This Letter Is My Genuine Apology For Disappearing

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from the work without informing

This letter is my genuine apology for disappearing

you beforehand. As a matter of fact, I found myself in circumstances that
were beyond my control. For that reason, I had no choice but to take time
off from work without informing you.

To make the long story short, I was recently diagnosed with a debilitating
chronic illness and had a relapse which kept me from coming to work for
the previous week! On the other hand, I got in touch with Mr. Joe Fallon
(office manager) in order to let him know that I would not be available. do
understand the company’s leave policy, and I do not negate the fact that I
was absent without leave. However, I would appreciate it if this case was
treated as special on compassionate grounds so that it does not reflect on
my professional profile.

If there is anything that I need to do to make amends for my absence,

please let me know as soon as possible.

Once again, I apologize for taking time off from work without notifying the

I apologize for being absent from work without informing the office. I assure
you that such behavior will never show again.
Thanking you.
With due respect, I am __________(Your Name), the
__________(Designation) working in __________(Mention your
department) from __________(Years you worked for this company)
I am writing this letter to deeply apologize for being absent on
_________(Date) without any prior notice. The reason for not giving
the notice was ____________________(Mention your reason – not
feeling well/had a minor accident/ had a family emergency, any
other reason). Hence I could not inform you before taking the day
I hope you will understand my situation and forgive me. I also
assure you that this or any other mistake will not happen in the

I sincerely apologize for this mistake. I promise to never repeat this and
make sure to inform before any future absences. I hope my apology can be
accepted and I can continue to work harder.

I will be grateful if you could forgive me for this time. I look forward to your
kindness regarding this matter.

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