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ENGLISH Repair- fixing and correcting anything negative,

or providing any kind of amends and remedy to

TYPES OF SPEECH STYLE: something that has gone wrong.

Frozen style – this is the style for declamation Topic termination- ending concluding or closing
and for print. the conversation or interaction
- The listener or reader is not
allowed to question the TYPES OF SPEECH
speaker or writer.
Formal style – this style aims to inform, is Informative speech – speech that provides
Intended for a captive audience. information.
Consultative style – this is the normal style for Persuasive speech- the aim of the speech is to
For speaking to strangers convince the audience to change theirviews/
Casual/ informal style – a style used in perspective/ beliefs.
conversation between friends & Entertaining speech- designed to captivate the
Insiders who have something to attention of the audience, to amuse them while
share and to have shared the speaker delivers the speech.
background information.
Intimate style – used in conversations between DELIVERY OF SPEECH
People who are very close and
known each other quite well. Impromptu speech- on the spot speech.
- Unprepared type of speech
SPEECH ACT Extemporaneous speech- this type of speech
- Is an utterance that serves a gives you an opportunity to prepare
function in communication. - You deliver it by reffering
- Is performed when we offer occasionally either to your
an apology, greeting, request, outline/ brief notes.
complaint, invitation, - Ex: ppt presentations/
compliment or refusal. reporting
Manuscript speech- presented with exact
- A speech which requires a
Locutionary act- the act of making a script. Wherein you’ll be
meaningful utterance. reading the script to the
Illocutionary act- a speaker’s intention in Memorized speech- requires the exact use of
delivering an utterance words without reading your script while
performing the speech.
Prelocutionary act- is an action or state of mind
brought about by, or as a consequence of SPEECH WRITING
saying something
Choosing the subject/ topic- you need to
TYPES OF COMMUNICATIVE STRATEGY consider the topics you know about
Analyzing the audience- you need to consider
Topic nomination- is choosing a topic and your audience if the chosen topic is suited for
opening or starting it for discussion them
Sourcing the information- research to yield
Topic restriction- is confining or limiting the correct information about you topic.
development of the topic and keeping it with Outlining and organizing the speech content-
bounds, this may be done by interrupting the write a thesis statement, write the main points
one speaking or avoiding the topic altogether as complete sentences, determine the best
order for your speech
Turn-taking- refers to the exchange of turns or
instances when each speaker talks in an PRINCIPLES OF SPEECH DELIVERY
Vocal delivery
Topic control- is directing and regulating the Volume- the intensity/loudness/softness
flow/ development of the interaction of the voice
articulation- clarity & enunciation of
Topic shifting- means changing the topic or its words.
direction and emphasis Pitch- highness/ lowness of sounds
Quality- timbre of voice
Rate- number of words an individual utters in
one minute
pronunciation- the combination of vowels,
consonants, syllables and accents a
speaker uses to emphasize a specific
Pause- breaks/interruptions in speech that
Separate thoughts & ideas.
Emphasis and phrasing- is made when you
make changes in your rate, volume,
and pitch.

Non-verbal delivery
Eye contact- to intellect emotion.
Appearance- dressing appropriately for
the desired speech
gestures- to emphasize words, phrases/
important points
facial expression- help to reinforce your
Body position and movement- your
stance, position, & poise can
contribute in having a good

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