Test A Winter Exam Prvi

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Name: _____________________ Class:____ DATE: December , 2021


A) Write the missing negative prefix for the following words

___correct ____ responsible ___perfection ___moral __legible

___countable ___polite ___fair ___accurate ___literate

B) Complete the exercise with the correct relative pronoun. Avoid using that.

1. The new movie is about a boy _____________ has lost his parents in a car accident.

2. He is the young man, _____________ wife left him for someone else.

3. The DVD recorder _____________ I bought at this store a few days ago is not working.

4. Is this the hotel _____________ you are staying for the tournament?

5. My dad, _____________ travels a lot on business, is in Australia at the moment.

C) Fill in with much, some, any, many, a lot of, a little and a few. Sometimes more than one
answer is correct.

1. It seems we have had __________________ assignments in English this year.

2. __________________ Americans don’t like goat cheese.

3. There aren’t _______________ books left in the shop. They’ve sold out.

4. I think he drank __________________ wine last night.

5. I’m have __________________ information about tomorrow’s test.

6. I do have __________________ friends but not that many.

7. Do you want milk? There’s _________ left if you’d like.

D) Complete the sentences with the Past Simple or Present Perfect Tense.

1. The weather around here ________________ terrible this week. (BE)

2. Maria ________________ a suitcase last night. (BUY)

3. I ____________________ volleyball since I was a teenager. (NOT PLAY)

4. We ____________________ wash the dishes. They're all clean now (HELP)

5. They ____________________ the factory last year. (CLOSE)

6. __________________________________ yet? (YOUR COURSE – START)

7. Prices ____________________ up last year, but they ____________________ by 8% already

this year. (NOT GO, INCREASE)

8. I _______________ a horse before. (NEVER RIDE)

E) Define the following vocabulary words in English (You can use synonyms)

1. remedy ________________________________________________________________

2. cushion _______________________________________________________________

3. wrist __________________________________________________________________

4. hip __________________________________________________________________

5. sore __________________________________________________________________

6. accommodation__________________________________________________________

7. artificial _______________________________________________________________

F) Complete the story with the correct tenses (Pres.Simple, Past Simple, Pres. Continuous,
Past Contin or Present Perfect)

Look! The police _______________ (look) for the two men we __________(meet) at the café last
week. The report says they _____________ (run) through the park when they ___________
(steal) an old lady’s bag in November.

___________________ the police now? (you call) Yes. I want to tell them who the men

I_________________(never see) you so sad. Are you ok? Yes, but we were supposed to have
coffee tomorrow. Now I know why he _______________ (rang me yet). He ______________ (run)
from the police! I am lucky I found out!


Infinitive Past Simple Past Participle


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