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Ways of expressing future : Present Continuous &Present Simple

A.Present Continuous (S+ am/is/are+V-ing)

Present Continuos e folosit pentru a exprima planuri personale, stabilite de persoane

1. Choose the correct option:

a. I am/is/are staying at home next week.
b. My sister are/is/am staying at home , too.
c. We are not/is not going to school next month.
d. My classmates are/ is doing their homework, next week.

2. a.Translate: -What are you doing on Friday?-I am tidying up my room and I am helping my mum
with the house chores.
Why? - Shall we play on the phone? - Yes, but after I finish my duties.

b.-Where are you going tomorrow evening? -Nowhere, I’m staying at home.
-What are you doing tomorrow afternoon? -I am going to the leisure
center with my friends, we’re
playing bowling.
-Why are you staying at home?Let’s go biking/riding the bikes. -I am sorry, I can’t,I don’t feel
well. I feel sick.

B.Present Simple(Verbul , asa cum apare in dictionar sau V-s/es pentru persoana a III-a Sg. -
actiuni planificate din exterior:orarul institutiilor, de exemplu

The train leaves at 10 o’clock. The plane doesn’t take off/land today(Avionul nu
decoleaza/aterizeaza azi)
We start classes at 8 a.m They do not/don’t start classes at 8 a.m.
The lesson stars at 9:00. The lesson does not/doesn’t start at 9 :00 a.m.
The lesson doesn’t finish at noon(12:00 p.m)

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