Entry Checker Answer Key: English File

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English File

B2.1 Entry Checker answer key

FILE 1 FILE 2 b 1 I haven’t known her for very

2 Have you always liked their
1A 2A
a 1 Are, enjoying a 1 ’ve never been 3 We’ve all been waiting to
2 Do, need 2 ’ve already bought / meet you.
3 is coming ’ve just bought 4 Sara has been living next door
4 do, play 3 Have, ever tried for two years. / Sara has lived
5 remember 4 ’ve never seen next door for two years.
6 don’t want 5 ’ve just sent / ’ve already sent 5 I have liked that music since I
7 are, having 6 haven’t finished, yet was fourteen.
8 want 7 ’ve already booked / 6 Hannah has been trying to find
9 aren’t going ’ve just booked her brother for many years.
10 are, doing 8 Have, ever met 7 Our friends have been working
b 1 I’m trying b 1 abroad since 2016. / Our

2 Do you believe 2 friends have worked abroad
✗ When did Paula buy the
3 I love tickets? since 2016.
4 I’m looking 3 8 Humans have been living in
✗ Make sure you’ve written
5 I’m driving your name on the paper. this area for several centuries. /
6 seems 4 Humans have lived in this area
✓ for several centuries.
7 Are you waiting 5 ✗ My sister has never been to
8 go 9 You’ve been sleeping for
9 They’re buying hours! / You’ve slept for hours!
6 ✓
10 I know 10 How long have you been
7 ✗ Did you go running at the working here? / How long
1B 8 ✗ When did you have your hair
have you worked here?
a 1 ✓ cut?
2 going to be 9 ✓ FILE 3
3 ✓ 10 ✗ The rent on our flat has
4 I’ll get gone up. 3A
5 ✓ a 1 the biggest
6 you’ll drop 2B
2 the best
7 Shall I a 1 How long has she been
3 quicker than
8 ✓ working at the supermarket?
4 tallest
9 You’ll need 2 Marisa and Helen have been
5 the oldest
10 Are you meeting living in Italy for two years.
6 more sensible
3 I haven’t looked at my phone
b 1 will take 7 longer
for an hour.
2 going to buy / will buy 8 more / less fashionable than
4 Serena learnt Spanish for three
3 going to go / going 9 more cheaply
years before she went to live in
4 will phone Chile. b 1 more
5 Shall, bring 5 I’ve been living / I’ve lived in 2 as
6 aren’t going to be Croatia for five years. 3 ever
7 will have 6 Chris has had his car for eight 4 less
8 will send years. 5 the
7 How long did it snow for 6 as
today? 7 most
8 I haven’t eaten meat since two 8 than
years ago / for two years. 9 better
9 They’ve been working really 10 in
hard for hours.
10 You have been playing that
game for three hours.

English File fourth edition B2.1 Entry Checker answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2020 1
3B b 1 ✓ FILE 6
a 1 next week, a big family 2 can’t
2 bad news, the hospital 3 Was Alexa 6A
3 vegetables, a healthy 4 ✓
a 1 is being repaired
4 the park, the weekend 5 can’t
2 be taken
5 a meal, the best restaurant 6 been able to
3 were bought
6 The phone, bed 7 ✓
4 are amazed
7 the exam, revising 8 ✓
5 plays
8 a dog, a walk 9 Was Henri able to
6 is taken
9 the gym, the exercise bikes 10 could
7 been taught
10 work experience, good exam
FILE 5 8 open
9 had already bought
5A 10 had been stolen
b 1 a, a, the
2 the, the a 1 Did you understand b 1 need to be booked well in
3 –, –, the 2 had already started advance
4 the, the, the 3 were playing 2 is being opened at the end of
5 the, the 4 I’ve been waiting the road
6 –, an, the 5 lived 3 was written a hundred years
7 a, the, the 6 went ago
8 –, the, the 7 Were you driving 4 was being chased by a group
9 –, a, – 8 didn’t eat of reporters
9 had cooked 5 was designed by the drama
FILE 4 b 1 didn’t let, didn’t have
6 was sent some chocolates as a
2 were, was travelling
4A thank you
3 arrived, had, left
7 was taken by a famous
a 1 have to 4 was working / had worked,
2 has to felt / was feeling
8 is considered to be one of the
3 Did, have to 5 clapped, stepped
world’s greatest footballers
4 won’t have to / don’t have to 6 couldn’t, hadn’t finished
9 ever been interviewed on TV
5 Have, had to 7 gave, had disappeared
10 is being accessed by more
6 ’ll have to 8 had turned off, checked
people every day
7 didn’t have to / doesn’t have to
8 ’ll have to
5B 6B
9 Do, have to
10 didn’t have to a 1 Did, use to drink
a 1 H
2 didn’t use to do
2 A
b 1 must 3 usually study
3 J
2 shouldn’t 4 used to ride
4 G
3 mustn’t 5 Do, usually go
5 B
4 ✓ 6 used to love
6 C
5 have to 7 doesn’t usually miss
7 D
6 ✓ 8 usually plan
8 E
9 didn’t use to stay
9 I
10 Do, usually message
b 1 must
a 1 Is, able to / Would, be able to b 1 ✗ play 2 must
2 to be able to 2 ✓ 3 can’t
3 wasn’t able to 3 ✗ isn’t used to 4 must
4 being able to 4 ✗ Didn’t he use to be 5 might not
5 Were, able to 5 ✓ 6 might
6 Have, been able to 6 ✓ 7 can’t
7 ’d been able to 7 ✗ don’t usually 8 can’t
8 wasn’t able to 8 ✗ get used to waking up 9 might not
9 won’t be able to 9 ✓ 10 might
10 am not able to

English File fourth edition B2.1 Entry Checker answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2020 2
7A 8A 9A
a 1 find a 1 going a 1 H
2 doesn’t register 2 not to trip 2 J
3 arrive 3 teaching 3 C
4 will be 4 learning 4 I
5 ’ll, get 5 walking 5 B
6 ’ll have 6 to get 6 A
7 achieve 7 Running 7 D
8 go 8 to wear 8 E
9 ’ll give 9 not having 9 G
10 won’t go 10 to set up
b 1 hadn’t checked, ’d have spent
b 1 after b 1 send 2 ’d have learnt, ’d read
2 if 2 to be 3 ‘d played, wouldn’t have lost
3 as soon as 3 to call 4 wouldn’t have used, ’d asked
4 unless 4 typing 5 had explained, wouldn’t have
5 when 5 not to wait agreed
6 Unless 6 saying 6 hadn’t seen, ’d have gone
7 before 7 to investigate 7 ’d left, wouldn’t have been
8 until 8 meeting able
9 if 9 not to continue 8 ’d have known, ’d checked
10 unless 9 hadn’t helped, wouldn’t have
8B 10 had seen, would have enjoyed
7B a 1 (that) he couldn’t remember
a 1 I wouldn’t want to live in the city where he put his car keys
centre if I had young children. 2 (that) she was sorry they 9B
2 Would you come to the party wouldn’t be able to come to a 1 very few
next Wednesday if we went the wedding 2 ✓
together? 3 (that) he wouldn’t be buying a 3 much too
3 If I intended to go out this new motorbike after all 4 much
evening, I wouldn’t have 4 (that) she wasn’t sure she 5 ✓
bought the ingredients for wanted to go to Spain this 6 Too much
cooking dinner. summer 7 a few
4 If I was / were your sister, I 5 (that) she hoped I would have 8 enough
would get a job in the city. a great time 9 ✓
5 I would love to live in Australia 6 (that) Istanbul was his / her 10 Too many
for a year if I thought I could favourite city
get a job there. 7 (that) I should drink more b 1 ✓
6 When he was younger, my water 2 ✗ many eggs
brother wouldn’t get into the 8 (that) he / she had seen wild 3 ✓
water unless I swam along with bears in the mountains 4 ✗ any information
him. 5 ✗ many people
7 If something bad ever happened, b 1 when they would receive their 6 ✓
Louis would cope very well. grades 7 ✓
8 I think your friend would like 2 if / whether I had found the 8 ✗ any
that book if you gave it to her. recipe I needed 9 ✓
9 I would spend more time at 3 if / whether she had 10 ✗ wait long enough
home if I wasn’t / weren’t so remembered her passport
busy. 4 what I thought of the music
10 Even if it didn’t work last time, I 5 where she should meet him
would try acupuncture again. 6 if / whether I had bought my
train tickets
b 1 ’ll wish 7 if / whether they enjoyed
2 hadn’t gone performing live
3 didn’t live 8 how long she would be
4 climb travelling for
5 would, choose
6 didn’t have to
7 would go
8 won’t grow
9 is
10 ’ll buy

English File fourth edition B2.1 Entry Checker answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2020 3
FILE 10 10B
a 1 D
10A 2 F
a&b 3 E
1 which 4 B
2 where 5 A
3 which ✓ 6 I
4 where 7 J
5 which ✓ 8 K
6 whose 9 H
7 where 10 G
8 which ✓
b 1 isn’t there
9 whose
2 doesn’t he
10 who
3 aren’t they
11 which ✓
4 is it
12 who ✓
5 were you
c 1 – 6 isn’t she
2 The school, which is situated in 7 will we
the middle of the village, has 8 weren’t you
only 100 children. 9 isn’t it
3 We’re going to Ireland, where 10 haven’t they
my parents were born.
4 –
5 Christ Church college, which
is in Oxford, was used as one
of the locations for the Harry
Potter films.
6 –


English File fourth edition B2.1 Entry Checker answer key PHOTOCOPIABLE © OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS 2020 4

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