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: Summary of ditch performance review

Submitted to : Sir Haris Ghani

Submitted by : shaina, Umair haidar, Athar, Muddasar Parvaiz

Semester : 6th

A performance review is a formal assessment in which a manager evaluates an employee's
work performance, identifies strengths and weaknesses, offers feedback, and sets goals for
future performance. Research has suggested that in two-third of the caes, performance
feedback elicits improved performance. This reviews also help to boost their motivation.

For making a good performance review we have to know the key reason they are so
challenging, frustrating and generally dislike. We have to recognize the three key challenges.
First of all cognitive bais, it is a term in which a person when become succesful in a project of he
felt that the success came because of him. But when the face failure in the same project so he
blame the external forces such as lack of management , lack or resources. This attribution
,however , reverse when we think of others.

Second challenge is Sugarcoating of negative, in this a manager think that the topic he is
delivering to the employee, he his fully understanding it, but in the reality is not working like it.
Because manger believe thst their thought are absolutely clear to the employee but in reality
employee don't have a skill like a manager to understand the topic. So as a employee It turn,
risk the over confidence bias . In other words we generally thick we are better than other.
Third challenge is lack of preparation, it state that the manger should have a full record of
employees performances lack of record may not judge the employee performances by recent

For doing well in the performance review we have to indentified four key elements to
remember. First is create open and two way dialogue. In this Manager have to ask ther
employes that how they are doing in there work filed? It will help the manager to understand
the problem easily.

Secomd is reduce the subjective, in this Manager have to make a peer to peer comparison.
How aslam is better than ali. In this if a person is not performing well so the manager don't say
that "you are not doing well" but he have to say that in a formal way " you are a good employee
your performance is good but you need much improvement in your skills. So in this case the
subjective will reduce and the employee will improve is skills.

Third is Give constant feedback in this a manager don't have to wait for performance review
session, because in most companies performance reviews session are organized once or twice a
year. So a employee is not doing well so give him a instant feed back. So that why he will
improve is skills instantly.

Last but not the least Balance evaluation and development, it includes that the human cant
accept criticism if they are constructice. As people get emotional, it becomes very deficult to
engage them with developmental sessions over time. So in first week manger have to do a
performance review session and the other week manager have to conduct a developmental
sessions. So this will give the employee time to digest the feed back and think of the ways to
use their help down the road.

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