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Behavior theory of second language acquisition

To understand this theory, we have to take a little bead tour and check out the underlying theory.
exactly mean behavioral psychology. The idea is that all actions whether by man or animal are all
learned behavior and can be learned and unlearned. So, the first thing a lot of people think about
when they hear behavioral psychology is the path left the dog. you'll probably remember that Paplav
was the guy who ran About every time you fed his dog and eventually the dogs learned to associate
the sound of the bell with food. And as a result, they celebrated every time the bell rings. Whether
there was food or not. In a nutshell. Pavlov discovered a process in which a previously neutral
stimulus Came to evoke a specific response by being repeatedly paired with another stimulus that
evokes the response and the result was a new type of conditioning called operant conditioning. A
theory that's usually attributed to an American psychologist named Skinner. If reward or
reinforcement, follows the response to a stimulus, then the response becomes more likely in the
future. So, what is all this stuff to do with a second language exhibition? what exactly is the behavior
theory of SLA? Or second language acquisition.

By taking a look at four language behavior learner is the organism whose behavior is being
conditioned. The behavior is verbal behavior. The stimulus is what is taught Or presented in the foreign
language. The response was then the learner's reaction to the stimulus. And the reinforcement is the
approval and praise of the teacher and fellow students. As well as self-satisfaction. Language mastery is
represented as acquiring is set of appropriate language stimulus-response changes. So with this in
mind, we can take a brief look at audio bilingualism. Which is a teaching method that originated from
the behavior theory and focused on language learning as mere habit formation. So because behaviors
and supporters of audio linguism view language learning as a habit Dialogue and drill form the basis of
learning. The dialogue was used for repetition and memorization correct pronunciation stress rhythm
and information or emphasized. Furthermore, one of the results of treating learning as behavior was
that meaning was excluded from consideration.

In the beginning stages of learning via audio linkalism. The focus was on oral language. Written
language wasn't By operating conditioning from behavioral psychology corrector responses should
receive positive reinforcement and negative responses Receive negative reinforcement. So, audio
lingualism, reach to speak in the 1960s. When it was widely used in classrooms across the US, in the
teaching of foreign languages, as well as the teaching of English as a second language. But. The
popularity of the theory didn't last for long. Results fell short of expectations and students were unable
to transfer skills to real communication outside the classroom. Plus, many students found the drilling
memorization and repetition to be quite frankly boring. Also, in the late 1960s. The linguistic theory
began to take a different direction. Part of the reason for this is MIT language, Noam Chomsky.
Rejection of the behavior theory of language learning. Language is not a habit structure.

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