Increase Ojas - Svastha Ayurveda

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11 Ways to Increase Healthy Ojas

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Ayurveda Basics
Ojas is the biological energy that represents the subtle
Ask Ayurveda Articles
Kapha dosha and the water element of the body. This
Ayurveda and Common Conditions plays a direct role in our energy, strength, immunity, lib
vitality. Therefore, if we are lacking in any of these are
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that the Ojas in the body may be depleted or disturbed
Ayurvedic Herbs Ojas is needed in the body to reduce signs of aging an
against disease. A person with “good” Ojas tends to have a healthy, luminous glow. They are patie
Cleansing with Ayurveda
compassionate, and rarely become sick.
Healthy Eating

Healthy Living
What is Ojas?

Home Remedies Ojas is the culmination of the pure essence of the 7 vital tissues (dhatus) in the body. It is formed d

 biosynthesis of these tissues and represents the albumin (protein in the plasma), globulin (protein

Kitchari Recipes
and many essential hormones and neurotransmitters. Although Ojas plays a major role in the imm
Recipes it also relates to the endocrine, nervous, skeletal, muscular, hematopoietic (bone marrow, spleen, l
digestive systems and, therefore, plays a vital role in our overall health.
Weight Loss

A major function of Ojas is to maintain the 7 vital tissues, the 3 main forms of elimination (urine, fe
Yoga and Ayurveda
and the 3 doshas (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). If we are able to maintain healthy Ojas in our system, then
Vata Dosha to keep balance in all of these areas, keeping the energies owing freely, avoiding stagnation in th

Pitta Dosha minimizing degeneration, and preventing disease. 

Kapha Dosha Common Causes of Low Ojas

Discover Your Dosha Quiz
Physical trauma (e.g. car accident, injury)
Emotional trauma (e.g. break-up, loss of a loved one)
Poor sleep habits
Sel shness
Excessive orgasms
Chronic diseases such as diabetes, asthma, arthritis, cancer, TB, and ulcerative colitis
Chronic pain
Resistance to “what is”
Excessive travel
High Vata in the system
Aging (50+)

How to Increase Healthy Ojas

1. Meditation  
Letting go of the constrictions in the mind and processing through our thoughts, feelings, and emo
powerful way to boost healthy Ojas in the system. Ojas is “awareness” and by increasing our cons
through meditation, we simultaneously increase our Ojas. Each night before bed, take 10 to 20 mi
a peaceful, comfortable seat. Quiet the mind and let your thoughts come in, then send them on the
your mind gets restless, come back to the breath and focus on the inhale and exhale.    

Discover 3 simpe meditation techniques here!

2. Eat Ojas-Increasing Foods  

Eating a diet rich in Ojas-increasing foods is a great way to promote healthy Ojas in the body. Her
some powerful Ojas-building food choices: 

Pumpkin seeds
Sesame seeds
Healthy oils such as coconut, olive, sesame, and almond

 Coconut meat, coconut water, coconut milk 

Organic, whole milk (warmed and spiced)
Whole grains (brown rice, buckwheat groats, oats, whole wheat…)
Figs (fresh or soaked is best)
Raisins (soaked is best)
Sweet, juicy fruits such as mangos
High antioxidant foods such as blueberries, cacao, and beets
Sweet potatoes
Rice pudding
Bone marrow broths

Ojas-increasing recipes:

Ojas-Increasing Oatmeal
Ojas Increasing Energy Balls
Golden Milk
Golden Almond Milk
Rejuvenating Ojas Drink
Homemade Ghee 

3. Reduce Stress
Reducing the stress in your life is an essential way to obtain healthy Ojas in the body. Make sure t
overworking and exhausting yourself. Make sure to keep good, positive company and reduce nega
con ict in your daily life. Find healthy outlets to utilize on a daily basis such as Yoga, meditation, p
music, art, nature, family, friends, healthy hobbies, and exercise. 

4. Avoid Excessive Sex

Ojas is a strong factor in our sexual potency. Abusing, misusing, or exhausting our vital sexual ene
common way of depleting the Ojas in the system. Instead, keeping control over this sacred energy
in a healthy manner will preserve our Ojas and preserve our vitality. According to the texts, Vata ty
supposed to enjoy sexual intercourse only 1 to 2 times a month, Pitta types 3 to 4 times, and Kaph
5 times per month. If you have depleted Ojas to begin with, it is best to save your sexual energy fo
times a month, no matter which dosha type you may be.            

5. Abhyanga Self-Oil Massage

A warm, gentle, self-oil massage at the end of the night is a great way to build the Ojas while nur
body, mind, and soul. If you have depleted Ojas, there is a good chance that the Vata is also high,
warm sesame oil may be even more powerful. Begin with the head and work your way slowly dow
feet. If you are short on time, just massaging the scalp, forehead, and feet can be very effective as

Click here for full instructions on the Abhyanga Self-Oil Massage.      

6. Gentle Yoga
Gentle Yoga is a nourishing way to reduce stress, reduce constriction, and promote free- owing en
body—all of which will increase healthy Ojas. Taking a Restorative Yoga, Yin Yoga, or any slow mo
yoga class 1 to 2 times each week will be a great complement to your Ojas-building routine.      

7. Gentle Exercise
Incorporating a healthy, gentle, and consistent exercise routine into your daily life is a great way to
healthy Ojas. This can be a simple walk in the fresh air each day, a gentle hike in nature, or a nice
keep it relaxed, consistent, and enjoyable.

8. Deep Breathing
 
Constriction is a leading cause of depleted Ojas. Therefore taking the time to take some deep brea
is an excellent and ef cient way to increase our Ojas and our vitality. Each morning, sit in a comfo
and take 10 deep belly breaths, making them long, smooth, and steady. Focus the mind on the
elongated inhale and exhale, and notice the slight pause in between. For best results, repeat this p
before bed.   

Click here to learn about the powerful Alternate Nostril Breathing technique.

9. Surrender To What Life Hands You  

Dr. Vasant Lad states very clearly that a major cause of depleted Ojas is “saying ‘no’ to what is”. S
causes resistance and constriction, and these feelings disrupt Ojas. Therefore, practicing surrende
accepting what is can be a powerful way to increase health and longevity. As Dr. Lad so beautiful
“The trees say ‘yes’ to every season. When spring comes, they say ’yes‘ and they ower. When su
they say ‘yes’ and they become dry and thirsty. When fall comes, they say ‘yes’ and change color a
their leaves.” Be like the tree!

10. Promote Positivity In Your Life  

Increase the positive energy in your life and increase your Ojas. Some simple ways to increase pos
are by keeping good company and surrounding yourself with positive, loving, compassionate peop
positive thoughts, even when times are hard. Positive energy promotes positive energy, and this p
healthy Ojas.  

11. Ojas-Increasing Herbs  

Herbs can be an amazing complement to these other Ojas-increasing practices. Here are some of
powerful Ojas-promoting herbs in the Ayurvedic pharmacopeia:
Yesthi Madhura (Licorice)
Kapikacchu (Atma Gupta)

*Taking these herbs with ghee and honey will increase their Ojas-increasing properties even furth

Danielle is a certi ed Advanced Ayurvedic Practitioner and the founder of Svastha Ayurved
humble Ayurvedic clinic and herbal apothecary.  Danielle has worked with clients worldwid
guide, educate, and empower them back into balance and health through the ancient wisd
Ayurveda.  She graduated from the Ayurvedic Institute (2011) and Alandi Ayurveda Guruku
and continues her studies to this day.  Danielle currently lives in Longmont, Colorado with h
beautiful family of ve.  When she is not working, she enjoys a busy, but simple life cooking
writing, going for walks, practicing Yoga, meditating, breathing, and spending time with he
family.  Read more about Danielle
 


August 3, 2015 at 1:12 am · Reply

Thanks. Very informative article.

December 26, 2015 at 3:11 am · Reply

I am very grateful to the author, for this precious, sacred Knowledge ! :)))

March 31, 2016 at 9:47 pm · Reply

What is the source of your information.

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