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Szia ~ Greetings

May 2011

from Ars Longa North America and the Ars Longa Foundation, Hungary

Ars Longa North America (ALNA) exists to promote the formation of historical Christian values among young people in
East Central Europe to further the development of strong Christian communities. It works primarily with the Ars Longa
Foundation in its efforts to offer consultation, fundraising, and encouragement to youth programs associated with the
Reformed church in Hungary, the Ukraine, and Croatia. ALNA has chosen to focus its efforts on two facets of Ars Longa’s
work: the Reformed high schools in Transcarpathia, Ukraine, and the Ars Longa community development efforts in
Baranya County, Hungary.

Barnabas Ferenc Gergely: Pastor on a Mission

When Rev. Gergely arrived in the village of Erdokertes, he was
immediately drawn to the hundreds of young people there.
Alternatives to clubs were few. Many were bored by village life
and just hung out. He was determined to reach them and saw
that they needed a place to learn and grow. This vision
resonated with Reformed people in the village, and the vision
of a building became a reality. Here Pastor Gergely greets
parishioners after the worship, Feb. 20, 2011.

Twenty years ago, the idea of a vibrant Reformed

congregation in the village of Erdokertes, Hungary, was only a
vision. Today, nearly 300 members now belong to the
Reformed Church of Erdokertes. The sanctuary is full on Sunday morning, and young people not only join in
worship, but meet throughout the week.

Here’s the story. As the congregation grew in size, so did its vision for mission and outreach. Visionaries
realized that a building would allow them to offer regular programs to reach young people. A building
committee formed and construction began soon after. Church members helped clear the church property and
even helped dig the footings.

The collapse of the world economy made funding a

challenge, but they persisted. In 2009, though the building
was not finished, they were able to open the basement of
the church for worship and for youth meetings. During the
week, young people began to come for Bible study groups, a
jazz club, and other spontaneous events. In the summer, up
to 100 young people from the village attended a
Bible/English camp.

To help secure funding to complete the sanctuary, ALNA and

Waiting to enter the sanctuary, Feb. 20, 2011
the Ars Longa Foundation jumped in to help. In December of
2010, the church was able to insulate and finish the ceiling of the sanctuary and held the first service there on
Christmas Eve.
Here are words from Pastor Gergely.
Now, since December 24, 2010, we have had a permanent place
of worship to use. While it is normal for more people to come
once a new church is opened, no one had expected so many
people to come on Christmas Eve (at least 80 people had to
stand up). The number of people coming to church does not of
course normally reach that level. It is currently 100 to 200
(including children). But we are very pleased with this since as
recently as in 2005, the people attending services only
numbered 35 to 45. We keep experiencing the Lord's blessing,
through your donation as well. “The one who sows to please the
Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.” (Gal 6.8

At the Péterfalva Református Líceum

Since the fall of 2010, Cassidhe Hart, a recent Calvin College graduate, has been a volunteer at the Peterfalva
high school. To read more, check out her blog: Many of you have
asked what is happening with the schools in Transcarpathia, Ukraine. With the following report, Cassidhe
describes some of the blessings and the challenges at the Peterfalva high school. First the blessings!

High School Angels

Recently, several students went with English teacher Szabina Szpontak for a retreat in the mountains to
discuss the impact of their visits to a state hospital. Every Wednesday afternoon, about 5-10 students make
the trip to the hospital, giving up all of their
precious free time. The children they visit are
young, all under the age of three. Some are truly
orphans and some were abandoned by their
parents. The babies receive food, clothing and
a crib and sometimes even a name from the
state. Our students go to offer something just
as necessary to survival. They go to hold the
children, to bounce them up and down and kiss
their foreheads, to play with them, to laugh
with them, to call them by their names.

These students have an incredible amount of

courage. They give pieces of their hearts to
these babies and listen to them cry each time
the visit is over, yet they return every Wednesday. They give what they can and enact Jesus’ commandment to
love the “least of these” in whatever way possible.
Meet Edit Juhasz: Mending Trousers-Healing Lives
This picture of Edit Juhasz speaks volumes.
On a sunny afternoon, I walked into the
sewing room with my camera and asked to
take a picture of her. “Of me?” she
exclaimed. And she insisted that first-year
student, Eszter, join her for the photograph.
Edit works tirelessly and effortlessly to draw
the people around her into experiences of
community. While her official position is
seamstress of the Peterfalva High School,
Edit also serves as a surrogate grandmother
or aunt to students and teachers alike. She is
the first to laugh at the dinner table and
quick to address any problem from a stomachache to a torn pair of trousers. All of us at the Líceum are
blessed by her generous nature and quirky sense of humor.

Teaching English As Outreach

Back in December, English teachers from
around the Nagyszölös District came to our
school in Péterfalva to view a sample English
lesson. For many of these teachers, it was the
first time they had ever been inside a
Christian school. The day’s activities included
a class Szabina Spontak taught, a tour of the
school, a very nice meal, songs in Hungarian,
English, and Ukrainian, a play in English about
the life of Jesus, and a pantomime about
freedom from sin. It was a great opportunity
to witness to the love of Christ in our lives. All
the visiting teachers seemed to respond well
to the message of God’s deliverance.

English Teacher Needed

Here is an opportunity to make a difference. In the fall of 2011, the Reformed church in the town of Oroshaza
Hungary, will begin to serve as administrator of a community elementary school where 480 students in grades 1-8 are
presently enrolled. Their goal is to transform this school into one shaped by a Christian worldview. They are looking for
a native speaker of English who would work full-time teaching conversational English, fall 2011. Lodging and salary
provided. Teacher training or experience would be advantageous. Minimum stay of one year is required. For more
information please contact David Pandy-Szekeres.
Praise and Thanksgiving
 For your year-end gifts that make it possible for ministry in the Ukraine to young people in
Transcarpathia, Ukraine.
 For the donor who made it possible for the Erdokertes congregation to begin worshipping in the
sanctuary in December.
 For faithful committed staff members who teach with creativity, enthusiasm and love.
 For volunteers like Cassidhe whose gifts and talents bring joy and light.
 For Pastor Gergely and his commitment to reach the young with the hope and joy of the Gospel

Concerns Please Pray:

Capricious Lawmakers Shrink the School Year

 For the school leaders who
The Líceum in Péterfalva has always distinguished itself by extending are searching for ways to
its course of study a year longer than the 11 years required by provide a rich, Christian
Ukrainian state schools; this extra time is especially helpful for curriculum that will be
students preparing for university entrance. However, beginning next valued by parents, students
school year, the 12th year of study is not only considered unnecessary, and society in spite of the
schedule imposed by the
it becomes illegal. The Líceum will no longer have the competitive
advantage of offering an extra year.

A Struggle to Keep Up  For continued parent and

church commitment to the
Since January, prices in the Ukraine have been rising rapidly. Fuel and food, schools and for faithful
followed by utilities lead the way. The price of natural gas increased by 50% support from those with a
in October and will jump again in June. Crippled by the worldwide economic heart for Christian Education
collapse, the Transcarpathian economy has shown scant signs of recovery. around the world.
The challenge of keeping the school lights on has only intensified.


Peterfalva High School English Camp June 11-24, 2011 If you enjoy high school students who are eager to
practice their spoken English, this may just be the summer opportunity for you. Students of the Reformed high
school in Peterfalva, Ukraine end their school year with two weeks of conversational English. You will not only
help emerging English speakers, but also find opportunities to mentor emerging young Christians.

Conversational English Camp July 9-15, 2011 Meet elementary, middle-school aged children and young people
Roma Schools in Need!
in Hungary who are eager to sharpen their English skills at a summer camp sponsored by the Reformed church
in Erdokertes, Hungary. Stay with families, play games, meet other international volunteers. You will be lodged
with local families and have the opportunity to visit sites in the lovely historical city of Budapest.

For either experience you will need to cover the cost of your airfare, and we ask that you purchase insurance
ahead of time. You may wish to bring along about $200 to cover personal expenses. For more information,
please contact Eric Hoeksema:
Roma Schools – Help Keep Them Alive!
Entrance into the European Union meant that applicant
countries could no longer ignore the plight of Roma. You
have likely read or seen reports of discrimination and
exclusion. Sub-standard housing, inadequate health care,
high unemployment, and inequitable education all
contribute to a poverty rate that exceeds 80% in many rural
communities. The Roma people living in Transcarpathia,
Ukraine share this dubious heritage. A 2008 report from the
European Roma Rights Centre expressed “deep concern
regarding the denial of equal access to quality education for
Roma Camp Transcarpathia, Ukraine Romani children.” In state schools, Roma children are frequently
shunted into special education programs and then ignored. Few
emerge from these schools able to read and write – and the cycle of illiteracy and exclusion goes on.

Out of deeply held Christian conviction, Reformed folk in

Transcarpathia began paying attention before it was
required. The first school for Roma children opened in
Nagydobrony in 1998. Today a total of eight schools
offer programs to equip Roma children socially,
spiritually, and academically to succeed in state schools.
These schools are affiliated with the Reformed church of
Transcarpathia and offer compensation programs,
kindergartens, and after school homework help.

This year we are facing a deficit of about $6,000. Please

consider joining with supporters from the Netherlands
and Hungary to keep this mission alive. Any gift you give Kisdobrony, Ukraine Roma School
will be gratefully received and will go directly to the Roma Schools.

Aldas, bekesseg (blessings and peace)! Szia is a publication of Ars Longa North America
Marilyn Smidt, Director, Ars Longa North America Editor: Beth Lantinga
Contributors: Cassidhe Hart, David Pandy-Szekeres

If you have questions, a story to share, some advice, or would like to get more involved, please contact us.
Mailing Address: ALNA, 416 Paris Ave SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Ars Longa North America (ALNA) is a registered non-profit 501(c) (3) and is an affiliate of the Ars Longa Foundation,Hungary.
ALNA Board: Ryan Dokter, Beth Lantinga, Raymond Lantinga, Patricia Posthumus, Johannes Witte
Ars Longa Foundation principals: Janos Erdos, Robert Hunlich, David Pandy-Szekeres

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