrealistic
expectations to my studies. 3.31 Sometimes
7. I am distress because I can’t understand
the lesson because the teacher is too fast. 3.02 Sometimes
8. I am distress because of problems at
home. 3.10 Sometimes
9. I am distress because I can’t attend my
discussion because not enough load. 3. 18 Sometimes
10. I feel distress because I can’t provide
some projects in class during submission 3.17 Sometimes
because of lack of money.

Total: 3.163 Sometimes

1.3 Physical Distress Mean Description

1. I feel distress because I am always fainting Rarely

during exercise. 2.77
2. I feel distress because I can’t maintain my
physical health. 3.04 Sometimes
3. I experience trembling and shaking in the
hands. 2.72 Rarely
4. I feel distress because I always feel body
pain after exercise. 3.13 Sometimes
5. I feel headaches during activity program
because of lack of sleep. 3.05 Sometimes
6. I feel distress and purposely injured myself
(eg. cutting, hitting, burning, and hair pulling). 2.55 Rarely
7. Loss of appetite because of excessive
physical activities. 2.83 Rarely
8. I experienced breathing difficulty (eg.
Excessively rapid breathing). 2.67 Rarely
9. I lose weight due to the distress I am
facing 2.78 Rarely
10. I feel discomfort when making certain
exercises. 2.88 Rarely

Total: 2.842 Sometimes

Part III. Social Behavior

Instruction: Put a check mark on the box that corresponds to the items that best
express your opinion. Be guided with the scale below.

Social Behavior Mean Description

1. I always attend in my teacher discussion. 4.14 Often

2. I finish my module on time. 3.85 Sometimes

3. I listen carefully during discussion. 4 Often

4. I always review to help me understand the
discussions. 3.79 Sometimes
5. I have stable connection to answer my
module. 3.21 Sometimes
6. Ialways make sure that I have my time and
schedule for doing my task and activities. 3.71 Sometimes
7. I understand the discussion during class
hour. 3.49 Sometimes
8. I work hard to do my online task. 3.85 Sometimes
9. I make an effort to keep concentrating
during class. 3.94 Sometimes

10. I contributed constructively during class

activities. 3.50 Sometimes
11. I interact to my teacher to make me
understand the topic better. 3.54 Sometimes
12. I always ask questions during class
discussion. 3.37 Sometimes
13. I learn more when I study with a group. 3. 50 Sometimes
14. I always follow the class instructions of my
teacher. 4.35 Always
15. I always learn best when I work with
others 3.68 Sometimes
16. I spend much time to my online activities. 3.75 Sometimes
17. I set goals to help me manage my
studying time for this online course. 3.86 Sometimes
18. I summarizing the topic at the end of the
class is useful. 3.70 Sometimes
19. I always study before examination. 3.78 Sometimes
20. I always avoid cheating during
examination. 2.39 Rarely
21. I always maintain my good grades. 3.87 Sometimes
22. I prefer to working on project with
classmates. 3.54 Sometimes
23. I’ve been shared my problems in school to
my friends. 1.80 Rarely
24. I spend a lot of time to make my report
presentation that would be represent to the 3.59 Sometimes
25. I am studying my online module to be
understand what’s the topic is all about. 3.68 Sometimes

Total: 3.5952 Sometimes

Statement of the Problem

Generally, this study aimed to assess psychological distress encountered by

criminology students and their social behavior. Specially, it answered the following


1. what is the demographic profile in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 sex; and

1.3 year level?

2. What are the psychological distress encountered by criminology students in terms of:

2.1 Mental distress?

2.2 Emotional distress?

2.3 Physical distress

3. What is the level of their social behavior.

4. is there significant relationship between the psychological distress encountered by

the criminology students and their social behavior.

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