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Example 21: Student work

Example 21: Gabriel Dawe‘s rainbow coloured curves

Subject: Mathematics: analysis and approaches and mathematics: applications and interpretation
Paper component: Internal assessment, standard level (SL) and (HL)

Criterion A B C D E (SL) E (HL) Total Total
(SL) (HL)

Achievement level awarded 4 4 3 3 5 4 19 18

Maximum possible achievement level 4 4 3 3 6 6 20 20

Criterion Comments

A Presentation The exploration is well planned and organized. It contains all the necessary elements
of an exploration and remains focussed on the clearly defined aim. The flow is not
affected by minor errors.

B Mathematical communication There is good use of diagrams and graphs and the student gives good mathematical
explanations and descriptions of the results. The key terms and concepts are defined.

C Personal engagement A love of art shines through and there is an interesting approach to link this with
mathematics. The concept of illusion is well explained. The research required of the
student to follow through with the aim is clear.

D Reflection There are careful and thorough observations throughout. Extensions are considered
by the student and are thought provoking. Valid domain and range are considered,
and the concept of infinity is discussed in the context of the exploration.

E Use of mathematics SL Ideas of a limit are well explained and understood for this level. Transformations are
employed properly by the student and the rotated parabola is considered.

E Use of mathematics HL No sophisticated understanding is demonstrated in the exploration but certainly

a good level of understanding is evident. More rigour is required on the rotated
parabola section to reach the higher levels.

General comments

Mathematics: analysis and approaches and mathematics: applications and interpretation 1

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