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These games include running, sliding, hopping, galloping,

leaping and other forms of physical activities which allow
the performers to acquire locomotors skills. Aside from
these enumerated improvements, group games also enhance
the performers’ non-locomotors movements like bending,
twisting ,stretching and balancing. Group games develop the
physical condition of the person. But above these benefits,
there are still other good things a person will get from group
games. It will make the performs, mostly students,
accustom to follow directions given by the leader. It foster
sportsmanship and cooperation.




Participants: FOUR PLAYER

Process: Players who are grouped according to odd and

even numbers form a circle by joining hands.

Players in odd number all sit on the floor with their

straightened knees and feet together at the center of the

circle. The even number players stand all together at holding

each others’ wrist . At signal, all the even number

players raise their hips and legs off the floor; it is an incline
position. The even numbers take a pivot their heels.

Process: First, the players make a column; the first man sits
on the air. He remains his trunk straight as he flexes

his kness. Second, the other players follow the first man
behind with their hands on the hips of those before them.

At a signal, the players walk forward toward the finished

line. The group that reaches the finish line first wins.


Target: balance

Process: This is a balancing activity. The group with players

of five or six on the group

forming a small circle . At the command of “go” the players

try to stand up by bending

there legs and at the same time stand up. Then the second
part of the game follows.

Flower blossom, as players of the group are ready standing,

they then form the flower

blossom by learning backward with only their hands holding

the others’ hand as their

chief balancing point.


Target: leg strength endurance

Equipment: a rope with weight at the end of it

Process: players numbering seven to nine form a circle. At

the center is a player who

is called swinger. He swings the rope around; all other

player in a circle have to jump

to avoid being hit by the rope. A player who is hit the rope
shall serve as swinger.

Player who least hit is consider winner.


Target: strength and endurance

Process: this is a sports of two opposing teams pulling

each other by a rope. It is a test

of strength and endurance . Some groups call it tug or

war. The two teams each with

10 players faces each other holding the one single rope.

By the signal of “start” members

each team pull the rope. Team with members who

remain standing is declared winner

Target: agility

Process: One person as “in” starts the game by chasing

all the other players who would

run within the boundary so avoid him. A person tagged

joins hand with the first tagger

and they work together to tag all the other players. The
game ends with the signal of

the leader to stop.


Target: team work and cardio vascular fitness

Process: The first player runs to the first hoop and steps
in it ; he picks up the hoop and lifts

it over his body and lays it back on the ground. He then

runs to continue the picking up

and lifting of the hoop. After the last with the same
activity he runs back to his starting

line and another player will do the same as he had.


Process: This is a feat for several performance- from five to

fifty or more and is suitable for

the gymnasium. The players stand in a line one behind

another with a short distance bet-

ween. Each player bends forward and stretches one

hand backward between his legs while

with the other hand he grasps that of the player in front

who has assumed the same position,

When all are in position, the line begins backing the

player at the rare end of the line lying down

on his back and the next player walking backward

astride over him until he can go no farther

when he also lies down with the first player head

between his legs. This backing and lying-down

movements continues until all the players are lying in a

straight line on the floor. Then, the last one

to lie down gets up and walk astride the line toward to

the front raising the man next behind him

to his feet and so on until all again are standing in the

original position. The grasp od hands is

retained throughout.

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